8 research outputs found

    Production of bismuth based on superconductor tapes: Winding and characterization

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    YÖK Tez No: 237425Bu çalışmada, yüksek sıcaklık süperiletkenlerinin genel olarak tarihi gelişiminin incelenmesinin ardından süperiletkenliğin anlaşılmasında temel olan tanımlar anlatılmış ve tezin ana konusu olan, BSCCO tabanlı süperiletken malzeme, gümüş borulara çeşitli yöntemler ile doldurulmuştur. Doldurulan bu gümüş borular değişik hadde çaplarda inceltilerek tel haline getirilmiş, tel halindeki gümüş borular büyük haddede ezilerek şerit formuna sokulmuştur. Süperiletken şeritler çeşitli kimyasal karışımlar ile yalıtılmış ve bu yalıtılmış şeritlerin 77 Kelvin de I-V karakterizasyonu incelenmiştir. Şeritler bir bobin şekline getirilerek normal koşullarlarda ve 77 Kelvin de I-V karakterizasyon incelemeleri yapılmıştır.In this work, the history of high temperature superconductors are explained then some of the basic definitions are emphasized. The BSCCO-based superconductor material that is the main topic of the thesis, is filled into the silver tube. The filled silver tubes are drawn with the drawing machine using a numbur of dies with decreasing diameters. After drawing the composite wires are deformed into tapes. These superconductor tapes are insulated with different chemical mixtures, wound into coils. These coils were made as a primary and a secondory coils forming a transformer. I-V charecteristics and performance of the transformer were tested at room temperature and at 77

    A New Pre-processing for Assessing Connection Areas for Busbars of Wind Power Plants Using Meteorological, Financial and Electrical Grid Data

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    The objective of this study is to provide practical pre-processing approaches for entities that are active in wind farm development that needs to define connection areas of busbars for wind power plants. With the increase in the installed capacity of the renewable energy resources, the determination of the power grid connection points has gained importance. Failure to correctly identify the feasible grid connection points extends the timeline of return of investment of the power plants. Wind power plants, which cannot produce efficiently, can also cause problems (voltage drop, frequency deterioration, flicker, increased costs, etc.) on the electrical energy system. Within the scope of this study, a new methodology has been developed to determine the number of regional wind power plants that can be connected to a grid connection point depending on economic and technical criteria as well as the installed capacity of these power plants. In the developed methodology; the geographical structure of the region, technical characteristics of turbine technologies used in wind power plants, electrical grid criteria and economic connection criteria of wind power plants are taken into consideration. WindPRO, a wind power analysis program, was used in the definition of regional variables. The dataset obtained from the WindPRO program was used in the analysis of installation of wind turbines with different tower heights and different installed powers (50 MW, 100 MW, etc.). Investment costs of turbine technologies and energy transmission system integration costs were taken into consideration in determining bus-based installation costs. As a result, the possible costs of the wind power plants that can be established for bus connection points in a zone defined on the energy transmission system were determined. Thus, the preliminary working time of the energy planners will be shortened and the most economic regions related to the wind power plant technology will be chosen

    Mesoscale Wind Farm Placement via Linear Optimization Constrained by Power System and Techno-Economics

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    The objective of this study is to develop a wind farm placement and investment methodology based on a linear optimization procedure. This problem has a major significance for the investment success for the projects of renewable energy such as wind power. In this study, a mesoscale approach is adopted whereby the wind farm location is investigated in comparison with a microscale approach where the location of each individual turbine is optimized. Specifical study focuses on the placement of a wind farm by economical optimization constrained by the power system, wind resources, and techno-eco-nomics. Linear optimization is introduced in this context at the power system which is constrained by wind farm planning

    Reduction of distribution system losses using solar energy cooperativity by home user

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    © 2021 THE AUTHORSSolar energy cooperatives have been gaining importance day by day in renewable energy resources. However, selection of the establishment points of renewable energy cooperatives in the distribution system is a technical problem. In this study, the effects of regional solar power system installations on the reduction of power losses in the distribution system and the expansion of solar energy cooperatives by home user were examined. In this way, it is aimed to reduce business setup costs by using a decentralized cooperative network for micro grids. The new model aims to replace the most appropriate placement of solar energy cooperatives in the distribution system. The annual electricity generation value obtained from solar power system was compared with the transformer-based annual consumption values. Then the number of domestic users that would benefit from solar power system for each region was determined. As a result, details and result of the proposed model presented