29 research outputs found


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    Aip Syarifudin NIM 505810002: Hubungan Implementasi Pola Pendidikan Pesantren Tradisional dan Modern dengan Motivasi Belajar dan Prestasi Belajar Santri di Pesantren Sabilunnajat Rancah Kabupaten Ciamis Berdasarkan studi pendahuluan yang penulis lakukan di Pesantren Sabilunnajat Rancah Kabupaten Ciamis telah menerapkan perpaduan pola pendidikan pesantren tradisional dan modern. Implementasi ini dilakukan dengan memasukan kurikulum pendidikan umum yang dikolaborasikan dengan pendidikan agama. Implementasi perpaduan ini juga dilakukan dengan mendirikan lembaga pendidikan formal mulai dari tingkat RA sampai SMK. Dalam praktiknya, pola ini masih harus diuji dan dibuktikan pengaruhnya terhadap peningkatan motivasi dan prestasi belajar santri. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk: 1). Menjelaskan implementasi perpaduan pola pendidikan pesantren tradisional dan pesantren; 2). Menjelaskan motivasi dan prestasi Belajar Santri di Pesantren Sabilunnajat Rancah Kabupaten Ciamis; dan 3). Mengetahui seberapa besar hubungan Implementasi Pola Pendidikan Pesantren Tradisional dan Modern dengan Motivasi Belajar dan Prestasi Belajar Santri di Pesantren Sabilunnajat Rancah Kabupaten Ciamis. Dasar pemikiran penelitian ini adalah isu pembaharuan pendidikan di pesantren yang selama ini di kenal dengan pesantren tradisional (salafy) sudah mulai marak. Pembaharuan ini dilakukan dengan pertimbangan semakin pesatnya zaman menuntut lembaga pendidikan untuk merespons dengan penerapan kurikulum berbasis pasar. Hal ini mendorong beberapa pesantren tradisional untuk melakukan inovasi dengan mengkombinasikan pendidikan tradisional khas pesantren dan modern yang banyak mengadopsi dari pendidikan formal. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode observasi, angket dan studi dokumentasi. Metode survey adalah penelitian yang dilakukan pada populasi besar maupun kecil, tetapi data yang dipelajari adalah data dari sampel yang diambil dari populasi tersebut. Metode survey biasanya digunakan untuk menjelaskan hubungan-hubungan korelasional antara satu variabel dengan variabel lainnya (corelational relationship), disamping untuk menguji hipotesis dan signifikansinya Hasil Penelitian ini yaitu; [1] implementasi perpaduan pola pendidikan pesantren tradisional dan modern di Pesantren Sabilunnajat Rancah Kabupaten Ciamis berdasarkan hasil angket termasuk dalam Kriteria baik. Hal ini dapat diketahui dari pola pendidikan yang ada terbukti telah berjaalan dengan baik. [2] Motivasi belajar belajar santri di Pesantren Sabilunnajat Rancah Kabupaten Ciamis berdasarkan angket termasuk dalam kriteria baik. Dimana 80% santri memiliki nilai rata-rata 90. [3] Hubungan Motivasi Belajar santri dan Prestasi Belajar Santri dengan pola pendidikan di Pesantren Sabilunnajat Rancah Kabupaten Ciamis terdapat korelasi yang signifikan (0,517) dengan kisaran hubungan korelasional sebesar 26%. Hasil pengujian hipotesis antar variabel Motivasi Belajar dan Prestasi Belajar Santri berhubungan positif dan signifikan

    How do physiotherapists understand and interpret the ‘Pain Attitudes and Beliefs scale’? A cognitive interview study.

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    Background: The Pain Attitudes and Beliefs Scale (PABS) for physiotherapists aims to differentiate between clinicians’ biomedical and biopsychosocial treatment orientations regarding nonspecific low back pain (LBP). Objective: To study the content validity of the Norwegian PABS by following international guidelines: exploring its relevance, comprehensibility and comprehensiveness. Methods: Cognitive interviews were performed using the Three-Step Test Interview, consisting of think-aloud techniques, retrospective probing and in-depth interviews. Eleven Norwegian physiotherapists with a diversity of professional backgrounds participated. Results: The participants encountered little difficulty in completing the PABS. All items were deemed relevant and important but five items had ambiguous formulations which can easily be handled. The biomedical subscale appeared to be a comprehensive representation of biomedical treatment orientation. The biopsychosocial subscale was found to lack items concerning cognitive behavioral aspects of LBP management, such as patient education, therapeutic alliance, shared decision making and graded exposure. Conclusions: This study provides empirical evidence that the Norwegian version of the PABS-PT is relevant and comprehensible, provided some minor adjustments. The biopsychosocial subscale, however, lacks comprehensiveness, as it is not able to capture important aspects of contemporary biopsychosocial best practice care. Measurement of biopsychosocial treatment orientation may therefore be incomplete.publishedVersio

