46 research outputs found


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    Comprehensive information in natural disaster area is essential to prevent and mitigate people from further damage that might occur before and after such event. Mapping this area is one way to comprehend the situation when disaster strikes. Remote sensing data have been widely used along with GIS to create a susceptibility map. The objective of this study was to develop existing landslides susceptibility map by integrating optical satellite images of Landsat ETM and ASTER with Japanese Earth Resource Satellites (JERS-1) Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) data complemented by ground GPS and feature measurement into a Geographical Information Systems (GIS) platform. The study area was focused on a landslide event occurred on 26 March 2004 in Jeneberang Watershed of South Sulawesi, Indonesia. Change detection analysis was used to extract thematic information and the technique of Differential SAR Interferometry (DInSAR) was employed to detect slight surface displacement before the landslide event. The DInSAR processed images would be used to add as one weighted analysis factor in creating landslide susceptibility map. The result indicated that there was a slight movement of the slope prior to the event of landslide during the JERS-1 SAR data acquisition period of 1993-199

    Coastline changes monitoring using satellite images of Makassar Coastal Areas

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    Coastal areas have been the target of rapid urban development in most large cities in Indonesia. Makassar City, the capital city of the South Sulawesi Province, is undeniably a fast growing city both economically and spatially. Especially the western coast of this city is rapidly growing in the form of coastal reclamation to accommodate the extension of settlement. This situation will continue in association with the social needs pursuing development to have better living conditions. As the number of population increases, industries have been triggered to provide new open areas for business and construction, and this situation inevitably demands spaces. Unfortunately the purposes of spatial planning of the city have not always been followed by the actual situations of spatial development. The coastline has changed drastically, with concentrated changes being observed along the coastline of Makassar beach such as at Tanjung Bayam and Losari Beach. In this study, we use Landsat satellite images acquired from 1990 to 2010 and Ikonos high-resolution, time-series images to monitor the coastline changes of the city. The interpretation is validated with the ground observations in survey campaigns conducted in some of the target areas. The temporal changes seen in the satellite time series are evaluated using newly developed software appropriate for raster images. The result of the present study strongly suggests that the human activity and coastal physical aspects are influencing the geomorphological changes in this city especially along the coastline of the city. This study is expected to contribute in the future city planning of Makassar when considering which areas to be developed for what purposes with better prioritization

    The Influence of Competency and Compensation on Employee Performance at PT. Berkah Bersama Gemilang Outlet Hertasning Branch

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    This research aims to analyze the influence of competency and compensation on employee performance at PT. Berkah Bersama Gemilang Outlet Hertasning Branch. The research method uses qualitative and quantitative data, with descriptive analysis and multiple linear regression. The research results show that competency and compensation have a positive and significant influence on employee performance in the branch. Competency, as a combination of knowledge, skills and attitudes, helps improve employee performance. Fair and appropriate compensation, including salary and bonuses, also has a positive impact on performance.Through regression testing, it was found that competence and compensation together contributed positively to employee performance. Statistical analysis shows that the coefficient of determination reaches 80.6%, indicating that competence and compensation explain variations in employee performance of that magnitude. The F test also shows the joint significance of the two independent variables on the dependent variable.These findings are in line with related theories, supporting the view that increasing competence and providing fair compensation can increase employee morale. Therefore, companies are advised to continue to improve employee competency and ensure a compensation system that is transparent and in line with performance contributions. This research contributes to the understanding of the factors that influence employee performance in certain industries, as well as providing a basis for the development of more effective human resource management policies


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    Geologically, the Lake Matano area is an area of laterite deposits, where in these deposits there are heavy metal geochemical elements that can have a negative impact on the environment. This research was conducted in three rivers that surround the area and empties into Lake Matano, with the aim of analyzing the geochemical behavior of heavy metals in soil. The method used includes a literature study and observing the results of previous studies and testing the content of heavy metals with the AAS tool. The results showed the behavior of heavy metals in the soil around Lake Matano in the three rivers where metals that exceeded the critical number were Fe, Mn, Cu, Co, Ni. and which is still below the critical number limit is Cr metal. The presence of heavy metals in the soil at the research site is caused by the results of the disposal of waste from mining activities and anthropogenic activities where the end of the disposal goes directly to the ground so that the heavy metals contained in the disposal will enter the soil and experience contamination in nature so that the existing organic compounds have undergone degradation

    Perencanaan Stabilitas Lereng Timbunan untuk Perbaikan Saluran Irigasi Sugih, Desa Cibedug, Kecamatan Ciawi, Kab. Bogor

