11 research outputs found

    Invandrarföretagare och institutionell förÀndring : ett mixed embeddedness-perspektiv

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    Immigrant entrepreneurs are known to be heterogeneous in terms of available resources and entrepreneurial outcomes. However, this heterogeneity, as well as immigrant entrepreneurs’ embeddedness in social networks and the institutional context of high-income welfare states such as Sweden, remains understudied. Sweden represents an interesting case as a popular immigration destination which liberalized its migration policy for entrepreneurs and changed other regulations, encouraging immigrant entrepreneurship after 2008. Theoretically, the dissertation contributes to the mixed embeddedness approach to immigrant entrepreneurship by considering three stages of the entrepreneurial process – entry, performance, and potential exit – in a changing institutional environment. Methodologically, the dissertation operationalizes the mixed embeddedness approach by studying these three stages – entry (propensity to start a business), performance (entrepreneurial incomes), and potential exit (duration in business) – among different categories of immigrants. Explanatory factors are drawn from three levels of analysis: institutional change (macro), social, ethnic and family networks (meso), and the individual’s human capital (micro). A range of statistical tools is used for empirical analyses: Difference-in-difference methods in combination with Coarsened Exact Matching and Oaxaca-Blinder decomposition are used to investigate the influence of institutional change on entrepreneurial entry and performance. Survival models based on Cox regression are applied to investigate the influence of social and family ties on the likelihood of entrepreneurial exit. A combination of clustering and association analysis allows heterogeneity to be approached via the categorization of immigrant entrepreneurs. Empirically, based on rich data from Swedish registers, the dissertation reveals that the propensity to start businesses in expanding ICT industries among labour immigrants was increased, and performance in terms of income among new immigrant entrepreneurs was improved after institutional change, compared to earlier. It also stresses that family networks mitigate a lack of other resources for refugee entrepreneurs, allowing them to stay in business longer. Two main categories of new immigrant entrepreneurs were distinguished in the overall heterogeneous population. The dissertation consists of four papers and an introductory chapter.Invandrarföretagare uppvisar stor heterogenitet nĂ€r det gĂ€ller tillgĂ€ngliga resurser och framgĂ„ng i sitt företagande. Denna heterogenitet, liksom invandrarföretagens inbĂ€ddning i sociala nĂ€tverk och i den svenska vĂ€lfĂ€rdsstatens institutionella kontext, Ă€r emellertid understuderad. Sverige utgör ett intressant fall eftersom det Ă€r ett land med relativt stor invandring som efter 2008 liberaliserade migrationspolitiken för företagare och pĂ„ olika sĂ€tt uppmuntrade invandrares företagande. Teoretiskt bidrar avhandlingen till mixed embeddedness-perspektivet genom att analysera tre stadier i entreprenörsprocessen: uppstart, utveckling och eventuell avveckling, i förhĂ„llande till institutionell förĂ€ndring. Mixed embeddedness operationaliseras i avhandlingen genom att olika kategorier invandrare studeras vid olika steg i entreprenörsprocessen; uppstart (benĂ€genhet att starta ett företag), utveckling (företagarinkomster) samt eventuell avveckling (varaktighet i företaget) och genom att förklarande faktorer studeras pĂ„ tre analysnivĂ„er: institutionell förĂ€ndring (makro), sociala, etniska och familjenĂ€tverk (meso) samt individens humankapital (mikro). En rad statistiska verktyg anvĂ€nds för de empiriska analyserna; Difference-in-difference-metoder i kombination med Coarsened Exact Matching och Oaxaca-Blinder decomposition anvĂ€nds för att undersöka hur institutionella förĂ€ndringar pĂ„verkar uppstart och utveckling. Överlevnadsmodeller baserade pĂ„ Cox-regression tillĂ€mpas för att undersöka hur sociala nĂ€tverk och familjeband pĂ„verkar sannolikheten för avveckling. Med en kombination av klusteranalys och associationsanalys undersöks mönster i heterogeniteten bland invandrarföretagarna genom kategorisering. Empiriskt, baserat pĂ„ detaljerade data frĂ„n svenska register, visar avhandlingen att benĂ€genheten att starta verksamhet inom IKT-branschen ökade bland arbetskraftsinvandrare, samt att inkomsterna bland nya invandrarföretagare förbĂ€ttrades efter en period av institutionell förĂ€ndring. Avhandlingen visar Ă€ven att familjenĂ€tverk motverkar bristen pĂ„ andra resurser för företagare med flyktingbakgrund, vilket gör att de kan stanna i verksamheten lĂ€ngre. TvĂ„ huvudkategorier gĂ„r att urskilja i den heterogena gruppen av företagare. Avhandlingen Ă€r en sammanlĂ€ggning av fyra artiklar och en inledande kappa

