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    ABSTRAK Abstrak Karya Akhir Diserahkan kepada Panitia Ujian Untuk Mendapatkan Gelar Magister Manajemen pada Program Pascasarjana Universitas Syiah Kuala PENGARUH PEMBINAAN DAN PENGAWASAN TERHADAP KINERJA TENAGA KESEJAHTERAAN SOSIAL KECAMATAN (TKSK) DAN IMPLIKASINYA PADA PENCAPAIAN PROGRAM PEMBERDAYAAN SOSIAL DINAS SOSIAL ACEH Oleh : M ALI AKBAR NIM: 1609200020085 Konsentrasi : Manajemen Umum Pembimbing Utama : Prof. Dr. Muhammad Adam, SE, MBA Pembimbing Pembantu : Dr. Syafruddin, SE, MBA Tujuan penelitian ini untuk melihat hubungan pembinaan dan pengawasan terhadap kinerja TKSK serta dampaknya secara simultan terhadap kinerja bagian pemberdayaan sosial pada Dinas Sosial Aceh. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada Dinas Sosial Aceh. Sebagai objek dari penelitian ini adalah pembinaan, pengawasan, kinerja TKSK kerja dan kinerja bagian pemberdayaan social Dinas Sosial Aceh. Subjek dari penelitian ini adalah pegawai TKSK Dinas Sosial Aceh. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh pegawai TKSK Dinas Sosial Aceh yaitu sebanyak 125 pegawai. Pengambilan sampel dengan metode sensus yakni keseluruhan populasi dijadikan sampel. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dari 5 hipotesis direct yang ada hanya 1 yang tidak significant yaitu pengujian Pengawasan terhadap kinerja Dinas Sosial Aceh karena memiliki nilai CR dan P yang tidak memenuhi syarat. Hasil pengujian hipotesis tidak langsung yakni pembinaan dan pengawasan terhadap kinerja bagian pemberdayaan sosial Dinas Sosial Aceh yang melalui kinerja TKSK adalah tidak signifikan. Kinerja TKSK dalam hal ini perannya adalah partial mediating. Dari basil temuan penelitian ini, terbukti variable Kinerja TKSK yang memilki angka koefisien beta terbesar yang dapat digambarkan sebagai pemicu terbesar dalam mendorong peningkatan Kinerja Bidang Pemberdayaan Sosial dibandingkan variabel lainnya karena Kinerja TKSK memiliki nilai beta terbesar yaitu 86,0%. Oleh sebab itu bila Kinerja Bidang Pemberdayaan Sosial menjadi fokus utama untuk ditingkatkan, maka harus dilakukan melalui peningkatan Kinerja TKSK yang lebih baik, sehingga dapat memicu meningkatnya kinerja organisasi bidang pemberdayaan sosial Aceh ini. Kata Kunci: Pembinaan, Pengawasan, Kinerja Tenaga Kerja Sosial Kecamatan (TKSK), Kinerja Bidang Pemberdayaan Sosial, Dinas Sosial Aceh viii ABSTRACT Abstract of Final Paper Submitted of The Examination Committee in Partial Fulfillment of The Requirements for The Degree of Master of Management on Graduated Program of Syiah Kuala University THE EFFECT ON GUIDANCE AND SUPERVISION SOCIAL WELFARE DISTRICT LABOR PERFORMANCE (TKSK) AND IMPLICATIONS ON THE ACHIEVEMENT OF SOCIAL EMPOWERMENT PROGRAM DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL ACEH By: M ALI AKBAR SN: 1609200020085 Concentration : General Management Supervisor : Prof. Dr. Muhammad Adam, SE, MBA Co-Supervisor : Dr. Syafruddin, SE, MBA The aim of this study was to see the relationship between coaching and supervision on the performance of TKSK and its impact simultaneously on the performance of the social empowerment section of the Aceh Social Service. This research was conducted at the Aceh Social Service. As an object of this research are coaching, supervision, work performance of TKSK and the performance of the social empowerment section of the Aceh Social Service. The subjects of this study were employees of the Aceh Social Service TKSK. The population in this study were all employees of the Aceh Social Service TKSK of 125 employees. Sampling using the census method is the whole population sampled. The results showed that of the 5 direct hypotheses there was only 1 that was not significant, namely the testing of supervision of the performance of the Aceh Social Service because it had CR and P values that did not meet the requirements. The results of testing the indirect hypothesis, namely the guidance and supervision of the performance of the social empowerment section of the Aceh Social Service through TKSK performance is not significant. TKSK performance in this case its role is partial mediating. From the findings of this study, it was proven that the TKSK Performance variable which has the largest beta coefficient number which can be described as the biggest trigger in encouraging the improvement of Social Empowerment Performance compared to other variables because TKSK Performance has the largest beta value of 86.0%. Therefore, if the Social Empowerment Performance becomes the main focus for improvement, it must be done through improved TKSK Performance, so that it can trigger the increased performance of this Aceh social empowerment organization. Keywords: Coaching, Supervision, District Social Workforce Performance (TKSK), Performance of Social Empowerment Sector, Aceh Social Service ix ABSTRACT Abstract of Final Paper Submitted of The Examination Committee in Partial Fulfillment of The Requirements for The Degree of Master of Management on Graduated Program of Syiah Kuala University THE EFFECT ON GUIDANCE AND SUPERVISION SOCIAL WELFARE DISTRICT LABOR PERFORMANCE (TKSK) AND IMPLICATIONS ON THE ACHIEVEMENT OF SOCIAL EMPOWERMENT PROGRAM DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL ACEH By: M ALI AKBAR SN: 1609200020085 Concentration : General Management Supervisor : Prof. Dr. Muhammad Adam, SE, MBA Co-Supervisor : Dr. Syafruddin, SE, MBA The aim of this study was to see the relationship between coaching and supervision on the performance of TKSK and its impact simultaneously on the performance of the social empowerment section of the Aceh Social Service. This research was conducted at the Aceh Social Service. As an object of this research are coaching, supervision, work performance of TKSK and the performance of the social empowerment section of the Aceh Social Service. The subjects of this study were employees of the Aceh Social Service TKSK. The population in this study were all employees of the Aceh Social Service TKSK of 125 employees. Sampling using the census method is the whole population sampled. The results showed that of the 5 direct hypotheses there was only 1 that was not significant, namely the testing of supervision of the performance of the Aceh Social Service because it had CR and P values that did not meet the requirements. The results of testing the indirect hypothesis, namely the guidance and supervision of the performance of the social empowerment section of the Aceh Social Service through TKSK performance is not significant. TKSK performance in this case its role is partial mediating. From the findings of this study, it was proven that the TKSK Performance variable which has the largest beta coefficient number which can be described as the biggest trigger in encouraging the improvement of Social Empowerment Performance compared to other variables because TKSK Performance has the largest beta value of 86.0%. Therefore, if the Social Empowerment Performance becomes the main focus for improvement, it must be done through improved TKSK Performance, so that it can trigger the increased performance of this Aceh social empowerment organization. Keywords: Coaching, Supervision, District Social Workforce Performance (TKSK), Performance of Social Empowerment Sector, Aceh Social Service i

