39 research outputs found

    Identification Et Cartographie Des Zones Potentielles De Recharge Des Eaux Dans La RĂ©gion De Dosso (Sud-Ouest, Niger) Par Analyse MulticritĂšre

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    Les eaux souterraines constituent la principale sourced’approvisionnement en eau des populations de la rĂ©gion de Dosso, situĂ©e dansle Sud-Ouest du bassin des Iullemmeden. En dĂ©pit du climat aride Ă  semi-aridequi caractĂ©rise cette rĂ©gion, le renouvellement des eaux des nappessouterraines s’effectue Ă  travers les pluies. Cette recharge des eaux, quiconstitue un Ă©lĂ©ment essentiel dans le cycle hydrologique, se faitprĂ©fĂ©rentiellement selon des zones qui peuvent aussi ĂȘtre des zonesvulnĂ©rables Ă  la pollution des nappes. L’objectif principal de cette Ă©tudeconsiste Ă  identifier puis Ă  cartographier les zones potentielles de recharge deseaux. La dĂ©marche mĂ©thodologique utilisĂ©e dans le cadre de ce travail anĂ©cessitĂ© l’utilisation de l’analyse multicritĂšre combinant le SystĂšmed’Information GĂ©ographique (SIG) et la tĂ©lĂ©dĂ©tection. AprĂšs le traitement desimages Landsat de Dosso, tous les paramĂštres influençant les processus derecharge des eaux ont Ă©tĂ© intĂ©grĂ©s au SIG. Il s’agit : des types de sol, del’occupation du sol, des densitĂ©s des fractures et du drainage, de la lithologiede la zone non saturĂ©e et de la pente du terrain. La carte des zones potentiellesde recharge des eaux montre que la majoritĂ© de la zone Ă©tudiĂ©e prĂ©sente unpotentiel rĂ©el d’infiltration des eaux liĂ© Ă  : la nature sableuse des sols, laprĂ©sence des zones de cultures pluviales, la prĂ©sence de fractures et la densitĂ©du rĂ©seau hydrographique. Cette carte a aussi permis de confirmer que leszones Ă  potentiel Ă©levĂ© de recharge se situent dans les lits des mares et des"dallols" (larges vallĂ©es sĂšches), qui deviennent ainsi des zones plusvulnĂ©rables. Ce support cartographique constitue de ce fait un outil d’aide Ă  ladĂ©cision. Groundwater is the main source of water supply in the Dosso regionwhich is located in the southwestern part of the Iullemmeden Basin. Despitethe arid to semi-arid climate that characterizes this region, groundwaterrecharge is occuring mainly through rainfall. This recharge of water which isan essential element in the hydrological cycle is prefentially done accordingto zones which can also be vulnerable to groundwater pollution. The mainobjective of this study is to identify and mapped the potential recharge areas.A methodology based on a multicriteria analysis integrating GIS and remotesensing was used to map the potential recharge areas. After processing theLandsat satellite images of Dosso region, all the parameters influencing thehydrological recharge processes were obtained and integrated into GIS. Theseparameters are: soil types, land cover, fracture density, drainage density,lithology and slope. The map of potential recharge areas obtained shows thatthe majority of the study areas has great recharge potential. According to thisstudy, this great potentiality could be linked to: the sandy nature of the soil,the cultivable areas, the presence of fractures and density of hydrographicnetwork. This map also confirmed that areas with high recharge potential arelocated in the beds of ponds and "dallols" (wide dry valleys), which thusbecome more vulnerable areas. This map of potential recharge areasconstitutes therefore a tool for decision makers

    Caractérisation de la déformation des dépÎts oligocÚnes du Continental terminal 3 (Ct3) dans la région de Niamey (Bordure Orientale du Craton Ouest Africain, Bassin des Iullemmeden)

