5 research outputs found

    Ceyhan'da mısır ekilişlerinde uçakla sıvı yaprak gübresi uygulamaları üzerine bir araştırma

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    TEZ1809Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- Çukurova Üniversitesi, Adana, 1993.Kaynakça (s. 97-101) var.vi, 103 s. ; 30 cm.…Bu çalışma Ç.Ü. Bilimsel Araştırma Projeleri Birimi Tarafından Desteklenmiştir

    Effects of different spray application techniques on the predatory insect Orius niger Wolff on strawberries

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    Zararlılara karşı ilaç uygulamalarında ilacın biyolojik etkisi kadar uygulama tekniği de önem kazanmaktadır. Zararlı böceklere biyolojik etki yanında ilaçlama tekniklerinin faydalı böceklere olan yan etkileri yeterince bilinmemektedir. Bu çalışmada konik hüzmeli meme (M1), yardımcı hava akımlı döner kafesli meme (M2) ve yelpaze hüzmeli meme (M3) kullanılarak malathion 20 EC etkili maddeli ilacın çilek bitkilerinde yaygın olarak görülen hemipter (Anthocoridae) avcı Orius niger Wolff"e etkileri incelenmiştir. Orius"lar çiçeklerden örneklenmiştir. 2007 yılında konik hüzmeli meme uygulamasında 2008 yılında ise yelpaze huzmeli memeler ile yapılan ilaçlamada bitki üzerinde en fazla kalıntı saptanmıştır. Nispeten daha az ilaç kalıntısı M2 uygulamasında kaydedilmiştir. Avcı böcek sayısı önemli sayıda M2 uygulamasında saptanmıştır. En az Orius sayısı M1 uygulamasında bulunmuştur.As well as the biological efficacy of a pesticide, the spray application technique is also important and the adverse effects on beneficial insects are not wellunderstood. In this work, the effects of malathion 20 EC on the predatory insect Orius niger Wolff, which is commonly found in strawberry production areas in the region, was investigated during 2007-2008 by using the hollow cone nozzle (M1), air assisted spinning cage nozzle (M2) and flat fan nozzle (M3). The insecticide residue level was significantly higher on plants in the M1 plots in 2007 but in 2008 a significantly higher residue level was detected on plants in the M3 plots. A relatively less amount of residue was found in the plots sprayed with M2. Orius niger individuals were collected from flowers; significantly higher numbers were collected from the M2 plots in both years. In addition, significantly lower numbers of O. niger were collected after the M1 application


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    Denemelerde A (%50 v/v çırçırlanmış çiğit kabuğu + %50 v/v toprak), B (%25 v/v çırçırlanmış çiğit kabuğu + %25 v/v toprak+%50 v/v saman) ve C (%25 v/v turba + %25 v/v toprak + %50 v/v saman) biyo karışımları kullanılmıştır. Pestisit emilimi incelendiğinde; C biyo karışımda en fazla (4931.7475 ppb) ve A biyo karışımda en az (3394.4658 ppb) pestisit kalıntısı bulunmuştur. Her üç biyo karışımdaki pestisit emilimi üzerine istatistiksel analiz yapıldığında aralarında bir fark bulunmamıştır. Pestisit azalım süreci incelendiğinde; A biyo karışımdaki azalım, B ve C biyo karışımlardaki azalıma göre yaklaşık iki kat daha uzun sürede gerçekleştiği saptanmıştır. Bu nedenle, biobed sisteminde pahalı ve zor bulunan turba yerine ülkemizde tarımsal atık olan çırçırlanmış çiğit kabuğunun kullanılması gerektiği sonucuna varılmıştır. Ayrıca, biobed sisteminde pestisit azalımındaki kararlılığın saman kullanımıyla gerçekleştiği belirlenmiştir.In trials, A (50% v/v ginned cotton seed+50% v/v farm-soil), B (25% v/v ginned cotton seed+25% v/v farm-soil+50% straw), and C (25% v/v peat+25% v/v farm-soil+50% v/v straw) biomixes were used. The highest pesticide residue was determined in C biomix, 4931.7475 ppb, and the lowest pesticide residue was observed in A biomix, 3394.4658 ppb. In statistical analysis, there is no significantly difference between biomixes. According to degradation period, A biomix was longer approximately two times than B and C biomix. Consequently, in this study, there is no statistical difference between pesticides residues in biomixes. It was concluded that ginned cotton seed can be used instead of peat in biobed which is efficient on reducing of pesticide contaminated waters during filling, mixing, and cleaning of sprayers, in Turkey. Moreover, straw should be used in biobed for efficiency of stability degradation of pesticide

    Determination of accuracy level of agricultural spraying application in Sanliurfa/Turkey