    Demographic, Social and Economic Changes in Tharparkar (1988-2006) - An Analysis

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    This study is firstever in nature and belongs to Thaparkar but the concept is general and can be replicated in mostly rain-fed areaes of the world. This study attempts to find out demographic, social and economic changes and its prospects. To achieve mandated task, the study is focussed on: Firstly, to find out the existing trends of demographic changes in the district. Secondly, to identify ever-increasing population and demographic problems and policy implementation gap, and finally, the paper attempts to suggest policy recommendations for sustainable management of demographic problems. Data analysis, findings and recommendations would be beneficial to the policy makers, planers, government, NGOs, and donnor agerncies for further planning of the developlment policies. Demographic, social and economic changes are the variables for special analysis. Therefore, an attempt has been made to test the following hypothesises. It was hypothysed that: (i). Higher the population growth rate, lower the afforidability power. (ii). Higher the literacy ratio, lower the population growth. (iii). Higher the literacy ratio, higher the living status. (iv). Higher the urbanization, higher the literacy ratio. (v). When the literacy rate increases, the positive development also increases in social sectors. (vi). Population density increases, the income growth rate decresaes.Rain-fed Areas; Demographic; Social and Economic Changes; Transient and Incoherent Grazing

    Self-Reliance Micro-Finance in Tharparkar-Sindh: Suggested Techniques

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    In this paper attempt has been made to analyze the conditions and possibilities for Self-Reliance Micro-Finance (SRMF), and propose a Thar Micro-Finance Bank (TMFB) and suggest implications. This study is about Tharparkar but concept is general. The study reveals that the proposed bank can be established in Tharparkar. Some active NGOs have started such type of programs in some of the villages out of these some people are getting benefits. Introducing this system requires motivation and awareness among people about its benefits. This system will give dual benefits, first the assistance and second completion of social and economic projects. People will get benefit at the required time. This practice will save time and expenditure, which would be utilized for the disbursement of funds to be distributed by donors and government at the time of famine conditions and other emergencies like earth quack, cyclone and damages during rainfall, etc. This system will provide the safety nets to Tharis that will alleviate poverty to enable the Thari people to prosper, thus improving the economy of Pakistan.Access to demand driven Self-reliance Microfinance, Depositing, Insurance, Education, Awareness, Motivation

