12 research outputs found

    Analysis of sahelian herders market behaviours to facilitate moving towards structural and sustainable transformation of pastoral economies

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    Many research and development institutions advocate the integration of economic sectors to markets to benefit from them and reduce poverty. This is not so simple for Sahelian pastoralists living in uncertainty and absence of contingent markets. Sahelian pastoralists use livestock markets but these markets don't systematically influence their production and marketing decisions. Based on the case of Senegalese Sahel, we use a spatial panel model to estimate the magnitude impacts of spatial and time factors on pastoral income generation. Then, we extent discussions to show that Sahelian livestock keepers alternate homo oeconomicus and bounded behaviours vis-à-vis the markets that they know well even if markets don't know much about them-and that is one reason it can be hard for a real structural transition. The problems of pastoral marketing systems are still examined from the perspectives of infrastructure buildings while it is also necessary to reduce transaction costs and information asymmetry to boost livestock marketing. (Résumé d'auteur

    Non-livestock value chains. Lateral thinking for the securing of the Sahelian livestock economies

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    In a rapid rural appraisal conducted in 2012 in the Senegalese Sahel, agropastoralists of Thiel expressed their need for technical and scientific support in peanut value chain development. Value chain analysis assessed the performance of the stakeholders. Multiple correspondence analysis clarified power relationships among them. Social network analysis facilitated the understanding of social and technical relationships inside the particular node of agropastoralists. Results show that the peanut crop is both a source of cash flow (marketing) and a pillar of food (basic consumption) and feed (by-products) security. This paper also highlights a lack of convenient economic environments, mutual assistance, capacity transfer and knowledge sharing on the best agricultural practices among agropastoralists, despite their weak production performance. Agropastoralists have no influence in the peanut value chain and are dependent on decisions from other actors. Technical support and knowledge sharing appear to be key for agropastoralists to control and adopt agricultural innovations. (Résumé d'auteur

    Relations sociales et influence économique dans la chaîne de valeur du lait local au Sénégal

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    Despite its socio-economic importance, the local milk sector in Senegal is struggling to overcome the factors that determine its development. The milk value chain study took place in the Kaolack region with 349 stakeholders and assessed the market risk factors and the level of socio-economic influence of the stakeholders. Results show that the overall added value is significant according to the income structure, relatively unequal and captured mostly by women with traditional processing of local milk. The regional economic exchange network is almost absent and the gap is filled by a sparse social network. Thus, the development of the local milk value chain requires a mobilization of both economic and social networks and a better redistribution of the added value to the different stakeholders. Keywords: Value chain, Added value, milk, social network, economic integrationMalgré son importance socio-économique, la filière lait local au Sénégal peine à maîtriser les déterminants de son développement. Une étude de cette chaîne de valeur s’est déroulée dans la région de Kaolack auprès de 349 acteurs et a permis d’évaluer les facteurs de risque du marché et le niveau d’influence socio-économique des acteurs. Les résultats montrent que la valeur ajoutée globale est forte selon la structure du revenu, inégalitaire et captée en majorité par les transformatrices artisanales du lait local. Le réseau d’échange économique régional est quasi-absent et comblé par un réseau social peu dense. Ainsi, le développement de la chaîne de valeur du lait local doit passer par une mobilisation à la fois des relations économiques et sociales et une meilleure redistribution de la valeur ajoutée aux différents acteurs. Mots-clés: Chaîne de valeur, Valeur ajoutée, lait, réseau social, intégration économiqu

    Non-livestock value chains. Lateral thinking for the securing of the Sahelian livestock economies

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    In a rapid rural appraisal conducted in 2012 in the Senegalese Sahel, agropastoralists of Thiel expressed their need for technical and scientific support in peanut value chain development. Value chain analysis assessed the performance of the stakeholders. Multiple correspondence analysis clarified power relationships among them. Social network analysis facilitated the understanding of social and technical relationships inside the particular node of agropastoralists. Results show that the peanut crop is both a source of cash flow (marketing) and a pillar of food (basic consumption) and feed (by-products) security. This paper also highlights a lack of convenient economic environments, mutual assistance, capacity transfer and knowledge sharing on the best agricultural practices among agropastoralists, despite their weak production performance. Agropastoralists have no influence in the peanut value chain and are dependent on decisions from other actors. Technical support and knowledge sharing appear to be key for agropastoralists to control and adopt agricultural innovations

    Relations sociales et influence économique dans la chaîne de valeur du lait local au Sénégal

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    Malgré son importance socio-économique, la filière lait local au Sénégal peine à maîtriser les déterminants de son développement. Une étude de cette chaîne de valeur s’est déroulée dans la région de Kaolack auprès de 349 acteurs et a permis d’évaluer les facteurs de risque du marché et le niveau d’influence socio-économique des acteurs. Les résultats montrent que la valeur ajoutée globale est forte selon la structure du revenu, inégalitaire et captée en majorité par les transformatrices artisanales du lait local. Le réseau d’échange économique régional est quasi-absent et comblé par un réseau social peu dense. Ainsi, le développement de la chaîne de valeur du lait local doit passer par une mobilisation à la fois des relations économiques et sociales et une meilleure redistribution de la valeur ajoutée aux différents acteurs. Mots-clés: Chaîne de valeur, Valeur ajoutée, lait, réseau social, intégration économiqu

    Securing Sahelian pastoralism by using a remunerated workforce for livestock keeping activities: the ambivalence of commodification

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    Sahelian pastoralists use mobility, diversification, and even pluriactivity as main adaptation strategies to the asymmetrical distribution of multifaceted resources. Complex relations vis-à-vis this risky environment hide slowing transitions from a traditional inward-looking to an outward-looking economy, which is characterised by increasing use of a remunerated workforce. The growing commodification of the economy of Sahelian pastoralists could generate new forms of uncertainty. The authors of this paper use a principal-agent model to analyse the remunerated workforce and demonstrate the mixed results of this strategy in the context of structural risk in the Sahel. The authors then highlight the conditions under which trust and reputation are developed to stabilise employment relations and better cope with and/or mitigate various shocks