236 research outputs found

    Subtitling for the Deaf and the Hard-of-hearing: A Reception Study in the Turkish Context

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    This study aims to contribute to a better understanding of subtitling for people with hearing impairments and to improve the accessibility to audiovisual material for hearing-impaired viewers in Turkey. It starts by providing a detailed general overview of the current state of accessibility and includes a detailed discussion on existing legislation, an outline of the limited practice of subtitling for the deaf and the hard-of-hearing (SDH) in Turkish and a profile of the assumed target audience. The ultimate goal of this research is to create a set of guidelines that can be used in the production of quality SDH in Turkey. In order to achieve these aims, the study adopts a product-oriented descriptive approach and first investigates the guidelines applied in countries where SDH has long been established as a professional practice in an attempt to reveal some of the shared values of good practice as well as potential divergences. Following this descriptive analysis, some of the key contradicting practices in the guidelines – speaker identification, reading speed, indication of sound and paralinguistic information – are tested on an audience of (37) Turkish hearing-impaired viewers so as to unveil their needs and preferences within the framework of Audience Reception Theory. Quantitative data on the preferences of Turkish viewers was collected by means of questionnaires filled in by the participants after they had watched different sets of subtitles, each of them testing a different feature. Further qualitative data was obtained through interviews conducted with four participants who took part in the experiment so as to generate more in-depth information regarding their preferences. The results yielded by the statistical analysis of the quantitative data and the interpretive phenomenological analysis of the qualitative data culminated in the drafting of a set of guidelines that can be used in the production of SDH in Turkey

    Virtual Team Collaboration: A Review of Literature and Perspectives

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    Along with the widespread use of information technologies (IT) and the increasing geographical span of tasks held by various organizations, Virtual Teams (VTs) rose as an alternative organizational form which has the potential to deeply change the workplace. This article provides a review of previously published work on collaboration in VTs. The review is organized around two perspectives adopted by scholars, namely technological and managerial. This analysis underlines two major constructs that leads to an efficient VT collaboration, i.e. the context in which the collaboration is held and the collaboration style. While the former is illustrated by knowledge and team characteristics, the latter is identified by technological media and leadership. Building on this classification, we suggest a model and explore future research directions with a particular attention to the implications for collaboration in organizations.Collaboration, Virtual Team, Knowledge Sharing, Literature Review

    A Cross-National Analysis of Parent Involvement in Decision-Making: Germany, France and Turkey

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    Being a cross-national analysis, the aim of this study, which draws on data from school principals, is to evaluate parents’ involvement in decision-making processes comparatively in Turkey, Germany and France, which are members of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) and were included in the study in terms of some variables, such as data in Human Development Index (HDI) report 2016 and results of the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) 2015 reading skills, math and science literacy results’ based on demographic, socio-economic, socio-cultural variables as well as achievements in education, population trends and parents’ involvement in education. Phenomonology research design from qualitative research methods was used in this study. Data analyses relied on content analysis technique. School administrators from Turkey, Germany and France were included through criteria sampling method from purposeful sampling methods. Interview technique was employed in order to collect data through a semi-structured interview form. The findings of the study highlighted that all participants agree on the positive impact of parents’ involvement in decision-making but there are some ambiguity how and what level parents must involve in decision-making processes. Some recommendations are made on how to improve involvement in decision-making process

    Virtual Team Collaboration: A Review of Literature and Perspectives

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    Along with the widespread use of information technologies (IT) and the increasing geographical span of tasks held by various organizations, Virtual Teams (VTs) rose as an alternative organizational form which has the potential to deeply change the workplace. This article provides a review of previously published work on collaboration in VTs. The review is organized around two perspectives adopted by scholars, namely technological and managerial. This analysis underlines two major constructs that leads to an efficient VT collaboration, i.e. the context in which the collaboration is held and the collaboration style. While the former is illustrated by knowledge and team characteristics, the latter is identified by technological media and leadership. Building on this classification, we suggest a model and explore future research directions with a particular attention to the implications for collaboration in organizations

    Electromechanical delay detected by tissue Doppler echocardiography is associated with the frequency of attacks in patients with lone atrial fibrillation

