427 research outputs found

    Fingerprinting Based Indoor Localization Considering the Dynamic Nature of Wi-Fi Signals

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    Current localization techniques in the outdoors cannot work well in indoors. The Wi-Fi fingerprinting technique is an emerging localization technique for indoor environments. However, in this technique, the dynamic nature of WiFi signals affects the accuracy of the measurements. In this paper, we use the affinity propagation clustering method to decrease the computation complexity in location estimation. Then, we use the least variance of Received Signal Strength (RSS) measured among Access Points (APs) in each cluster. Also, we assign lower weights to alter APs for each point in a cluster, to represent the level of similarity to Test Point (TP) by considering the dynamic nature of signals in indoor environments. A method for updating the radio map and improving the results is then proposed to decrease the cost of constructing the radio map. Simulation results show that the proposed method has 22.5% improvement in average in localization results, considering one altering AP in the layout, compared to the case when only RSS subset sampling is considered for localization because of altering APs

    An admissible estimator for the rth power of a bounded scale parameter in a subclass of the exponential family under entropy loss function

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    We consider an admissible estimator for the rth power of a scale parameter that is lower or upper bounded in a subclass of the scale-parameter exponential family under the entropy loss function. An admissible estimator for a bounded parameter in the family of transformed chi-square distributions is also given.Розглянуто допустиму оцiнку для r-го степеня параметра масштабу, обмеженого зверху або знизу у пiдкласi експоненцiальної сiм’ї параметрiв масштабу з ентропiйною функцiєю втрат. Наведено також допустиму оцiнку обмеженого параметра у сiм’ї трансформованих розподiлiв хi-квадрат

    An admissible estimator for the rth power of a bounded scale parameter in a subclass of the exponential family under entropy loss function

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    We consider an admissible estimator for the rth power of a scale parameter that is lower or upper bounded in a subclass of the scale-parameter exponential family under the entropy loss function. An admissible estimator for a bounded parameter in the family of transformed chi-square distributions is also given.Розглянуто допустиму оцiнку для r-го степеня параметра масштабу, обмеженого зверху або знизу у пiдкласi експоненцiальної сiм’ї параметрiв масштабу з ентропiйною функцiєю втрат. Наведено також допустиму оцiнку обмеженого параметра у сiм’ї трансформованих розподiлiв хi-квадрат

    On the roots of total domination polynomial of graphs, II

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    Let G=(V,E)G = (V, E) be a simple graph of order nn. The total dominating set of GG is a subset DD of VV that every vertex of VV is adjacent to some vertices of DD. The total domination number of GG is equal to minimum cardinality of total dominating set in GG and is denoted by γt(G)\gamma_t(G). The total domination polynomial of GG is the polynomial Dt(G,x)=i=γt(G)ndt(G,i)xiD_t(G,x)=\sum_{i=\gamma_t(G)}^n d_t(G,i)x^i, where dt(G,i)d_t(G,i) is the number of total dominating sets of GG of size ii. A root of Dt(G,x)D_t(G, x) is called a total domination root of GG. The set of total domination roots of graph GG is denoted by Z(Dt(G,x))Z(D_t(G,x)). In this paper we show that Dt(G,x)D_t(G,x) has δ2\delta-2 non-real roots and if all roots of Dt(G,x)D_t(G,x) are real then δ2\delta\leq 2, where δ\delta is the minimum degree of vertices of GG. Also we show that if δ3\delta\geq 3 and Dt(G,x)D_t(G,x) has exactly three distinct roots, then Z(Dt(G,x)){0,2±2i,3±3i2}Z(D_t(G,x))\subseteq \{0, -2\pm \sqrt{2}i, \frac{-3\pm \sqrt{3}i}{2}\}. Finally we study the location roots of total domination polynomial of some families of graphs.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figure

    Global oil risk price management in Iran and Russia

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    Oil is one of the most important sources of income for oil-exporting countries such as the Russian Federation and Iran, as well as the main raw material in the production process in oil-importing countries. Risks fluctuations in world oil prices can cause sovereign financial risks of instability in macroeconomic variables in both groups of oil exporting and importing countries. Negative shocks in world oil prices for countries such as Iran and Russia, whose economic structure is oriented towards oil and provides a significant part of the state budget through oil, could have significant consequences for the economies of these countries. Such fluctuations not only affect the economies of oil-importing countries, but are also one of the main causes of disruptions in the economies of oil-exporting countries. This study examines the government's management of risk fluctuations in world oil prices and its actions in Iran and Russia. The results of this study show that Iran and Russia, as sanctioned countries and oil exporters, have taken various measures to deal with these shocks, the most important of which is the creation of sovereign wealth funds in the two countries. In this article, the characteristics of national development funds in Iran and Russia are compared. The differences between Iran and Russia in risk management and the structure of these funds are shown

    Domination polynomial of clique cover product of graphs

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    We study the D-equivalence classes of some families of graphs and, in particular, describe completely the D-equivalence classes of friendship graphs constructed by coalescing n copies of a cycle graph of length 3 with a common vertex

    Computation of Gutman Index of Some Cactus Chains

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    Let G be a finite connected graph of order n. The Gutman index Gut(G) of G is defined as {x,y}V(G)deg(x)deg(y)d(x,y)\sum_{\{x,y\}\subseteq V(G)}deg(x)deg(y)d(x, y), where deg(x) is the degree of vertex x in G and d(x, y) is the distance between vertices x and y in G. A cactus graph is a connected graph in which no edge lies in more than one cycle. In this paper we compute the exact value of Gutman index of some cactus chains