    Passive range of motion in patients with adhesive shoulder capsulitis, an intertester reliability study over eight weeks

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    Background Measuring range of motion (ROM) in the shoulder joint is important for the diagnosis and monitoring of change over time. To what degree passive ROM can be trusted as a reliable outcome measure was examined as part of an on-going randomized controlled trial for patients with shoulder capsulitis. The aim of this study was to examine intertester reliability of passive ROM in the shoulder joint over a period of eight weeks in patients with adhesive capsulitis stage II. Methods Fifty patients with a clinical diagnosis of adhesive shoulder capsulitis were examined by two independent testers. A predefined protocol was used for measuring passive range of motion with an inclinometer, a plurimeter, in both affected and non-affected shoulders three times; at the start of the study and after 4 and 8 weeks. Results Very good to excellent intertester agreements were found for most parameters for the affected arm at all three test points. The intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC 2.1) values ranged from 0.76 to 0.98, i.e. from very reliable to excellent. The measurement error was in general small for the affected arm (5°–7°). ICCs were slightly lower for the non-affected arm at 8 weeks, but with acceptable measurement errors. Conclusions Intertester reliability between two testers was very good at three visits over a time period of eight weeks using a plurimeter to measure passive range of motion in patients with adhesive shoulder capsulitis. This method can reliably determine passive range of motion in this patient population and be a reliable outcome measure

    Activity based cognitive therapy (ACT) for young adults with CFS/ME: a case-report

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    Background: The aim with this case report is to describe the content and effect of activity based therapy with a cognitive approach (ACT). Method: Six young adults (19-25 years) diagnosed with chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) received ACT. They filled in questionnaires and were examined with the Global Physiotherapy Examination (GPE-52) before treatment, and 6 and 12-18 months later. ACT consisted of education, adaptive pacing, graded exercise therapy, relaxation training and mindfulness. The physiotherapist also had meetings with family, school, social security and doctors. Results: Even if all participants still reported decreased function and health, four had achieved better adaptive pacing, less pain and increased participation in school and work. One was unchanged and one worse. The GPE-52 registered clinical important change in four, no change in one, and worsening in one. Conclusion: Our findings are in accordance with the National guidelines. ACT can have a positive effect on physical function, self-reported health, and can increase work- and school presence, but not for all

    Self-Reported and Tested Function in Health Care Workers with Musculoskeletal Disorders on Full, Partial or Not on Sick Leave

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    Purpose The aim of this study was to describe self-reported and physically tested function in health care workers with musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) and to examine how function was associated with work participation. Methods A cross-sectional study was conducted. 250 health care workers attended an evaluation where self-reported and physical function were measured. Differences between groups (full sick leave, partial sick leave, not on sick leave/working) were analyzed for categorical data (Chi square exact test) and continuous variables (Kruskal–Wallis and Mann–Whitney U tests). Logistic regression analysis was performed to examine which factors were associated with being on sick leave. Results Participants on full sick leave had statistically significant poorer function compared to those working and the group on partial sick leave. Logistic regression showed that a reduced level of the physical dimension of SF-12 and a high lift test were significantly related to full sick leave (OR 0.86, p < 0.001) (OR 0.79, p = 0.002). The physical dimension of SF-12 was the only variable that was associated to partial sick leave (OR 0.91, p = 0.005). Conclusion Health care workers on full sick leave due to MSDs have reduced function on self-reported and physically tested function, compared to those working despite MSDs, as well as when compared to those on partial sick leave. More knowledge about work ability in occupational sub-groups is needed

    Associations between lumbar range of motion, pain and function in patients with chronic low back pain

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    Study design: A prospective correlational study, based on change data and cross-sectional data. Background and objectives: There is limited research on the relationship between outcome measures of lumbar range of motion, pain and function. The aim was to assess the interrelationship between these measures in patients with chronic low back pain. Methods: Data originated from a study on patients with chronic low back pain (n = 49) who went through a physiotherapy intervention for eight weeks. Lumbar motion was measured as lumbar flexion by Schobers test, pain by Visual Analogue Scale) and function by Oswestry Disability Index pre and post intervention. Associations were investigated by correlational analyses (Pearsons r (r)) made on change scores and cross-sectional scores of lumbar motion, function and pain. Results: The analyses did not find any association between lumbar flexion and pain, (r = 0.23, p = 0.19). A weak association was found between lumbar flexion and function (r = 0.29, p = 0.045). The association between pain and function was strong ((r = 0.81, p Conclusions: The findings of no association between lumbar flexion and pain, and just a weak association between lumbar flexion and function support earlier research. The strong association found between pain and function differs from earlier research. The study indicates a need to use measures of both range of motion, pain and disability, in the examination of low back pain patients