2,052 research outputs found

    Specification Tests for the Distribution of Errors in Nonoarametric Regression: A Martingale Approach

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    We discuss how to test whether the distribution of regression errors belongs to a parametric family of continuous distribution functions, making no parametric assumption about the conditional mean or the conditional variance in the regression model. We propose using test statistics that are based on a martingale transform of the estimated empirical process. We prove that these statistics are asymptotically distribution-free, and two Monte Carlo experiments show that they work reasonably well in practice.Specification Tests; Nonparametric Regression; Empirical Processes.

    Unemployment and Hysteresis: A Nonlinear Unobserved Components A Nonlinear Unobserved Components A Nonlinear Unobserved Components A Nonlinear Unobserved Components A Nonlinear Unobserved Components Approach

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    A new test for hysteresis based on a nonlinear unobserved components model is proposed. Observed unemployment rates are decomposed into a natural rate component and a cyclical component. Threshold type nonlinearities are introduced by allowing past cyclical unemployment to have a different impact on the natural rate depending onthe regime of the economy. The impact of lagged cyclical shocks on thecurrent natural component is the measure of hysteresis. To derive anappropriate p-value for a test for hysteresis two alternative bootstrapalgorithms are proposed: the first is valid under homoskedastic errorsand the second allows for heteroskedasticity of unknown form. A MonteCarlo simulation study shows the good performance of both bootstrapalgorithms. The bootstrap testing procedure is applied to data fromItaly, France and the United States. We find evidence of hysteresis forall countries under study.Hysteresis, Unobserved Components Model, Threshold Autoregressive Models, Nuisance parameters, Bootstrap

    Hybrid toy construction

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    Este proyecto, 'Hybrid Toy Construction', se enfoca en enriquecer la experiencia de juego de los niños a través de los juguetes. Al comparar las diferentes experiencias de juego de los niños con una interfaz de usuario tangible (TUI), una interfaz de usuario física (PUI) y una interfaz de usuario gráfica (GUI), se comprobó que los niños prefieren usar un juguete con una GUI sobre una TUI o una PUI. El objetivo del proyecto es la creación de un juguete híbrido para niños de cinco a seis años. Para ello, el juguete contiene elementos físicos (PUI) en forma de un tren, pistas, estaciones y otros objetos inteligentes, así como elementos digitales (GUI) en forma de aplicación. Ambas realidades (la física y la digital) se comunican mediante Bluetooth, estando relacionadas a través de una aplicación para enriquecer la experiencia del usuario. El juguete tiene el propósito de estimular los sentidos de los niños y fomentar su desarrollo mediante el uso de la diversión y juegos educacionalesDepartamento de Teoría de la Arquitectura y Proyectos ArquitectónicosGrado en Ingeniería en Diseño Industrial y Desarrollo de Product

    Physiological adaptation to altitude. Possible therapeutic implications

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    25 p. : il. -- Bibliogr.: p. 24-25High altitude is characterised by hypoxia; low levels of oxygen in the atmosphere create a deficiency in oxygen reaching the tissues. Hypoxia creates a stress in all aerobic bodies, leading to physiological, metabolic and genomic changes to adapt to this new environment. As there are some high-altitude adapted populations, we are going to make a difference between adaptation and acclimation. Adaptation is referred as the long-term evolutionary changes which affect the whole population and acclimation are the short-term changes which lowland adapted newcomers undergo to adapt to a new environment. In this final degree work, we will identify the main changes produced by hypoxia and other altitude-related factors in different states of the human body. We will resume physiological changes, deleterious effects in other pathologies, altitude training, as well as a review of the actual treatment and prophylaxis of the unpleasant symptoms lead by an incorrect short-term adaptation to hypoxia. We will speak about pathologies and special situations like pregnancies, hypoxic adaptations lead to changes in these illnesses situation, some of them get improved and some of them get aggravated by altitude’s hypoxia. Recently, high-altitude and hypoxia are seen as a new pathway for the treatment of some pathologies such as obesity, diabetes, cancer and cardiovascular diseases and can open up some new fields for future studies

    La prensa del siglo XIX como medio de difusión de la literatura hispanoamericana

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    Este artículo es el resultado de una comunicación presentada en las VII Jomadas E.U.B.D. Complutense. En él se investigan alrededor de 15 revistas españolas de finales del siglo XIX, haciendo hincapié en las madrileñas, para destacar la importancia de la prensa periódica en la difusión de la producción literaria de los escritores, hombres y mujeres, hispanoamericanos del momento, estableciendo así unas relaciones culturales entre España e Hispanoamérica que se vieron apoyadas, además, por la celebración del IV Centenario del Descubrimiento. Al mismo tiempo, la importancia de estas revistas reside en que fueron las transmisoras de las obras de muchas mujeres escritoras que vieron en las páginas de estas revistas la posibilidad de dar a conocer sus frutos literarios

    Teaching foreign languages through audiovisual translation resources: teachers’ perspectives

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    In the past decade, techniques traditionally used in the audiovisual translation (AVT) industry have been applied to teaching foreign languages (FL) with promising results. Both teachers and researchers have provided useful data on various AVT typologies (i.e. subtitling, dubbing, audio description) in order to improve specific learning areas: vocabulary acquisition, listening comprehension, pronunciation, intercultural awareness, etc. (Ibáñez & Vermeulen, 2014; Baños & Sokoli, 2015). The following study aims to provide information in two relevant areas identified in the field: (1) the direct experience of those teachers who have been using AVT techniques in the classroom in recent years, and (2) their perspectives on in the combination of FL and AVT in the future. A total of 56 respondents from Europe, the USA and Asia participated in the study, these being teachers of French, English, German, Italian, Spanish, Chinese, Russian, Japanese and Catalan as an FL. The results obtained are applicable to different languages and useful to any professional interested in using AVT in their classroom or carrying out further research