    How kinship resources alleviate structural disadvantage : self-employment duration among refugees and labor migrants

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    Purpose Economic integration of refugees remains a challenge for developed countries. Although refugees differ greatly from labor migrants in available resources and motivation toward self-employment, prevailing studies on minority and ethnic entrepreneurship tend to lump these different categories of migrants together. Based on theories of migrants economic embeddedness, the purpose of this paper is to analyze the extent to which family- and kinship-based resources affect self-employment duration among refugees and labor migrants. Design/methodology/approach Based on Cox regression models, this longitudinal study estimates the self-employment duration of 10,519 refugees and 2,503 labor migrants starting businesses in Sweden in the period 2006-2012. Findings Results reveal that while refugees are at a disadvantage to labor migrants in terms of self-employment duration, their higher level of family embeddedness in part helps them overcome these disadvantages. For refugees but not for labor migrants, co-location in an ethnic enclave also lowers the risk of them becoming unemployed after a spell in entrepreneurship. Originality/value This original paper provides empirical and theoretical contributions to research on migrants self-employment success. It also discusses contributions for research on entrepreneurs social embeddedness and refugees entrepreneurship.Funding Agencies|FORMASSwedish Research Council Formas [2018-02226]</p

    Swedish migration policy liberalization and new immigrant entrepreneurs

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    Sweden has allowed immigrants from any country to obtain residence permits for entrepreneurship since 2008. The aim of this study was to explore the outcome of this policy. The study adds time perspective and superdiversity and operationalizes the mixed embeddedness framework to facilitate a quantitative study on three levels of analysis. Detailed register data for two cohorts of immigrants-those who arrived four years before and those who arrived four years after the reform-are used. The results confirm the usefulness of the mixed embeddedness model, that is the institutional regulative context, economic and social context, and individual resources, in the analysis of immigrant entrepreneurship. However, the study shows that the propensity to engage in entrepreneurship is more affected for refugees and students than for migrants with a residence permit for work and entrepreneurship. This indicates a need for further facilitating the process to immigrate for entrepreneurial reasons.Funding Agencies|FORMASSwedish Research Council Formas [2018-02226]; Marianne and Marcus Wallenberg Foundation; Handelsbanken Research Foundations</p

    NÀringspolitiska insatser för utrikes födda entreprenörer och deras externa effekter pÄ andra politiska omrÄden

