16 research outputs found

    Séisme de Barcelonnette. 7 avril 2014. La Condamine-Chùtelard. Cheminées tombées.

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    Fallen and secured chimneys in the centre of the village of La Condamine-ChĂątelard. The damage mainly concerns the stone houses in the historic centre of the municipality along the Ubaye river, where there are vulnerable buildings, as well as in the part below at Champ Fellez. About fifteen chimneys have been affected in the centre of the village (end of the Parpaillon). The Condamine-ChĂątelard is located 6 km from the epicentre of the April 7 earthquake and the intensity of the tremors felt is VI on the European intensity scale EMS-98. This photo was taken during the Macroseismic Response Group mission to the site after the earthquake. Composed of six experts, the group arrived in Barcelona on April 14, 2014 for a three-day mission. With a magnitude of 5.2 (MW), its epicentre was located approximately 6 km west southwest of the commune of Saint-Paul-sur-Ubaye and 11 km north of Barcelonnette, near the border of the departments of Alpes-de-Haute-Provence and Hautes-Alpes.CheminĂ©es tombĂ©es et sĂ©curisĂ©es dans le centre du village de La Condamine-ChĂątelard. Les dégâts portent essentiellement sur les maisons de pierre au centre historique de la commune le long de l’Ubaye, où l’on trouve des bĂątiments vulnĂ©rables, ainsi que dans la partie en contrebas au Champ Fellez. Une quinzaine de cheminées ont été affectées dans le centre du village (fin du Parpaillon). La Condamine-ChĂątelard se situe Ă  6 km de l’épicentre du sĂ©isme du 7 avril et l’intensitĂ© des secousses ressenties est de VI sur l’échelle d’intensitĂ© europĂ©enne EMS-98. Cette photo a Ă©tĂ© prise lors de la mission du Groupe d'intervention macrosismique qui s'est rendu sur place aprĂšs le sĂ©isme. ComposĂ© de six experts, le groupe est arrivĂ© Ă  Barcelonnette le 14 avril 2014 pour une mission de trois jours. D'une magnitude 5.2 (MW), son Ă©picentre se situait à environ 6 km à l’Ouest Sud-Ouest de la commune de Saint-Paul-sur-Ubaye et 11km au Nord de Barcelonnette, à proximitĂ© de la limite des dĂ©partements des Alpes-de-Haute-Provence et des Hautes-Alpes

    SĂ©isme de Barcelonnette. 7 avril 2014. La Condamine-ChĂątelard. Glissement de Parpaillon

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    Landslide of Parpaillon on the commune of La Condamine-ChĂątelard: the earthquake created an 80 cm gap compared to the initial state. The Condamine-ChĂątelard is located 6 km from the epicentre of the April 7 earthquake and the intensity of the tremors felt is VI on the European intensity scale EMS-98. This photo was taken during the Macroseismic Response Group mission to the site after the earthquake. Composed of six experts, the group arrived in Barcelona on April 14, 2014 for a three-day mission. With a magnitude of 5.2 (MW), its epicentre was located approximately 6 km west southwest of the commune of Saint-Paul-sur-Ubaye and 11 km north of Barcelonnette, near the border of the departments of Alpes-de-Haute-Provence and Hautes-Alpes.Glissement de terrain de Parpaillon sur la commune de La Condamine-ChĂątelard : le sĂ©isme a crĂ©Ă© un dĂ©calage de 80 cm par rapport Ă  l'Ă©tat initial. La Condamine-ChĂątelard se situe Ă  6 km de l’épicentre du sĂ©isme du 7 avril et l’intensitĂ© des secousses ressenties est de VI sur l’échelle d’intensitĂ© europĂ©enne EMS-98. Cette photo a Ă©tĂ© prise lors de la mission du Groupe d'intervention macrosismique qui s'est rendu sur place aprĂšs le sĂ©isme. ComposĂ© de six experts, le groupe est arrivĂ© Ă  Barcelonnette le 14 avril 2014 pour une mission de trois jours. D'une magnitude 5.2 (MW), son Ă©picentre se situait à environ 6 km à l’Ouest Sud-Ouest de la commune de Saint-Paul-sur-Ubaye et 11km au Nord de Barcelonnette, à proximitĂ© de la limite des dĂ©partements des Alpes-de-Haute-Provence et des Hautes-Alpes

