361 research outputs found

    Impact of intangible location attributes on residential property value in Nigeria

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    Urban violence in the form of ethnic and religious crises and even open warfare has been on the increase in many African cities in the recent years. Observation from literature shows that the role of intangible location attributes as mobilising agents are among the most important questions of this century as conflicts linked to ethnicity and religion have led to significant destruction of life and residential properties. Due to the number of crises in Jos metropolis over the last two decades, there has been a process of residential segregation along religious lines, dividing the city into predominantly Christian and Muslim areas. This thesis, therefore, attempts to examine the impact of intangible location attributes on the values of residential properties in Jos metropolis, Nigeria. Data were collected by interviews, self-administered surveys through questionnaire and direct observation. The stratified random sampling technique was employed in order to generate the data needed for the research. 1000 respondents and 10 consultancy firms were selected among the occupiers of residential properties and estate firms respectively, which form the sample size for the research. However, out of 1000 and 120 questionnaires administered to the respondents and estate firms respectively, only 876 and 110 were retrieved back. Simple percentage distribution tables, charts, graphs, thematic analysis, photographs and narrations among others were used to analyse the data for the research. The findings of the research revealed that intangible location attributes are the main indicators that influence the values of residential properties in the study area. It has also been established through the findings of this research that the intangible attributes of location have great implication on the values of residential properties in the study area. The results of the analysis show that there is relationship between intangible location attributes and provision, availability and maintenance of neighbourhood facilities in the study area. The research has contributed immensely to the existing body of knowledge on residential property value indicators by introducing intangible location attributes as additional and new phenomena that influence the values of residential properties in the study area. The research has thrown up challenges, especially in linking the importance of intangible location attributes in determining residential property value with construction and real estate management, valuation, and project development appraisal. There is an utmost need on the part of the estate surveyors and valuers and real estate appraisers to take into account intangible location attributes when carrying out valuation or feasibility and viability appraisals respectively in the study area. There is also a need on the part of the investors and property developers to take into consideration intangible attributes of location whenever they want to embark on real estate investment to avoid wasting of capital

    Application of Facilities Management Practice in High Rise Commercial Properties: Jos in Perspective

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    The article studied the application of facilities management practice in high rise commercial properties. Convenience sampling technique was used in administering questionnaires to the 60 respondents who responded to the survey. It was found out that the extent of application of facilities management in the subject properties is better described as below average. Similarly, the most frequently tools of facilities management in use and employed in the properties were outsourcing and in-house sourcing. This was influenced by the level of their familiarity with the tools. Planned and Preventive maintenance should be taken regularly in order to enhance the effectiveness of the facilities management and to satisfy both the owner and customers of the organization. Keywords: Commercial Properties, Facilities Management, High Rise Buildings, In-house Sourcing and Outsourcing.

    Effects of strategic leadership, organizational innovativeness, information technology capability on effective strategy implementation

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    This study investigated the determinants of perceived organizational strategy implementation among public tertiary institutions in Nigeria. Primarily, the study explored the effects of Strategic Leadership (SL), Organizational Innovativeness (OI) and Information Technology Capability (ITC) on Effective Strategy Implementation (ESI). More precisely the direct effect of SL, OI and ITC on ESI were assessed. The study also examines the moderating effect of ITC on SL and OI on ESI. Thirteen (13) public tertiary institutions were considered by the research. One hundred and four (104) deans who serves as the research respondents were sampled out of the population total of 143 deans from the institutions. Hand delivery of questionnaires was used to solicit information from the respondents. Partial Least Squares Method (PLS 2) algorithm and bootstrap techniques were used to test the study hypotheses. The results provided support for most of the hypothesized relationship for the study. Specifically, SL, OI and ITC are found to be significant and positively affect organizational ESI. Additionally, ITC has been found to significantly moderate the relationship between SI and perceive ESI. While negative moderating effect of ITC was found between OI and perceive ESI. PIIT theory as well as Diffusion of Innovation Theory were partly considered as probable reasons for the negative finding. Therefore, significant positive effects of SL, OI and ITC suggest that the variables are important in facilitating ESI. As such, public tertiary institutions should be encouraged to demonstrate these behaviours for enhanced success of organizational strategy implementation. Enhanced success of effective strategy implementation could improve the overall effective function of the organizations. Contributions, limitations, and implications of the study were also discussed