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    Utrikes födda entreprenörer Ă€r ett Ă€mne som diskuteras flitigt idag, bĂ„de pĂ„ ett politiskt och ett teoretiskt plan (Aliaga-Isla &amp; Rialp, 2013). Med tanke pĂ„ den senaste tidens ökade migrationstrender i vĂ€rlden och flyktingkrisen i Europa 2015 (Giulietti, Schlutery, &amp;Wahba, 2011) betraktas egenföretagande ofta som en av lösningarna pĂ„ de utmaningar – till exempel arbetslöshet – som följer med ökade migrationsströmmar. Regeringar i vĂ€sterlĂ€ndska vĂ€lfĂ€rdsstater försöker ofta frĂ€mja och stödja invandrares företagande genom olika nĂ€ringspolitiska Ă„tgĂ€rder. MĂ„len med dessa politiska Ă„tgĂ€rder uttrycks ofta i ekonomiska termer, till exempel att öka skatteintĂ€kterna. ÅtgĂ€rderna kan emellertid fĂ„ effekter som gĂ„r utanför de ekonomiska mĂ„len och mĂ€rks exempelvis i minskad arbetslöshet, minskad fattigdom och brottslighet samt minskade kostnader för vĂ€lfĂ€rdssystemet (Kazlou, 2019). Men den forskning som bedrivits om Ă„tgĂ€rderna externa effekter pĂ„ andra politiska omrĂ„den har hittills varit mycket splittrad, och det finns endast begrĂ€nsade och anekdotiska bevis för dessa effekter. I vĂ„r systematiska litteraturgenomgĂ„ng tar vi oss an detta outforskade omrĂ„de i syfte att kartlĂ€gga hur andra delar av samhĂ€llet pĂ„verkas av nĂ€ringspolitiska insatser för utrikes födda entreprenörer

    Entrepreneurial response to changing opportunity structures : Self-selection and incomes among new immigrant entrepreneurs in Sweden

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    Purpose The purpose of this paper is to analyse how the introduction of a liberalised regime for labour immigration in Sweden affected the self-selection of new immigrant entrepreneurs and to what extent the changes in entrepreneurial income among new immigrants was due to self-selection or to a changing business environment. Design/methodology/approach Based on rich microdata from Swedish administrative registers, this paper investigates how incomes changed during the years before and after the migration policy reform. By decomposing the income differential of new immigrant entrepreneurs arriving before and after the reform, this study estimates the contribution of a changed composition of migrants to the changing entrepreneurial income. Findings Entrepreneurial income among self-employed new immigrants improved after the reform, narrowing the immigrant–native income gap, while among employees, the income gap remained during the whole period of the study. Out of the total 10.9 per cent increase in log income, the authors find that 2.7 per cent was due to selectivity, i.e., changing characteristics of new immigrant entrepreneurs. The remaining 8.2 per cent was due to increased returns to characteristics, i.e., the characteristics of new immigrant entrepreneurs were better rewarded in the markets in the latter period. Hence, increases in entrepreneurial income among new immigrants were due both to self-selection and changes in the business environment. Practical implications The authors find that the migration policy reform had the effect of attracting successful immigrant entrepreneurs. Hence, the findings have implications for migration policy as well as for growth and employment policy. Originality/value This paper reveals a positive trend regarding income from the entrepreneurship of new immigrants after the liberalisation of labour immigration policy in Sweden. Theoretically and methodologically, the authors combine self-selection theory and the mixed-embeddedness perspective in a novel way, using rich data and a quantitative approach.Funding agencies: Marianne and Marcus Wallenberg Foundation; Handelsbanken Research Foundations</p

    NÀringspolitiska insatser för utrikesfödda entreprenörer och deras externa effekter pÄ andra politiska omrÄden

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    Introduktion: Utrikes födda entreprenörer Ă€r ett Ă€mne som diskuteras flitigt idag, bĂ„de pĂ„ ett politiskt och ett teoretiskt plan (Aliaga-Isla &amp; Rialp, 2013). Med tanke pĂ„ den senaste tidens ökade migrationstrender i vĂ€rlden och flyktingkrisen i Europa 2015 (Giulietti, Schlutery, &amp; Wahba, 2011) betraktas egenföretagande ofta som en av lösningarna pĂ„ de utmaningar – till exempel arbetslöshet – som följer med ökade migrationsströmmar. Regeringar i vĂ€sterlĂ€ndska vĂ€lfĂ€rdsstater försöker ofta frĂ€mja och stödja invandrares företagande genom olika nĂ€ringspolitiska Ă„tgĂ€rder. MĂ„len med dessa politiska Ă„tgĂ€rder uttrycks ofta i ekonomiska termer, till exempel att öka skatteintĂ€kterna. ÅtgĂ€rderna kan emellertid fĂ„ effekter som gĂ„r utanför de ekonomiska mĂ„len och mĂ€rks exempelvis i minskad arbetslöshet, minskad fattigdom och brottslighet samt minskade kostnader för vĂ€lfĂ€rdssystemet (Kazlou, 2019). Men den forskningsom bedrivits om Ă„tgĂ€rderna externa effekter pĂ„ andra politiska omrĂ„den har hittills varit mycket splittrad, och det finns endast begrĂ€nsade och anekdotiska bevis för dessa effekter. I vĂ„r systematiska litteraturgenomgĂ„ng tar vi oss an detta outforskade omrĂ„de i syfte att kartlĂ€gga hur andra delar av samhĂ€llet pĂ„verkas av nĂ€ringspolitiska insatser för utrikes födda entreprenörer.BestĂ€llare: TillvĂ€xtverket.</p