    Fluxgate vector magnetometers: A multisensor device for ground, UAV, and airborne magnetic surveys

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    International audienceFluxgate magnetometers are quite uncommon in geophysics. Recent advances in calibration of the devices and their magnetic compensation ability led Institut de Physique du Globe de Stras-bourg to develop instruments for magnetic measurements at different scales for a wide range of applications — from submetric measurements on the ground to aircraft-conducted acquisition by unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). A case study on the aerial military base BA112 shows the usefulness of the instruments for the detection of underground pipes, unexploded ordnance, and archaeological remains

    Dans la catĂ©gorie des mĂ©thodes de caractĂ©risation des V S 30 et classes de sol, le gagnant est
 : Principaux rĂ©sultats du benchmark « InterPacific »

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    International audienceABSTRACT. The use of reliable characterization methods for site characterization (determination of soil classes, VS30, velocity profiles ...) is a major issue in many cases: application of EC8, site characterization... The methods conventionally used in geotechnics (cross-hole, down-hole) are expensive and need the drilling of boreholes. Other methods, based on the analysis of the dispersion of surface waves are non-invasive, but their processing requires a certain level of expertise and their use has long been criticized. To compare and analyze the differences between these different approaches, three sites benefited from several "invasive" and "non-invasive" measurements, processed by various teams within an international benchmark in a blind context ("InterPacific" project). The variability between results obtained with invasive methods is larger than what we expected initially. Conversely, even if they cannot reach the same vertical resolution, non-invasive methods have produced results much less scattered than what we expected. In terms of V S 30 determination, the resulting standard deviations are equivalent between invasive and non-invasive methods, or even lower for non-invasive methods.L'utilisation de mĂ©thodes de caractĂ©risation fiables pour la caractĂ©risation des sites (dĂ©termination des classes de sols, des V S 30, de profils de vitesse
) est un enjeu majeur dans de nombreux cas : application des EC8, caractĂ©risation de sites
 Les mĂ©thodes classiquement utilisĂ©es en gĂ©otechnique (cross-hole, down-hole) sont onĂ©reuses et impliquent la rĂ©alisation de forage(s). D'autres mĂ©thodes, basĂ©es sur l'analyse de la dispersion des ondes de surfaces sont non-invasives, mais leur traitement demande un niveau certain d'expertise et leur emploi a longtemps Ă©tĂ© critiquĂ©. Afin de comparer et d'analyser les Ă©carts entre ces diffĂ©rentes approches, trois sites ont bĂ©nĂ©ficiĂ© de plusieurs mesures « invasives » et « non-invasives » traitĂ©es par plusieurs Ă©quipes internationales dans un contexte de benchmark en aveugle (projet « InterPacific »). La variabilitĂ© obtenue entre les rĂ©sultats des mĂ©thodes invasives est plus grande que celle Ă  laquelle nous nous attendions initialement. Inversement, et mĂȘme si elles ne peuvent rivaliser en termes de rĂ©solution verticale, les mĂ©thodes non-invasives ont produit des rĂ©sultats beaucoup moins dispersĂ©s que ce Ă  quoi nous nous attentions. En termes de dĂ©termination du V S 30, les Ă©carts-types obtenus sont Ă©quivalents entre mĂ©thodes invasives et non-invasives, voire infĂ©rieurs pour les mĂ©thodes non-invasives

    Building a three dimensional model of the active Plio-Quaternary basin of Argostoli (Cephalonia Island, Greece): an integrated geophysical and geological approach