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    Abstrak. Saluran irigasi Sugih yang terletak di Desa Cibedug, Kecamatan Ciawi, Kabupaten Bogor sudah tidak dapat berfungsi pasca terjadinya longsoran di kawasan tersebut pada akhir tahun 2020. Longsoran tersebut sampai saat ini belum dilakukan perbaikan. Ratusan hektar sawah di Kp. Turki Rt 01 Rw 03 Desa Cibedug dipastikan gagal panen pada musim ini. Saluran irigasi Sugih yang diandalkan oleh warga untuk mengairi sawahnya terputus akibat bencana longsor. Tujuan dari penelitian adalah menganalisis sifat fisis dan mekanis tanah di saluran irigasi Sugih Desa Cibedug, Kecamatan Ciawi Kabupaten Bogor serta melakukan analisis stabilitas lereng dengan Metode Bishop Disederhanakan (Simplified Bishop Method) dan menggunakan aplikasi Autocad 2018 untuk mendapatkan perencanaan stabilitas lereng dan timbunan tanah yang diperlukan. Hasil analisis sifat fisis, mekanis didapatkan nilai parameter tanah. Berat isi tanah kering (gdry) 13,60 kN/m3, berat isi (g) rata rata sebesar 2,18 gr/cm3, nilai sudut nilai geser tanah (f) sebesar 26,19Ëš dan nilai lekatan antara partikel tanah kohesi (c) sebesar 0,09 kN/m2,pada software Autocad 2018 didapatkan dimensi lereng 1 : 1, volume galian sebesar 1.594 m3,timbunan sebesar 1.830,26 m3 dan luasan longsoran sebesar 1.000,30 m2. Berdasarkan perhitungan menggunakan Metode Bishop Disederhanakan didapatkan nilai faktor keamanan (safety factor) 1,83 sehingga lereng yang direncanakan tersebut stabil.Embankment Slope Stability Planning for Sugih Irrigation Channel Improvement, Cibedug Village, Ciawi District, Bogor RegencyAbstract. The Sugih irrigation channel which is located in Cibedug Village, Ciawi District, Bogor Regency is no longer functioning after the landslide occurred in the area at the end of 2020. Until now, the landslide has not been repaired. Hundreds of hectares of rice fields in Kp. Turki Rt 01 Rw 03, Cibedug Village is confirmed to have failed crops this season. The Sugih irrigation channel that residents rely on to irrigate their fields was cut off due to landslides. The purpose of the study was to analyze the physical and mechanical properties of the soil in the Sugih irrigation channel of Cibedug Village, Ciawi District, Bogor Regency and to analyze the slope stability using the simplified Bishop method and use the Autocad 2018 application to obtain the required slope stability and soil fill plan. The results of the analysis of physical and mechanical properties obtained soil parameter values. Dry soil fill weight (gdry) 13.60 kN/m3, bulk density (g) average of 2.18 g/cm3, angular value of soil shear value (f) of 26.19Ëš and the value of coherence between cohesion soil particles (c) 0.09 kN/m2, in the Autocad 2018 software a 1: 1 slope dimension is obtained the excavation volume of 1,594 m3, an embankment of 1,830.26 m3 and landslide area of 1,000.30 m2. Based on calculations using the simplified Bishop Method, it is obtained the value of the safety factor (safety factor) 1.83 so that the planned slope is stable


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    Abstract: The purpose of this study was to describe the creative thinking process of students' field-independent cognitive style in solving mathematical problems related to the circumference of a flat shape. The method used was descriptive qualitative. The subjects of this study were class VIII students who had a field-independent cognitive style based on the Group Embedded Figure Test (GEFT). Data were obtained through \ud tests, documentation, observation, and interviews. Data analysis was carried out using four creative thinking processes developed by Graham Walla, namely preparation, incubation, illumination, and verification. The results indicated that students could understand the problem well, tend to be quiet to find solutions, could design solutions that would be done by choosing ideas to be solved by modifying the knowledge they already have and applying designed ideas to solve problems. Therefore, students seemed to understand mathematical operations related to the circumference of plat shapes


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    Pengantar produk. Produk yang dihasilkan dari penelitian development research selama 3 tahun dengan mengacu teori pengembangan Plomp yang terdiri 5 tahap, yaitu: (1) tahap pengkajian awal; (2) tahap perancangan; (3) tahap realisasi/konstruksi (4) tahap tes, evaluasi dan revisi, dan (5) tahap implementasi. Penilaian validitas, kepraktisan, dan efektivitas menggunakan kriteria Nieveen adalah “Model pembelajaran LODECOD. Nama ini adalah akronim dari sintaks pembelajaran: opportunity to learning, dekomposisi genetik, conection, dan devlopmen creativity. Skema LODECO

