55 research outputs found

    Morris Water Maze Learning in Two Rat Strains Increases the Expression of the Polysialylated Form of the Neural Cell Adhesion Molecule in the Dentate Gyrus But Has No Effect on Hippocampal Neurogenesis

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    In the current study, the authors investigated whether Morris water maze learning induces alterations in hippocampal neurogenesis or neural cell adhesion molecule (NCAM) polysialylation in the dentate gyrus. Two frequently used rat strains, Wistar and Sprague–Dawley, were trained in the spatial or the nonspatial version of the water maze. Both training paradigms did not have an effect on survival of newly formed cells that were labeled 7–9 days prior to the training or on progenitor proliferation in the subgranular zone. However, the granule cell layer of the spatially trained rats contained significantly more positive cells of the polysialylated form of the NCAM. These data demonstrate that Morris water maze learning causes plastic change in the dentate gyrus without affecting hippocampal neurogenesis.

    Contributo para a classificação climática de Portugal utilizando a metodologia de Novais

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    Objetivo da Investigação: O objetivo desse trabalho é a aplicação ao território português da metodologia de classificação climática utilizada por Novais (2019). Metodologia: Esta metodologia usa dados de reanálise ERA-Interim do algoritmo CHELSA, possibilitando um maior detalhe na informação climatológica da área de estudo e cria uma cascata multiescalar diversa consoante a escala espacial de análise pretendida possibilitando que à medida que aumentamos a escala espacial de análise consigamos observar as características específicas desses lugares. Para conseguir os valores de evapotranspiração potencial foi utilizado o método de Thornthwaite e Matter (1955). Os níveis hierárquicos considerados neste trabalho foram: (1º) Zona Climática, (2º) Clima Zonal, (3º) Domínio Climático, 4º) Subdomínio Climático, 5º) Tipo Climático e 6º) Subtipo Climático. Foram gerados dois modelos cartográficos no software Dinamica EGO. Os resultados obtidos foram convertidos em vetores e sobrepostos criando a base analítica para a definição das unidades climáticas em Portugal. Resultados: No território português foram identificados 3 domínios climáticos: Tropical Ameno, Subtropical e Temperado. Esses Domínios foram divididos em 4 subdomínios climáticos, considerando-se a quantidade de meses secos: úmido, semiúmido, semisseco e seco; localizados em 3 tipos Climáticos: o oceânico, o continental e o mediterrâneo. Por último, foram delimitados 125 subtipos climáticos a partir das unidades geomorfológicas. Originalidade/Valor: A delimitação espacial de cada um dos domínios e subdomínios climáticos em Portugal, resultantes desta metodologia, pode ser um complemento útil para tomada de decisão no ordenamento do território a várias escalas espaciais, além de dar mais um contributo para alargar o âmbito da aplicação desta metodologia ao continente europeu. Palavras-chave: Classificação Climática de Novais; reanálise climática; temperatura média do mês mais frio; quantidade de meses secos; modelagem climática.Research Purpose: The objective of this work is the application to the Portuguese of the climate classification methodology used by Novais (2019). Methodology: This methodology uses ERA-Interim reanalysis data of the CHELSA algorithm, enabling a greater detail in the climatological information of the study area and create a multiscale cascade depending on the spatial scale of the desired analysis allowing us to observe the specific characteristics of these places as we increase the spatial scale of the analysis. To obtain potential evapotranspiration values, the Thornthwaite and Matter (1955) method was used. The hierarchical levels considered in this study were: (1st) Climatic Zone, (2nd) Zonal Climate, (3rd) Climate Domain, 4th) Climatic Subdomain, 5th) Climatic Type and 6th) Climatic Subtype. Two cartographic models were generated in the Dynamic EGO software. The results obtained were converted into vectors and overlapped creating the analytical basis for the definition of climate types in Portugal. Findings: In the Portuguese climate domains were identified: Tropical Ameno, Subtropical and Temperate. These domains were divided into 4 climatic subdomains, considering the amount of dry months: wet, semi-humid, semi-dry and dry; located in 3 Climatic Types: the oceanic, the continental and the Mediterranean. Finally, 125 climatic subtypes were delimited from the geomorphological units. Originality/Value: The spatial delimitation of each of the climate areas and subdomains in Portugal, resulting from this methodology, can be a useful complement to support the decision-making of spatial planning at various spatial scales in addition to making another contribution to extendthe scope of the application of this methodology to the European continent. Keywords: Climate Classification of Novais; climate reanalysis; average temperature of the coldest month; amount of dry months; climate modeling