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    Background: Our main purpose in this study is to compare atrial (inter-atrial, intra-leftatrial, intra-right atrial) electromechanical delays of patients with lone atrial fibrillation (LAF) with healthy individuals and examine the relationship of annual LAF attack frequency.Methods: 32 entirely healthy individuals and 32 patients who have presented with tachycardia and complying with LAF criteria have been included in the study. The time passing from the beginning of the P wave on electrocardiography to the A’ wave on tissue Doppler trace was accepted as the atrial conduction time (PA’). The PA’ time difference between the mitral annulus of left ventricle (ML) and the tricuspid annulus of right ventricle (TL) was defined as inter-atrial electromechanical delay (IA-EMD), the PA’ time difference between the ML and septal mitral annulus (MS) as intra-left electromechanical delay (ILeft-EMD), the PA’ time difference between MS and the TL as intra-right electromechanical delay (IRight-EMD).Results: ILeft-EMD (21.8 ± 9.1 vs. 14.1 ± 4.9, p < 0.001), IRight-EMD (9.3 ± 6.8 vs. 5.9 ± 4.9, p = 0.03) and IA-EMD times (24.7 ± 11.2 vs. 11.9 ± 7.1, p < 0.001) were significantly longer in LAF patients. In multivariate regression analysis, using a model including age, gender and left atrium (LA) volumes, ILeft-EMD times (OR 1.14, 95% CI 1.03–1.27,p = 0.012), IA-EMD times (OR 1.12, 95% CI 1.03–1.23, p = 0.007) and LA volumes (OR 1.18, 95% CI 1.05–1.32, p = 0.005) were independent predictors of LAF. In LAF group, the frequency of AF episodes was significantly correlated with ILeft-EMD (r = 0.90, p < 0.001) and IA-EMD times (r = 0.36, p < 0.004), whereas, IRight-EMD times and LA volumes were not correlated with recurrence rates.Conclusions: ILeft-EMD and IA-EMD may increase in the early stages of atrial fibrillation even without the left atrial dilation and may be more valuable than left atrial area and volume in predicting atrial fibrillation

    The effects of mineralogical and petrographical features of the Lake District rocks (Isparta, Turkey) on the quality of artificial marbles

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    Large quantities of marble blocks are produced from many new marble quarries which were opened around Isparta (Turkey) and its surrounding region. The opened quarries are also affected negatively by weathering as a result of karstification. Therefore, block efficiency of the quarries is low which results in a lot of waste materials that can be used in cultured marble production. The production of artificial marble from marble waste materials around Isparta is the main purpose of the study. The cultured marble is an attractive, healthy and homogenous building material. It has a wide application in the building construction sector. Artificial marble which is composed of mineral dusts and polyesters has high mechanical strength and they are durable to various chemical and high temperature environmental conditions. Based on physico- mechanical properties, cultured marbles are accepted by Turkish Standards (TS). The materials used for the production of qualified cultured marble are directly related to the hardness of the minerals used as filler in the polyester resin. Physico- mechanical properties of cultured marble depend on the physical properties of the filler minerals. The compressive strength of the cultured marble material is controlled by the physical properties of the filler minerals, therefore, the hardness of the cultured marble is determined by the hardness of the filler mineral. The following analyses were carried out: wet unit volume analysis, dry unit volume analysis, compressive strength of the materials, capillary water absorption analysis, analysis of ultrasound velocity (P- wave) and the marble wastes bulk chemical analyses were investigated and the results of the data were evaluated and discussed. In addition, natural and artificial marbles were compared with respect to physico- mechanical properties

