8 research outputs found

    Dengue em Araraquara, SP: epidemiologia, clima e infestação por Aedes aegypti

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    OBJETIVO: Descrever a epidemiologia da dengue em cidade de médio porte do estado de São Paulo. MÉTODOS: Foram obtidas informações sobre os casos notificados e confirmados de dengue em Araraquara, SP, entre 1991 e 2015, como sorotipos circulantes, casos graves e óbitos, faixa etária, sexo, entre outras. Também foram levantadas as informações climáticas e de infestação pelo vetor. Essas variáveis foram trabalhadas descritivamente, utilizando-se medidas estatísticas como frequências, médias, mínimo e máximo. Calcularam-se taxas de incidência de dengue segundo mês, ano, idade e sexo, e série histórica de casos de dengue, infestação e variáveis climáticas. RESULTADOS: Foram confirmados 16.431 casos de dengue entre 1991 e 2015. O maior número de notificações foi registrado em 2015 (7.811 casos). De forma geral, a faixa etária com o maior número de notificações encontra-se entre 20 e 59 anos. As maiores incidências, geralmente entre março e maio, ocorreram após o aumento da pluviosidade e infestação, em janeiro. CONCLUSÕES: Os altos níveis de infestação que aumentam com as chuvas refletem-se nas taxas de incidência da doença. É fundamental conhecer a epidemiologia da dengue em cidades de médio porte. Seus resultados podem ser estendidos para doenças como Zika e Chikungunya (transmitidas pelo mesmo vetor e notificadas na cidade). A intensificação dos esforços de vigilâncias em períodos que precedem as epidemias poderia ser uma estratégia a ser considerada para o controle da dispersão viral.OBJECTIVE: To describe the epidemiology of dengue in a medium-sized city in the state of São Paulo. METHODS: Data, such as circulating serotypes, severe cases and deaths, age group, sex, among others, were obtained on reported and confirmed dengue cases in Araraquara, state of São Paulo, between 1991 and 2015. Climatic and infestation data were also analyzed. These variables were evaluated descriptively, using statistical measures such as frequencies, averages, minimum and maximum. Dengue incidence rates were calculated according to month, year, age and sex, and time series of dengue cases, infestation, and climatic variables. RESULTS: Approximately 16,500 cases of dengue fever were reported between 1991 and 2015. The highest number of reports was recorded in 2015 (7,811 cases). In general, the age group with the highest number of reports is between 20 and 59 years old. The highest incidences, generally between March and May, occurred after the increase in rainfall and infestation in January. CONCLUSIONS: Increased levels of infestation due to rainfall are reflected in incidence rates of the disease. It is fundamental to know the epidemiology of dengue in medium-sized cities. Such information can be extended to diseases such as Zika and Chikungunya, which are transmitted by the same vector and were reported in the city. The intensification of surveillance efforts in periods before epidemics could be a strategy to be considered to control the viral spread

