12 research outputs found

    Indonesian Secularities: On the Influence of the State-Islam Relationship on Legal and Political Developments

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    This article aims to analyse the relationship between state and religion (in this case, Islam) in political and legal developments in Indonesia from colonial times to the present, and to determine the model of Indonesian secularity within the multiple secularities approach. The legal and political developments relating to the relationship between the state and Islam in Indonesia are understood to be the products of societal debate as well as instruments for solving particular societal problems, guided by certain guiding ideas1 that shape Indonesian secularity. The paper first describes Indonesia’s evolving socio-political conditions, noting in particular the emergence of two distinct groups: Islamic groups calling for Islam to be made the foundation of the Indonesian state and for Islamic law to be enforced for Muslims in Indonesia, and nationalist groups that support the idea of a secular nation-state based on Pancasila, a set of five founding principles. In the second part, the paper outlines the development of Pancasila as a national agreement and state ideology. The third part analyses the state’s legal policy on Islamic law. The fourth part analyses the relationship between the character of the contemporaneous regime and its attitude towards the aspirations of Islamic law. The fifth part analyses some state laws in Indonesia that relate to Islamic law in order to establish whether they constitute a legalisation of Islamic law and to what end the laws were created. The sixth part determines the model of Indonesian secularity based on the societal problems to be solved by the legal and political developments and the guiding ideas referred to. The final part defines the general boundaries between the state and Islam

    Effectiveness of Application Article 18 Regulation of the Minister of Law and Human Rights Number 7 Year 2016 to the Role of the Notary Honorary Assembly in Protecting Notary Professions: Case Study in Bengkulu City

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    The writing of this journal aims to know and analyze the effectiveness of the application of Article 18 of Regulation of the Minister of Justice and Human Rights No. 7 of 2016 on the role of the Notary Public Honor Council in protecting the Notary profession in Bengkulu City and to find a formulation of the regulation on the protection of the Notary profession granted by the Assembly Honor Notary to ensure legal certainty in the future Keywords: Legal Effectiveness, Legal Protection, Honorary Board of Notary, Profession Notary

    Comparison of Threshold Provisions for Presidential Candidacy in Indonesia and Turkey

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    Abstract. In Indonesia, there is a nomination threshold often referred to as the Presidential Threshold in the mechanism to nominate a President and his/her Vice-President in the Election of the President. The stipulation of the threshold as a condition for Political Parties to nominate pairs of President and Vice President candidates in the General Election is 20% of the votes or 25% of the seats in the Representative House in the previous legislative elections. This arrangement caused controversy because it limited the rights of political parties as eligible election participants in nominating candidates for the presidential position. It also ignored political parties’ constitutional rights. The threshold requirement for pres�idential candidacy is also known in Turkey. Turkey is the only country that the author found where the presidential nomination system uses a threshold require�ment. However, the presidential nomination threshold in Turkey is only 5% or 100,000 voters from the previous parliamentary elections. Presidential elections in Turkey are carried out simultaneously between the legislative and presidential elections and apply a two-round system like in Indonesia. Therefore, the threshold for the presidential nomination in Indonesia needs to be reduced and even removed to not restrict political parties from proposing candidate pairs for the position of President and Vice. Keywords: Comparison · Presidential Threshold · Indonesia · Turke

    Indonesian Secularities: On the Influence of the State-Islam Relationship on Legal and Political Developments

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    This article aims to analyse the relationship between state and religion (in this case, Islam) in political and legal developments in Indonesia from colonial times to the present, and to determine the model of Indonesian secularity within the multiple secularities approach. The legal and political developments relating to the relationship between the state and Islam in Indonesia are understood to be the products of societal debate as well as instruments for solving particular societal problems, guided by certain guiding ideas1 that shape Indonesian secularity. The paper first describes Indonesia’s evolving socio-political conditions, noting in particular the emergence of two distinct groups: Islamic groups calling for Islam to be made the foundation of the Indonesian state and for Islamic law to be enforced for Muslims in Indonesia, and nationalist groups that support the idea of a secular nation-state based on Pancasila, a set of five founding principles. In the second part, the paper outlines the development of Pancasila as a national agreement and state ideology. The third part analyses the state’s legal policy on Islamic law. The fourth part analyses the relationship between the character of the contemporaneous regime and its attitude towards the aspirations of Islamic law. The fifth part analyses some state laws in Indonesia that relate to Islamic law in order to establish whether they constitute a legalisation of Islamic law and to what end the laws were created. The sixth part determines the model of Indonesian secularity based on the societal problems to be solved by the legal and political developments and the guiding ideas referred to. The final part defines the general boundaries between the state and Islam

    Indonesian Secularities: On the Influence of the State-Islam Relationship on Legal and Political Developments