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    International audienceThis work is a multidisciplinary approach from geological and geophysical surveys to build a 3D geological model of Argostoli Basin (Cephalonia Island, Greece) aiming to be used for computational 3D simulation of seismic motion. Cephalonia Island is located at the north-western end of the Aegean subduction frontal thrust that is linked to the dextral Cephalonia Transform Fault (west of Cephalonia) where the seismic hazard is high in terms of earthquake frequency and magnitude. The Plio-Quaternary Koutavos-Argostoli basin site was selected within the French Research Agency PIA SINAPS@ project (www.institut-seism.fr/projets/sinaps/ - last accessed on July 14th 2019) to host a vertical accelerometer array. The long-term goal is to validate three-dimensional nonlinear numerical simulation codes to assess the site-specific amplification and nonlinearity. Herein the geological and geophysical surveys carried out from 2011 to 2017 are presented and in particular the complementary investigations that led to the identification of the main stratigraphic units and their structures. In addition, coral debris sampled from the vertical array deep borehole cores were used for 230Th/234U measurements, which confirmed the Pleistocene age of the Koutavos basin. The characterization of the three-dimensional structure of the stratigraphic units was achieved by coupling geological cross-sections (i.e., depth geometry) and geophysical surveys based of surface wave analysis

    Building a Three Dimensional Model of Plio-Quaternary Basin of Argostoli (Cephalonia Island, Greece) From an Integrated Geophysical and Geological Approach to Perform Numerical Simulations of Seismic Motion

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    International audienceThe Cephalonia Island (Greece) area is located in the north-western end of the Aegean subduction frontal thrust that is linked to the dextral Cephalonia Transform Fault (west of Cephalonia). As the mean slip rate and the length of the Cephalonia Transform Fault are large, the seismic hazard is high in terms of earthquake frequency and magnitude. The Plio-Quaternary Koutavos-Argostoli basin site was selected within the French Research Agency PIA SINAPS@ project (www.institut-seism.fr/projets/sinaps/) to host a vertical accelerometer array. The long-term goal is to validate three-dimensional nonlinear numerical simulation codes to assess the siteÂŹspecific amplification and nonlinearity in the framework of seismic hazard assessment. Geological and geophysical surveys were carried out from 2011 to 2017. The aim of this work is to present i) the geological and structural context, ii) the complementary geological, geotechnical, and iii) the geophysical investigations that led to the identification of the main geotechnical bodies and their structures. The characterization of the three-dimensional structure of the stratigraphic units was achieved by coupling geological cross-sections (i.e., depth geometry) and HVSR/AVA geophysical surveys that were designed to identify the sedimentary body thickness. The data gathered allowed to build a three-dimensional geological model of the Argostoli basin. Starting from this point, a 3D numerical model on the same area was constructed using spectral element code known as SEM3D. Several simulations of seismic scenarios were performed, for the purpose of highlighting the importance of the use a representative model of the complexity of the wave path on the hazard assessment

    Building a Three Dimensional Model of Plio-Quaternary Basin of Argostoli (Cephalonia Island, Greece) From an Integrated Geophysical and Geological Approach to Perform Numerical Simulations of Seismic Motion

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    International audienceThe Cephalonia Island (Greece) area is located in the north-western end of the Aegean subduction frontal thrust that is linked to the dextral Cephalonia Transform Fault (west of Cephalonia). As the mean slip rate and the length of the Cephalonia Transform Fault are large, the seismic hazard is high in terms of earthquake frequency and magnitude. The Plio-Quaternary Koutavos-Argostoli basin site was selected within the French Research Agency PIA SINAPS@ project (www.institut-seism.fr/projets/sinaps/) to host a vertical accelerometer array. The long-term goal is to validate three-dimensional nonlinear numerical simulation codes to assess the siteÂŹspecific amplification and nonlinearity in the framework of seismic hazard assessment. Geological and geophysical surveys were carried out from 2011 to 2017. The aim of this work is to present i) the geological and structural context, ii) the complementary geological, geotechnical, and iii) the geophysical investigations that led to the identification of the main geotechnical bodies and their structures. The characterization of the three-dimensional structure of the stratigraphic units was achieved by coupling geological cross-sections (i.e., depth geometry) and HVSR/AVA geophysical surveys that were designed to identify the sedimentary body thickness. The data gathered allowed to build a three-dimensional geological model of the Argostoli basin. Starting from this point, a 3D numerical model on the same area was constructed using spectral element code known as SEM3D. Several simulations of seismic scenarios were performed, for the purpose of highlighting the importance of the use a representative model of the complexity of the wave path on the hazard assessment

