300 research outputs found

    Biocatalytic CO2 absorption and structural studies of carbonic anhydrase under industrially-relevant conditions

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    UIDB/50006/2020 IF/00505/2014/CP1224/CT0004The unprecedently high CO2 levels in the atmosphere evoke the urgent need for development of technologies for mitigation of its emissions. Among the alternatives, the biocatalytic route has been claimed as one of the most promising. In the present work, the carbonic anhydrase from bovine erythrocytes (BCA) was employed as a model enzyme for structural studies in an aqueous phase at alkaline pH, which is typical of large-scale absorption processes under operation. Circular dichroism (CD) analysis revealed a high enzymatic stability at pH 10 with a prominent decrease of the melting temperature above this value. The CO2 absorption capacity of the aqueous solutions were assessed by online monitoring of pressure decay in a stainless-steel cell, which indicated a better performance at pH 10 with a kinetic rate increase of up to 43%, as compared to non-biocatalytic conditions. Even low enzyme concentrations (0.2 mg g−1) proved to be sufficient to improve the overall CO2 capture process performance. The enzyme-enhanced approach of CO2 capture presents a high potential and should be further studied.publishersversionpublishe

    Stature estimation using the knee height measurement amongst Brazilian elderly

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    Stature is an important variable in several indices of nutritional status that are applicable to elderly persons. However, stature is difficult or impossible to measure in elderly because they are often unable to maintain the standing position. A alternative is the use of estimated height from measurements of knee height measure. This study aimed to evaluate the accuracy of the formula proposed by Chumlea et al. (1985) based on the knee of a Caucasian population to estimate the height and its application in calculation of body mass index in community- dwelling older people residents in Viçosa, Minas Gerais, Brazil. The sample included 621 elderly aged 60 years old and older, living in the community. Measures of weight, height and knee height (KH) were taken and Body Mass Index (BMI) was calculated with the measured weight and estimated. The Student`s t-test was used for comparison of measurements of height between the genders. For the comparison of estimated and measured values it was used paired t-test and also the methodology proposed by Bland and Altman to compare the difference between measurements. To evaluate the agreement between the classifications for BMI was used Cohen's Kappa. The average values obtained from KH were higher than those measured in the whole sample and women. There underestimation of BMI in females and also in the whole. The present results suggest that the equation Chumlea was not adequate to estimate the height of the sample in question, especially for women.La estatura es una variable importante en varios índices del estado nutricional que son aplicables a las personas mayores. Sin embargo, la estatura es difícil o imposible de medir en la edad avanzada, ya que a menudo son incapaces de mantener la posición de pie. Una alternativa es el uso de altura estimada a partir de mediciones de medida de altura de la rodilla. Este estudio tuvo como objetivo evaluar la exactitud de la fórmula propuesta por Chumlea et al. (1985), basado en la altura de la rodilla de una población caucásica para estimar la altura y su aplicación en el cálculo del índice de masa corporal en las personas mayores residentes en la comunidad de Viçosa, Minas Gerais, Brasil. La muestra incluyó a 621 adultos mayores de 60 anos y más, que viven en la comunidad. Se tomaron medidas de peso, talla y altura de la rodilla (AR) y el Índice de Masa Corporal (IMC) se calculó con el peso medido y estimado. Se utilize la prueba T del estudiante para la comparación de las mediciones de altura entre los géneros. Para la comparación de los valores estimados y medidos se utilizó la prueba T pareada y también la metodología propuesta por Bland y Altman para comparar la diferencia entre las mediciones. Para evaluar el acuerdo entre las clasificaciones para el IMC se utilizó el Kappa de Cohen. Los valores medios obtenidos a partir de AR fueron más altos que los medidos en la muestra completa y mujeres. Hay subestimación de IMC en mujeres y también en el conjunto. Los resultados sugieren que la ecuación Chumlea no era adecuado para estimar la altura de la muestra en cuestión, especialmente para las mujeres

    Coumestrol has neuroprotective effects before and after global cerebral ischemia in female rats

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    AbstractGlobal ischemia arising during cardiac arrest or cardiac surgery causes highly selective, delayed death of hippocampal CA1 neurons. Phytoestrogens are naturally occurring plant-derived compounds that are present in the human diet and are considered selective estrogen receptor (ER) modulators. The phytoestrogen coumestrol is a potent isoflavonoid, with binding affinities for both ER-α and ER-β that are comparable to those of 17b-estradiol. The present study examined the hypothesis that coumestrol protects hippocampal neurons in ovariectomized rats in a model of cerebral global ischemia. Ovariectomized rats were subjected to global ischemia (10min) or sham surgery and received a single intracerebroventricular or peripheral infusion of 20μg of coumestrol, 20μg of estradiol or vehicle 1h before ischemia or 0h, 3h, 6h or 24h after reperfusion. Estradiol and coumestrol afforded significant neuroprotection in all times of administration, with the exception of estradiol given 24h after the ischemic insult. Animals received icv infusion of the broad-spectrum ER antagonist ICI 182,780 (50μg) or vehicle into the lateral ventricle just before the E2 or coumestrol administration. The ER antagonist abolished estradiol protection, consistent with a role of classical ERs. In contrast, ICI 182,780 effected only partial reversal of the neuroprotective actions of coumestrol, suggesting that other cellular mediators in addition to classical ERs may be important. Additional research is needed to determine the molecular targets mediating the neuroprotective action of coumestrol and the therapeutic potential of this phytoestrogen in the mature nervous system