    NÀringspolitiska insatser för utrikesfödda entreprenörer och deras externa effekter pÄ andra politiska omrÄden

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    Introduktion: Utrikes födda entreprenörer Ă€r ett Ă€mne som diskuteras flitigt idag, bĂ„de pĂ„ ett politiskt och ett teoretiskt plan (Aliaga-Isla &amp; Rialp, 2013). Med tanke pĂ„ den senaste tidens ökade migrationstrender i vĂ€rlden och flyktingkrisen i Europa 2015 (Giulietti, Schlutery, &amp; Wahba, 2011) betraktas egenföretagande ofta som en av lösningarna pĂ„ de utmaningar – till exempel arbetslöshet – som följer med ökade migrationsströmmar. Regeringar i vĂ€sterlĂ€ndska vĂ€lfĂ€rdsstater försöker ofta frĂ€mja och stödja invandrares företagande genom olika nĂ€ringspolitiska Ă„tgĂ€rder. MĂ„len med dessa politiska Ă„tgĂ€rder uttrycks ofta i ekonomiska termer, till exempel att öka skatteintĂ€kterna. ÅtgĂ€rderna kan emellertid fĂ„ effekter som gĂ„r utanför de ekonomiska mĂ„len och mĂ€rks exempelvis i minskad arbetslöshet, minskad fattigdom och brottslighet samt minskade kostnader för vĂ€lfĂ€rdssystemet (Kazlou, 2019). Men den forskningsom bedrivits om Ă„tgĂ€rderna externa effekter pĂ„ andra politiska omrĂ„den har hittills varit mycket splittrad, och det finns endast begrĂ€nsade och anekdotiska bevis för dessa effekter. I vĂ„r systematiska litteraturgenomgĂ„ng tar vi oss an detta outforskade omrĂ„de i syfte att kartlĂ€gga hur andra delar av samhĂ€llet pĂ„verkas av nĂ€ringspolitiska insatser för utrikes födda entreprenörer.BestĂ€llare: TillvĂ€xtverket.</p

    Model Minority and Honorary White? Structural and Individual Accounts on Being Asian in Sweden

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    This chapter gives an overview of the socioeconomic situation of Asian immigrants, and their decedents, in Sweden. With the steady growth in the number of immigrants from Asian countries to Sweden since the 1970s, Asians are becoming increasingly visible among the Swedish population. However, they are rarely represented in the public, political, and academic discussions. As a first step to tackle the “narrative scarcity” (Lee and Ramakrishnan, RSF: The Russell Sage Foundation Journal of the Social Sciences 7 (2):, 1–20, 2021), we use register data to describe the educational position and employment situation of the 10 largest East, South and Southeast Asian groups in Sweden, in comparison to non-Asian immigrant groups. We found differences based on the regions of origin: East Asian groups are highly educated but have lower employment rates. Once employed, they work in highly skilled occupations. Southeast Asians have lower education and, therefore, are underrepresented in highly skilled jobs but have high employment rates. South Asians stand between these two groups