728 research outputs found


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    This study examines the teaching of Islamic Religious Education (PAI) for Young Children at Pocut Baren Kindergarten Padang Tiji in the District of Pidie by analyzing learning activities, from the perspectives of curriculum and teaching materials as well as planning and the evaluation system. We utilize a descriptive-analytic approach to field research and look at a variety of literature relevant to teaching religion to young children as a theoretical foundation for our research.The review of school document, field observations, and interviews with the head of the kindergarten and teachers are an integral part of our analytical approach. Our study finds that the teachers of this kindergarten understand the curriculum and have proficiently designed the study plans even though their implementation are at times isolated from the already-designed daily and weekly sketches (SKH and SKM).Furthermore, the evaluation of Islamic religious education in this school is conducted daily and semi-annually (every semester) and the results of both tests indicate the overall progress and achievement of pupils. All of this illustrates that the implementation of Islamic religious education at Pocut Baren Kindergarten Padang Tiji has proceeded adequately for the purpose of achieving educational objectives stated in the curriculum. Yet, it still needs the principal’s and teachers’ further innovation and creativity, so that the teaching and learning processes become richer and are in accordance with the development of scientific progress and the dynamics of the new era

    Effect of Vitamin D3 Supplement on the Semen Quality in Human Patients with Vitamin D Deficiency

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    Thermophilic bacteria are a source of bioactive compounds that have many benefits for human life. One of them is as a source of antimicrobials. This research aimed to identify and characterize the promising thermophilic bacterial isolates by analyzing bioactive compounds and their potential as antimicrobial agents. Thermophilic bacteria with the code LBKURCC were taken from the collection of the Biochemistry Laboratory of the University of Riau. Forty-four purified strains of thermophilic bacteria were tested for antimicrobial ability. These thermophilic bacteria were taken from hot springs located in the Sumatra provinces of West Sumatra and Riau. Strain LBKURCC218 isolated from Rimbo Panti hot springs in West Sumatra was chosen to further investigate antimicrobials production. Isolates of hot spring bacteria that produced the highest antimicrobial were identified by comparing the similarity of the 16S rRNA gene sequences. BLAST result and phylogenetic tree showed that the selected thermophilic bacterial strain was similar to Bacillus paramicoides with the similarity index of 99.93%. Analysis of bioactive compounds of the ethyl acetate extract of liquid cultures of B. paramycoides LBKURCC218 showed the best producer of antimicrobial compounds compared to other isolates. The most identified compounds from the ethyl acetate extract were Dodecanoic acid, representing 23.62% of the total compounds, followed by 11-Dodecanoic acid at 17.84%. Ethyl acetate extract of B. paramycoides LBKURCC218 has a high inhibition zone against Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, and Candida albicans

    Tissue microarrays and their use for preparation of reference slides for educational purposes in histology and histopathology

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    Use of Tissue array was first applied in 1998, and has received a significant amount of attention from the research community ever since. In this technique, a large number (up to 1000) of cylindrical tissue core extracted from \"donor\" paraffin block are deposited into \"recipient\" block. The aim was modification of the technique of tissue array for manual preparation of the recipient block and production of slides of educational interest in histology and histopathology. The area of interest was localized with the help of stained section, the area was punctured, and the cylindrical core of tissue removed was then introduced into another (recipient) paraffin block. Puncture method was suitable only for parenchymatous organs (liver, kidney, heart, spleen, etc.) but longitudinal sections were required for tubular (gastrointestinal tract, urinary tract, genital tract) and hollow organs (gallbladder, urinary bladder) and brain. The method described is of importance in procurement of materials for preparation of slides for educational purposes and in overcoming the shortage of these materials especially in the field of pathology African Journal of Health Sciences Vol. 13 (3-4) 2006: pp. 66-6


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    Objective: Epidemiological studies revealed that 10-15 % of couples in the world experience infertility. Thyroid dysfunction (hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism) possessed adverse effect on reproductive health and resulted in, interference with ovulation, reduced rates of conception, increased early pregnancy loss, and adverse effects on pregnancy and neonatal outcomes. The current study aims to explore the thyroid dysfunction among infertile women in Nasiriyah city-Iraq. Methods: The study was conducted on 60 infertile women (age group 17–45 y) who visited infertility departments in Al-Hussein hospital, Al-Haboubi hospital and Bent AL Huda hospital, in Nasiriyah city, from October 2019 to March 2020. Thirty normal females (age matched) were taken as controls. TSH, T3, T4, LH, FSH, prolactin, progesterone and estradiol levels were determine by using VIDAS® Assay. Results: The prevalence of hyperthyroidism among infertile women was 13.33% and hypothyroidism was 10.00%. Both hyper and hypothyroidism induced adverse changes in the serum levels of LH, FSH, prolactin and gonadal hormones. Conclusion: Thyroid dysfunction was associated with a risk of not getting pregnancy. Women were advised to achieve euthyroidism before planning a pregnancy

    The Effect of Collimator Diameters on Buildup Factor by using Gamma – Gamma Coincidence System

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    In this work buildup factor of aluminum and copper samples was studied for different thickness using a  gamma _  gamma coincidence technique and by use two collimator 10 and 7 mm, buildup factor  was calculated for thickness ranged between ( 0 - 9.6 ) cm of aluminum and ( 0 - 4.0 ) cm of copper  using  Na - 22  source with activity of   ( 1 micro Curie ) with single energy ( 0.511 MeV ) and by using ( 3 "× 3" ) sodium iodide detector  NaI (TI). The results showed that buildup factor was more accuracy when we used small diameter because this will decrease the scattering ray which make our calculations more acute for buildup factor which is very important in shielding process for gamma ray. Keywords: Buildup factor, Gamma ray, Shield, Coincidence

    Performance of a local signalized intersection for handling traffic operation in Baghdad City

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    The inspection of the flexibility and performance of a local signalized intersection in managing traffic operation in Baghdad city is the main target of this study. Andalus intersection is one of the important local intersections in Bagdad city which recorded remarkable traffic congestion problem now a days and have been chosen in this study as a part of continuous studies due to its vital location. Smart Traffic Analysis (STA) software is used to give an aspect to the inefficient performance of the Andalus signalized intersection having three approached links and four exit legs while SYNCHRO software is used to simulate the data analysis and offer different alternative solutions to solve the congestion problem. From the obtained data analysis it has been found that the best suggested alteration for handling the current traffic volume of each studied intersection approach is the signalized intersection with optimum cycle time combined with the addition of two lanes, where the mean delay for the entire intersection can be reduced by approximately 26% by applying alteration No.1 while the mean delay for the entire intersection can be reduce approximately by 31% by applying alteration No.2. Furthermore, the queue length for the entire intersection can be reducing by approximately 6% and 17% for alteration No.1 and No.2 respectively
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