25 research outputs found

    Diversity and gradients of vegetation of Sivrihisar Mountains (Eskişehir-Turkey)

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    This study was carried out to determine the plant communities and understand the main topographical driving factors of floristic differentiation in the Sivrihisar Mountains (Eskişehir Province). Vegetation samplings were carried out according to the Braun-Blanquet approach. The relevés were stored in the TURBOVEG database management program. Hierarchical classification was carried out in PC ORD program with Ward’s method and Euclidean distance as a resemblance measure. The diagnostic species were identified by a fidelity measure in the JUICE program. The results of the classification were visualized by ordination techniques in the CANOCO package by using principal component analysis. In conclusion, except for the degraded forest community, all the 7 steppe and 1 scrub plant communities studied were identified and described as new associations. Also, a syntaxonomical scheme for the vegetation of Sivrihisar Mountains was suggested

    Diversity and gradients of vegetation of Sivrihisar Mountains (Eskişehir-Turkey). Online supplement

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    This study was carried out to determine the plant communities and understand the main topographical driving factors of floristic differentiation in the Sivrihisar Mountains (Eskişehir Province). Vegetation samplings were carried out according to the Braun-Blanquet approach. The relevés were stored in the TURBOVEG database management program. Hierarchical classification was carried out in PC ORD program with Ward’s method and Euclidean distance as a resemblance measure. The diagnostic species were identified by a fidelity measure in the JUICE program. The results of the classification were visualized by ordination techniques in the CANOCO package by using principal component analysis. In conclusion, except for the degraded forest community, all the 7 steppe and 1 scrub plant communities studied were identified and described as new associations. Also, a syntaxonomical scheme for the vegetation of Sivrihisar Mountains was suggested


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    Günümüzde gerçekleşen orman yangınlarının büyük bir bölümünün insan kaynaklı nedenlere dayanıyor olmasına karşın, Akdeniz tipi ekosistemler için yangınlar, tarihsel gelişim ve ekolojik bakış açısı ile ele alındığında, ekosistem döngüsünün doğal bir bileşenidir. Yüzbinlerce yıllık gelişim süreci içinde bu ekosistemler, yangınlara karşı uyum yetenekleri geliştirmişler ve varlıklarına devam etmişlerdir. Yangın sonrası vejetasyon dinamiğiyle ilgili olarak çok sayıda model ve hipotez üretilmiştir. Genel olarak kabul edilen modele göre; Akdeniz tipi ekosistemler, yangın sonrası otosüksesyon (doğrudan yapılanma) süreciyle hızlı bir şekilde yeniden yapılanmakta ve bu doğrultuda zaman içinde yeniden şekillenebilmektedir. Bu bağlamda gerçekleştirilmiş olan bu derleme çalışmada, dünyada beş farklı bölgede yayılış gösteren Akdeniz tipi ekosistemlerde yangın sonrası vejetasyonun gelişim süreci, Akdeniz havzası özelinde ele alınmış ve sahip olduğu özellikler itibariyle değerlendirilmiştir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Otosüksesyon, Ekosistem, Yangın, Akdeniz, Vejetasyo


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    Türkiye’deki bitki sosyolojisi çalışmaları, bitki toplumlarını belirleme üzerine yoğunlaşmıştır. Bitki toplumlarının ekolojik, biyolojik ve yapısal özellikleri konularında ise pek çalışma bulunmamaktadır. Bu kapsamda, geliştirilmiş olan sayısal metotlar (ordinasyon-sınıflandırma) ve bu metotların kullanımını olanaklı kılan bilgisayar programları önemli yardımcı araçlardır. Bu metotlar ve programlar sayesinde, bitki toplumlarının sınıflandırılması ve onların ekolojik, biyolojik ve yapısal özelliklerinin ortaya konması çok kolaylaşmıştır. Bu çalışmada, tüm dünyada ve özellikle Avrupa’daki bitki sosyolojisi ve vejetasyon ekolojisi araştırmalarında yoğun olarak kullanılan ordinasyon ve sınıflandırma teknikleriyle, kapsamlı bir veri yönetim sistemi olan TURBOVEG ve bitki sosyolojisi verilerini analiz etmek ve düzenlemek amacıyla kullanılan JUICE programları tanıtılarak, uygulamaları konusunda bilgi verilmeye çalışılmıştır. Anahtar Kelimeler: Bitki sosyolojisi, Juice, Ordinasyon, Sınıflandırma, Turboveg