    A dyadic perspective on parent-child dyadic coping in children with a chronic condition

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    Objective: In this study, we examined the extent to which parents and their children with a chronic condition communicate their stress to one another and whether stress communication is associated with different forms of dyadic coping. Methods: In a sample of 239 parent-child dyads, self-reported stress communication and different forms of perceived dyadic coping (i.e., emotion-oriented, problem-oriented, and negative dyadic coping) were assessed using a cross-sectional design. Results: We first found that children's stress communication was positively associated with more positive (r = 0.28, p < .001) and less negative dyadic coping responses by children (r = −0.22, p < .001). Children's stress communication was also associated with more positive (r = 0.52, r = 0.45, p's < 0.001), and less negative dyadic coping responses by parents (r = −0.19, p < .001). Using dyadic data of children with a chronic condition and their parents, we found that more stress communication of children was associated with healthier coping responses of both children (perceived emotion-oriented dyadic coping: β = 0.23, p < .001) and parents (perceived emotion-oriented dyadic coping: β = 0.33, p < .001; perceived problem-oriented dyadic coping: β = 0.22, p < .001). Conclusion: This underscores the importance of communication and adaptive coping strategies of parents and children in the context of a child's chronic condition. These findings may help us find ways to support children and their parents to optimally communicate about and deal with their stress

    Dose finding study for on-demand HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis for insertive sex in sub-Saharan Africa: results from the CHAPS open label randomised controlled trial

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    BACKGROUND: The efficacy of on-demand HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) for men in sub-Saharan Africa has not been evaluated, and the on-demand PrEP dosing requirement for insertive sex remains unknown. METHODS: HIV-negative males 13-24 years, requesting voluntary medical male circumcision (VMMC), were enrolled into an open-label randomised controlled trial (NCT03986970), and randomised 1:1:1:1:1:1:1:1:1 to control arm or one of eight arms receiving emtricitabine-tenofovir disoproxil fumarate (F/TDF) or emtricitabine-tenofovir alafenamide (F/TAF) over one or two days, and circumcised 5 or 21 h thereafter. The primary outcome was foreskin p24 concentrations following ex vivo HIV-1BaL challenge. Secondary outcomes included peripheral blood mononuclear cell (PBMC) p24 concentration, and drug concentrations in foreskin tissue, PBMCs, plasma and foreskin CD4+/CD4-cells. In the control arm, post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) activity of non-formulated tenofovir-emtricitabine (TFV-FTC) or TAF-FTC was assessed with ex vivo dosing 1, 24, 48 or 72 h post-HIV-1 challenge. FINDINGS: 144 participants were analysed. PrEP with F/TDF or F/TAF prevented ex vivo infection of foreskins and PBMCs both 5 and 21 h after PrEP dosing. There was no difference between F/TDF and F/TAF (p24day15 geometric mean ratio 1.06, 95% confidence interval: 0.65-1.74). Additional ex vivo dosing did not further increase inhibition. In the control arm, PEP ex vivo dosing was effective up to 48 post-exposure diminishing thereafter, with TAF-FTC showing prolonged protection compared to TFV-FTC. Participants receiving F/TAF had higher TFV-DP concentrations in foreskin tissue and PBMCs compared with F/TDF, irrespective of dose and sampling interval; but F/TAF did not confer preferential TFV-DP distribution into foreskin HIV target cells. FTC-TP concentrations with both drug regimens were equivalent and ∼1 log higher than TFV-DP in foreskin. INTERPRETATION: A double dose of either F/TDF or F/TAF given once either 5 or 21 h before ex vivo HIV-challenge provided protection across foreskin tissue. Further clinical evaluation of pre-coital PrEP for insertive sex is warranted. FUNDING: EDCTP2, Gilead Sciences, Vetenskapsrådet

    Modelling ofthe Worm and Gear Set With Regard to Strength Analysis with Finite Element Method

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    Culturele diversiteit in lesmethodes Nederlands

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    Lesmethodes Nederlands presenteren de Nederlandse waarden en tradities veelal als norm. Hierdoor kunnen leerlingen met een migratieachtergrond zich niet goed identificeren met deze leergangen