363 research outputs found

    Study of 1D stranged-charm meson family using HQET

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    Recently LHCb predicted spin 1 and spin 3 states D* s1(2860) and D* s3(2860) which are studied through their strong decays, and are assigned to fit the 13D1and 13D3 states in the charm spectroscopy. In this paper,using the heavy quark effective theory, we state that assigning D*s1(2860) as the mixing of 13D1 - 23S1 states, is rather a better justification to its observed experimental values than a pure state. We study its decay modes variation with hadronic coupling constant gxh and the mixing angle . We appoint spin 3 state D* s3(2860) as the missing 1D 3- JP state, and also study its decay channel behavior with coupling constant gyh. To appreciate the above results, we check the variation of decay modes for their spin partners states i.e. 1D2 and 1D'2 with their masses and strong coupling constant i.e. gxh and gyh. Our calculation using HQET approach give mixing angle between the 13D1 - 23S1 state for D* s1(2860) to lie in the range (-1.6 radians < theta < -1.2 radians). Our calculation for coupling constant values gives gxh to lie between value 0:17 < gxh < 0:20 and gyh to be 0.40. We expect from experiments to observe this mixing angle to verify our results.Comment: 11 pages, 9 figure and 5 Tables, EPJC 2015 communicate

    Development of Novel Passive Control Techniques for More Uniform Temperature at Combustor Exit and Hybrid Les/Rans Modeling

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    Gas turbines have become an important, widespread, and reliable device in the field of power generation. For any gas turbine system, the combustor is an integral part responsible for the combustion of the fuel. A number of studies have shown that the flow field exiting a combustor is highly non-uniform in pressure, velocity and, most importantly, temperature. Hot streaks amongst other non-uniformities cause varying thermal stresses on turbine blades and put pressure on the blade materials. In particular, these non-uniformities can have detrimental effects on the performance of the engine and cause a reduction in the expected life of critical components such as the turbine vanes. Due to the importance and severity of the problem, a large portion of the total combustor development effort is devoted to achieving better temperature uniformity. The present work is another attempt to develop novel passive control techniques to enhance mixing in a facility simulating the dilution zone of a typical gas turbine combustor and produce more uniform temperature at the combustor exit. Extensive experimentation was conducted to compare the proposed dilution techniques - staggered dilution holes, staggered dilution holes with streamlined body and staggered dilution holes with guide vanes at various orientations (0°, 30°, 60° and 90°). A weighted parameter was defined called `uniformity factor (\u27χ^\u27 ) to compare how close the mixture fraction is to the equilibrium value. For the majority of the flow conditions tested, the 30° guide vanes gave the most uniform temperature flow with just about 2% higher pressure loss as compared to the staggered dilution holes geometry. The fact that the use of 30° guide vanes can provide the turbine blade with 15% more uniform temperature flow than the staggered dilution holes design with merely 2% more pressure drop, has a very important implementation in order to reduce the damage of the turbine blades due to non-uniform temperature flow and extend its life-span. This would result in an overall reduction in the maintenance cost of the gas turbine systems which is quite significant. Furthermore, it was found that the introduction of the streamlined body not only improved the mixing in some cases but also helped decrease the pressure drop from inlet to exit of the experimental set-up. This is expected to increase the overall system efficiency and decrease the operating cost of a gas turbine system. Additionally, numerical modeling was used for various parametric studies to explore the effect of jet-to-mainstream momentum flux ratio on the exit temperature uniformity, variation of the cooling rate within the dilution zone, exergy analysis, etc. The other significant part of this work comprised of development of an Algebraic Stress Model (ASM) in order to estimate the turbulence via Reynolds stresses prediction. The ASM model developed is validated for a simple two-dimensional turbulent flow over a flat plate and a complex three dimensional flow around Ahmed body. The developed model is capable of predicting Reynolds stresses for a variety of flow regimes. Based on these validation it can be concluded that adopting a hybrid approach which combines the advantages of the ASM model with other turbulence models can be sought after for a more in-depth analysis of the flow structures and turbulent quantities both near-wall and away from the boundary for any fluid flow problem. The accurate prediction of the turbulent quantities plays a significant role in not just the fluid motion/transfer phenomenon rather it governs the heat exchange process as well especially in regions close to the wall