    Exp-Function Method for Duffing Equation and New Solutions of (2+1) Dimensional Dispersive Long Wave Equations

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    In this paper, the general solutions of the Duffing equation with third degree nonlinear term is obtain using the Exp-function method. Using the Duffing equation and its general solution, the new and general exact solution with free parameter and arbitrary functions of the (2+1) dimensional dispersive long wave equation are obtained. Setting free parameters as special values, hyperbolic as well as trigonometric function solutions are also derived. With the aid of symbolic computation, the Exp-function method serves as an effective tool in solving the nonlinear equations under study. Key words: Exp-function method; Duffing equation; Exact solutions; Nonlinear evolution equation

    Self-Reliance Micro-Finance in Tharparkar-Sindh: Suggested Techniques

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    In this paper attempt has been made to analyze the conditions and possibilities for Self-Reliance Micro-Finance (SRMF), and propose a Thar Micro-Finance Bank (TMFB) and suggest implications. This study is about Tharparkar but concept is general. The study reveals that the proposed bank can be established in Tharparkar. Some active NGOs have started such type of programs in some of the villages out of these some people are getting benefits. Introducing this system requires motivation and awareness among people about its benefits. This system will give dual benefits, first the assistance and second completion of social and economic projects. People will get benefit at the required time. This practice will save time and expenditure, which would be utilized for the disbursement of funds to be distributed by donors and government at the time of famine conditions and other emergencies like earth quack, cyclone and damages during rainfall, etc. This system will provide the safety nets to Tharis that will alleviate poverty to enable the Thari people to prosper, thus improving the economy of Pakistan.Access to demand driven Self-reliance Microfinance; Depositing; Insurance; Education; Awareness; Motivation

    Traveling wave solutions of the (2+1)-dimensional Zoomeron equation and the Burgers equations via the MSE method and the Exp-function method

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    AbstractThe modified simple equation (MSE) method is promising for finding exact traveling wave solutions of nonlinear evolution equations (NLEEs) in mathematical physics. In this letter, we investigate solutions of the (2+1)-dimensional Zoomeron equation and the (2+1)-dimensional Burgers equation by using the MSE method and the Exp-function method. The competence of the methods for constructing exact solutions has been established

    Race Equality in Sherman Alexie’s The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian

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    This research analyzes about how racial equality was achieved by an Indian who named Arnold Spirit, Jr. from white people. This study used social identity theory and post colonialism. The researcher found some of the data required about achieving racial equality. This research uses qualitative descriptive method in analyzing the novel The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian (2007) which written by a Spokane Indian, Sherman Alexie. The data collected in the study was gained through narration and dialogue in the novel. By analyzing the elements of power and the inferior (subaltern), the results show that hegemony happens will have an impact on the emergence of the issue of racism. As described by the author himself as the main character, Arnold showed resistance because of the presence of inequality as well as colonization which caused slumped the Indians on reservations. By making social mobility, he moved to the Reardan and struggled to break through limitations in the white group as well as gaining a better life. Although in the end he had to be in a position where he was ambivalent to unify two different cultures to survive the differences in both. Penelitian ini menganalisis tentang bagaimana kesetaraan ras di dapat dalam perjalanan Arnold Spirit, Jr. karya penulis Indian Spokane, Sherman Alexie. Penelitian ini menggunakan teori identitas sosial dan post-kolonialisme. Peneliti menemukan beberapa data yang dibutuhkan dalam mencapai kesetaraan ras. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif dalam menganalisis novel tersebut yang berjudul The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian (2007). Data yang dikumpulkan dalam penelitian didapat melalui narasi serta dialog dalam novel. Dengan menganalisa unsur kekuasaan dan kaum inferior (subaltern), ditemukan hasil bahwa hegemoni yang terjadi akan berdampak pada timbulnya isu rasisme. Sebagai mana yang digambarkan oleh penulis sendiri, Arnold sebagai karakter utama memperlihatkan resistensi karena mengetahui adanya ketimpangan serta kolonisasi yang menyebabkan terpuruknya kaum Indian di reservasi. Dengan melakukan mobilitas sosial, ia pindah ke Reardan dan berjuang untuk menembus batasan dalam kelompok kulit putih serta mendapatkan kehidupan yang lebih baik. Meski pada akhirnya ia harus berada dalam posisi yang ambivalen dimana ia menyatukan dua budaya yang berbeda untuk bertahan dari keberbedaan di keduanya
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