25 research outputs found

    Macromorphological characteristics of Salvia amplexicaulis Lam., S. jurisicii Košanin and S. ringens Sibth. & Sm. (Lamiaceae), chemical composition and biological activity of their essential oils and extracts

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    Ovo istraživanje je sprovedeno u cilju dobijanja podataka o mikromorfološkim, anatomskim i hemijskim karakteristikama i biološkim dejstvima tri vrste žalfija iz Makedonije (Salvia amplexicaulis, S. jurisicii i S. ringens). Uzorci navedenih vrsta potvrgnuti su mikromorfološkim, anatomskim i citološkim analizama po prvi put, a zatim je sprovedeno sveobuhvatno ispitivanje hemijskog sastava i antioksidativne, antimikrobne, citotoksične i antineurodegenerativne aktivnosti njihovih etarskih ulja i ekstrakata. Mikromorfološke, anatomske i citološke analize vegetativnih i generativnih organa odabranih biljaka izvedene su upotrebom svetlosne i elektronske mikroskopije (skenirajuće i transmisione). Analizirane vrste poseduju bifacijalne, hipostromatične ili amfistomatične listove sa stomama paracitnog tipa i kolenhimom distribuiranim uz glavni nerv na abaksijalnoj strani. S. jurisicii i S. amplexicaulis poseduju četvorougaona, a S. ringens okruglo stablo. Vegetativni i generativni organi analiziranih vrsta nose raznovrsne neglandularne i glandularne - peltatne, kapitatne i digitiformne trihome. Broj ćelija sekretorne glavice pelatnih trihoma je varirao među analiziranim vrstama. „Niske“ kapitatne trihome (Tip I) su uočene kod sve tri vrste, dok su „visoke“ kapitatne trihome (Tip II) bile prisutne samo na cvetnim delovima S. ringens. Digitiformne trihome su nađene na listovima S. ringens i S. jurisicii. Orašice S. jurisicii i S. ringens su bile sferičnog, a S. amplexicaulis prolatno-sferičnog oblika, dok je ornamentacija površine orašica sve tri vrste okarakterisana kao retikulatna. Sitnije orašice S. amplexicaulis i S. jurisicii su osluznjavale nakon 15 minuta, a krupnije orašice S. ringens tek nakon 45 minuta. S. ringens poseduje heksakolpatna, radijalno simetrična i izopolarna polenova zrna, prolatnog oblika i sa biretikulatnom ornamentacijom egzine. U bazi plodnika S. ringens su uočljive floralne nektarije u obliku prstena...This study was carried out in order to obtain data on anatomical, micromorphological and phytochemical characteristics as well as biological activities of three sage species originating from Macedonia (Salvia amplexicaulis, S. jurisicii and S. ringens). Plant material of these species was analyzed from anatomical, micromorphological and cytological point of view for the first time. Subsequently, their essential oils and extracts were subjected to comprenhensive investigation of chemical composition and antioxidative, antimcrobial, cytotoxic and antineurodegenerative effects. Analyses of anatomical, micromorphological and cytological characteristics of vegetative and generative plant organs were performed using light microscopy, scanning and transmission electron microscopy. The leaves of analyzed species are bifacial, hypoand amfistomatic, with paracytic stomata and collenchyma distributed in the midrib on abaxial side. Stems of S. jurisicii and S. amplexicaulis are quadriangular in cross-section, while stem of S. ringens is round-shaped. Vegetative and generative organs of examined species bear a variety of non-glandular and glandular trihomes, including peltate, capitate and digitifom ones. Secretory head cells varied between different species. „Short“ capitate trihomes (Type I) had been noticed in all of species, while „long“ capitate trihomes (Type II) were present only in floral parts of S. ringens. Digitiform trihomes were found in S. jurisicii and S. ringens leaves. S. jurisicii and S. ringens have spherical and S. amplexicaulis prolate-spherical nutlets. Ornamentation of nutlets surfaces were characterized as reticulate. Mixocarpy was observed 15 minutes after wetting in smaller nutlets of S. amplexicaulis and S. jurisicii and after 45 minutes in larger S. ringens nutlets. Pollen grains of S. ringens are prolate, hexacolpate, radially simmetric, isopolar, with bireticulate egzine ornamentation..

