516 research outputs found

    Kinetic surface roughening for the Mullins-Herring equation

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    Using the linearity property of the Mullins-Herring equation when the velocity is zero with a Gaussian noise, we obtain an analytic form for the global mean-square surface width and height-height correlation function. This can be used to read the critical exponents in any dimension. In particular for d=1 we show that although the surface is super rough the system exhibits Family-Vicsek scaling behavior.Comment: 5 page

    Distributed optical fibre sensing with enhanced frequency range and sensitivity for structural health monitoring

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    A distributed optical fibre sensing system is studied which uses a PZT to modulate the phase of the backscattered Rayleigh light in order to enhance the frequency range and strain sensitivity of the sensing system

    High spatial resolution distributed optical fibre dynamic strain sensor with enhanced frequency and strain resolution

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    A distributed optical fiber dynamic strain sensor with high spatial and frequency resolution is demonstrated. The sensor, which uses the φ-OTDR interrogation technique, exhibited a higher sensitivity thanks to an improved optical arrangement and a new signal processing procedure. The proposed sensing system is capable of fully quantifying multiple dynamic perturbations along a 5 km long sensing fiber with a frequency and spatial resolution of 5 Hz and 50 cm, respectively. The strain resolution of the sensor was measured to be 40 nε

    Proteomics Databases and Websites

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    Information avalanche (overload or expansion) in various scientific fields is a novel issue turned out by a number of factors considered necessary to facilitate their record and registration. Though, the biological science and its diverse fields like proteomics are not immune of this event and even may be as the event’s herald. On the other hand, time as the most valued anxiety of human has encountered a huge mass of information. Therefore, in order to maintain access and ease the understanding of information in several fields some emprises have been prepared. Bioinformatics is an upshot of this anxiety and emprise. Interestingly, proteomics through studying proteins collection in alive things has covered a great portion of bioinformatics. Consequently, a noteworthy outlook on proteomics related databases (DBs) and websites not only can help investigators to face the upcoming archive of databases but also estimate the volume of the needed facilitates. Furthermore, enrichment of the DBs or related websites must be the priority of researchers. Herein, by covering the major proteomics related databases and websites, we have presented a comprehensive classification to simplify and clarify their understanding and applications

    Chaotic behavior in Casimir oscillators: A case study for phase change materials

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    Casimir forces between material surfaces at close proximity of less than 200 nm can lead to increased chaotic behavior of actuating devices depending on the strength of the Casimir interaction. We investigate these phenomena for phase change materials in torsional oscillators, where the amorphous to crystalline phase transitions lead to transitions between high and low Casimir force and torque states respectively, without material compositions. For a conservative system bifurcation curve and Poincare maps analysis show the absence of chaotic behavior but with the crystalline phase (high force/torque state) favoring more unstable behavior and stiction. However, for a non-conservative system chaotic behavior can occur introducing significant risk for stiction, which is again more pronounced for the crystalline phase. The latter illustrates the more general scenario that stronger Casimir forces and torques increase the possibility for chaotic behavior. The latter is making impossible to predict whether stiction or stable actuation will occur on a long term basis, and it is setting limitations in the design of micro/nano devices operating at short range nanoscale separations.Comment: 30 pages, 13 figure

    QuateXelero : an accelerated exact network motif detection algorithm

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    Finding motifs in biological, social, technological, and other types of networks has become a widespread method to gain more knowledge about these networks’ structure and function. However, this task is very computationally demanding, because it is highly associated with the graph isomorphism which is an NP problem (not known to belong to P or NP-complete subsets yet). Accordingly, this research is endeavoring to decrease the need to call NAUTY isomorphism detection method, which is the most time-consuming step in many existing algorithms. The work provides an extremely fast motif detection algorithm called QuateXelero, which has a Quaternary Tree data structure in the heart. The proposed algorithm is based on the well-known ESU (FANMOD) motif detection algorithm. The results of experiments on some standard model networks approve the overal superiority of the proposed algorithm, namely QuateXelero, compared with two of the fastest existing algorithms, G-Tries and Kavosh. QuateXelero is especially fastest in constructing the central data structure of the algorithm from scratch based on the input network

    Effect of self- care program based on the Orem frame work on self concept in multiple sclerosis patients

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    Background and Objective: Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a chronic, progressive and degenerative myelin sheath of the central nervous system. Manifestation and side effect of this disease drastically impress patient’s body image and destruct self concept. The objective of the implementation of this study was to evaluate the effect of Orem self- care program on multiple sclerosis patients’ self concept. Materials and Methods: This quesi-experimental study was done on 34 MS patients referred to Ayatollah Kashani hospital in Shahrekord – Iran, during 2008. The patients were selected by convenience sampling. 8 sessions educational program based on patients needs and Orem self care frame work during 3 months were carried out and with self reporting sheets program was pursued. After 3 months self concept questionnaire completed and data were analyzed by using SPSS-11.5 software and paired T, will kakson and kruskal wallis tests. Results: Mean of self concept, prior and post intervention was 60.67±4.20, 118.26±3.53, respectively (P<0.05). No significant correlation was found between age, gender, educational level, marriage status, number of children, occupation, level of income, duration of outbreak, times of hospitalized with self esteem. Conclusion: This study showed that self care program based on the Orem frame work has positive effects on self esteem in multiple sclerosis patients. Therefore this program is recommended in MS patients
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