69 research outputs found

    Evaluate the effect of oat-beta glucan in controlling blood glucose levels among type 2 diabetic individuals

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    Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a metabolic disorder characterized by inappropriate hyperglycemia due to deficiency in producing insulin or inefficient action of this hormone. Patients with DM are frequently afflicted with ischemic vascular disease, wound healing defect, vascular alterations, myocardic infarction, nephropathies, retinopathies and neuropathies. The uses of hypoglycemic agents or insulin are the common conventional treatments of diabetes. However, the frequent use of such expensive medications increased the financial burden upon patients. Low glycaemic food consumption is a very fruitful alternative in controlling diabetes. Foods that are rich in fiber are on the top of the glycaemic index and the potential component is beta glucan. The evidence of consuming oat beta-glucan to enhance glycaemia and insulin levels is not well established. So, the objective of this overview review is to evaluate the effect of oat-beta glucan in controlling blood glucose levels among type 2 diabetic individuals

    Effectiveness of Mental Imagery Strategy in Developing Critical Reading Skills in English among Intermediate School Students in Tabuk

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    هدف هذا البحث إلى التعرّف على فاعلية استخدام استراتيجية التصور الذهني في تنمية مهارات القراءة الناقدة بمادة اللغة الإنجليزية لدى طالبات المرحلة المتوسطة، لذا تم استخدام المنهج شبه التجريبي، وتم بناء اختبار مهارات القراءة الناقدة، وتكون من (25) فقرة تغطي جميع المهارات، بالإضافة إلى دليل تدريس المعلمة. وتم التحقق من صدق أدوات ومواد الدراسة بالطرائق الإحصائية والمنهجية المناسبة، وتكونت عينة الدراسة من (60) طالبة بواقع شعبتين للصف الثالث متوسط، بواقع  (30) طالبة كمجموعة ضابطة، و(30) طالبة كمجموعة تجريبية، وأظهرت نتائج الدراسة تفوق طالبات المجموعة التجريبية التي درست مادة اللغة الإنجليزية باستعمال التصور الذهني على طالبات المجموعة الضابطة التي درست المادة نفسها بالطريقة الاعتيادية في مهارات القراءة الناقدة. وفي ضوء نتائج البحث أوصت الباحثة بضرورة تنمية مهارات القراءة الناقدة وممارساتها لدى الطالبات؛ وبضرورة عقد دورات تدريبية للمعلمات على استخدام فنيات استراتيجية التصور الذهني في تدريس القراءة في اللغة الإنجليزية، والإفادة من الدليل الذي تم إعداده في البحث الحالي في ورش التدريب. الكلمات المفتاحية: فاعلية، استراتيجية، التصور الذهني، القراءة الناقدة، المرحلة المتوسطةThe research aimed to investigate the effectiveness of mental imagery strategy in developing critical reading skills in English language among students of intermediate school. To achieve the aim, the researcher adopted the quasi-experimental design and built a test of critical reading skills suitable for the third intermediate stage. The sample of the study consisted of (60) female students who were divided into a control group (30)and  an experimental group (30). The study results showed that the students of the experimental group who studied the English language using the mental imagery strategy had more improvement than the control group members who studied the same subject in the regular way. Based on the study results, the researcher recommended developing critical reading skills and practices among the students and conducting training courses for teachers on the use of mental Imagery techniques in teaching  English. It was also recommended to make use of the teacher’s guide, which was prepared in the current research, in the training workshops. Keywords: effectiveness, strategy, mental imagery, critical reading, intermediate school

    Fault identification, classification, and localization in microgrids using superimposed components and Wigner distribution function

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    The integration of Distributed Energy Resources (DERs) into distribution grids has become increasingly feasible and sustainable due to the development of microgrids. However, the development of an effective protection strategy remains a challenge in the implementation of microgrids. To address this challenge, this paper presents a simple and novel microgrid protection method based on superimposed components, Wigner distribution function (WDF) and alienation index-based. The proposed method develops a new fault detection index (FDI) by applying the alienation coefficient and WDF on a superimposed current signal to detect faulty events in the microgrid. The scheme is inherently phase segregated because the FDI is obtained for each phase individually. In addition, the proposed strategy introduces a new fault zone identification method based on the superimposed positive sequence reactive power (SPSQ). After obtaining the complete fault information, a relevant trip signal is generated to isolate the faulty section from the rest of the grid. The proposed methodology is evaluated through simulations using MATLAB/SIMULINK software. Various fault types, with varying parameters are simulated to validate the proposed approach. The results indicate that the proposed methodology is capable of recognizing, classifying, and locating all fault types in both grid-connected and islanded modes of operation

