64 research outputs found

    Nurses’ strategies in prevention of nursing error recurrence in chronic critical care: A qualitative study

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    oai:ojs.cdjournal.muk.ac.ir:article/74BACKGROUND: Nursing errors are common in critical care units while most of them are preventable. Critical care nurses are uniquely positioned to prevent the recurrence of nursing errors. The purpose of this study was to explore the strategies considered or used by nurses in order to prevent the recurrence of nursing errors in chronic critical care units. METHODS: A qualitative design using content analysis method was employed in the present study. In-depth interviews were conducted with a sample of 17 participants, recruited through purposive sampling. This study was conducted in 2011-2012 in Iran. RESULTS: Results indicated that the strategies used by critical care nurses to prevent recurrence of nursing errors include personal strategies (paying more attention, updating information, reminding and hinting, experience sharing, prevention), and expectations from the organization (increasing intrinsic motivation and decreasing work pressure). CONCLUSION: Nursing administrators must be aware of the individual strategies used by the nurses to develop and promote their implementation and underlying these strategies. Identifying and understanding the strategies used by nurses can help them in their support provision. Explored strategies can be used to develop interventions for prevention of nursing errors. Further exploration of the question of how the nursing context will influence strategy selection and why is necessary. Regarding the strategies used by nurses, nurse managers must utilize them in planning in order to develop an error free care.

    Lived Experience of Women Suffering from Vitiligo: A Phenomenological Study

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    Vitiligo is a chronic skin disease, which through change of appearance and body image, exerts a devastating effect on people, especially women. The objective of this study is to explore lived experience of women with Vitiligo by the hermeneutic phenomenology method. The purposive sample consisted of 16 Iranian women. Data analysis followed Diekelmann, Allen, and Tanner (1989). The results showed four main themes: (1) Perceiving myself in a different light; (2) Vitiligo: Worry about others’ perceptions; (3) Vitiligo, Being influenced by cultural beliefs; and (4) Accepting and fighting the disease; Variations in experiences of living with Vitiligo. The women affected with Vitiligo during their marriage-ready years face various psychosocial problem s such as rejection by associates, isolation, divorce, and forced choice of a single lif

    Application of Photovoice in Qualitative Researches

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    The concept of photovoice was at first invented in 1997, it is a visual participatory tool to collect data in qualitative studies that was widely used in different countries and various health issues [1, 2]. It employs contributors to take photograph of a subject of concern, critically reflecting on the subject, and yields solutions for these problems [3]. In this method of data collection, cameras are provided to contributors in order to share their facts, stories, and target commonplace issues in their lives [4]. It’s also been used to express needs, history, culture, problems and desires [5].Photovoice's method is based on three theoretical foundations that overlap one another: documentary photography, feminist theory, and the critical awareness theory of Paulo Freire [2]. Photovoice has three main objectives: 1. encouraging and empowering people to record and give feedback on strengths and problems in their societies; 2. Promoting critical knowledge on important issues through group discussions on pictures and 3. Providing easier access to policy makers to change [1]. This process consists of several components. The researchers first set objective matter and select participants that are relevant to the object matter. At the beginning, participants will be provided with brief tutorials on photography skills, photovoice ethics and safety. After that photos which are provided by participants should be discussed through interviews, telling stories and big and small discussion groups which researchers evaluate the reasons of choosing their own images and feelings by using an integrated structures. The researchers then analyze the content and extract the relevant codes. Finally photos will published in magazines or websites if necessary [6, 7]. Photovoice has positive results on individual and community health, developing trust, making a sense of ownership, social skill development, increasing individual self-efficacy, learning together, building community capacities, creating community change and balancing research and practice [2, 6, 7]. The photovoice limitation is related to the inability of children to respond accurately to photos and how photos exhibit their experiences from the topic. To manage this limitation, researchers also used an evidence-based approach as complementary method [7].Photovoice is proposed as one of the methods aimed at collecting data in qualitative studies to enrich the results of studies and provide an accurate understanding of the topic from the participants’ perspectives