    Developing Web-GIS for The Provincial Spatial Planning Database

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    ABSTRACT:\ud It is an undeniable fact that the advancement of information technology has provided an excellent\ud problem solving related to managing spatial information nowadays. Unfortunately the advancement of\ud this technology has not been used to the outmost due to the lack of implementation in the area of\ud Spatial and Regional Planning in Indonesia. Indonesian government has approved the Act No. 26 of\ud 2007 which has mandated all the provinces, districts, and the city should have the Spatial Plan and\ud Detailed Spatial Plan for development in the area can be properly implemented. To realize the\ud implementation of appropriate spatial planning law, local governments still have to face issues that are\ud considerably basic; this is the lack of human resources in the understanding and implementation of\ud spatial planning. On the other hand demands that society is based on the awareness of the function and\ud role of good spatial planning has also increased. Based on these facts an application where the spatial\ud arrangement can be acceptable to all parties needed to be supported by regular, consistent, and\ud sustainable efforts. One of the efforts is developed by this study, namely developing the Provincial\ud Spatial Planning Database System (Sistem Informasi Tata Ruang, SIMTARU) through Regional\ud Spatial Development Implementation in South Sulawesi Province which is activity-based WEB GIS\ud database preparation. This activity is closely associated with aspects of land use district / city in the\ud province of South Sulawesi. The application system is developed to focus on the data collectivity and\ud the enhancement of the system capability. Data collectivity includes entry and data integration\ud compiled by the operators to the users. The main emphasis of this database development study is more\ud on data base management systems and WEB GIS application program. Data were collected and\ud integrated into a system of basic data of a general nature, such as base maps, satellite image data, map\ud forest areas and public infrastructure data and its attributes. The challenge of this study is to publish\ud the database to the web using programming language of PHP-Mapserver and continuously updating\ud the database. Coordination among the sub provincial level (kabupaten) is highly concerned in the data\ud collectivity. In conclusion, some functions of spatial analysis in the system have not been developed to\ud the fullest which is therefore there are a lot of spares for further development

    Laporan Penelitian: Pengembangan Model Pembelajaran Matematika Berbasis Pengajuan Masalah untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Berpikir Kreatif Mahasiswa Calon Guru

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    SUMMARY THE DEVELOPMENT OF PROBLEM POSING-BASED MATHEMATICS INSTRUCTIONAL MODEL TO IMPROVE THE ABILITY OF CREATIVE THINKING OF STUDENTS AS PROSPECTIVE TEACHERS (PMP2MK), ALIMUDDIN, YEAR 2012, NUMBER OF PAGES: 74 One of higher level of thinking types that currently attracts keen attention of cognitive psychologists and becomes educational goal of each country is creative thinking or creativity. At least, there are two reasons for that, namely 1) the ability to think creatively is very important for individual to possess, and 2) creative thinking can be improved through training. Indonesia as a developing country realizes that to become a developed country and parallel to other developed countries, it is needed creatively human resources. Therefore, the ability to think creatively is accounted for national education goal that is embedded in Ministry Regulation No. 22 Year 2006. Vision 2025 of Ministry of Education and Culture explicitly states that creative is one of keywords that must be crystallized. Another concern that Ministry of Education and Culture looks is the existance of policy in case of character of nation culture. The impact of this policy is that teachers are demanded to develop characterbased-instructional package. One of its indicators is creativity. Practically, it is seen that creative ability of teachers and students of all educational levels are still low. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct a research in terms of creative thinking. Particularly, students as prospective teachers. It is because to create a creative student, it is needed a creative teacher, and to create a creative teacher, the ability of creative thinking of those prospective teachers has to be improved. In relation to this concern, the author himself conducted a research entitled The Development of Problem Posing-Based Mathematics Instructional Model to Improve the Ability of Creative Thinking of Students as Prospective Teachers (PMP2MK)”. This was aimed at developing problem posing-based-instructional model to improve the ability of creative thinking of students as prospective teachers (PMP2MK). In addition, to support the practicality of this model, it was also developed an instructional package. Particular targets expected within this study were: (i) Problem Posing-BasedMathematics Instructional Model to Improve the Ability of Creative Thinking of Students as Prospective Teachers (PMP2MK) in the form of model book; (ii) Prototype of Instructional Package to Support the Practicality of Teaching and Learning Activity by Using the PMP2MK Model. The intended instructional package was Lesson Plan (RPP), Student Worksheet (LKM), Student Book (BM), and Learning Achievement Test. Thus, to attain them, it was designed a developmental research by referring to as Kemp’s approach. The research conducted in the first year (year 2012) produced product as the following: (a) The validated framework prototype of PMP2MK model consisted of syntax, social system, reaction principle, supporting system, and instructional and nurturant effects along with underpinning theory of PMP2MK model; (b) The validated Prototype I of Student Book (BM), Student Worksheet (LKM), Lesson Plan (RPP), and Creativity Test in Mathematics Problem Solving. Henceforth, to produce a practical instructional model, it would be conducted a limited trial. This is planned for the next 2 year of this study. Whereas, to obtain an effective instructional model, it would be followed up with an experimental research as a crystallization of implementation of the developed instructional model. This is planned for the next 3 nd rd year of this study