    Sleep Quality, and Fatigue As Predictive Factors For Mechanical Neck Pain

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    Aims: The purpose of our study was to investigate the relationship between mechanical neck pain and sleep disorders, mental and physical fatigue, and the rising expectations of people in modern societies regarding their work, families, and social lives. Mechanical neck pain is a common problem that can result in disability. Methods: We included 230 patients with mechanical neck discomfort, with a mean age of 25.62 ± 9.25years, in our study. The Neck Disability Index, Chalder Fatigue Scale, and Pitssburg Sleep Quality Index was applied to all participant.   Results: Multiple linear regression analysis revealed that the overall model explained 22% of the variance of NDI score. Both sleep quality scale and fatigue scale were significantly associated and can predict NDI score (p < 001). Conclusion: sleep quality and fatigue were found among the independent determinants of neck disability. Therefore, physiotherapists who treat patients with mechanical neck pain should advise them to get enough sleep and teach them relaxation techniques to help them feel less stressed and exhausted, which will lower their neck discomfor


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    At present, chemotherapy with some drugs such as nitroimidazoes derivatives is the preferred treatment for giardiasis. However, these agents are associated with adverse side effects ranging from nausea to possible genotoxicity. The present investigation was designed to systematically review the in vitro, in vivo, and clinical studies about the efficacy of nanoparticles against giardiasis. The study was carried out based on the 06-PRISMA guideline and registered in the CAMARADES-NC3Rs Preclinical Systematic Review and Meta-analysis Facility (SyRF) database. The search was performed in five English databases, including Scopus, PubMed, Web of Science, EMBASE, and Google Scholar, without time limitation for publications around the world about anti-Giardia effects of all organic and inorganic nanoparticles without date limitation in order to identify all the published articles. The searched words and terms were “Giardiasis”, “Giardia lamblia”, “Giardia intestinalis”, “Giardia duodenalis”, “nanoparticles”, “nanomedicine”, “in vitro”, in vivo”, and “clinical trial”. Out of 312 papers, 10 papers, including 4 in vitro (40.0%), 5 in vivo (50.0%), and 1 in vitro/in vivo (10.0%) up to 2021 met the inclusion criteria for discussion in this systematic review. The most common type of nanoparticles was metal nanoparticles (5 studies, 50.0%) such as silver, gold, etc., followed by organic nanoparticles such as chitosan nanoparticles (4 studies, 40.0%). The results of this review study showed the high efficacy of a wide range of organic and non-organic NPs against giardiasis, indicating that nanoparticles could be considered as an alternative and complementary resource for treating giardiasis, since they have no significant toxicity. However, more studies are required to elucidate this conclusion, especially in clinical systems

    Systematic Review in Patients with Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia for The Role of Prostatic Arterial Embolization

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    This study aimed at reviewing the role of Prostatic Arterial Embolization (PAE) as a new treatment producer for patients with Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH). The study reviewed the recent researches of  Prostatic Arterial Embolization (PAE) as a new treatment technique and concluded that the initial reported results of PAE seem promising, mainly during the first 12 months after treatment. However, no comparison was made to medical therapy or surgical therapies. Overlapping patient data and reporting bias could not be excluded. None of the included studies performed a power analysis. Also, a relatively small number of patients are treated with a short follow-up period. Therefore, more studies are needed with more patients and longer periods of follow-up, compared with standard medical and surgical therapies, to assess whether PAE is an effective and safe alternative treatment for BPH

    Analytical modelling of Tm-doped tellurite glass including cross-relaxation process

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    In this paper, we present a comprehensive analytical model of Tm able to take into account direct cross-relaxation process. We show that by using an appropriate set of parameters the model is able to properly fit the first part of the fluorescence decay of Tm-doped tellurite glasses for different dopant concentration values. We also compare the model with a full numerical model to investigate its limitations. We assess the model is a valid tool to fit fluorescence properties but for precisely predicting population inversion is limited to doping level up to about 1%. In fact, we show the reverse cross-relaxation process becomes significant in case of higher doping level

