19 research outputs found

    From “Push Out” to “Pull In” together: An analysis of social entrepreneurship definitions in the academic field

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    ¡Las definiciones son importantes! Están compuestas de palabras que expresan lo que la gente piensa. A pesar de los numerosos esfuerzos para lograr una definición clara e imparcial de emprendimiento social, todavía hay confusión sobre cómo se debe definir el emprendimiento social. El objetivo de este documento no es establecer una definición novedosa, esto significa no "empujar" sino "juntarse" para comprender mejor de qué hablan los académicos a través de sus propias definiciones de emprendimiento social (SE). Al hacerlo, contribuimos a la literatura sintetizando y analizando las definiciones de SE para comprender mejor el campo. Para ello, se utilizó una combinación de métodos: revisión sistemática para llegar a los artículos que proponen definiciones y análisis memético para comprender el contenido de las definiciones mediante el análisis de sus memes. Del análisis, Se consideraron tres categorías principales: tipos de entidades, oportunidades empresariales e intenciones / promesas. Se destacan las futuras líneas de investigación y sus implicaciones. © 2018 Elsevier Lt

    L’utilisation des réseaux comme propulseur pour l’orientation de l’entreprise et la croissance de la petite et moyenne enterprise] [O uso das redes como propulsor para a orientação empreendedora e o crescimento da pequena e media empresa] [El uso de las redes como propulsor para la orientación emprendedora y el crecimiento de la pequeña y mediana empresa

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    This paper presents the results of a research undertaken with 121 small and medium manufacturing companies (smes) in Spain. The main aim of this study is to explore the impact of the use of networks on the development of entrepreneurial orientation and company growth. Considering the possibility to control possible biases and following suggestions made in previous studies, we have used objective measures of performance in this study. To analyze the data, we applied models of structural equations. The results indicate a positive impact in terms of the use of networks in the development of entrepreneurial orientation and they confirm the positive and significant effect of entrepreneurial orientation on business growth. Finally, they point out the direct and indirect effect of the use of networks on the growth of smes. © 2015, Universidad Nacional de Colombia. All rights reserved

    A Structured Literature Review of Immigrant Entrepreneurship. Insights from Italy

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    This paper reviews the field of immigrant entrepreneurship in Italy, through a Structure Literature Review (SLR), in order to develop insights into how this field is emerging, to offer a critique of the research to date and outline future re-search opportunities. Immigrant entrepreneurship is a multi-faceted phenomenon and three approaches, - the structural approach, the cultural approach and the Mixed Embeddedness perspective-, addressing both economic and socio-cultural factors, have been used as a starting point to examine literature on this topic. De-spite the fact that the phenomenon of immigrant entrepreneurship is in the focus of multiple disciplines, there is still a considerable gap in the academic literature regarding to an exact definition of it. The present research addresses the issue of a substantial lack of an acceptable interdisciplinary definition of \u201cimmigrant\u201d and \u201cimmigrant entrepreneurship\u201d by means of synthesizing existing literature on the matter and identifying the most current and relevant concepts through the coding method. The research pointed out also the limited contribution of management and accounting studies in deepening the immigrant entrepreneurship phenome-non. Considering the development of this phenomenon in the new era of globali-zation and the growing of recent flows of immigration in all continents, particu-larly in Europe, we claim for the need to fulfil this gap through further studies. In this regard, this empirical research provide useful insights in pointing out some research path to cultivate in the future