    Trakya Bölgesinde Organik Şaraplık Üzüm Yetiştiriciliği ve Şarap Yapımı

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    Dünyada geniş alanlarda uygulanan klasik tarımın giderek doğal dengeyi bozması sonucu örgütlenen üreticiler doğayı tahrip etmeyen, insan sağlığında yan etki yapmayan tarımsal ürünleri tercih etmeye başlamışlardır. AB ve FAO tarafından da klasik üretime alternatif olacak tarzda ortaya çıkan bu üretim şekli ekolojik veya organik tarım olarak isimlendirilmektedir. Ülkemizde 1985 yılında başlayan organik tarım ürünleri üretimi 2000’li yıllarda Dünya organik tarım pazarlarına talep yaratma çabaları ile yen bir boyut kazanmıştır.1999 yılında 92 tarım ürünü organik olarak üretilmiş olup bu üretimde üzümün payı 7182 ton’dur. Pestisit kalıntısı bulunmayan çevre dostu ürünlere, şarap sektörü de ilgi duymuş ve ekolojik şarapçılık gündeme gelmiştir. Ülkemizde şaraplık üzüm üretiminde büyük bir paya sahip Trakya Bölgesinde ekolojik ürün sertifikasyonuna sahip bağlar ve bu bağlardan elde edilen üzümlerden uygun yöntemlerle ekolojik şarap elde edilmesi için Enstitümüz tarafından proje bazında çalışmalar başlatılmıştır. Böyle çalışmaların üretici koşullarında ve çiftlik sistemleri araştırmaları kapsamında yürütülmesinin gerçekçi sonuçlar ortaya koyacağı düşünülmektedir

    Adjunctive Effects of a Sub-Antimicrobial Dose of Doxycycline on Clinical Parameters and Potential Biomarkers of Periodontal Tissue Catabolism

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    Objectives: The aim of the present randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, parallel-arm study was to examine the effectiveness of a sub-antimicrobial dose of doxycycline (SDD) in combination with nonsurgical periodontal therapy, compared to nonsurgical periodontal therapy alone, on potential gingival crevicular fluid (GCF) biomarkers of periodontal tissue catabolism related to the clinical outcomes over a 12-month period. Materials and Methods: GCF was collected and clinical parameters were recorded from 30 periodontitis patients randomized either to an SDD or placebo group. The SDD group received SDD (20 mg) b.i.d for 3 months plus scaling and root planing (SRP), while the placebo group was given placebo capsules b.i.d for 3 months plus SRP. The patients were evaluated every 3 months during the 12-month study period. At each visit, clinical parameters and GCF sampling were repeated. Matrix metalloproteinase (MMP)-8, MMP-9, MMP-13, myeloperoxidase (MPO), osteoprotegerin (OPG), and tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase-5 (TRAP-5) were determined by IFMA and ELISA. Results: Significant improvements were observed in all clinical parameters in both groups over 12 months (p < 0.0125) while the SDD group showed significantly better reduction in gingival index (GI) and pocket depth and a gain in clinical attachment compared to the placebo group (p < 0.05). GCF MMP-8 and OPG levels significantly reduced in the SDD group compared to baseline (p < 0.05). GCF MMP-9 significantly decreased in both groups compared to baseline (p < 0.05). GCF MPO significantly decreased at 3 and 9 months in the SDD group, while it significantly decreased at 6 months in the placebo group (p < 0.05). TRAP and MMP-13 could be detected in none of the samples. Conclusions: The present results indicate that three months of adjunctive usage of SDD to nonsurgical periodontal therapy compared to nonsurgical periodontal therapy alone in periodontitis patients results in further improvement of clinical periodontal parameters and GCF markers of periodontal tissue breakdown over a 12-month period. Beneficial effects of adjunctive SDD therapy is likely to be related to the reduced levels of two major periodontitis-associated MMPs, MMP-8 and -9, and their potential oxidative activator MPO