    Boston keratoprosthesis type 1 - indication, complication and visual outcomes

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    Background: Diseases affecting the cornea are a major cause of blindness all over the world, second only to cataract in overall importance. In India, there are approximately 6.8 million people who have corneal blindness with vision less than 6/60 in at least one eye, and of these, about 1 million have bilateral corneal blindness.Methods: The study was conducted in upgraded department of ophthalmology, L.L.R.M. Medical College, Meerut, India from January 2014 to June 2015. It was prospective interventional study. Included those patients who have Failed corneal graft with poor prognosis for further grafting, multiple corneal graft failure, having nearly total corneal neovascularization, vision less than 6/60 with associated other complications in better eye and no vision in opposite eye and Healed Chemical burn and those patients who has end stage glaucoma or RD (retinal detachment), defective perceptions and projection of light and not willing for the procedure.Results: A total of 20 patients were enrolled for the study which were followed up and assessed over 12 months. It was observed that maximum number of patients were in the age group of 41-60 years (45%) and in the >60 years group are minimum (20%). Among these 14 cases (70%) were male and 6 cases (30%) were female.Conclusions: The Boston type 1 keratoprosthesis provides visual recovery for eyes with multiple PK failures or with poor prognosis for primary PK, showing excellent retention rates. Most of the cases had a significant improvement in vision after Boston type I KPro implantation

    Determination Of Micronutrient Deficiencies (Vitamin D, Vitamin B 12 And Iron Deficiency Anaemia) Among Maternal Aged Group Women Of Prayagraj District (U.P.)

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    Low birth weight (LBW) and other adverse birth outcomes, such as morbidity and mortality, are all significantly influenced by maternal undernutrition. The goal of the current study was to assess the prevalence of micronutrient deficiencies (vitamin B12, vitamin D, and iron deficiency anaemia) in prayagraj which made adverse affects on the health of mother and child nutrition. On the basis of the severity, 250 pregnant and breastfeeding women were chosen from the Mahewa Prayagraj. Furthermore, 50 severe expectant and nursing women were chosen to estimate their clinical symptoms and anthropometric measurements and for the estimation of biochemical profile, from two villages in the Prayagraj district: Mahewa Purab patti and Mahewa Pashchim patti. Data was collected by developing a questionnaire which consist information related to general profile, anthropometric measurement, dietary habits. The biochemical evaluation revealed vitamin D, hemoglobin, and vitamin B12 deficiency in the selected responders. Controlling child and maternal health group malnutrition, however, continues to be a concern in underdeveloped nation

    Association between serum magnesium and obesity in postmenopausal women

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    Background: Obesity is a complex, multifactorial condition in which excess body weight may put a female at risk of serious health problems such as hypertension, dyslipidemia, diabetes mellitus and cardiovascular diseases. Magnesium deficiency is reported to be associated with obesity in children and adolescents. An inverse relationship has been reported between serum magnesium and estrogen levels in women. It is not known whether magnesium deficiency may have a role in genesis of obesity in women after menopause. Therefore, the present study was planned to compare serum magnesium levels in obese and non-obese postmenopausal women and to find out the relationship, if any, between serum magnesium levels and obesity.Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted in the department of Biochemistry at National Institute of Medical Sciences and Research, Jaipur, Rajasthan on fifty subjects over a period of six months. Twenty-five obese postmenopausal women (BMI ≥ 30) having their final menstrual period at least one year prior to the study were taken as the study group and twenty-five non-obese (BMI ≤ 22.9) post-menopausal women were taken as control group. All subjects were asked to give detailed dietary history using Food Frequency Questionnaire (FFQ). Venous blood samples were collected after an overnight fast for estimation of serum total magnesium in all subjects.Results: Obese postmenopausal women had significantly higher weight (78.36±0.064kg) and BMI (32.68±1.7kg/mt2) compared to non-obese postmenopausal women (wt. 54.72±4.80kg and BMI 21.75±1.68kg/mt2). The mean±SD serum magnesium concentration found in the obese postmenopausal women was 1.40±0.45mg/dl as compared to 2.03±0.49 mg/dl in the non-obese group. Pearson’s correlation analysis showed a significant (r = -0.9) negative correlation between BMI and serum magnesium in postmenopausal women.Conclusions: Serum magnesium was lower in obese postmenopausal women as compared to that in non-obese postmenopausal women. Serum magnesium was negatively correlated with BMI. Magnesium supplementation may be useful in prevention of obesity after menopause