    Exploration of Self-care in Patients with Chronic Hepatitis: A Qualitative Study

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    Introduction: Hepatitis is a chronic disease which greatly impacts patients’ lives. Since patients with chronic hepatitis have special care needs, they experience many challenges. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to explore self-care in patients with chronic hepatitis. Method: This qualitative study was conducted through directed content analysis method among patients with chronic hepatitis in 2013 at Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Iran. The study participants were selected through purposive sampling and data was collected through semi-structured interviews. Content analysis was used to extract data from verbatim transcripts of the participants’ interviews. Results: In this study, the 4 themes of requirements in the matrix of time and place, self-care agency, the need for change in self-care, and disease outcome were extracted. Conclusion: The results of this study showed that patients with hepatitis have specific vital, basic, sexual, physical, economical, and psychological-behavioral needs, and need for respect and belonging. These needs had a negative impact on self-care in patients with hepatitis. Keywords: Chronic hepatitis, Content analysis, Self-car

    Nurses’ strategies in prevention of nursing error recurrence in chronic critical care: A qualitative study

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    BACKGROUND: Nursing errors are common in critical care units while most of them are preventable. Critical care nurses are uniquely positioned to prevent the recurrence of nursing errors. The purpose of this study was to explore the strategies considered or used by nurses in order to prevent the recurrence of nursing errors in chronic critical care units. METHODS: A qualitative design using content analysis method was employed in the present study. In-depth interviews were conducted with a sample of 17 participants, recruited through purposive sampling. This study was conducted in 2011-2012 in Iran. RESULTS: Results indicated that the strategies used by critical care nurses to prevent recurrence of nursing errors include personal strategies (paying more attention, updating information, reminding and hinting, experience sharing, prevention), and expectations from the organization (increasing intrinsic motivation and decreasing work pressure). CONCLUSION: Nursing administrators must be aware of the individual strategies used by the nurses to develop and promote their implementation and underlying these strategies. Identifying and understanding the strategies used by nurses can help them in their support provision. Explored strategies can be used to develop interventions for prevention of nursing errors. Further exploration of the question of how the nursing context will influence strategy selection and why is necessary. Regarding the strategies used by nurses, nurse managers must utilize them in planning in order to develop an error free care

    Parents’ experience of pediatric cancer: A qualitative study

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    BACKGROUND: Suffering from life-threatening diseases such as cancer, due to its impact on the patients and their next of kin causes myriads of changes in the structure and function of the family. The objective of this study was to clarify parents' experiences of childhood cancer.METHODS: This qualitative study was conducted through purposive sampling method. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 20 parents whose children were diagnosed with cancer in the oncology department of Besat Hospital in Sanandaj City, Iran. Interviews were transcribed and analyzed through Benner’s thematic analysis.RESULTS: During data analysis, 4 main themes emerged including destroyer and terminator of life, horror and hope, disturbance of normal life, and gaining valuable experience.CONCLUSION: Parental roles, routine care of a child with cancer, and facing multiple treatments and childcare problems threatened parents' compliance with the condition of the disease or treatment, and thus, parents sought social support. Therefore, more attention should be paid to the parents’ probable reaction and different life dimensions. To make healthcare more effective, providing necessary psychological, mental, and emotional support and increasing parental hope is necessary. Parents of a child with cancer should be assisted in preventing some healthcare problems and coping with their child’s illness

    The Lived Experiences of Pregnancy in Women with Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV): A Phenomenological Study