    Ideias educacionais para adiar o fim do mundo

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    This paper refers to the book by Ailton Krenak (2019), Ideas to postpone the end of the world. The work brings a present hope in the possibility of “postponement”. Extending time, postponing the end of the world, would allow us to envision the construction of social relations beyond capital. The educational ideas highlighted in this text have in common the principle of inserting educators and students in the reins of the pedagogical process, inquiring and defining their purposes, thus acting consciously on behalf of collective objectives. We think that only through a path in which we are genuinely builders of reality is there a possibility of postponing the end of the world. And so, fight so that, perhaps, this is just the end of the world ruled by capital and not the end of the human species.Este artículo hace referencia al libro de Ailton Krenak (2019), Ideas para posponer el fin del mundo. La obra trae una esperanza presente en la posibilidad de “aplazamiento”. Prolongar el tiempo, posponer el fin del mundo, permitiría vislumbrar la construcción de relaciones sociales más allá del capital. Las ideas educativas destacadas en este texto tienen en común el principio de insertar a educadores y educandos en las riendas del proceso pedagógico, indagando y definiendo sus fines, actuando así conscientemente en pro de objetivos colectivos. Pensamos que sólo a través de un camino en el que seamos genuinamente constructores de realidad existe la posibilidad de postergar el fin del mundo. Y así, luchar para que, quizás, este sea solo el fin del mundo gobernado por el capital y no el fin de la especie humana.Este texto faz referência ao livro de Ailton Krenak (2019), Ideias para adiar o fim do mundo. A obra traz uma esperança presente na possibilidade de “adiamento”. Estender o tempo, postergar o fim do mundo, nos permitiria vislumbrar a construção de relações sociais para além do capital. As ideias educacionais destacadas neste texto têm em comum o princípio de inserir educadores e educandos nas rédeas do processo pedagógico, indagando e definindo suas finalidades, agindo, desse modo, conscientemente em nome de objetivos coletivos. Pensamos que somente por um caminho em que sejamos genuinamente construtores da realidade há possibilidade de adiar o fim do mundo. E assim, lutar para que, quiçá, seja este apenas o fim do mundo regido pelo capital e, não, o da espécie humana

    Preparation and scale up of extended-release tablets of bromopride

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    Reproducibility of the tablet manufacturing process and control of its pharmaceutics properties depends on the optimization of formulation aspects and process parameters. Computer simulation such as Design of Experiments (DOE) can be used to scale up the production of this formulation, in particular for obtaining sustained-release tablets. Bromopride formulations are marketed in the form of extended-release pellets, which makes the product more expensive and difficult to manufacture. The aim of this study was to formulate new bromopride sustained release formulations as tablets, and to develop mathematical models to standardize the scale up of this formulation, controlling weight and hardness of the tablets during manufacture according to the USP 34th edition. DOE studies were conducted using Minitab(tm) software. Different excipient combinations were evaluated in order to produce bromopride sustained-release matrix tablets. In the scale-up study, data were collected and variations in tableting machine parameters were measured. Data were processed by Minitab(tm) software, generating mathematical equations used for prediction of powder compaction behavior, according to the settings of the tableting machine suitable for scale-up purposes. Bromopride matrix tablets with appropriate characteristics for sustained release were developed. The scale-up of the formulation with the most suitable sustained release profile was established by using mathematical models, indicating that the formulation can be a substitute for the pellets currently marketed

    Yellow fever vaccine induces integrated multilineage and polyfunctional immune responses

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    Correlates of immune-mediated protection to most viral and cancer vaccines are still unknown. This impedes the development of novel vaccines to incurable diseases such as HIV and cancer. In this study, we have used functional genomics and polychromatic flow cytometry to define the signature of the immune response to the yellow fever (YF) vaccine 17D (YF17D) in a cohort of 40 volunteers followed for up to 1 yr after vaccination. We show that immunization with YF17D leads to an integrated immune response that includes several effector arms of innate immunity, including complement, the inflammasome, and interferons, as well as adaptive immunity as shown by an early T cell response followed by a brisk and variable B cell response. Development of these responses is preceded, as demonstrated in three independent vaccination trials and in a novel in vitro system of primary immune responses (modular immune in vitro construct [MIMIC] system), by the coordinated up-regulation of transcripts for specific transcription factors, including STAT1, IRF7, and ETS2, which are upstream of the different effector arms of the immune response. These results clearly show that the immune response to a strong vaccine is preceded by coordinated induction of master transcription factors that lead to the development of a broad, polyfunctional, and persistent immune response that integrates all effector cells of the immune system