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    This article aims to analyse the relationship between state and religion (in this case, Islam) in political and legal developments in Indonesia from colonial times to the present, and to determine the model of Indonesian secularity within the multiple secularities approach. The legal and political developments relating to the relationship between the state and Islam in Indonesia are understood to be the products of societal debate as well as instruments for solving particular societal problems, guided by certain guiding ideas1 that shape Indonesian secularity. The paper first describes Indonesia’s evolving socio-political conditions, noting in particular the emergence of two distinct groups: Islamic groups calling for Islam to be made the foundation of the Indonesian state and for Islamic law to be enforced for Muslims in Indonesia, and nationalist groups that support the idea of a secular nation-state based on Pancasila, a set of five founding principles. In the second part, the paper outlines the development of Pancasila as a national agreement and state ideology. The third part analyses the state’s legal policy on Islamic law. The fourth part analyses the relationship between the character of the contemporaneous regime and its attitude towards the aspirations of Islamic law. The fifth part analyses some state laws in Indonesia that relate to Islamic law in order to establish whether they constitute a legalisation of Islamic law and to what end the laws were created. The sixth part determines the model of Indonesian secularity based on the societal problems to be solved by the legal and political developments and the guiding ideas referred to. The final part defines the general boundaries between the state and Islam

    Ringkasan Shahih Bukhari (Jilid 3)

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    Konstitusionalitas Evaluasi Peraturan Daerah Pajak Dan Retribusi Daerah Dalam Pasal 99 Ayat (2) Undang-Undang Nomor 1 Tahun 2022 Tentang Hubungan Keuangan Antara Pemerintah Pusat Dan Pemerintah Daerah

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    Pasca berlakunya Undang-Undang Nomor 1 Tahun 2022 tentang Hubungan Keuangan antara Pemerintah Pusat dan Pemerintah Daerah yang selanjutnya disebut UU HKPD. Penulis menemukan fakta hukum bahwa dalam hal evaluasi terhadap Perda Pajak dan Retribusi Daerah yang selanjutnya disebut Perda PDRD, pemerintah pusat melalui menteri keuangan dan menteri dalam negeri melalui pasal 99 ayat (2) UU HKPD, diberikan wewenang untuk dapat menguji kesesuaian Perda PDRD Provinsi/Kabupaten/Kota yang telah berlaku dengan menggunakan beberapa indikator, salah satunya yakni ketentuan peraturan perundang-undangan yang lebih tinggi. Kewenangan yang diatur dalam Pasal 99 Ayat (2) UU HKPD tersebut secara langsung beririsan dengan Kewenangan Mahkamah Agung yang juga diatur secara konstitusional dalam Pasal 24A Ayat (1) UUD NRI 1945 yang memberikan kewenangan pengujian perda sebagai salah satu peraturan perundang-undangan yang kedudukannya berada dibawah undang-undang kepada Mahkamah Agung. Berdasarkan permasalahan yang telah diuraikan penulis diatas, penulis merumuskan beberapa rumusan masalah: (1) Bagaimana konstitusionalitas evaluasi Perda PDRD dalam Pasal 99 Ayat (2) UU HKPD?, (2) Bagaimana Konsekuensi Hukum yang timbul dari adanya evaluasi Perda PDRD dalam Pasal 99 Ayat (2) UU HKPD?, (3) Bagaimana reformulasi terhadap evaluasi Perda PDRD yang ideal di Indonesia?. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian Yuridis Normatif yang menggunakan beberapa pendekatan penelitian, meliputi: Pendekatan Perundang-Undangan, Pendekatan Analitis, dan Pendekatan Konseptual. Adapun kesimpulan yang dapat ditarik dalam penelitian ini melipouti: (1) Ketentuan Pasal 99 Ayat (2) UU HKPD baik dari segi formil maupun materil dapat dikatakan inkonstitusional dengan UUD NRI 1945. (2) Keberlakuan Pasal 99 Ayat (2) UU HKPD menimbulkan beberapa Konsekuensi Hukum, antara lain: menimbulkan ketidakpastian hukum dalam aspek regulasi pengujian perda PDRD, dan menyebabkan adanya Dualisme Kewenangan pengujian perda PDRD pada aspek kelembagaan. (3) Reformulasi terhadap Konsep Evaluasi Perda PDRD yang ideal dalam UU HKPD dilakukan penulis dengan cara memberikan batasan yang jelas terhadap obyek yang dapat diawasi ataupun dievaluasi oleh pemerintah pusat di daerah yakni terbatas hanya pada rancangan perda PDRD saja bukan perda PDRD yang sudah berlaku mengikat. Jika perda PDRD itu sudah mengikat umum, maka sebaiknya yang menguji adalah Mahkamah Agung sebagai pihak ketiga yang sama sekali tidak terlibat dalam proses pembentukan perda PDRD yang bersangkutan