    Nomenclatural remarks to the classifcation of plant communites along post-fire succession

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    This paper contains the original diagnoses of new syntaxa and typifcations ofexisting names of syntaxa from paper “Classification of plant communities alongpost-fire succession in Pinus brutia stands in southern Antalya (Turkey)” thatwas published in Turkish Journal of Botany. As journal has only on-line versionaccording to ICPN descriptions are not valid. We described syntaxa: Eryngiofalcati-Securigerion securidacae all. nova, Ajugo chiae-Lactucetum serriolae ass.nova, Phlomido grandiflorae-Cistetum salvifolii ass. nova, and Arbuto andrachnes-Quercetum cocciferae ass. nova and selected nomenclatural type for Querco-Phillyreetum mediae Barbero & Quézel 1976

    Life-form diversity across temperate deciduous forests of Western Eurasia: A different story in the understory

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    [Aim]To analyse the biogeographic patterns of Temperate Deciduous Forests (TDFs) in Western Eurasia based on different life-forms and forests layers and explore their relationships with the current climate, Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) climate and topography.[Location] Western Eurasia.[Methods] We delimited nine regions encompassing the variability of TDFs in Western Eurasia and collected 1000 vegetation plots from each. We deconstructed the plant communities into three layers, tree, shrub and floor. We used (i) generalized linear mixed models (GLMM) to analyse the influence of current climate, historical climate and topography on species richness by accounting for regional effects and (ii) redundancy analysis (RDA) with variance partitioning to describe the variation in life forms along abiotic gradients. The three forest layers were analysed jointly and separately.[Results] The Balkans, Alps and Carpathians appeared to be the richest in plant species, whereas the British Isles and the Hyrcanian region were the poorest. Annual temperature range and annual mean temperature were the best predictors of species richness for the whole dataset and for the shrub layer. The tree layer richness was mainly explained by the annual temperature range and by elevation, whereas the forest floor richness was more related to the annual temperature range and the annual mean temperature differences between the LGM and current climate. The current climate was the main predictor of the composition of the whole community, the tree layer and the floor layer, while the shrub layer was also influenced by historical climate.[Main conclusions] Our overview of the diversity of temperate deciduous forests in Western Eurasia demonstrates different patterns and drivers across life-forms and forest layers. While the diversity of trees is mainly linked to current climatic conditions, the shrub layer is also driven by postglacial-glacial climatic stability, suggesting a different origin from forest trees.The authors are indebted to the custodians of the EVA databases for providing the vegetation-plot data, and to all the scientists who sampled these plots. MC, IK, PN and CM were funded by grant no. 19-28491X of the Czech Science Foundation and JL, IB, JAC and CM by grant no. IT936-16 of the Basque Government. The data used for this survey have been extracted with the permission of the EVA (European Vegetation Archive) and the Hyrcanian Forest Vegetation Database.Peer reviewe