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    Introduction: Pregnancy is a challenging period for any woman; it is a more sensitive and challenging time for women living with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). HIV-infected women are facing a sense of stigma, discrimination, and social exclusion during pregnancy. However, little is known about the experience of pregnancy in HIV-positive women. The present study aimed to explore the lived experiences in HIV-positive pregnant women. Method: This was a qualitative study with hermeneutic phenomenological approach. 12 HIV-infected pregnant women who referred to counseling center for behavioral diseases in Imam Khomeini Hospital, Tehran, Iran, in 2014, were recruited through purposive sampling. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews, and the richness of data was achieved after 16 interviews during 40 to 90 minutes with participants. The data were analyzed using Diekelmann method. Results: Participants were between 22-39 years of age. After data analysis, the main theme (renewal of stigma) and 2 subthemes (blame and rejection) emerged. Conclusion: Although the experience of pregnancy in HIV-positive women was associated with renewal of stigma, pregnancy provides for blame and rejection. The findings of this study emphasize on the necessity of integrating training and education programs to reduce the stigma of HIV and acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). Keywords: Social stigma, Pregnancy, HIV-positive, Women, Qualitative researc

    Sources of Women's Health Information: A Qualitative Study

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    Introduction: Equipping individuals with adequate knowledge on health can lead to optimal health outcomes. Scientific reports indicate clients' challenges in trusting and accessing formal health information sources. This study was designed to determine the sources of Iranian women's health information. Method: Study samples were selected through purposive sampling and with regarding to the inclusion criteria. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews with 17 women and using documentation and field notes until data saturation. Data were analyzed continuously and simultaneous with data collection using qualitative content analysis. Results: The 5 central themes of health care professionals, social networks (with 2 sub-categories of peers and social interactions), culture and religion (with 3 sub-categories of religious teachings, traditional medicine information, and experiences of elders and seniors), mass media (with 3 sub-categories of electronic media, print media, and internet), and self-referencing (with 2 sub-categories of self-discovery-intuition and prior experiences) emerged from data analysis. Conclusion: These findings highlighted the need for respecting the cultural and religious beliefs of a community, and also emphasized on clients' seeking rights, information needs, and empowerment in employment of formal and informal sources. Keywords: Women, Sources, Health information Seekin

    Coping With Acquired Immune Deficiency Infection: A Phenomenological Study

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    Introduction: The epidemic of HIV infection is a serious health problem with major effects on people’s lives. It is essential to comprehend the lived experience of life with HIV. Therefore, the present research was conducted for a better understanding of the meaning and nature of life with this phenomenon. Method: This qualitative study was conducted using an interpretative, phenomenological approach. 19 HIV-infected patients were coosen by purposive sampling method. Audio-taped, indepth, and semi-structured interviews and field notes were used for data collection. All the interviews were transcribed verbatim and analyzed by using the hermeneutic approach developed by Diekelmann. Results: According to the findings, the 19 participants were between 21-56 years of age in 47.4% CD4 count was under or equal to 200 cells/mm3 and the others were in an earlier phase of HIV infection. The main themes were beliefs and time, other HIV patients, inconsistencies in coping, and fighting and struggling. Conclusion: People with HIV/AIDS diagnosis face many challenges in different aspects of their lives. Some can not cope with their new situation effectively and may be threatening to both their own and others people’s lives. Understanding these patients' experiences and explaining the positive experinces to other patients, and giving them support and guidance is suggested to care givers. Keywords: HIV/AIDS, Lived experience, Coping, Phenomenolog

    Marital satisfaction through the lens of iranian women: A qualitative study

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    Introduction: One of the common concepts to show the happiness and stability of marriage is the concept of marital satisfaction. Marital satisfaction plays an important role in the stability of marriage. This study was conducted to explain the perception of marital satisfaction among Iranian women. Methods: This study was conducted between March and September 2015 by common qualitative content analysis approach through semi-structured interviews and 19 participants were selected by purposive sampling. Results: With the analysis of data two themes: (maturity of personality) which included a sub-theme of blossoming of feelings, and (romantic interaction) consisted of three sub-themes of; mutual support, sense of peace and joyful dependence emerged. Conclusion: Marital life can lead to the development of people and lovely interaction between them. Surely it needs to passing of time and self-knowing and couple-knowing of each other. Family consultants need the perception of how couple's interaction is, also they need to understand about couples who can communicate well to each other so they can overcome many life's other deficiencies
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