    The in vitro antioxidative and cytotoxic effects of selected Salvia species water extracts

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    The current paper presents antioxidant and cytotoxic activities and total phenolic and flavonoid content of the selected species of genus Salvia (Lamiaceae) growing wild in Macedonia (S. jurisicii Kosanin, S. amplexicaulis Lam., S. ringens Sibth. & Sm.) and Libya (S. fruticosa Mill. and S. lanigera Poir.). Crude water extracts, obtained from aerial parts, were yielded from 6.50 to 14.32%. Total phenolic content was the highest in water extracts of S. amplexicaulis and S. ringens (226.30 and 189.01 mg GAE/g, respectively), while the flavonoids were the most abundant in S. jurisicii extract (32.36 mg QE/g). Antioxidant activities of extracts were measured using DPPH, ABTS and FRAP assays. S. amplexicaulis and S. ringens extracts showed the strongest antioxidant activity, measured using DPPH (14.21 and 23.44 mu g/mL, respectively) and ABTS assays (2.91 and 2.42 mg AAE/g, respectively). In FRAP assay, S. amplexicaulis and S. fruticosa extracts exhibited strongest activity (1406.73 and 1191.51 mu mol Fe(II)/g). Water extract of S. amplexicaulis and S. ringens performed the strongest cytotoxic activity against K562 cells (151.07 and 173.06 mu g/mL, respectively). Based on these findings, it can be concluded that S. amplexicaulis and S. ringens water extracts could be considered as possible source of antioxidant and cytotoxic agents

    Micromorphology and ultrastructure of trichomes of Libyan Salvia fruticosa Mill.

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    Micromorphological and ultrastructural analyses of the leaf trichomes of Salvia fruticosa Mill. were performed by light and electron microscopy. The leaves bear numerous non-glandular unbranched trichomes, and peltate, capitate and digitiform glandular trichomes. Very elongated flagelliform non-glandular trichomes densely covered the leaf surfaces, with especially abundance on the leaf margins. Peltate trichomes consist of a basal epidermal cell, a very short stalk cell and a large round head of eight secretory cells arranged in a circle. Capitate trichomes can be divided into two main types, short-stalked and long-stalked, and further into five subtypes according to the number of stalk cells, morphology and number of glandular head cells. Digitiform trichomes consist of one basal cell, one or two stalk cells and one apical secretory cell, which are of similar diameter and approximately equal length.Projekat ministarstva br. 173029 i br. 17301

    Chemical Profiling and Assessment of Antineurodegenerative and Antioxidant Properties of Veronica teucrium L. and Veronica jacquinii Baumg.

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    Neuroprotective potential of V. teucrium and V. jacquinii methanol extracts was analyzed. Chemical analysis of investigated extracts showed the presence of phenolic acid derivatives, flavonoids and one secoiridoid. The detected flavonoids derived from flavones (luteolin and isoscutellarein in V. jacquinii; apigenin, isoscutellarein and luteolin in V. teucrium) and flavonol (quercetin in V. jacquinii). Acteoside was the dominant compound in V. jacquinii, while plantamajoside and isoscutellarein 7-O-(6‴-O-acetyl)-ß-allosyl (1‴?2‴)-ß-glucoside were the major phenolics in V. teucrium. Additionally, the antineurodegenerative activity was tested at concentrations of 25, 50, and 100 µg/ml using acetylcholinesterase (AChE) and tyrosinase (TYR) assays. The inhibition of both enzymes was achieved with the investigated extracts, ranging from 22.78 to 35.40% for AChE and from 9.57 to 16.38% for TYR. There was no statistical difference between the activities of the analyzed extracts. Our data indicate that V. teucrium and V. jacquinii may have beneficial effects against Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease.The authors are grateful to Fundac ~ao para a Ci^encia e a Tecnologia (FCT, Portugal) for financial support to CIMO (strategic project PEst-OE/AGR/UI0690/2011). J. C. M. Barreira and M. I. Dias thank FCT, POPH-QREN, and FSE for their grants (SFRH/BPD/72802/2010 and SFRH/BD/84485/2012, respectively). The GIP-USAL is financially supported by the Spanish Government through the project AGL2015-64522-C2-2-R. The authors are also grateful to the Serbian Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development for financial support (Grant Numbers 173032, 173029, and 46013).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Clinopodium L. Taxa from the Balkans - Are There Unique Leaf Micromorphological and Phytochemical Patterns?

