35 research outputs found

    Evaluation of heavy metals contamination in the sediments of some selected water of South Senatorial District of Niger State, Nigeria

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    The present study was conducted to evaluate the level of contamination of heavy metals in the sediment samples of some water of south senatorial district of Niger State, Nigeria. Composite surface sediment samples (54) were collected from the fore, middle, and rear parts of the six (6) selected water bodies; digested and analysed for heavy metal concentration following the standard methods. The results obtained illustrated the decreasing concentrations of the heavy metals in the order of Fe (197.9±47.6) > Mn (77.32±15.83) > Zn (15.37±2.65) > Cr (13.04±1.43) > Pb (2.50±0.56) > Cd (0.72±0.1) mg Kg-1. The overall concentrations of the studied metals were below the continental crust values as well as the sediment quality guidelines utilized in this study. Enrichment Factor (0.51 to 24.97) indicated a no to moderate enrichment for the heavy metals. The contamination factor ranged from 0.22 to 2.61 for the heavy metals. The degree of contamination of the sediment samples revealed a low degree of contamination in the sediment samples for all the sites. The geo-accumulation index illustrated none to moderate pollution (Class 0,3,4) of the sediment samples by the heavy metals. However, a negative moderate relationship existed between redox potential and pH; and between conductivity and chromium showing their dependence on each other. Thus, this study presents an indication of heavy metal contamination process in the selected water bodies and may serves a guide to other studies of metropolitan water bodies in order to determine for suitable remediation procedure

    The Global Pattern of Foreign Direct Investment in Recent Years

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    Foreign direct investment (FDI) has a high impact on income and revenue generation to various countries in developing and developed countries. Some countries via their companies used FDI and Foreign Portfolio Investment (FPI) to advanced and control flow of investment to their mother countries. Similarly, global pattern of foreign direct investment has shifted from developed countries to developing countries with more inflow to countries of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa (BRICS). Despite domination of FDI by triangle of trade (TRIAD) countries of America, European Union, Japan and United Kingdom as countries with higher inflow of foreign direct investments. Consequently, most of the countries among BRICS and TRIADS uses Tax haven for tax evasion and manipulations. Capital flight is another advantage used by United States of America to have more FDI due to power of its currency. Within last decade a significant shift FDI to developing countries has indicates change in global pattern in FDI. African countries suffer more from capital flight due to lax custom and border regulation and laws

    Assessment of Eichhornia crassipes (water hyacinth) as bio-accumulator of contaminants in domestic wastewater of Makera and Chanchaga drains

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    Remediation of the contaminants in domestic wastewater with Bio-accumulators is gaining acceptance in most part of the world. This study analysed the bio-accumulation of the contaminants in the domestic wastewater of Makera and Chanchaga drains in Nigeria by the Eichhornia crassipes. The wastewater and the tap water (control) were subjected to treatment with Eichhornia crassipes. The Physicochemical parameters of the samples were analysed using portable YSI 556 digital multi sensor Probe, and the plant samples were digested and tested for heavy metals using Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy (AAS). The results obtained indicated that the pH decreased in the Makera (8.47-7.55) and Chanchaga drains (7.73-7.57) while the Control sample shows an increment (6.59-7.56). The conductivity of the samples decreases in Control samples (90-19μS/cm), Chanchaga (110- 40μS/cm) and Makera drains (1510-1170μS/cm) respectively. The temperature also decreases in Chanchaga (32-28oC), Makera (31-28oC) and Control sample (28-26oC). The Initial and Final values of the analysed metals were Lead (0.017- 0.007mg/l and 0.017 - 0.000mg/l), Iron (8.600 - 4.714mg/l and 9.000 - 6.143mg/l), Copper (7.600 - 2.350mg/l and 7.350 - 2.100mg/l), Zinc(0.614l-0.281mg/l and 0.614-0.200mg/l),Chromium(0.086 - 0.073mg/l and 0.080 - 0.067mg/l), Mn(0.024 - 2.975mg/l and 0.024 - 0.525mg/l) for Makera and Chanchanga drains. The Control sample has Zn(0.329 and 0.025mg/l), Pb(0.006 and 0.000mg/l), Cu(0.350 and 0.100mg/l), Fe(3.286 and 0.186mg/l), Cr(0.000 and 0.000mg/l), Mn(0.024 and 0.70mg/l). The roots exhibited the highest bio-accumulation of the heavy metals. Thus, Eichhornia crassipes through rhizol-filtration can be used as bio-accumulator of toxic heavy metals from wastewater sources