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    Cette Ă©tude porte sur la dĂ©termination des phases de dĂ©formations affectant les dĂ©pĂŽts oligocĂšnes du Ct3, correspondant aux derniers dĂ©pĂŽts de comblement du bassin des Iullemmeden dans la rĂ©gion de Niamey (Ouest, Niger). La mĂ©thodologie mise en Ɠuvre est basĂ©e sur l’analyse microtectonique de terrain soutenue par des donnĂ©es cartographiques et de l’imagerie satellitaire. Les rĂ©sultats de cette Ă©tude montrent que les dĂ©pĂŽts oligocĂšnes du Ct3 ont enregistrĂ© deux Ă©vĂšnements majeurs de l’histoire tectonique de l’Afrique de l’Ouest au CĂ©nozoïque : la distension oligocĂšne et la phase compressive post-oligocĂšne, d’ñge prĂ©sumĂ©e miocĂšne. La phase distensive oligocĂšne orientĂ©e ~N50° Ă  ~N80° serait Ă©troitement contrĂŽlĂ©e par la dynamique mantellique prĂ©valant Ă  cette Ă©poque, qui confĂšre une structuration en dĂŽmes et bassins Ă  l’Afrique de l’Ouest. Ces mouvements mantelliques descendants, concomitant au dernier Ă©pisode de comblement du bassin des Iullemmeden, favoriseraient le rejeu en normal de la plupart des failles d’orientation NW-SE. La phase compressive ~N140°, prĂ©sumĂ©e d’ñge miocĂšne, se serait produite dans un contexte rĂ©gional marquĂ© par la poursuitende la convergence Afrique-Europe. Au cours de cette phase compressive, les failles hĂ©ritĂ©es ont Ă©tĂ© rĂ©activĂ©es en dĂ©crochements soit senestres soit dextres en fonction de leur orientation par rapport Ă  la direction de raccourcissement. The aim of this study is about the determination deformations phases that affect the Ct3 Oligocene deposits in the Niamey area (West, Niger), which correspond to the last deposits of the Iullemmeden basin. The methodology implemented is based on the microtectonic field investigation supported by cartographic data and satellite imagery analysis. The results of this study show that the Oligocene deposits of Ct3 recorded two major events of the West Africa tectonic history during Cenozoic period: the first one was Oligocene distension and the second was a post-Oligocene compressive phase, presumed to be Miocene in age. The Oligocene distensive phase oriented ~N50° to ~N80° would be closely controlled by the mantle dynamics prevailing at that time, which gave domes and basins structuring in West Africa. These downward mantle movements, concomitantly with the last episode of the Iullemmeden basin infilling, would favor the normal reactivation of the most NW-SE trending faults. The ~N140° compressive phase, presumed to be Miocene in age, would have occurred in a regional shortening context, which was marked by the continuation of the Africa-Europe convergence. During this compressive phase, the inherited structures such as faults were reactivated in either senestral or dextral strike-slip faults according to their orientation with the shortening direction

    Impacts of Deep Water Structuring on Seabed Pollution Levels: Evidence from Radiogenic Isotopes (Pb-Sr-Nd) in Surface Sediments Along the Reykjanes Ridge (Southern Iceland)

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    Significant proportions of debris containing pollutants are present in remote and unknown areas of the deep seabed. Although identified amongst the top threats to marine ecosystem and human health, the mechanisms that particulate materials entered rapidly these deep ocean systems are still matter of debate. This study use depicting radiogenic isotopes (Sr, Nd, Pb) to question the relationship between the seabed sediment contamination levels and ambient stratification in the North Atlantic Ocean. On this basis, we studied sedimentary inputs and related mechanisms from more recent sequences collected at three locations representing different deep-sea hydrodynamics along the Reykjanes Ridge. Sm-Nd concentrations, as well as Sm-Nd-Sr-Pb isotopic compositions, were determined in digested and purified fraction of the sediment cores by Thermal Ionization Mass Spectrometry (TIMS). The Sm-Nd-Sr-Pb data simply reflect the scale of the perturbation of upper part (0-15 cm) of the sequences, which is much more pronounced in east flank than crossing and west bordering ridge areas. The Pb-Pb systematics show that the intensity of water mass mixing modulates degree of contamination and induced the modal transport of detrital components. As consequence of ambient stratification in this region, two major transport processes of pollutant downwards to the sediments are proposed: (i) sediments entrainment in the eastern flank and over ridge axis primarily dominated by vertical flux of particulates controlled by repackage and dislocation by strong mechanical mixing; and (ii) in the west flank, advection of abyssal waters, due to well-stratified mixing layer, provides particulates from the NEADW1 and DSOW

    Feasibility and acceptability of ACT for the community case management of malaria in urban settings in five African sites

