53 research outputs found

    Macroeconomic Evolution in Romania’s Development Regions within the Current Economic- Financial Crisis

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    Development disparities between regions and within Romania have existed both in the period before Romania joined the European Union and after January 1, 2007. This phenomenon has gained momentum because of the impact of economic restructuring, particularly in mono-industrial areas, whose population has been affected by unemployment due to closure of unprofitable state enterprises. Financial crisis and economic impact of accession on growth in the eight development regions of Romania in 2007 produced no changes in their rankings as the index of regional disparity, even though for some, its value has increased from 2006. This paper presents a comparative analysis of developments in macroeconomic indicators in developing regions of Romania.development regions, administrative-territorial structures, regional disparities, aging, educational level

    Methods of Analysis and Evaluation of the Bankruptcy Risk

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    The profitableness of an enterprise cannot be appreciated irrespective of the risks wherewith this is confronting, risks corresponding to economic and financial profitableness: the economic risk, carried out into organizational lever effect and the financial risk, in terms of the negative lever. The financial lever deepens the economic risk, turning into a greater vulnerability of treasury (to the outgoings concerning the interest, those of loan’s reimbursement are added), which finally generates the enterprise’s inability of payment, meaning the bankruptcy risk.Profitableness, risk, bankruptcy, analysis, evaluation


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    This study aims at presenting a new computation index, which simultaneously measures the time and space variation of the various economic indices. The elaboration method of the space-time index is based on a matrix construct, the time and space variation of the analyzed economic index being represented via a system of vectors in plane. The practical application of the compound index is exemplified by employing the data on the growth rate of the GDP/inhabitant, calculated for two spatial entities: Romania and the European Union, for the period 1999-2008. The obtained findings confirm the fact that the proposed space-time index is a good analysis tool for the measurement of the time and space variation related to the various economic indices, as well as for testing the economic convergence for discrete time moments.space-time index; convergence; economic shock.

    Lamboul interosos posterior antebrahial

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    Background. The posterior interosseous forearm flap appeared as an option for upper limb reconstruction with priority on the hand. Being vascularized by the posterior interosseous vessels of the forearm, this flap can be used even when the ulnar or radial vessels are damaged. Objective of the study. To improve the results of the treatment of tissue defects in the hand by using the posterior antebrachial island flap. Material and Methods. In 12 patients treated using this flap, we studied the following items: age, sex, morphological component, size, direction of migration, location of defects and functional outcomes. Results. Using the posterior interosseous forearm flap, a complete regeneration was obtained, total recovery of the function of the forearm and the hand with the movements in a complete volume. Depending on the sex, we had 8 men and 4 women, aged between 28-71 years. The flaps covered defects with an average area of about 35 cm2 and were migrated on the forearm from one patient to the remaining 11 patients in the hand regions. In all cases they were harvested in the fasciocutaneous composition. The registered complications were manifested by transient local infections in 3 patients. Conclusion. The posterior interosseous flap can be migrated with fasciocutaneous components to different parts of the forearm and hand to cover soft tissue defects, with satisfactory surgical and functional outcome and minimal complications. Introducere. Lamboul interosos posterior antebrahial a apărut drept o opțiune pentru reconstrucția membrului superior cu prioritate la nivelul mâinii. Fiind vascularizat de vasele interosoase posterioare ale antebrațului, acest lambou poate fi utilizat chiar când vasele ulnare sau radiale sunt lezate. Scopul lucrării. Îmbunătățirea rezultatelor tratamentului defectelor tisulare la nivelul mâinii prin utilizarea lamboului insular antebrahial posterior. Material și Metode. La 12 pacienți tratați prin utilizarea acestui lambou am studiat următorii itimi: vârsta, sexul, componenta morfologică, dimensiunile, direcția de migrare, localizarea defectelor și rezultatele funcționale. Rezultate. Utilizând lamboul interosos posterior antebrahial, s-a obținut o regenerare completă, recuperare totală a funcției antebrațului și a mâinii cu mișcările într-un volum complet. În funcție de sexe am avut 8 bărbați și 4 femei, cu vârste între 28-71 ani. Lambourile au acoperit defecte cu o suprafață medie de cca 35 cm2 și au fost migrate pe antebraț la un pacient, la restul 11 pacienți pe regiunile mâinii. În toate cazurile au fost recoltate în componența fasciocutanată. Complicațiile înregistrate s-au manifestat prin infecții locale tranzitorii la 3 pacienți. Concluzii. Lamboul interosos posterior antebrahial poate fi migrat cu componente fasciocutanate, în diferite părți ale antebrațului și mâinii pentru acoperirea defectelor țesuturilor moi, cu rezultat chirurgical și funcțional satisfăcător și complicații minime