    Modeling Electrocardiogram (ECG) signals via signature and envelope functions

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    Bu &ccedil;alışmada, EKG işaretlerinin Temel Tanım ve Zarf Fonksiyonları ile modellenmesine y&ouml;nelik yeni bir y&ouml;ntem sunulmaktadır. Sunulan y&ouml;ntem, herhangi bir EKG işaretine ilişkin Xi(t) &ccedil;er&ccedil;eve fonksiyonunu&nbsp;&nbsp;bi&ccedil;iminde modellemektedir. Bu modelde, jR(t), Temel Tanım Fonksiyonu olarak adlandırılmakta ve bir Ci katsayısı ile Xi &ccedil;er&ccedil;eve vekt&ouml;r&uuml;n&uuml;n en y&uuml;ksek enerjisini taşımaktadır. aK(t), Zarf Fonksiyonu olarak adlandırılmakta ve Xi &ccedil;er&ccedil;eve vekt&ouml;r&uuml;n&uuml;n zarfını oluşturmaktadır. Ci katsayısı da &Ccedil;er&ccedil;eve &Ouml;l&ccedil;ekleme Katsayısı olarak adlandırılmaktadır. Temel Tanım ve Zarf Fonksiyonları iletim bandının herbir d&uuml;ğ&uuml;m&uuml;ne yerleştirilerek EKG işaretinin iletimi, Temel Tanım ve Zarf Vekt&ouml;r Bankasının R ve K indislerinin ve Ci katsayısının iletimine indirgenerek &ouml;nemli bir sıkıştırma oranı ger&ccedil;eklenmiştir.Anahtar Kelimeler: Sıkıştırma, Modelleme, EKG.In this paper, a new method to model ECG signals by means of "Signature and Envelope Functions" is presented. In this work, on a frame basis, any ECG signal Xi(t) is modeled by the form of . In this model, jR(t) is defined as the Signature Function since it carries almost maximum energy of the frame vector Xi with a constant Ci. aK(t) is referred to as Envelope Function since it matches the envelope of CijR(t) to the original frame vector Xi; and Ci is called the Frame-Scaling Coefficient. It has been demonstrated that the sets F={jr(t)} and A={ak(t)} constitute a "Signature and Envelope Functional Banks" to describe any measured ECG signal. Thus, ECG signal for each frame is described in terms of the two indices "R" and "K" of Signature and Envelope Functional Banks and the frame-scaling coefficient Ci. It has been shown that the new method of modeling provides significant data compression with low level reconstruction error while preserving diagnostic information in the reconstructed ECG signal.. Furthermore, once Signature and Envelope Functional Banks are stored on each communication node, transmission of ECG signals reduces to the transmission of indexes "R" and "K" of [ak(t),jr(t)] pairs and the coefficient Ci, which also result in considerable saving in the transmission band.  Keywords: Compression, Modeling, ECG.

    Adjunctive Effects of a Sub-Antimicrobial Dose of Doxycycline on Clinical Parameters and Potential Biomarkers of Periodontal Tissue Catabolism

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    Objectives: The aim of the present randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, parallel-arm study was to examine the effectiveness of a sub-antimicrobial dose of doxycycline (SDD) in combination with nonsurgical periodontal therapy, compared to nonsurgical periodontal therapy alone, on potential gingival crevicular fluid (GCF) biomarkers of periodontal tissue catabolism related to the clinical outcomes over a 12-month period. Materials and Methods: GCF was collected and clinical parameters were recorded from 30 periodontitis patients randomized either to an SDD or placebo group. The SDD group received SDD (20 mg) b.i.d for 3 months plus scaling and root planing (SRP), while the placebo group was given placebo capsules b.i.d for 3 months plus SRP. The patients were evaluated every 3 months during the 12-month study period. At each visit, clinical parameters and GCF sampling were repeated. Matrix metalloproteinase (MMP)-8, MMP-9, MMP-13, myeloperoxidase (MPO), osteoprotegerin (OPG), and tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase-5 (TRAP-5) were determined by IFMA and ELISA. Results: Significant improvements were observed in all clinical parameters in both groups over 12 months (p < 0.0125) while the SDD group showed significantly better reduction in gingival index (GI) and pocket depth and a gain in clinical attachment compared to the placebo group (p < 0.05). GCF MMP-8 and OPG levels significantly reduced in the SDD group compared to baseline (p < 0.05). GCF MMP-9 significantly decreased in both groups compared to baseline (p < 0.05). GCF MPO significantly decreased at 3 and 9 months in the SDD group, while it significantly decreased at 6 months in the placebo group (p < 0.05). TRAP and MMP-13 could be detected in none of the samples. Conclusions: The present results indicate that three months of adjunctive usage of SDD to nonsurgical periodontal therapy compared to nonsurgical periodontal therapy alone in periodontitis patients results in further improvement of clinical periodontal parameters and GCF markers of periodontal tissue breakdown over a 12-month period. Beneficial effects of adjunctive SDD therapy is likely to be related to the reduced levels of two major periodontitis-associated MMPs, MMP-8 and -9, and their potential oxidative activator MPO