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The community case management of malaria (CCMm) is now an established route for distribution of artemisinin-based combination therapy (ACT) in rural areas, but the feasibility and acceptability of the approach through community medicine distributors (CMD) in urban areas has not been explored. It is estimated that in 15 years time 50% of the African population will live in urban areas and transmission of the malaria parasite occurs in these densely populated areas.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Pre- and post-implementation studies were conducted in five African cities: Ghana, Burkina Faso, Ethiopia and Malawi. CMDs were trained to educate caregivers, diagnose and treat malaria cases in < 5-year olds with ACT. Household surveys, focus group discussions and in-depth interviews were used to evaluate impact.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Qualitative findings: In all sites, interviews revealed that caregivers' knowledge of malaria signs and symptoms improved after the intervention. Preference for CMDs as preferred providers for malaria increased in all sites.</p> <p>Quantitative findings: 9001 children with an episode of fever were treated by 199 CMDs in the five study sites. Results from the CHWs registers show that of these, 6974 were treated with an ACT and 6933 (99%) were prescribed the correct dose for their age. Fifty-four percent of the 3,025 children for which information about the promptness of treatment was available were treated within 24 hours from the onset of symptoms.</p> <p>From the household survey 3700 children were identified who had an episode of fever during the preceding two weeks. 1480 (40%) of them sought treatment from a CMD and 1213 of them (82%) had received an ACT. Of these, 1123 (92.6%) were administered the ACT for the correct number of doses and days; 773 of the 1118 (69.1%) children for which information about the promptness of treatment was available were treated within 24 hours from onset of symptoms, and 768 (68.7%) were treated promptly and correctly.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The concept of CCMm in an urban environment was positive, and caregivers were generally satisfied with the services. Quality of services delivered by CMDs and adherence by caregivers are similar to those seen in rural CCMm settings. The proportion of cases seen by CMDs, however, tended to be lower than was generally seen in rural CCMm. Urban CCMm is feasible, but it struggles against other sources of established healthcare providers. Innovation is required by everyone to make it viable.</p

    Beta-Lactamase-Producing Genes and Integrons in <em>Escherichia coli</em> from Diarrheal Children in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso

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    This study aimed to determine the resistance of diarrheagenic Escherichia coli (DEC) strains to ÎČ-lactams antibiotics and to perform the molecular characterization of extended-spectrum ÎČ-lactamases (ESBLs) and integrons genes. It was carried out from August 2013 to October 2015 and involved 31 DEC strains isolated from diarrheal stools samples collected from children less than 5 years. The identification and characterization of DEC strains were done through the standard biochemical tests that were confirmed using API 20E and polymerase chain reaction (PCR). The antibiogram was realized by the disk diffusion method, then an amplification of the ÎČ-lactamase resistance genes and integrons by PCR was done. Out of the 419 E. coli, 31 isolates (7.4%) harbored the DEC virulence genes. From these DEC, 21 (67.7%) were ESBL-producing E. coli. Susceptibility to ESBL-producing E. coli showed that the majority of isolates were highly resistant to amoxicillin (77.4%), amoxicillin-clavulanic acid (77.4%), and piperacillin (64.5%). The following antibiotic resistance genes and integron were identified: blaTEM (6.5%), blaSHV (19.4%), blaOXA (38.7%), blaCTX-M (9.7%), Int1 (58.1%), and Int3 (19.4%). No class 2 integron (Int2) was characterized. Because of the high prevalence of multidrug-resistant ESBL organisms found, there is a need of stringent pediatric infection control measures

    An open dataset of Plasmodium falciparum genome variation in 7,000 worldwide samples.

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    MalariaGEN is a data-sharing network that enables groups around the world to work together on the genomic epidemiology of malaria. Here we describe a new release of curated genome variation data on 7,000 Plasmodium falciparum samples from MalariaGEN partner studies in 28 malaria-endemic countries. High-quality genotype calls on 3 million single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and short indels were produced using a standardised analysis pipeline. Copy number variants associated with drug resistance and structural variants that cause failure of rapid diagnostic tests were also analysed.  Almost all samples showed genetic evidence of resistance to at least one antimalarial drug, and some samples from Southeast Asia carried markers of resistance to six commonly-used drugs. Genes expressed during the mosquito stage of the parasite life-cycle are prominent among loci that show strong geographic differentiation. By continuing to enlarge this open data resource we aim to facilitate research into the evolutionary processes affecting malaria control and to accelerate development of the surveillance toolkit required for malaria elimination

    Pf7: an open dataset of Plasmodium falciparum genome variation in 20,000 worldwide samples