    Physicians’ Perspective on Diabetes Mellitus Management within the Context of Personalized Medicine Era in Tabuk Governorate, Saudi Arabia

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    BACKGROUND: Minimizing the number of therapy failures and decreasing the diabetic complications can be achieved by the application of personalising diabetes therapy, based on patient`s genetics, however, currently, personalised Medicine (PM) in diabetes mellitus management is not extensively applied. AIM: To assess the knowledge, attitudes, and willingness of physicians in practising of PM in diabetes management. METHODS: A cross-sectional analytical study was implemented among 126 physicians from six different governmental hospitals and 12 primary care centres selected by the stratified random sampling technique in the Tabuk region of Saudi Arabia. A structured self-administered questionnaire was utilised for data collection. A simple scoring system (scale of 5 points) was utilised to assess knowledge and willingness. Likert scale was applied to evaluate the attitudes towards practising PM in DM management by the fixed choice response formats. RESULTS: The majority of the participants (97.62%) claimed not receiving any PM and/or genomic medicine training. Most of them (82.54%) expressed unsatisfactory knowledge concerning personalised DM, whereas the medium level of attitudes was reported among 57.14% of them and a good level of willingness had been observed among 76.98% of the physicians. CONCLUSION: Emphasizing on essential personalised DM management knowledge aspects should be given a considerable priority. Fortunately, positive attitudes and goodwill of physicians towards PM are encouraging and should be supported by policymakers

    Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting (CABG) versus Percutaneous Coronary Intervention (PCI) in treatment of left main coronary artery disease

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    BackgroundCoronary artery bypass graft surgery (CABG) has been widely used for left main coronary artery disease (LMCAD). Percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) has become an option for this condition.AimsTo summarize the current evidence that compare between CABG vs. PCI in regards to ‎cardiac death, stroke, and myocardial infarction.‎Methods We searched randomized trials of treatment of LMCAD with PubMed, Google Scholar, and EBSCO.Results Five randomized studies were retrieved, which compared the efficacy between CABG vs. PCI in treatment of LMCAD.ConclusionPCI may be reasonable management of patients with LM stenosis involving distal bifurcation or with coexisting multivessel disease

    Squint Among Adult Population in Hail City, Saudi Arabia

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    Background: Strabismus, also known as crossed eyes, is a condition in which the eyes do not properly align with each other when looking at an object. If present during a large part of childhood, it may result in amblyopia. If onset is during adulthood, it is more likely to result in double vision. Objective: The aim of the study was to estimate the prevalence of squint, types and treatment characteristics in the studied adults in Hail city, Saudi Arabia. Methods: A cross-sectional study conducted in Hail city, Saudi Arabia. The study included 294 participants; 95 male and 199 female adults aged >20 years. The study period was from 1 January to 30 April 2018. Data collected by personal interview using a pre-designed questionnaire, which distributed among the participants to be self-reported. Results: The prevalence of squint among the studied population was 9.9%. it was more common in females than males. Squint was right sided in 24.1% of the cases, left sided in 51.7% and in both eyes in 24.1% of the studied cases. About half (44.8%) of cases had inward squint (esotropia) and 10.3% outward squint (exsotropia), 24.1% of the cases had Intermittent squint and 6.9% had permanent squint. Most (55.2%) of squint cases use glasses and 34.5% of cases squint affected their visual acuity. In 6.9%, squint causes psychological troubles. As regards treatment, 20.7% received medical treatment and 17.2% received surgical treatment but 62.1% do not seek medical care. Only 10.3% of cases completely cured and 13.8% had recurrence. There was insignificant relation with age, sex, education, squint in parents, chronic diseases, consanguinity or hereditary diseases (P>0.05). Conclusion: in this study, the prevalence of squint in the adult participants in Hail city, Saudi Arabia was 9.9% but 62.1% do not seek medical care. After treatment, only 10.3% of cases completely cured and 13.8% had recurrence. Health education of the public about importance of early treatment is highly recommended. Keywords: Squint; strabismus; adult population; prevalence; types; Hail; Saudi Arabia