    Vegetacija peščenih sipin na obali Igneada v trakijskem delu Turčije

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    Igneada is located in the northwest part of Turkey on the Black Sea coast and it is also near the national border between Turkey and Bulgaria. The Igneada region was accepted as one of the most important plant areas of Turkey. In this work, a study was made on the phytosociological structure of Igneada sand dune vegetation, which is the one of the important components of the richness in the region. At the end of the assessment of the data, 3 communities were defined. These communities are Otantho-Leymetum sabulosi, Medicago rigidula-Cionura erecta basal community and meadow behind the sand dune. The part of the sand dune closest to the sea has width of 30 m, ascends with a specific inclination and has no vegetation coverage. Behind this part, Otantho-Leymetum sabulosi occurs at places where the sand dune has an unstable structure. The Medicago rigidula-Cionura erecta basal community appears behind Otantho-Leymetum sabulosi and the sand dune has a stable structure at these areas. Behind these communities, another vegetation belt occurs, formed by the species that are cosmopolite or characteristic for meadow vegetation.Igneada se nahaja v severozahodnem delu Turčije na obali Črnega morja ob državni meji med Turčijo in Bolgarijo. Glede rastlinske raznovrstnosti je območje Igneada eno najpomembnejših v Turčiji. V članku je obravnavana fitocenološka struktura vegetacije peščenih sipin, ki je ena najpomembnejših sestavin rastlinskega bogatstva območja. Prikazane so tri rastlinske združbe: Otantho-Leymetum sabulosi, temeljna združba Medicago rigidula-Cionura erecta in travnik, ki se pojavlja za peščeno sipino. Del peščene sipine, ki je najbližje morju in je širok 30 metrov, se hitro dviga in je brez vegetacije. Za njim se na nestabilnem delu sipine nahajajajo sestoji asociacije Otantho-Leymetum sabulosi. Sledijo sestoji temeljne združbe Medicago rigidula-Cionura erecta na stabilnem delu peščene sipine. Sledi pas vegetacije, ki ga sestavljajo kozmopolitske vrste ali vrste, značilne za travniško vegetacijo

    Comparison of soil and forest floor properties of floodplain and surrounding forests in Igneada, Turkey

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    In this study some soil and forest floor characteristics of floodplain forest, thermophile forest and sand dune were investigated at Igneada, Turkey In this context, surface soil samples were analyzed and compared to each other in the extension of soil physical, chemical properties and as plant nutrition environment. To investigate the soil characteristics soil samples were collected from 48 sampling point. The distribution of the soils revealed that remarkably physical soil properties figure the ordination of soils in principal component analysis (PCA). We concluded that floodplain forests have quite different soil properties from the thermophile forest and sand dunes under the continuous effect of surrounding thermophile forest land with less sandy proportion to soil texture 52.4 at floodplain forest, 64.0% at thermophile forest and 91.0% at sand dunes and highly organic carbon 5.619, 4.191 and 0.478% respectively at 0-5 cm depth and total nitrogen content 0.213, 0.078 and 0.056% for floodplain forest>thermophile forest>sand dune soils, respectively. Weight and organic matter contents of forest floor were significantly higher in the thermophile forests


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    Bu çalışmanın amacı, eğitim denetmenlerinin tükenmişlik düzeylerinin çeşitli değişkenler açısından incelenmesidir. Araştırmaya Ege, Akdeniz, İç Anadolu, Karadeniz ve Doğu Anadolu Bölgelerindeki illerde görev yapan 187 eğitim denetmeni katılmıştır. Araştırmada veri toplamak amacıyla Tükenmişlik Ölçeği kullanılmıştır. Verilerin analizinde Pearson Momentler Çarpımı Korelasyon Katsayısı, Tek Yönlü Varyans Analizi, İlişkisiz Örneklemler İçin t-Testi ve Mann-Whitney U Testi uygulanmıştır. Araştırmanın sonuçları, eğitim denetmenlerinin tükenmişlik düzeylerinin cinsiyet, medeni durum ve görev yapılan bölge değişkenine göre farklılaşmadığını, fakat en son mezun olunan eğitim kurumu, mesleğin geleceğine ilişkin algı, statü ve işten memnun olma düzeyine göre anlamlı farklılık gösterdiğini, eğitim denetmenlerinin tükenmişlik düzeyleri ile yaş, mesleki kıdem ve eğitim denetmenliğindeki mesleki kıdem arasında anlamlı bir ilişkinin olmadığını ortaya koymuştur.The purpose of this study was to examine the burnout levels of supervisors according to some demographic variables. A total of 187 supervisors employed in Aegean, Mediterranean, Middle Anatolia, Black Sea and East Anatolia regions participated in the study. Burnout Survey" was used to collect data. Pearson Product-Moment Correlation Coefficients, Independent Samples tTest, One-Way ANOVA, and Mann-Whitney U Test were performed to analyze the data. Results revealed that the total scores of supervisors burnout did not vary depending on the variables of gender, marital status, region in which they worked while it did vary significantly according to the institution they graduated, their perception towards the future of job, the level of satisfaction with the job, and status. Results also indicated that there were no significant relationship between supervisors' burnout level and their age, years experienced in profession and years experienced as an educational supervisor