    Does Management’s Attention to Different Facets of Entrepreneurial Orientation Create Value for the Firm? A Longitudinal Study of Large Retailers

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    Studies of entrepreneurial orientation tend to merge its three components—proactiveness, risk-taking, and innovativeness—into a monolithic construct and analyze its relationship with firm outcomes at one point in time. This has resulted in knowledge voids related to the relative importance of the different components, their specific effect on value created by the firm, and their evolution over time. The present study links each component of entrepreneurial orientation to economic value creation using a longitudinal dataset. Results provide support for hypothesized relationships. Implications and avenues for future research are discussed

    A prospective comparative study to evaluate the efficacy of ultrasonography and hysteroscopy and their correlation with the histopathology of endometrium in a case of abnormal uterine bleeding

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    Background: Abnormal uterine bleeding (AUB) is one of the most common complaints that brings a woman to the gynecologist. Key to successful clinical management of AUB is to identify the cause behind it for which proper evaluation of the case is required. In current scenario of increasing cost awareness and taking risk related to invasive procedure hysteroscopy, a balance has to be achieved between the practices of randomly doing all investigation versus a condition appropriate approach. This study was done to compare efficacy of pelvic ultrasonography & hysteroscopy in cases of AUB and their correlation with the histopathology of endometrium.Methods: In this study 70 women with AUB were selected as they presented in OPD. After evaluation of clinical presentation, general, systemic and local examination, ultrasonography and hysteroscopy were performed on every patient and endometrial curetting were sent for histopathology.Results: We concluded that ultrasonography has a better efficacy to detect uterine cause of AUB and hysteroscopy is better for detecting intracavitary lesions.Conclusions: Ultrasonography has a better efficacy to detect uterine cause of AUB. However a thorough history and detailed clinical examination plays a very important role in narrowing the differential diagnosis of AUB. We have developed an algorithmic approach and guidelines for selective use of hysteroscopy in cases of AUB after evaluating the results

    Stability of a Self-Gravitating Rotating Stratified Plasma

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    Effect of duration of pre-operative admission on surgical site infection in major abdominal surgeries: an observational study

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    Background: Surgical site infection (SSI) are second most common cause of mortality in surgical patient, situation has been further complicated by emergence of drug resistant strains. The importance of preventing surgical site infections is well recognized since they lead to increased morbidity, prolonged hospital stays, need for readmission, high end antibiotic treatment and re-surgery. The study was done to see if   incidence of SSI is decreased with decreased pre-operative admission time. Others factors associated with SSI were analysed including the microbiological spectrum.Methods: The study was an analytical, observational, case control study. Sixty (60) cases each of gynaecology and obstetrical post-operative patients who developed SSI within 30 days were taken as cases and who did not develop SSI were taken as controls and preoperative admission time was analysed in both cases and controls to observe if risk of surgical site infections decreases due to decreased exposure to nosocomial pathogens when the pre-operative admission time was less than 48 hours.Results: Author found that there was statistically significant difference in the time between surgery and admission in the gynaecological surgeries with p value 0.023, as compared to the obstetrics surgeries where there was no statistically significant difference. Common organism isolated was E. coli sensitive to gentamicin.Conclusions: From this study, it seems to be a good policy to evaluate the patient on OPD basis and admit them about 24 to 48 hours prior to the surgery rather them keeping them admitted for prolonged duration in wards for diagnostic evaluation. This prevents nosocomial contamination in the patient’s skin flora thereby preventing SSI. This practice not only conserves the hospital resources but also makes the patient turn over faster. Further this might in the long run reduce the antibiotic resistant hospital flora