    RF EM exposure: the issues, the debate and the realities

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    Rapid development in the field of telecommunication industries and the lagging phase to which the exposure assessment results, calls for immediate intervention by scientist and engineers. In order to respond to public outcry, who are daily exposed to various sort of electromagnetic field radiations, a critical look on the electromagnetic field exposure guidelines and assessment of its effectiveness revealed that the guidelines are conservatives and are based only on Short-term immediate health effects. In order to accommodate for the unforeseen, a lower limit of 1w/kg instead of 4w/kg of the SAR is recommended with a safety margin of 100 for occupational and 10 for the general public. Possible solutions to the gap identified were also provided

    Effects of crude ethanol extract of Tapinanthus globiferus a. Rich on functional and structural integrity of the rats kidney

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    The present study was carried out to investigate the effects of crude ethanol extract of Tapinanthus globiferuson rat kidney. The toxic effects of the extract on rats kidney after 28 days of oral administration were evaluated on serum levels of urea, creatinine, sodium (Na+), potassium (K+), chloride (Cl-) and bicarbonate (HCO3-) while histopathology was evaluated on sections of the kidney. Results from the acute toxicity studies on the extract were found to be greater than 5,000 mg/kg body weight in rats after oral administration. The biochemical analysis of the extract showed significant (p<0.05) decrease in serum urea, creatinine and sodium levels, and significant (p<0.05) increase in serum potassium and chloride levels at doses of 175 and 350 mg/kg, while serum bicarbonate remained insignificant at tested doses. However, histological observations showed no significant structural changes in the kidney architecture at doses of 87.5 and 175 mg/kg extract compared to control, but at 350 mg/kg dose of extract showed areas of degeneration of Bowman’s capsule.The present work has revealed the non-toxicity of the ethanol extracts of Tapinanthus globiferus at low dose but suggests that its prolonged usage at higher dose should be monitored.Keywords: Tapinanthus globiferus, Creatinine, Electrolytes, nephrotoxic, Bowman’s capsul

    Does Asian Financial Crisis Serves as a Precursor for Global Financial Crisis?

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    This study is motivated with the recent happenings in the global economy. A financial crisis hit Asia in 1997-1998 which led to the down fall of some Asian countries financially. With the fall of socialist Soviet government which led to recommendation of new world economic order in a conference in Washington D.C called Washington Consensus. Moreover, among the Washington consensus recommendations and the financial liberalization which there will be no government intervention in the working of invisible hands? In 2008 another financial crisis occurred signifying that lesson where not learnt from the previous financial crisis. However, evidence from this study reveals the similarities in the causes and emergence of two financial crises. Therefore, the study upheld that lessons from Asian financial crisis where not learnt and adequate measures were not taken into cognizance. In this view the paper concludes that there is an urgent need to take precautions against occurrence of another financial crisis. The study offers recommendations to prevent possibilities of another financial crisis and also suggests ways to prevent future financial crisis

    Design Construction and Performance Evaluation of Solar Still for Rural Dwellers

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    This paper is aimed at designing, constructing and performance evaluation of a solar still. The solar still is design and constructed with locally source materials for rural dwellers. The still absorber plate is constructed with 2 mm galvanised plate painted black with an area of 2 m2 to absorb solar radiation effectively. The side wall and the base is constructed with concrete. Sawdust and felt is used between the retaining wall and base to resist heat transfer from the system to the surrounding vice-versa. The top cover of the still is constructed with transparent glass pane of 4 mm housed in an aluminium frame. The catch basin that collects the condensate is constructed with PVC pipe channel of 50 mm. The performance of the still was evaluated with; Overall yield (sum of daily yield and over-night yield) at a different water depth of (20, 40, 60 mm), (5127 ml/m2/hr, 4558 ml/m2/hr, and 3852 ml/m2/hr). The efficiency of the system at different water depth (20, 40, 60 mm) 51.27 %, 45.58 %, and 38.52 %. The water analysis before and after distillation was certified safe and portable for human consumption