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    We describe the MalariaGEN Pf7 data resource, the seventh release of Plasmodium falciparum genome variation data from the MalariaGEN network.  It comprises over 20,000 samples from 82 partner studies in 33 countries, including several malaria endemic regions that were previously underrepresented.  For the first time we include dried blood spot samples that were sequenced after selective whole genome amplification, necessitating new methods to genotype copy number variations.  We identify a large number of newly emerging crt mutations in parts of Southeast Asia, and show examples of heterogeneities in patterns of drug resistance within Africa and within the Indian subcontinent.  We describe the profile of variations in the C-terminal of the csp gene and relate this to the sequence used in the RTS,S and R21 malaria vaccines.  Pf7 provides high-quality data on genotype calls for 6 million SNPs and short indels, analysis of large deletions that cause failure of rapid diagnostic tests, and systematic characterisation of six major drug resistance loci, all of which can be freely downloaded from the MalariaGEN website

    Automédication au cours des affections bucco-dentaires à Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso

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    Introduction : L'automĂ©dication est un problĂšme de santĂ© publique majeur au regard des risques engendrĂ©s tels les Ă©checs thĂ©rapeutiques et l’émergence des bactĂ©ries multirĂ©sistantes. Elle a dĂ©jĂ  Ă©tĂ© traitĂ©e dans sa globalitĂ© par plusieurs Ă©tudes. L’objectif de ce travail Ă©tait d’évaluer l’automĂ©dication au cours des affections bucco-dentaires Ă  Ouagadougou. Patients et mĂ©thodes : Il s’agit d’une Ă©tude prospective conduite au Centre municipal de santĂ© bucco-dentaire sur la pĂ©riode de dĂ©cembre 2015. Les donnĂ©es ont Ă©tĂ© recueillies Ă  l’aide de fiches avec le consentement Ă©clairĂ© des patients. RĂ©sultats : Des 125 patients interrogĂ©s, 38 pratiquaient l’automĂ©dication (30,4 %) dont 25 de sexe fĂ©minin (65,8 %). Le paracĂ©tamol Ă©tait absorbĂ© seul (21,1 %) ou associĂ© Ă  une autre substance. Les anti-inflammatoires non stĂ©roĂŻdiens Ă©taient utilisĂ©s seuls ou associĂ©s Ă  du paracĂ©tamol ou encore Ă  l’amoxicilline. L’amoxicilline Ă©tait consommĂ©e seule par 15,8 % des patients. Certains (13,1 %) ignoraient la nature des produits utilisĂ©s et 10,5 % avaient consultĂ© un tradithĂ©rapeute. Trente-et-un avaient acquis leur produit Ă  la pharmacie (81,6 %). Conclusion : Cette Ă©tude souligne qu’il est impĂ©ratif d’accentuer la sensibilisation des populations sur les risques liĂ©s Ă  cette pratique afin de rĂ©duire l’utilisation des mĂ©dicaments sans prescription mĂ©dicale

    DĂ©tection d’

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    Introduction : Acinetobacter est une bactĂ©rie opportuniste multirĂ©sistante. Cette Ă©tude visait Ă  dĂ©tecter Acinetobacter baumanii dans les infections bucco-dentaires au Burkina Faso. Cette bactĂ©rie a Ă©tĂ© retenue compte tenu du caractĂšre Ă©mergent de sa rĂ©sistance aux antibiotiques dans le monde, de sa pathogĂ©nicitĂ© opportuniste, de son pouvoir de diffusion Ă©pidĂ©mique et de l’impasse thĂ©rapeutique qu’elle engendre. MatĂ©riel et mĂ©thodes : C’est une Ă©tude prospective conduite au Centre municipal de santĂ© bucco-dentaire de Ouagadougou de juin 2014 Ă  octobre 2014. Les donnĂ©es cliniques ont Ă©tĂ© recueillies Ă  l’aide d’une fiche de collecte. Les bactĂ©ries ont Ă©tĂ© identifiĂ©es avec la galerie API 20E. La sensibilitĂ© aux antibiotiques et la dĂ©tection de ÎČ-lactamases Ă  spectre Ă©tendu (BLSE) ont Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©es par la mĂ©thode de diffusion sur milieu gĂ©losĂ©. RĂ©sultats : Une prĂ©dominance de la tranche d’ñge 19-40 ans (55,2 %) sur les 125 patients reçus a Ă©tĂ© observĂ©e. Trois souches d’Acinetobacter baumannii (2,4 %) ont Ă©tĂ© isolĂ©es des cellulites chroniques et identifiĂ©es. Elles Ă©taient totorĂ©sistantes aux 21 antibiotiques testĂ©s et ne produisaient pas de BLSE. Conclusion : Au regard de la totorĂ©sistance d’ Acinetobacter baumannii et de l’impasse thĂ©rapeutique qu’elle engendre, sa dĂ©tection chez un patient doit faire l’objet de dĂ©claration officielle