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    When calibration, spraying height, applied pressure, volume rate, nozzle type and application time of equipment used in pesticide applications are incorrect, this causes the amount of agricultural pesticide applied per unit area to be more or less needed. A survey study was carried out on farmers in order to determine whether or not they adjust application pressure of pesticide equipment, nozzle type, volume rate, spraying height and calibration of spraying equipment needed for pesticide application to have values, and also whether or not they carry out agricultural pesticide application in accurate weather conditions such as wind speed, air temperature, relative humidity, temperature and application time. This research was conducted in 2008 by randomly determining 110 agricultural organizations located in villages in the center of Sanliurfa/Turkey and its districts. Survey study was carried out by taking data from pesticide applications processes made on products such as cotton, wheat, barley, lentils and corn which have been intensely produced in the region. It was determined that in general, farmers operated field sprayer at very high pressures in agricultural pesticide application and they did not adjust travel speed of boom sprayer based on the calibration of pesticide application equipment. Moreover, based on data obtained from survey studies, application operators and farmers did not know values of wind speed, temperature and relative humidity required for agricultural pesticide applications.When calibration, spraying height, applied pressure, volume rate, nozzle type and application time ofequipment used in pesticide applications are incorrect, this causes the amount of agricultural pesticideapplied per unit area to be more or less needed. A survey study was carried out on farmers in order todetermine whether or not they adjust application pressure of pesticide equipment, nozzle type, volumerate, spraying height and calibration of spraying equipment needed for pesticide application to havevalues, and also whether or not they carry out agricultural pesticide application in accurate weatherconditions such as wind speed, air temperature, relative humidity, temperature and application time.This research was conducted in 2008 by randomly determining 110 agricultural organizations located invillages in the center of Sanliurfa/Turkey and its districts. Survey study was carried out by taking datafrom pesticide applications processes made on products such as cotton, wheat, barley, lentils and cornwhich have been intensely produced in the region. It was determined that in general, farmers operatedfield sprayer at very high pressures in agricultural pesticide application and they did not adjust travelspeed of boom sprayer based on the calibration of pesticide application equipment. Moreover, basedon data obtained from survey studies, application operators and farmers did not know values of windspeed, temperature and relative humidity required for agricultural pesticide applications

    Seeding uniformity for vacuum precision seeders Uniformidade de semeaduras para semeadeiras de precisão a vácuo

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    The performance of three vacuum precision seeders was investigated in a field study. Seeding uniformity was determined in three different within-row distances: 14, 18 and 21 cm. The seeders were operated at 1.8, 3.6, 5.4 and 7.2 km h-1. Successive seed spacing along of 3 m of row was measured in three replications on each row. For evaluating the seeding uniformity of seeders, seed spacings were analyzed using the methods (MISS, MULT, QFI and PREC). There were no differences between seeders. For P < 0.01, operating speed affected MISS and QFI values, and the within-row seed spacing affected MULT and PREC values. The best operating speed was 1.8 km h-1 because of the highest QFI value (88.5%). There was no difference between 1.8 and 3.6 km h-1. The speeds, 1.8 and 3.6 km h-1, were different from 5.4 and 7.2 km h-1. The best within-row distance was 18 cm because the QFI value was higher than those of 14 and 20 cm, 86.9%, 82.0% and 81.8%, respectively. The best PREC value was obtained for 21 cm within-row distance (17.4%). PREC values were acceptable for precision seeding in all trials.<br>O comportamento de três semeadeiras de precisão a vácuo foi investigado em um estudo de campo. A uniformidade de semeadura foi determinada para três distâncias de entrelinha: 14, 18 e 21 cm. As semeadeiras operaram nas velocidades de 1,8; 3,6; 5,4 e 7,2 km h-1. O espaçamento entre sementes sucessivas foi feito ao longo de 3 m de linha, com três repetições em cada linha. Para avaliar a uniformidade, os espaçamentos entre sementes foram analisados usando os métodos (MISS, MULT, QFI e PREC) e nos resultados não foi achada diferença entre semeadeiras. Para P < 0,001 a velocidade de operação afetou MISS e QFI e o espaçamento entre linhas afetou MULT e PREC. A melhor velocidade de operação foi de 1,8 km h-1 devido ao seu mais alto valor de QFI (88,5%). Não houve diferença entre as velocidades de 1,8 e 3,6 km h-1, mas elas foram diferentes das velocidades 5,4 e 7,2 km h-1. A melhor distância entre linhas foi de 18 cm, pois seu QFI foi maior em relação à 14 e 20 cm, 86,9%, 82,0% e 81,8%, respectivamente. O melhor PREC foi obtido para 21 cm de entrelinha (17,4) e os valores de PREC foram aceitáveis para todos experimentos