1,502 research outputs found

    Observations on Typological Evolution in Indonesian Languages

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    "Securitization/De-Securitization" and Attitudes in Azerbaijan in Reaction to the Karabagh Conflict

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    The article explores the securitization/de-securitization processes and attitudes towards the conflict in Azerbaijan in the periods before, during, and after the 2020 conflict in Karabagh. An earlier study (Alieva and Aslanov, 2018) revealed that even under conditions of strict autocratic rule, there has been a diversification of societal attitudes depending on sets of views and ideologies - from conservative and (pre)modern to liberal and post-modern - during the "status quo" period, demonstrating de-securitization potential from civil society actors (NGOs, political opposition, independent intellectuals). The recent flare-up in Karabagh shows, however, that neither favorable attitudes towards peace among the Azerbaijani elite, nor democratic changes in Armenia automatically immunize society against military/political mobilization and securitization if they are not indicators of deeper human and political emancipation and if the grievances, such as human rights violations, ethnic cleansing, violation of international borders, and/or war crimes, are not legally redressed internationally and/or domestically. In turn, the unsustainable nature of the attempts at "top-down" de-securitization, or that from formal authority, is affected by the fact that it does not "unmake securitization's nondemocratic, exceptional and exclusionary logic" (Aradau, 2004), but rather replicates it. The official "speech acts" reflect the utilization of the external threat against domestic opponents for purposes of blame avoidance and, while calling for peaceful reconstruction, hint at the possibility of future war. Yet, even under conditions of strict autocracy, the internet and social networks provide for the silenced voices and for the multiplicity of agents challenging the monopoly on (de-)securitization of the formal authority, reinforced by the infelicities (amounting to flaws) of the post-war governance

    Caucasian epics : textualist principles in publishing

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    The following represents a brief account of my experience of working on the volumes of epic monuments published up through 1992 in the bilingual academic series entitled Epics of the Peoples of the USSR and thereafter Epics of the Peoples of Eurasia. The series has been issued by researchers from the Institute of World Literature and colleagues from the different parts of the former Soviet Union for nearly 23 years.Issue title; "Epics Along the Silk Roads.

    The role of information and behavioral biases in consumer choice for climate friendly proteins

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    The transition from animal towards alternative proteins can help reduce the negative impact of the food systems on the environment and human health. To promote healthier and more sustainable food systems, consumers around the world are encouraged to explore alternative diets and switch towards more environment-friendly protein sources. However, development of environmentally friendlier and healthier protein sources that consumers will accept introduces a challenge as factors influencing consumer acceptance of alternative proteins remain unclear. In two studies, the present work evaluates the role of information and behavioral biases in food choices of young consumers for climate friendly proteins. Data were collected by the means of implementing the tools of experimental economics. The revealed findings of the first study indicate that it is hard to convince younger consumers (pupils) to try a novel climate friendly protein product regardless of whether or not they were provided with information about health or environmental benefits. Nevertheless, when asked to state the price beliefs of the novel product, the children mostly indicated higher price for the climate friendly product as compared to its conventional alternative, which in turn indicates higher value assigned to the product. The second study analyzed the effect of behavioral biases on consumer food choice and how it reflects on the WTA-WTP disparity. The results are in line with academic literature implying that the disparity is present and subject to the substitution effect. Moreover, it was found that consumers value locally produced products more than conventionally produced products by stating average WTP premiums of up to 6.5 and 8.5 SEK for locally manufactured tofu and rapeseed oil

    The Austronesian language-type features as revealed in Malay

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    Activation Of The Role Of Enterprises In Attraction Of Investments From Foreign Countries

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    The study within the framework of this work is aimed at substantiating measures to enhance investment activity based on the assessment and analysis of investment decisions. In particular, the author considers the factors influencing the adoption of investment decisions. At the same time, it is shown that in order to create an attractive investment climate, a constant dialogue with existing and future investors is necessary, which allows improving the investment climate of the country and specific regions. At the same time, it is necessary to attach particular importance to the formation of an investment policy strategy aimed at individual, the most promising sectors for Uzbekistan, and to lay the foundation for the development of the country's productive forces. Improve the infrastructure of the investment market through the creation and improvement of investment institutions, increase the level of digitalization, and establish new areas of cooperation. According to the author, such measures, backed up by legislative and regulatory support from the state, will enhance the role of enterprises in attracting foreign investment

    Visualizing COVID-19 with data: the effects of individual differences on perception of data in news

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    Mass media and public health organizations' efforts play a significant role in disseminating information and reducing the morbidity and mortality of infectious disease outbreaks. The vast amount of data generated about the pandemic led to the enormous spread of various data visualizations and infographics. Visuals served as the main tools that helped experts and journalists explain the consequences of the pandemic, communicate the facts, and persuade people to follow safety measures. Current research investigates how various formats of news messages such as data visualization and textual content affect an individual's perception of the message, such as message acceptance (positive attitudes about the message, intentions to follow prevention measures, and self-efficacy measure for behavior change), message rejection measures (defensive avoidance, negative attitudes about the message, reactance, anger) as well as credibility and effectiveness of the message. Political partisanship, need for cognition, and graphicacy were used as moderators. Results have demonstrated that the format of the message does not affect acceptance or rejection of the message, while moderators were significant predictors for dependent variables. The computational textual analysis illustrates the differences in topics between partisan groups where Democrats expressed more hope, positive sentiment, and more trust in vaccination, government, media, and science than independents and Republicans who were more prone to conspiracy theory thinking.Includes bibliographical references