16 research outputs found

    La fonction réformatrice du droit comparé : essai de conceptualisation à la lumière du droit civil iranien

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    Cette recherche est axée sur deux sujets principaux. Premièrement, dans l’objectif de réforme du droit et d’amélioration des systèmes juridiques, nous nous intéresserons à l’étude des formes d’application du droit comparé. La première partie portera sur la fonction réformatrice du droit comparé, notamment au travers d’analyse de la méthodologie et des évolutions contemporaines de la science du droit comparé. De plus, le concept de réforme et les conditions préliminaires nécessaires à l’opération de réforme seront étudiés ici et nous permettrons de démontrer comment cette opération impose davantage de complexité que la seule révision législative via la transplantation des règles et des institutions étrangères. Ces difficultés rendent nécessaire une mobilisation de différentes méthodes fonctionnelle et culturelle pour augmenter la chance de prise de la greffe juridique du droit des pays plus développés vers les pays en voie de développement. Une étude interdisciplinaire du contexte des ordres juridiques variés pourrait nous aider à prendre en compte les diverses circonstances de chaque nation. Dans une seconde partie, nous tenterons d’appliquer ou de conceptualiser ce modèle concernant la réforme sur un cas concret : le droit civil iranien. Ce droit est en effet un bon exemple de métissage des règles traditionnelles du droit musulman (Charia ou plus précisément feqh) chiite avec la tradition civiliste romano-germanique. Nous tenterons de présenter une perspective historique de la modernisation du droit iranien et du contexte dans lequel ce droit a évolué et s’est transformé. Tout au long du siècle suivant la Révolution constitutionnelle (Mashrouteh) et visant la modernisation de la structure politique et juridique, l’Iran a connu différentes époques, parfois favorisants les valeurs traditionnelles et d’autres fois, donnant avantage aux valeurs modernes. Un mouvement de modernisation inspiré des pays européens est amorcé, mais le manque d’institutionnalisation de la modernité en Iran et la Révolution islamique ont fait reculer la majorité des fruits du Mashrouteh vers une idéologie traditionnelle-islamique. La méthode comparative nous aide donc à concrétiser la phase de diagnostic juridique et social en Iran, notamment à la lumière de la comparaison avec les systèmes juridiques québécois et français. Finalement, nous essaierons de présenter certaines solutions par le biais de la comparaison internormative (avec d’autres interprétations du feqh) et législative (avec l’observation d’autres droits positifs étrangers) pour bâtir un nouvel ordre juridique iranien en harmonie avec les évolutions contemporaines en Iran.This research focuses on two main topics. First, with the aim of reforming the law and improving legal systems, we will study various forms of applying the science of comparative law. At the first part, we will focus on the reforming function of comparative law through an analysis of the methodology and contemporary developments in this discipline. Moreover, the concept of reform and the preliminary conditions necessary for the reform operation will be studied, and we will demonstrate how this operation imposes more complexity than merely legislative revision through the transplantation of foreign rules and institutions. These difficulties make it necessary to mobilize different functional and cultural methods to increase the chance of taking legal transplant from the more developed countries to the developing countries. An interdisciplinary study of the context of various legal orders could help us to take into account the varying circumstances of each nation. In a second part, we will try to apply or conceptualize this model concerning the reform on a concrete case: the Iranian civil law. This law is a good example of the interbreeding of the traditional rules of Shiite Muslim law (Sharia or more precisely feqh) with the RomanoGermanic civil law tradition. We will present a historical perspective of the modernization of Iranian law and the context in which it has evolved and transformed. Throughout the century following the Constitutional Revolution (Mashrouteh) and aimed at modernizing the political and legal structure, Iran went through different eras, sometimes favoring traditional values and other times giving advantage to modern values. A movement of modernization inspired by European countries was initiated, but the lack of institutionalization of modernity in Iran and the Islamic Revolution have pushed the majority of the fruits of the Mashrouteh towards a traditional-Islamic ideology. The comparative method therefore helps us to concretize the phase of legal and social diagnosis in Iran, particularly in the light of the comparison with the Quebec and French legal systems. Finally, we will try to present some solutions through the internormative (with other interpretations of the feqh) and legislative (with the observation of other positive foreign laws) comparisons to build a new Iranian legal order in harmony with the contemporary evolutions in Ira

    A Novel Replication Strategy for Efficient XML Data Broadcast in Wireless Mobile Networks

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    Recently, the use of XML for data broadcasting in mobile wireless networks has gained many attentions. In these networks, a stream of XML data is broadcasted via a wireless channel, and mobile clients access the broadcast stream using energy-restricted portable devices. Several indexing methods have been proposed to selectively access XML data over a broadcast stream. Although existing indexing methods improve the performance of XML query processing in terms of access time and tuning time but they do not use a replication strategy to replicate the indexes in the broadcast XML stream. In this paper, we propose a novel replication strategy for XML data broadcast called Triangle- based Replication (TR) strategy which replicates the partial and relevant parts of indexes into suitable positions in the broadcast XML stream. Experimental results show that our proposed XML replication strategy has better performance compared to existing XML replication strategies