    Positron emision [i.e. emission] tomography (PET) in non-malignant chest diseases

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    Molecular imaging is a functional imaging that identify disease in its earliest stages and determine the exact location of metabolically active tissue such as tumours. Often before symptoms occur or abnormalities can be detected with other diagnostic tests. Two simultaneous studies to explore the potentials of Positron Emission tomography (PET) have been conducted. In the first study, the role of PET in pulmonary drug deposition has been evaluated whereas in the second study, it’s potential in monitoring disease progression and treatment response monitoring in IPF has been discovered.Gamma imaging such as planer and Single Photon Emission computed tomography (SPECT) have been used for decades in the imaging of pulmonary drug deposition, despite numerous advantage of PET very few studies were found in the literature. Two studies were conducted using in-house developed lung surrogate phantom and Andersen cascade impactor to demonstrate PET role in pulmonary drug deposition. The lung surrogate phantom study is a ‘’proof of concept’’ in which series of experiments was conducted leading to the development of a usable model. Each experimental procedure was conducted repeatedly over time to reduce the level of experimental errors. To my knowledge, this is the first phantom experiment quantifying the deposition pattern of aerosolized [18F]-FDG while mimicking human tidal breathing. In a separate experiment the Andersen cascade impactor (ACI) have been used to measure distribution of beclometasone dipropionate (BDP), formoterol fumarate dihydrate (FFA) as well as [18F]-2-fluorp-2-deoxy-D-glucose ([18F]-FDG) along the stages of ACI.The overall activity deposition within the phantom; cylinder and the extra-pulmonary section of the tube were 8.07 ± 3.51MBq. The deposition within the cylinder (lung surrogate) was 6.27 ± 2.55MBq. The average total internal dose (phantom cylinders and the extra-pulmonary section of the tube was calculated to be 0.2mSv/PET scan. These results are expected in human clinical trial under similar experimental conditions.The Aerodynamic particle size distribution (APSD) along the fractionating part of the AIM comprises of large particle mass (LPM) and small particle mass (SPM). The LPM is APSD >5μg deposited on stage 1 (representing to upper respiratory tract), whereas, the SPM comprised of the particle size 1-5 μg and < 1 μg deposited on stage 2 (representing the small airways and lung parenchyma) and an exhalation filter. In general, the deposition of the drugs and [18F]-FDG within the fractionating part of the impactor was predominantly within 1-5μg, which is a desirable fine particle fraction (FPF) of the active pharmaceutical ingredients (API) leading to pulmonary deposition.The potentials of PET imaging in pulmonary drug deposition has been demonstrated in these experiments using lung surrogate phantom and cascade impactor. [18F]-FDG PET imaging has the potentials in providing better understanding of regional distribution of pulmonary drug deposition. Standardization of these methods will enable PET imaging to be used in pulmonary drug development.In the second study, A retrospective studies using PET data was carried out to measure uptake of [18F]-FDG in the region of apparently normal lung in IPF. This was compared to normal control lung images to ascertain differences in their uptake value.HRCT is the current gold standard imaging the diagnosis of IPF. Recently there is growing interest in exploring the potentials of PET imaging in the disease progression and treatment response monitoring in IPF.Patients with IPF that had undergone PET-CT imaging for investigation of concomitant cancer diagnosis were identified retrospectively in a single interstitial lung disease (ILD) tertiary referral centre. Non IPF patients that had a PET-CT scan in the same centre for cancer diagnosis without non-malignant lung disease were identified to form two control groups: a lung cancer control group and a control group with no evidence of intra-thoracic disease (extra-thoracic malignancy controls). These two control groups were identified to allow assessment of whether the presence of thoracic malignancy effected [18F]-FDG uptake. In the event of no effect being identified, a pooled analysis comparing IPF patients and all controls was planned.No difference in standard uptake value (SUV) Maximum (Max) and SUV mean uptake was observed in the mean of 4 (Region of Interest) ROIs between lung cancer controls and extra-thoracic malignancy controls in all 3 normalizations (SUV Max body weight (BW), SUV body surface area (BSA) and SUV activity concentration (AC)) and therefore data from these groups were pooled for comparison with IPF patients. The SUV Max and SUV mean of radiologically normal lung in IPF patients was significantly higher than the normal lung in controls. However, the CT number/Hounsfield unit of the IPF patients and the control group are comparable. In addition, 20 textural features were identified in each ROI both in CT and PET data sets. Five out of the twenty CT textural features shows significant differences between the 2 controls as such, they were excluded. Fifteen were pooled together for comparison with IPF patients. Five out of the fifteen CT textural features shows significant differences when compared with IPF and all are consistent with five features that shows significant difference in PET dataset.Increase [18F]-FDG PET signal within areas of areas of apparently normal lung parenchyma has been demonstrated using SUV with 3 different normalization methods as well as using textural feature analysis. These findings have shown the heterogeneous nature of the disease process indicating the possibility of the disease activity within the apparently normal lung CT lung images. These finding may provide insight into the pathogenesis of the disease and may be helpful in monitoring the disease progression and treatment response