    Sources and emission of greenhouse gases in Danube Delta lakes

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    Production of methane and carbon dioxide as well as methane concentrations in surface waters and emissions to the atmosphere were investigated in two flow-through lake complexes (Uzlina-Isac and Puiu-Rosu-Rosulet) in the Danube Delta during post-flood conditions in May and low water level in September 2006. Retained nutrients fuelled primary production and remineralisation of bioavailable organic matter. This led to an observable net release of methane, particularly in the lakes Uzlina, Puiu and Rosu in May. Input from the Danube River, from redbuds and benthic release contributed to CH4 concentrations in surface waters. In addition to significant river input of CO2, this trace gas was released via aerobic remineralisation within the water column and in top sediments. Emission patterns of CO2 widely overlapped with those of CH4. Generally, greenhouse gas emissions peaked in the lake complex adjacent to the Danube River in May due to strong winds and decreased with increasing hydrological distance from the Danube River. Intense remineralisation of organic matter in the Danube Delta lakes results in a net source of atmospheric greenhouse gase

    Antibiotic resistance of Enterobacteriaceae strains responsible for urinary tract infections

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    Catedra Microbiologie, Virusologie şi Imunologie, USMF „Nicolae Testemiţanu”, Secţia Urologie, SCAMU mun. ChişinăuThe aim of this retrospective study has consisted in analysing the resistance to antibiotics of the germs from the Enterobacteriaceae family involved in urinary infections. The ethiological spectrum of urinary tract infections was dominated by Escherichia coli species (62,69%), followed, with lower percenteges, by Proteus spp., Klebsiella spp. and Enterobacter spp. All the 42 isolated Enterobacteriaceae strains have presented different levels of resistance to antibiotics. The sensitivity to imipenem and meropenem was higher in all the analyzed strains. Scopul acestui studiu retrospectiv a constat în analiza rezistenţei la antibiotice a germenilor din familia Enterobacteriaceae implicaţi în infecţii urinare. Spectrul etiologic al infecţiilor tractului urinar a fost dominat de Escherichia coli (62,69%), urmat, cu un procent mai mic, de Proteus spp., Klebsiella spp. şi Enterobacter spp. Toate tulpinile izolate de enterobacterii au prezentat niveluri diferit de rezistenţă la antibiotice. O sensibilitate marcată a fost înregistrată faţă de imipenem şi meropenem la toate tulpinile analizate


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    This paper presents the use of a robotic arm PLC Siemens in order not using CNC commands. This is done by programming the PLC ladder diagram language that makes movement on the three axes of the arm by means of stepper motors. Required command console PLC is built with the help of a touch screen HMI Weintek. In the user interface are introduced distances and displacement speeds on the three axes

    Mass-Media Impact on non- and Post SARS COV2 Infection Anxious Disorders

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    How is the dependency spiral triggered? It might start by looking either for pleasure or escape. In either case, the time spent in front of a screen leads to a pleasant, dopamine-mediated experience. The desire to repeat the use is further fuelled by the physiological process of tolerance and addiction. This is how things unfold in screen dependence (mass-media) when socialization, games, movies are concerned. Things look entirely different when the need for information is taken into consideration. What is the need for information’s threshold? Information is not the same thing as the learning process. The fourth power in the state is the MEDIA. In mass-media, information relies on amazement, emotional shock, fear. Media feeds on powerful emotions. Are we all victims of such emotions? As of December 2019, until the present, mass-media information focused on the medical and social issue of the coronavirus pandemics. How have we been affected by this information? What was its impact on our anxiety? How was the perception on reality of the people who had the disease altered? In order to get a few answers, we applied a series of questionnaires to a batch of 30 people who had the SARS COV2 infection and to a batch of 20 people who haven’t yet contracted the virus. Used material: - Coronavirus anxiety questionnaire www.researchcentral.ro- Mass-media dependency questionnaire www.researchcentral.ro- SRGS posttraumatic development scale; Crystal Park, Lawrence Cohen and Renee MurchThe summarized data indicates that the people from the batch who was infected with cu SARS COV2 have a high anxiety level, a minimum level of mass-media dependency and a maximum SRGS level. In the batch of people who have not contracted the disease, the majority has a medium towards maximum anxiety level, minimum mass-media dependency. The people in both batches unanimously asserted they felt oversaturated with the media information, although a year ago they could have declared themselves as addicted to such type of information. Considering that the questioned people suffered minimum manifestation forms of the disease, the high scores obtained in SRGS could only be justified if this disease were correlated to a major psychic disease.</em