    Reform of legal systems through the evolution of comparative law

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    Historical studies of comparative law demonstrate that the first purpose of using comparison in law has been to reform legal systems. This article intends to analyze the fundamental role and function of comparative law for legal reforms. Through studying different forms of the Transfer of Law, we intend to find the most proper and effective method which may present us with a coherent and efficient model of reform in different systems. The methodology of comparative law, as the instrumental concepts of this article, is one of the most popular and evaluative discourses of the legal world. The dynamic evolution of comparative studies arrives at the point where it has surpassed its traditional borders and has even engaged in extralegal and interdisciplinary studies. The transfer of law is one of the main methods of a legal reform and achieved by two main methods; functionalist and culturist. Although functionalism is the first method employed of legal reforms, it is not enough without considering the cultural contexts and circumstances of both transferred and transferee systems. In addition to its theoretical topics, this article intends to encourage researchers to find a coherent and practical model of reform for most developing countries needing legal reform

    Investigating the type and frequency of errors in the medical diagnostic laboratory in a medical center in Tehran, Iran: a medical-laboratory experience

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    Background: Medical Laboratories have a great impact on patient safety and 80-90% of medical diagnoses are based on the results of laboratory tests. Medical procedures from the initial diagnostic steps such as a test or a simple injection to specialized treatment steps may be erroneous. The aim of this study was to determine the type and rate of human error, equipment, materials and procedures in all stages including before analysis, during analysis and after analysis to analyze the causes and find logical solutions to reduce of them. Methods: This cross-sectional descriptive study was performed in a medical center in Tehran, Iran during the years 1400-1401. Data collection was considered in accordance with the instructions of the Laboratory Affairs Department of the Ministry of Health and Medical Education regarding the type of errors in the field of job description in each of the technical and non-technical sections. Data was analyzed by IBM SPSS software, version 22 (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA) software. Results: During the period of study, the number of  referred patients was about 45,000 and the number of tests 594,000. The total number of errors was 837. The ratio of errors to the patients was 1.9% and to the tests 0.15%. The 37 types of errors were identified and reported in this study. Of these, 11 types of errors were in the pre-analysis, 14 types during the analysis and 12 types of errors in the post-analysis stage. The frequency of errors in the three stages was 180(21.5%), 312(37.3%) and 345(41.2%), respectively that the errors rate did not have a normal distribution and a significant difference was observed (P<0.05, df=2). Conclusion: Due to the variety of reported errors and the importance of their role in other stages of diagnosis and treatment, it is necessary that all human, equipment and process errors in all stages of laboratory analysis be carefully recorded and corrective and preventive measures be taken to minimize them

    Comparison of Proliferative and Multilineage Differentiation Potential of Sheep Mesenchymal Stem Cells Derived from Bone Marrow, Liver, and Adipose Tissue

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    Abstract Background: Despite major progress in our general knowledge related to the application of adult stem cells, finding alternative sources for bone marrow Mesenchymal Stem Cells (MSCs) has remained to be challenged. In this study successful isolation, multilineage differentiation, and proliferation potentials of sheep MSCs derived from bone marrow, adipose tissue, and liver were widely investigated. Methods: The primary cell cultures were prepared form tissue samples obtained from sheep 30-35 day fetus. Passage-3 cells were plated either at varying cell densities or different serum concentrations for a week. The Population Doubling Time (PDT), growth curves, and Colony Forming Unit (CFU) of MSCs was determined. The stemness and trilineage differentiation potential of MSCs were analyzed by using molecullar and cytochemical staining approaches. The data was analyzed through one way ANOVA using SigmaStat (ver. 2). Results: The highest PDT and lowest CFU were observed in adipose tissue group compared with other groups (p&lt;0.001). Comparing different serum concentrations (5, 10, 15, and 20%), irrespective of cell sources, the highest proliferation rate was achieved in the presence of 20% serum (p&lt;0.001). Additionally, there was an inverse relation between cell seeding density at culture initiation and proliferation rate, except for L-MSC at 300 cell seeding density. Conclusion: All three sources of fetal sheep MSCs had the identical trilineage differentiation potential. The proliferative capacity of liver and bone marrow derived MSCs were similar at different cell seeding densities except for th

    Measuring the rate of weight gain and the influential role of diet in patients undergoing elective laparoscopic cholecystectomy : a 6-month follow-up study

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    Weight gain after cholecystectomy is one of the major surgical problems consistent with morbidities and long-term mortalities. Here, we aimed to study the impact of palliative cholecystectomy on weight gain and nutritional status of the patients before and in 1, 4 and 6 months after surgery. We performed a prospective survey on a cohort of 48 patients undergoing elective cholecystectomy. The nutritional status of the patients was collected by nutrition nurse and analysed by NutriBase software. There were 13 (16%) females and 35 (84%) males with the mean age of 51.8 +/- 1.97. In 6 months after surgery, patients had higher values of BMI, daily energy expenditure, carbohydrate and lipid consumption and a decreased level of protein consumption. Weight gain after surgery was caused by an increase in fat consumption which resulted in the weight gain and worsening of lipid profile. Dietary consultation, shortly after surgery, would improve patient outcome after cholecystectomy