    Building a Three Dimensional Model of Plio-Quaternary Basin of Argostoli (Cephalonia Island, Greece) From an Integrated Geophysical and Geological Approach to Perform Numerical Simulations of Seismic Motion

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    International audienceThe Cephalonia Island (Greece) area is located in the north-western end of the Aegean subduction frontal thrust that is linked to the dextral Cephalonia Transform Fault (west of Cephalonia). As the mean slip rate and the length of the Cephalonia Transform Fault are large, the seismic hazard is high in terms of earthquake frequency and magnitude. The Plio-Quaternary Koutavos-Argostoli basin site was selected within the French Research Agency PIA SINAPS@ project (www.institut-seism.fr/projets/sinaps/) to host a vertical accelerometer array. The long-term goal is to validate three-dimensional nonlinear numerical simulation codes to assess the siteÂŹspecific amplification and nonlinearity in the framework of seismic hazard assessment. Geological and geophysical surveys were carried out from 2011 to 2017. The aim of this work is to present i) the geological and structural context, ii) the complementary geological, geotechnical, and iii) the geophysical investigations that led to the identification of the main geotechnical bodies and their structures. The characterization of the three-dimensional structure of the stratigraphic units was achieved by coupling geological cross-sections (i.e., depth geometry) and HVSR/AVA geophysical surveys that were designed to identify the sedimentary body thickness. The data gathered allowed to build a three-dimensional geological model of the Argostoli basin. Starting from this point, a 3D numerical model on the same area was constructed using spectral element code known as SEM3D. Several simulations of seismic scenarios were performed, for the purpose of highlighting the importance of the use a representative model of the complexity of the wave path on the hazard assessment

    Building a Three Dimensional Model of Plio-Quaternary Basin of Argostoli (Cephalonia Island, Greece) From an Integrated Geophysical and Geological Approach to Perform Numerical Simulations of Seismic Motion

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    International audienceThe Cephalonia Island (Greece) area is located in the north-western end of the Aegean subduction frontal thrust that is linked to the dextral Cephalonia Transform Fault (west of Cephalonia). As the mean slip rate and the length of the Cephalonia Transform Fault are large, the seismic hazard is high in terms of earthquake frequency and magnitude. The Plio-Quaternary Koutavos-Argostoli basin site was selected within the French Research Agency PIA SINAPS@ project (www.institut-seism.fr/projets/sinaps/) to host a vertical accelerometer array. The long-term goal is to validate three-dimensional nonlinear numerical simulation codes to assess the siteÂŹspecific amplification and nonlinearity in the framework of seismic hazard assessment. Geological and geophysical surveys were carried out from 2011 to 2017. The aim of this work is to present i) the geological and structural context, ii) the complementary geological, geotechnical, and iii) the geophysical investigations that led to the identification of the main geotechnical bodies and their structures. The characterization of the three-dimensional structure of the stratigraphic units was achieved by coupling geological cross-sections (i.e., depth geometry) and HVSR/AVA geophysical surveys that were designed to identify the sedimentary body thickness. The data gathered allowed to build a three-dimensional geological model of the Argostoli basin. Starting from this point, a 3D numerical model on the same area was constructed using spectral element code known as SEM3D. Several simulations of seismic scenarios were performed, for the purpose of highlighting the importance of the use a representative model of the complexity of the wave path on the hazard assessment