22 research outputs found

    Salt lakes of La Mancha (Central Spain): A hot spot for tiger beetle (Carabidae, Cicindelinae) species diversity

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    The tiger beetle assemblage of the wetlands of La Mancha (central Spain) comprises nine species: Calomera littoralis littoralis, Cephalota maura maura, Cephalota circumdata imperialis, Cephalota dulcinea, Cicindela campestris campestris, Cicindela maroccana, Cylindera paludosa, Lophyra flexuosa flexuosa, and Myriochila melancholica melancholica. This assemblage represents the largest concentration of tiger beetles in a single 1º latitude / longitude square in Europe. General patterns of spatial and temporal segregation among species are discussed based on observations of 1462 specimens registered during an observation period of one year, from April to August. The different species of Cicindelini appear to be distributed over space and time, with little overlapping among them. Three sets of species replace each other phenologically as the season goes on. Most of the species occupy drying or dried salt lakes and salt marshes, with sparse vegetation cover. Spatial segregation is marked in terms of substrate and vegetation use. Calomera littoralis and M. melancholica have been observed mainly on wet soils; C. circumdata on dry open saline flats; C. dulcinea and C. paludosa in granulated substrates with typical halophytic vegetation; C. maura is often present in man-modified areas. Cephalota circumdata and C. dulcinea are included as species of special interest in the list of protected species in Castilla–La Mancha. Conservation problems for the Cicindelini assemblage arise from agricultural activities and inadequate use of sport vehicles. Attempts at restoring the original habitat, supressing old semi-industrial structures, may affect the spatial heterogeneity of the lakes, and have an effect on Cicindelinae diversity.This study was possible thanks to the support from the Fundación Global Nature through the European Life European Community Project Humedales de La Mancha (LIFE10 NAT/ES/000563), Spanish Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment and to the facilities provided by the Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales (MNCN-CSIC).Peer reviewe

    Endocan Promotes Pro-Tumorigenic Signaling in Lung Cancer Cells: Modulation of Cell Proliferation, Migration and lncRNAs H19 and HULC Expression

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    Endocan is a circulating proteoglycan secreted by several cell lines and identified as a potential biomarker of inflammation and angiogenesis. Endocan-increased expression has been found in a broad spectrum of human tumors, including lung cancer, and is associated with a poor prognosis. To elucidate the possible mechanism, this study aimed to investigate the role of endocan in non-small-cell lung carcinoma (NSCLC) using an in vitro model of cultured cells. Endocan expression was knocked down by using a specific small interfering RNA. The effects of endocan knockdown have been evaluated on VEGF-A, VEGFR-2, HIF-1α, the long non-coding RNAs H19 and HULC expression, and AKT and ERK 1/2 degree of activation. Cell migration and proliferation have been studied as well. VEGF-A, VEGFR-2, HIF-1α, and the long non-coding RNAs H19 and HULC expression were significantly affected by endocan knockdown. These effects correlated with a reduction of cell migration and proliferation and of AKT and ERK 1/2 activation. Our findings suggest that endocan promotes a more aggressive cancer cell phenotype in NSCLC

    Sidewalk hermits: Homeless perpetrators and victims of crime. Preliminary results of a study in Apulia region, and a review of literature

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    A homeless person may be defined as “a person in a state of tangible and intangible poverty, bearer of complex, dynamic, and multiform hardships” The study presented here was carried out in collaboration with the Italian Railway Police, from a criminological perspective, and focuses on homeless perpetrators and victims of crime. As of the writing of this article, 95 cases have been studie

    Sidewalk hermits: Homeless perpetrators and victims of crime - preliminary results of an Italian study

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    A homeless person may be defined as “a person in a state of tangible and intangible poverty, bearer of complex, dynamic, and multiform hardships” The study presented here was carried out in collaboration with the Italian Railway Police, from a criminological perspective, and focuses on homeless perpetrators and victims of crime. As of the writing of this article, 47 cases have been studied. Socio-demographic variables: AGE: The majority of subjects were male (72%), and 28% were female. The average age of the subjects observed was 49.8 years. The average age for males was 48.4 years, and 53.3 years for females. NATIONALITY: 74% were Italian; 26% were foreign (most of whom were Northern and Eastern Europeans) EDUCATION: 47% had five years of schooling; 19% had eight years of schooling; 6% had 13 years of schooling; and in one case, 18 years of schooling. Almost 30% of the subjects had no schooling at all. DURATION OF HOMELESSNESS: 40% were homeless for more than 5 years; 47% were homeless between 1 and 5 years; and 13% were homeless for 6 months. EVENTS LEADING TO HOMELESSNESS: Loss of employment (26%); Departure from home (20%); Immigration (10%); Divorce (10%); Home eviction (8%); Death of a family member who was the only source of income (4%); Financial failure (4%). The literature shows that divorce and poverty, as well as family and living problems predispose women to homelessness and to being victimized by crime. The literature also notes the role that mental illness and substance abuse play. Drug and alcohol use are predisposing factors for homelessness, the commission of crimes, and being the victim of crime . In addition most mental disorders diagnosed in the homeless are correlated to substance abuse , followed by mood, psychotic, and anxiety disorders ; anti-social and personality disorders ; and dual diagnosis . CRIMINAL ASPECTS OF OUR SAMPLE: Fifty-one percent of the crimes committed generally involved offences against property, or violence perpetrated against another person. This is in agreement with the literature, which reports that such crimes among the homeless are tied to the acquisition of, and selling of illegal substances . Another interesting fact taken from the literature regarding the homeless is the high percentage of crimes committed against women . This has also been confirmed by our sample. Forty-three percent of the subjects studied had no previous contact with the legal system: neither as perpetrator, nor as victim . Only 20% had been previously incarcerated. This datum differs from the literature a bit, which reports higher percentages of incarceration of homeless people with respect to our sample. The relationship between homelessness and incarceration is reported in various studies: 73% of males and 27% of females had been arrested at least one time . Gardiner & Cairns (2002) reported that 77% of male subjects in their study had been previously arrested. Moreover, being homeless increases the chances of being detained by the police after being stopped by them. And finally, physical and sexual violence constitutes another significant risk factor that may lead to homelessness . In the end, physical and sexual violence is a significant risk factor for becoming homeless