    The phenomenon of antibiotic resistance and people's knowledge

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    Introduction. Antibiotic resistance occurs when bacteria evolve to resist the effects of antibiotics that were previously effective in treating bacterial infections. This can happen when antibiotics are overused or misused, as well as in other situations where bacteria are exposed to antibiotics over a long period of time. Antibiotic resistance is a major global health concern, as it can lead to infections that are difficult or impossible to treat, causing prolonged illness, disability, and death. Aim. Studying the level of knowledge of the population with reference to the phenomenon of antibiotic resistance. Material and methods. For this study, open access international information resources were analyzed using PubMed, Hinari, Google Scholar databases. The search was conducted using key words in English and Romanian: "antibiotic resistance", "KAP population", "antimicrobials". Reference period – the last ten years. Rezults. Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is a growing global health threat that has been recognized as one of the most urgent challenges facing public health today. Antibiotics are a type of antimicrobial drug used to treat bacterial infections. So, people in the world know antibiotics are one of the most commonly prescribed classes of drugs worldwide. They are used to treat a wide range of bacterial infections, including pneumonia, tuberculosis, and urinary tract infections. It is known that overuse and misuse of antibiotics is a major problem around the world. This can lead to the development of antibiotic-resistant bacteria, which can make it more difficult to treat infections and increase the risk of serious complications. In some interviews, people answered that antibiotic resistance is a growing global health threat that has been recognized as one of the most urgent challenges facing public health today. It can lead to a prolonged illness, disability, and death, and it has the potential to render many of our current antibiotic treatments ineffective. The same people know that antibiotics are also widely used in agriculture, particularly in animal agriculture. This can contribute to the development of antibiotic-resistant bacteria and increase the risk of transmission to humans. Although, the development of new antibiotics has been slow in recent years due to a range of factors, including the high cost and lengthy development process. However, there is a need for new antibiotics to combat the rising problem of antibioticresistant bacteria. It is worth noting that people's knowledge and attitudes towards antibiotic resistance in low- and middle-income countries can vary depending on a number of factors, including levels of education, awareness, and access to healthcare. However, in general, there is growing recognition of the problem of antibiotic resistance in low- and middle-income countries, and efforts are being made to raise awareness and address the issue. Conclusions. In general, raising awareness and educating the public about antibiotic resistance is important in order to help prevent the spread of resistant bacteria and ensure that antibiotics remain effective for future generations

    "Phage treatment and wetland technology as intervention strategy to prevent dissemination of antibiotic resistance in surface waters”- a project launch in low - middle income countries of Eastern Europe

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    Introduction. Antimicrobial resistance is a widespread and tough challenge, if not impossible, to limit by biological, physical or geographical barriers. This is the reason behind the "One Health" approach, which guides all rules and research plans on antimicrobial resistance worldwide. The abusive and excessive use of antimicrobials in human medicine, veterinary practices, agriculture and aquaculture has traditionally been considered the main reason for the global spread of antimicrobial resistance. The purpose was to assess the epidemiological risk of wastewater as a source of antimicrobial-resistant bacteria concerning public health, focusing on low - and middle-income Eastern European countries. Material and methods. To achieve this goal, the development of a secure, cost effective and sustainable technology has been planned, which could easily be introduced in low- and middle-income countries. There have been outlined the following steps: mapping the consumption of antimicrobial emulsions at the national level (primary, cross-sectional study, complete sampling, based on imported data and centralized public acquirement of medicines); research regarding the knowledge, attitudes and practices of the population on antimicrobial resistance (primary, cross-sectional, descriptive study); qualitative and descriptive evaluation of barriers to reduce the phenomenon of antimicrobial resistance by the healthcare services; research regarding the knowledge, attitudes and practices in human and veterinary healthcare on antimicrobial resistance (primary, cross sectional, descriptive study); screening and investigation of the microbial resistance mechanisms to the strains isolated from patients with infectious pathological processes (preclinical study); analysis of the specific features and sampling of the Constructed Wetlands in Orhei (preclinical study). The Ethics Committee of Ministry of Health of RM positively approved the Research PhageLand. Results. The obtained results of this research will contribute to a better understanding of the involved factors that are generating the broadening of antimicrobial resistance and how they influence the transmission among different hosts (bacteria, animals and humans). Moreover, it can also have a major impact to the engineering field and wastewater management companies by expanding the range of tools with sophisticated technologies, designed to reduce the risk of transmitting antimicrobial resistance in wastewater and improve sewerage practices. Conclusions. The effective use of knowledge and practices in the worldwide fight against antimicrobial resistance, providing useful data, applicable knowledge, efficient, environmentally friendly and cost-effective protocols and technologies, which can be scaled, implemented and used at the European and international levels with no economic or geographical obstacles. Acknowledgment. The research was conducted in the Republic of Moldova within the JPIAMR projects (PhageLand), project number – 22.80013.8007.