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    The concept of the genus Clinopodium L. has changed considerably since its first description. Most of the currently accepted species of the genus have traditionally been treated as separate genera in the group Satureja sensu lato: Clinopodium L., Calamintha sensu Miller or Moench, and Acinos sensu Miller or Moench. This study aimed to gain a better insight into the species diversity of Clinopodium L. from the Balkans by analyzing the taxa that have traditionally been placed in separate genera. The alkane profile and the micromorphological characteristics of the leaves are analyzed. The leaves are visualized using scanning electron microscopy, and alkanes are isolated using n-hexane as a solvent and analyzed using gas chromatography/mass spectrometry. The alkane profile showed the differentiation of the Acinos-group from the other taxa based on the dominant n-C31, while most of the other taxa contained n-C33 as the dominant alkane. The micromorphological features also showed clear differences between the previously recognized genera, especially in the capitate trichomes. The results showed that micromorphological patterns are highly variable in certain groups of the genus Clinopodium

    Biological activities of Cretan Salvia pomifera extracts

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    The polyphenolic content and biological activities of dichloromethane, chloroform, ethyl acetate, and ethanol extracts of Cretan Salvia pomifera L. (Lamiaceae) were analysed. The ethyl acetate extract showed the highest content of total phenolics and total flavonoids. The ethanol extract exhibited the highest activity in the DPPH and FRAP assays, while the dichloromethane extract had the highest activity in the ABTS test. The ethyl acetate extract showed the highest activity in the β-carotene--linoleic acid system. The antioxidant activity of extracts was positively correlated with the total content of phenolics. Extracts demonstrated weak antibacterial activity. The ethyl acetate extract had the highest acethylcholinesterase inhibition at 50 μg/mL, while the ethanol and dichloromethane extracts showed the highest activity of tyrosinase inhibition at 25 μg/mL. In view of the significance of antioxidants in prevention and treatment of neurological diseases, the noticeable antioxidant and anti-neurodegenerative effects of the ethanol and ethyl acetate extracts recorded in this study make further research on S. pomifera seem promisin

    Evaluation of bioactivities and phenolic composition of extracts of Salvia officinalis L. (Lamiaceae) collected in Montenegro

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    Sage (Salvia officinalis) is the best-known species of the genus Salvia, due to its medicinal and flavouring properties. This research was conducted on samples of S. officinalis collected from Potoci (SOP) in the continental part of Montenegro and from Valdanos (SOV) and Luštica (SOL) in the country´s coastal region. Extracts prepared using 96% ethanol, 50% ethanol and hot distilled water were examined for phenolic composition, as well as for their antioxidant, enzyme-inhibiting and cytotoxic activities. The HPLC-DAD method was employed for quantitative-qualitative analysis of phenolic compounds in extracts, which confirmed the presence of rosmarinic and caffeic acids and luteolin-7-O-glucoside. Total phenolic and flavonoid contents, antioxidant activity, and inhibition of acetylcholinesterase and tyrosinase were measured spectrophotometrically. In the applied antioxidant tests (DPPH, FRAP and β-carotene/linoleic acid tests) and tests of inhibition of the enzymes acetylcholinesterase and tyrosinase, the SOP extracts showed stronger antioxidant and enzyme-inhibiting activities compared to SOV and SOL, while the most efficient solvent was 50% ethanol. The highest cytotoxic activity in the MTT test was recorded for 96% ethanol extracts, especially in the case of the SOL sample, against the A375 cell line. All of the tested bioactivities were more strongly correlated with total phenolic content than with flavonoid content. Differences in the tested bioactivities of extracts obtained from plants collected at ecologically different localities and with different extractio