    A review of FM services for enhancing and provisioning of optimal quality municipal services for local government in Malaysia

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    Facilities Management services are very significant for effective and efficient service delivery. Facilities Management services is not just to optimize running costs of buildings, but to raise efficiency of the management of space and related assets for people and processes, in order that the mission and goals of the organization may be achieved at the best combination of efficiency and cost. This study reviewed the FM Services for the enhancing and provisioning of optimal quality municipal services of local government in Malaysia. This study shows that FM services are paramount for effective service delivery most especially in local government. But FM services are not much recognized in Malaysia which makes many local government service deliveries inefficient. Indeed, in recent years, the series of services covered within the context of facilities management has been visible as more complex, facilities management has turned into the main operational and technical functions of an organisations. Materials and methods were carried out using secondary data and analyses critically to come up with reliable results. A way forward is that local government authorities should embark on using the FM services by employing staffs that are FM professionals in terms of in-house service delivery and outsourcing for the services that are detriment for the development of local communities. FM and community awareness programs in developmental project and in terms of decision making for any services to be rendered to the populace, local authorities should make sufficient fiscal effort to obtain all the resources that are potentially available to them and accountability should be employ for judicious utilization of financial resources. The research concludes by recommending that Malaysian local authorities should be concerned with their main constitutional responsibilities of provisioning of effective and efficient services based on the needs and wants of the local community through FM services

    Non-implementation of property rating practice, any impact on community healthcare in Bauchi Metropolis Nigeria?

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    The practice of rating real estate is essentially an internal revenue source, synonymous to tenement tax levied on the owner/occupier. Property rating in Nigeria is bedevilled by many factors that impeded its smooth implementation and operation, thus, this form of taxation yields zero revenue in Bauchi, due to failure of implementation. This study is aimed at measuring the impact of non-implementation of property rating on community healthcare in Bauchi metropolis of Nigeria. Two hundred and fifty (250) closed-ended questionnaires composed in five-level Likert scale were distributed to professionals in the field of real estate and facilities management, in the academia and estate firms, and two hundred and twenty one questionnaires (221) were mailed back for analysis. The Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) in IBM version of SPSS with AMOS was used to establish relationship between the variables. Findings from this study reveals that PRP does not command direct impact on community healthcare services, however, the services financed by property rating in the area of sanitation and sewage cleaning has the tendencies to curb the occurrence of diseases like cholera and malaria. Thus, it can be understood that a fully institutionalized practice of property rating could avert the outbreak of diseases

    Framework of the Existing Patterns of Residential Segregation and Housing Quality in Nigeria

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    Residential segregation, the spatial separation of population sub-groups within a given geographical area, is a phenomenon which is prevalent in both developed and developing countries like Nigeria. This study sought to contribute to existing knowledge by reviewing the existing patterns of residential segregation and housing quality in Nigeria, and developing a framework for the existing patterns of residential segregation and housing quality. The study established that the existing residential segregation patterns are based mainly on religion, ethnicity, age and income; and the factors responsible for residential segregation in the study area are individual and aggregate socioeconomic characteristics, individual preference/taste/choice of neighbourhood and political/institutional factors. While the indicators of housing quality in the study area are building design, type of roofing and wall materials, condition and age of buildings, the type of internal facilities and the source of lighting. And the framework showed that there is a relationship between the factors responsible for residential segregation and housing quality in the study area. Keywords: Framework, Patterns, Residential Segregation, Housing Quality, Bauch

