3 research outputs found
Explaining the model of comprehensive waste management in urban and rural areas and intermediate spaces (Case study: Khorasan Razavi province)
One of the main topics of sustainable development is environmental issues. Waste management is one of the most important environmental programs in the world. Today, statesmen have come to the conclusion that in order to achieve an ideal and sustainable society, it is necessary to pay attention to waste management. This study was conducted to identify the current status of waste management in Khorasan Razavi province and provide an optimal management model. This is a descriptive-analytical study. The sample population includes all cities and villages of Khorasan Razavi province. The sample size in cities with waste management organization was in full and in other cities and districts using random sampling method using Cochran's formula. The results were classified and analyzed using SPSS, Excel and GIS software. Data collection tools were library resources, field resources including interviews with experts, managers and professors of technology. Preparation and completion of questionnaires from urban and rural areas is the preparation of checklists and field visits. Based on the SWOT model strategy and internal and external environment analysis, the most important strength is the reduction of entrepreneurship in the implementation of waste management activities and the lack of a comprehensive plan for waste management is the most important weakness. In assessing the external environment, the existence of industries and markets for the consumption of recycled materials in the province and the region is the most important opportunity and the existence of economic crises in urban and rural communities and industrial areas in the region is the most important threat. The results of the study indicate the need to improve the framework and infrastructure of waste management in the province and the development of laws and detailed monitoring systems to implement the findings and scientific and practical experiences of other countries to achieve economic, social and environmental goals
Explaining the model of comprehensive waste management in urban and rural areas and intermediate spaces (Case study: Khorasan Razavi province)
One of the main topics of sustainable development is environmental issues. Waste management is one of the most important environmental programs in the world. Today, statesmen have come to the conclusion that in order to achieve an ideal and sustainable society, it is necessary to pay attention to waste management. This study was conducted to identify the current status of waste management in Khorasan Razavi province and provide an optimal management model. This is a descriptive-analytical study. The sample population includes all cities and villages of Khorasan Razavi province. The sample size in cities with waste management organization was in full and in other cities and districts using random sampling method using Cochran's formula. The results were classified and analyzed using SPSS, Excel and GIS software. Data collection tools were library resources, field resources including interviews with experts, managers and professors of technology. Preparation and completion of questionnaires from urban and rural areas is the preparation of checklists and field visits. Based on the SWOT model strategy and internal and external environment analysis, the most important strength is the reduction of entrepreneurship in the implementation of waste management activities and the lack of a comprehensive plan for waste management is the most important weakness. In assessing the external environment, the existence of industries and markets for the consumption of recycled materials in the province and the region is the most important opportunity and the existence of economic crises in urban and rural communities and industrial areas in the region is the most important threat. The results of the study indicate the need to improve the framework and infrastructure of waste management in the province and the development of laws and detailed monitoring systems to implement the findings and scientific and practical experiences of other countries to achieve economic, social and environmental goals.Uno de los principales temas del desarrollo sostenible son las cuestiones ambientales. La
gesti贸n de residuos es uno de los programas medioambientales m谩s importantes del mundo.
Hoy, los estadistas han llegado a la conclusi贸n de que para lograr una sociedad ideal y
sostenible es necesario prestar atenci贸n a la gesti贸n de residuos. Este estudio se realiz贸 para
identificar el estado actual de la gesti贸n de residuos en la provincia de Khorasan Razavi y
proporcionar un modelo de gesti贸n 贸ptimo. Este es un estudio descriptivo-anal铆tico. La
poblaci贸n de muestra incluye todas las ciudades y pueblos de la provincia de Khorasan Razavi.
El tama帽o de la muestra en las ciudades con organizaci贸n de gesti贸n de residuos fue completo
y en otras ciudades y distritos utilizando el m茅todo de muestreo aleatorio utilizando la f贸rmula
de Cochran. Los resultados se clasificaron y analizaron mediante los programas SPSS, Excel y
GIS. Las herramientas de recopilaci贸n de datos fueron recursos bibliotecarios, recursos de
campo, incluidas entrevistas con expertos, gerentes y profesores de tecnolog铆a. La preparaci贸n
y llenado de cuestionarios de 谩reas urbanas y rurales es la preparaci贸n de listas de verificaci贸n
y visitas de campo. Con base en la estrategia del modelo DAFO y el an谩lisis del entorno
interno y externo, la fortaleza m谩s importante es la reducci贸n del esp铆ritu empresarial en la
implementaci贸n de actividades de gesti贸n de residuos y la falta de un plan integral para la
gesti贸n de residuos es la debilidad m谩s importante. Al evaluar el entorno externo, la existencia
de industrias y mercados para el consumo de materiales reciclados en la provincia y la regi贸n
es la oportunidad m谩s importante y la existencia de crisis econ贸micas en las comunidades
urbanas, rurales y 谩reas industriales de la regi贸n es la m谩s importante. amenaza. Los resultados
del estudio se帽alan la necesidad de mejorar el marco e infraestructura de la gesti贸n de residuos
en la provincia y el desarrollo de leyes y sistemas de monitoreo detallado para implementar los
hallazgos y experiencias cient铆ficas y pr谩cticas de otros pa铆ses para lograr metas econ贸micas,
sociales y ambientales