    Micromorphological and anatomical characteristics of Salvia amplexicaulis Lam., S. jurisicii Košanin and S. ringens Sibth. & Sm. (Lamiaceae)

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    In this study, we examined Salvia amplexicaulis Lam., S. jurisicii Košanin and S. ringens Sibth. & Sm. collected in the Republic of North Macedonia, which are for the first time subjected to detailed micromorphological and structural analysis using light and scanning electron microscopy. The nutlets and mucilage were additionally subjected to spectroscopic analysis using Raman and Attenuated Total Reflectance Fourier Transform Infrared spectroscopy. The anatomical structure of stems and leaves is described and compared. The stems, leaves and calyces bear numerous one- and multi-cellular nonglandular trichomes, and various peltate, capitate and digitiform glandular trichomes. The nutlets differ in size and shape, as well as in myxocarpy. The nutlets predominantly contained α-linolenic and linoleic acid, whereas the mucilages are primarily formed of polysaccharides. The results obtained in this study confirmed the importance of micromorphological and anatomical analysis of Salvia L. spp. plant parts, particularly trichomes and nutlets, and hence contributing to the knowledge about the variety of micromorphological characteristics within the genus Salvia L.This is the peer-reviewed version of the article: Alimpić-Aradski, A.; Janosević, D.; Pećinar, I.; Budimir, S.; Dajić-Stevanović, Z.; Matevski, V.; Marin, P. D.; Duletić-Lausević, S. Micromorphological and Anatomical Characteristics of Salvia Amplexicaulis Lam., S. Jurisicii Kosanin and S. Ringens Sibth. & Sm. (Lamiaceae). Plant Biosystems 2021, 155 (1). [https://doi.org/10.1080/11263504.2020.1727976]

    Micromorphology and ultrastructure of trichomes of Libyan Salvia fruticosa Mill.

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    Micromorphological and ultrastructural analyses of the leaf trichomes of Salvia fruticosa Mill. were performed by light and electron microscopy. The leaves bear numerous non-glandular unbranched trichomes, and peltate, capitate and digitiform glandular trichomes. Very elongated flagelliform non-glandular trichomes densely covered the leaf surfaces, with especially abundance on the leaf margins. Peltate trichomes consist of a basal epidermal cell, a very short stalk cell and a large round head of eight secretory cells arranged in a circle. Capitate trichomes can be divided into two main types, short-stalked and long-stalked, and further into five subtypes according to the number of stalk cells, morphology and number of glandular head cells. Digitiform trichomes consist of one basal cell, one or two stalk cells and one apical secretory cell, which are of similar diameter and approximately equal length.Projekat ministarstva br. 173029 i br. 17301

    Enzyme inhibitors as controllers of neurodegenerative diseases: An update of in vitro effects of medicinal plants

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    Considering the increase of the elderly population in recent years, the growing prevalence of age-related neurodegenerative diseases (NDDs), including Alzheimer's disease (AD) and Parkinson's disease (PD), has become one of the leading healthcare problems. Currently, available therapies for AD and PD are still limited, while medicinal plants used in traditional medicine for millennia can inhibit enzymes involved in the neurodegeneration processes in AD (acetylcholinesterase, AChE, and butyrylcholinesterase, BChE) and PD (tyrosinase, TYR), hence their inhibiting effects are continuously being investigated especially in the past decade. This study was aimed to review data on medicinal plants as potential cholinesterases and TYR inhibitors reported from January 2018 until May 2021. The literature search was performed using several online bibliographical databases (Scopus, Web of Science, Science Direct, Google Scholar, PubMed, and ResearchGate) and two websites. Data analysis showed that the highest number of representatives belongs to Lamiaceae family (up to 20%), followed by Asteraceae. Almost half of the tested samples were prepared from whole plant/aerial plant parts followed by leaves. The most frequently tested preparations were methanolic extracts (about 25% of the samples examined). Additionally, synergistic interactions between different herbs and/or isolated compounds were considered as a promising strategy for further research. The presented data showed that medicinal plants preparations represent an unlimited source for research of new and more effective AD and PD treatments. This review will provide a useful starting point for further research on this topic