    Review of community participation and FM services contributions toward provisioning of quality municipal services in Malaysian local authorities

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    Local authorities’ service delivery in recent times has categorised as a function of multiple players. Connecting with stakeholders such as customers, suppliers, employees, and local communities and their needs in an interactive session or communicative process has been classified as significant for successful Facilities Management (FM) services that bridges gaps that exist between those expectations and service provisioning that meets their wants and specific needs. FM will lead curtail wastage, less downtime and improve the bottom line. Beneficiaries of LAs services need to have a say in the decisions relating to the facilities provided, and if possible to take part in its provisioning or development and to manage it after completion. The methodology adopted in this research is secondary sources of data, were article, textbooks and statutory documents were critically reviewed. This study reviewed the community participation and FM services contributions towards enhancing and provisioning quality municipal services of LAs in Malaysia. This study shows that there are enormous benefits that both the LAs and local communities can achieve when community participation and FM services come together as a factor of service delivery. Service delivery changes have been complemented by improved community participation and FM systems. LAs in Malaysia can be successful in public sector service quality through the adoption of a community participation based on FM services approach. The results of this study shows that local government in Malaysia are yet to attain excellent level in times of community participation and FM service approach for adequate service delivery. A way forward lies on LAs to embrace service delivery best practice through synergy between community participation and FM at local levels, LAs should examine the revenue bases and expenditures of their local authorities, and the extent that their differences affect the capacity of local authorities in providing quality municipal services

    Non-implementation of property rating practice, any impact on community healthcare in Bauchi Metropolis Nigeria?

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    The practice of rating real estate is essentially an internal revenue source, synonymous to tenement tax levied on the owner/occupier. Property rating in Nigeria is bedevilled by many factors that impeded its smooth implementation and operation, thus, this form of taxation yields zero revenue in Bauchi, due to failure of implementation. This study is aimed at measuring the impact of non-implementation of property rating on community healthcare in Bauchi metropolis of Nigeria. Two hundred and fifty (250) closed-ended questionnaires composed in five-level Likert scale were distributed to professionals in the field of real estate and facilities management, in the academia and estate firms, and two hundred and twenty one questionnaires (221) were mailed back for analysis. The Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) in IBM version of SPSS with AMOS was used to establish relationship between the variables. Findings from this study reveals that PRP does not command direct impact on community healthcare services, however, the services financed by property rating in the area of sanitation and sewage cleaning has the tendencies to curb the occurrence of diseases like cholera and malaria. Thus, it can be understood that a fully institutionalized practice of property rating could avert the outbreak of diseases

    The Impact of Ethno-Religious Crisis on Location Decisions and Values of Residential Properties in Jos, Nigeria

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    Location is among the main determinants of residential property value. It has been realised from the existing literature that location could either be tangible or intangible in nature. Tangible location factors include accessibility, transportation, closeness to central business districts etc. On the other hand, intangible location factors are those attributes of location that are invisible in nature. They include race, ethnic background, crime, safety, skin colour, native inclination, apartheid, cultural background, security, religious inclination, socioeconomic background, indigene ship and the like. This study is intended to examine the effect of these intangible location attributes on the values of residential properties in the study area. The data for this research was sourced through interviews, field survey and questionnaires. Tables and charts were employed in order to analyse the data for the research.  Pictures were also taken in order to give pictorial information of what is on ground. In order to arrive at the required sample size for the research, stratified random sampling was adopted. The study area was divided into two clusters, that is, Jos North and Jos South. The outcome of the research revealed that areas that are classified as violent free neighbourhoods command high rental and sales value of land and landed properties. The research discovered that people prefer areas that are predominantly of their religious and ethnic extraction. As a result of that, the residential pattern of the study area was drastically altered. It can be concluded that intangible location attributes play a vital role in dictating the price of land and landed properties. Investors and real estate developers should take into consideration intangible attributes of location when determining the worth of land and landed property in the study area. Keywords: Intangible Location Attributes, Landed Property, Rental Value, Residential Property and Sales Valu
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