    Infestação de área urbana por Aedes aegypti e relação com níveis socioeconômicos

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    OBJECTIVE: To assess the association between Aedes aegypti larvae infestation rates and socioeconomic factors. METHODS: Infestation rates in the urban area of the city of São José do Rio Preto, Southeastern Brazil, were calculated in January of 2005 and subsequently geocoded by address. The urban census tracts were grouped by means of main component analysis, thus producing four socioeconomic clusters (1-4, in a decreasing order of socioeconomic level) and a fifth cluster (5) with a level below the others and not belonging to the urban census tracts (new districts and irregular residential development projects). The Breteau index (BI), the house index (HI), and the container index (CI), as well as the averages of existing containers surveyed per home, were calculated for each cluster. RESULTS: The values of infestation indices did not show significant differences among socioeconomic clusters 1 to 4, even though they were lower than the indices obtained for cluster 5. The averages of existing containers surveyed were higher for cluster 1 in relation to clusters 2 to 4, but did not show significant differences when compared to cluster 5. CONCLUSIONS: Larval indices did not show association with the different socioeconomic levels of the cluster that corresponds to the urban census tracts. Nonetheless, new districts, irregular residential development projects and locations adjacent to those with the worst basic sanitary conditions showed the highest values for these indicators.OBJETIVO: Analisar a associação entre índices de infestação larvária por Aedes aegypti e fatores socioeconômicos. MÉTODOS: Foram calculados os índices de infestação na área urbana de São José do Rio Preto, São Paulo, em janeiro de 2005 e em seguida geocodificados por endereço. Os setores censitários urbanos foram agrupados por meio de análise de componentes principais, produzindo quatro áreas socioeconômicas (1-4, ordem decrescente de nível socioeconômico) e um quinto agrupamento (5) com nível inferior aos demais e não pertencente aos setores censitários urbanos (bairros novos e loteamentos irregulares). Calcularam-se, para cada área, os índices de Breteau (IB), predial (IP) e de recipientes (IR), e as médias de recipientes existentes e pesquisados por casa. RESULTADOS: Os valores dos índices de infestação não apresentaram diferenças significativas entre as áreas socioeconômicas 1 a 4, mas foram menores que os índices obtidos para a área 5. As médias de recipientes existentes e pesquisados foram maiores para a área 1 em relação às áreas 2 a 4, mas não apresentaram diferenças significativas em relação à 5. CONCLUSÕES: Os índices larvários não mostraram associação com os diferentes níveis socioeconômicos da área correspondente aos setores censitários urbanos. Entretanto, os bairros novos, loteamentos irregulares e locais contíguos com as piores condições de saneamento básico apresentaram os maiores valores desses indicadores

    Dengue in Araraquara, state of São Paulo: epidemiology, climate and Aedes aegypti infestation

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    ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE To describe the epidemiology of dengue in a medium-sized city in the state of São Paulo. METHODS Data, such as circulating serotypes, severe cases and deaths, age group, sex, among others, were obtained on reported and confirmed dengue cases in Araraquara, state of São Paulo, between 1991 and 2015. Climatic and infestation data were also analyzed. These variables were evaluated descriptively, using statistical measures such as frequencies, averages, minimum and maximum. Dengue incidence rates were calculated according to month, year, age and sex, and time series of dengue cases, infestation, and climatic variables. RESULTS Approximately 16,500 cases of dengue fever were reported between 1991 and 2015. The highest number of reports was recorded in 2015 (7,811 cases). In general, the age group with the highest number of reports is between 20 and 59 years old. The highest incidences, generally between March and May, occurred after the increase in rainfall and infestation in January. CONCLUSIONS Increased levels of infestation due to rainfall are reflected in incidence rates of the disease. It is fundamental to know the epidemiology of dengue in medium-sized cities. Such information can be extended to diseases such as Zika and Chikungunya, which are transmitted by the same vector and were reported in the city. The intensification of surveillance efforts in periods before epidemics could be a strategy to be considered to control the viral spread

    Dengue in Araraquara, state of São Paulo: epidemiology, climate and Aedes aegypti infestation

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    ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE To describe the epidemiology of dengue in a medium-sized city in the state of São Paulo. METHODS Data, such as circulating serotypes, severe cases and deaths, age group, sex, among others, were obtained on reported and confirmed dengue cases in Araraquara, state of São Paulo, between 1991 and 2015. Climatic and infestation data were also analyzed. These variables were evaluated descriptively, using statistical measures such as frequencies, averages, minimum and maximum. Dengue incidence rates were calculated according to month, year, age and sex, and time series of dengue cases, infestation, and climatic variables. RESULTS Approximately 16,500 cases of dengue fever were reported between 1991 and 2015. The highest number of reports was recorded in 2015 (7,811 cases). In general, the age group with the highest number of reports is between 20 and 59 years old. The highest incidences, generally between March and May, occurred after the increase in rainfall and infestation in January. CONCLUSIONS Increased levels of infestation due to rainfall are reflected in incidence rates of the disease. It is fundamental to know the epidemiology of dengue in medium-sized cities. Such information can be extended to diseases such as Zika and Chikungunya, which are transmitted by the same vector and were reported in the city. The intensification of surveillance efforts in periods before epidemics could be a strategy to be considered to control the viral spread