    Water quality characteristic of the National Hydraulic Research Institute of Malaysia (NAHRIM) lake undergoing remediation by the constructed wetlands: a baseline study

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    This study was conducted to determine the baseline water quality characteristics of a contaminated NAHRIM lake undergoing remediation by the constructed wetlands, based on the physico-chemical and biological parameters. The sampling was conducted for six months (May-October) in 2016 from 5 stations of the lake and analysed using APHA standard methods for water and wastewater analysis, while Malaysian water quality index (WQI) was used to calculate quality of the lake. The results showed that, the Conductivity, Dissolved Oxygen, NO3-N, NO2-N, PO4, Temperature, Turbidity, TDS, TSS, and Zn were under class I, while pH, B and COD were categorized under class II. NH3-N, BOD, Fe, Escherichia coli, Total coliform and Mn were categorized as class III. Moreover, Al was not given any classification under NWQS but their concentration did not exceed EPA guidelines. Furthermore, as compared to the water samples from the constructed wetlands that reported a class III WQI, the lake was observed to show an overall class II WQI. This is suggestive of the retaining and remedial role of the constructed wetlands being the first point of contact for the contaminants going to the lake. Thus the lake is suitable for recreational activities

    The Effect of International Financial Reporting Standard (IFRS) among SMEs in Nigeria

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    Purpose: Although, SMEs are making significant contributions to the Nigerian economy, however, financial reporting in the sector has not been researched well.Therefore, this study intends to fill in the gap by determining the effect of IFRS among the Nigerian SMEs.Design: The study adopted Ohlson Model (1995) that has been widely used among researchers in determining the effect of IFRS.The study used 80 SMEs registered in Nigerian Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC) for the period of 2011 to 2016 using pre-and postIFRS adoption of SMEs in Nigeria. Findings: The study findings provided a statistically significant increase of financial reporting after IFRS adoption among the Nigerian SMEs.Particularly, a greater increase in earnings coefficients than book value after IFRS adoption was noticed during the period. Implication: The Nigerian SMEs witnessed the lack of compliance with the Nigerian accounting standards and IFRS knowledge.Therefore, financial reporting provided in the public may not reflect a true view of their financial positions.Several SMEs data could not be provided in the data stream which does not allow us for generalisation. Practical implications: The implication of this study is to provide the usefulness of adopting IFRS among SMEs in Nigeria.Also, to the International Accounting Standard Board (IASB) that are at forefront of the use of IFRS to SMEs that IFRS provides more value relevance of accounting information as they suggested. Originality: This study is the first to look at the effect of IFRS on SMEs for book value and earnings in Nigeri

    Design Construction and Performance Evaluation of Solar Still for Rural Dwellers

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    This paper is aimed at designing, constructing and performance evaluation of a solar still. The solar still is design and constructed with locally source materials for rural dwellers. The still absorber plate is constructed with 2 mm galvanised plate painted black with an area of 2 m2 to absorb solar radiation effectively. The side wall and the base is constructed with concrete. Sawdust and felt is used between the retaining wall and base to resist heat transfer from the system to the surrounding vice-versa. The top cover of the still is constructed with transparent glass pane of 4 mm housed in an aluminium frame. The catch basin that collects the condensate is constructed with PVC pipe channel of 50 mm. The performance of the still was evaluated with; Overall yield (sum of daily yield and over-night yield) at a different water depth of (20, 40, 60 mm), (5127 ml/m2/hr, 4558 ml/m2/hr, and 3852 ml/m2/hr). The efficiency of the system at different water depth (20, 40, 60 mm) 51.27 %, 45.58 %, and 38.52 %. The water analysis before and after distillation was certified safe and portable for human consumption