125 research outputs found

    Muonless Events in ICAL at INO

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    The primary physics signal events in the ICAL at INO are the νμ{\nu}_{\mu} charged current (CC) interactions with a well defined muon track. Apart from these events, ICAL can also detect other types of neutrino interactions, i.e. the electron neutrino charged current interactions and the neutral current events. It is possible to have a dataset containing mostly νe{\nu}_eCC events, by imposing appropriate selection cuts on the events. The νμ{\nu}_{\mu} CC and the neutral current events form the background to these events. This study uses the Monte Carlo generated neutrino events, to design the necessary selection cuts to obtain a νe{\nu}_e CC rich dataset. An optimized set of constraints are developed which balance the need for improving the purity of the sample and having a large enough event sample. Depending on the constraints used, one can obtain a neutrino data sample, with the purity of νe{\nu}_e events varying between 55% to 70%.Comment: 21 pages, 6 figure

    Study And Analysis The Impact Of Temperature In Turbine Room On The Performance Of Workers In Power Station

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    Environmental ergonomics deals with the effect of environmental factors on human health, comfort and performance. This day-to-day interaction between humans and environment affects performance and productivity of employees in various industries. Indoor temperature is one of the fundamental characteristics of the indoor environment. The work environment has an effect on the performance of workers. The thermal work environment in various sectors will determine the way in which such enterprises prosper.The main problem in this study is the effects of the high temperature of the turbine room on the workers performance at Al-Dora power station in Iraq, because there are many of power stations in Iraq are suffering from reduced in the performance of workers in the turbine rooms due to the high temperature emitted from the turbine and equipment located inside the turbine room.The objective of the study to investigate the temperature effects in the turbine room and equipment on the workers performance and then analyze model framework which will evaluate workers who are suffering from the bad environment in AL-Dora power station .Primary data have been generated through structured questionnaires with close-ended questions by the survey in Iraqi Ministry of Electricity (AL- Dora power station). Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) has been used to test the research hypotheses.The sample for this study include the (workers, operators, technicians, and engineers) who work in the turbine rooms at AL-Dora power station are 226 respondents, representing 100% of the target population.This study has been used two types of tools SPSS software the first type was a parametric test like the correlations, mean, standard deviation, regression analysis, histograms, P–P plot and moderation tool. While the second type of test was non-parametric tests like Mann-Whitney U test and Kruskal-Wallis H test.This research is the first study of its kind in the Iraqi Ministry of Electricity to investigate the factors and temperature that affecting on workers performance in turbine room in Iraq, and considered very important and has economic feasibility.Therefore, this study will help the Iraqi Ministry of Electricity to improve performance in turbine room. Results revealed that the temperature inside the turbine room as a moderation has the direct effect of the variables (performance pressure, bad environment, work area, turnover intention) that had direct and significant effects on worker performance which points out to the importance of using methods to reducing the temperature in turbine room and thus increase the performance of workers

    Predicting Students’ Performance Using Machine Learning Techniques

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    الهدف الرئيسي لاي مؤسسة تعليمية هو تزويد الطلبة بافضل معرفة وتجربة تعليمية. تحديد الطلبة الذين يحتاجون الى دعم و اهتمام إضافي و اتخاذ التدابير المناسبة لتحسين مستواهم العلمي يلعب دورا اساسيا لتحقيق هدف المؤسسة التعليمية. في هذا البحث, اربع تقنيات أو طرق خاصة ب Machine Learning تم استخدامها لبناء Classifiers تقوم بالتنبأ بمستوى أو أداء الطلبة العلمي في أحد دروس الحاسوب المقام في جامعة المثنى-كلية الاداب. تتضمن التقنيات المستخدمة كل من التقنيات الاتية: Artificial Neural Network, Naïve Bayes, Decision Tree, Logistic Regression. هذا البحث يهتم بتاثير استخدام الانترنت كمصدر للتعلم و كذلك تاثير استخدام الطالب لمواقع التواصل الاجتماعي على مستوى الطالب الدراسي. هذه التاثيرات تم استخدامها ك Features لقياس فيما اذا كان الطالب يستخدم الانترنت للدراسة ام لا و كذلك لقياس الوقت الذي يقضية الطالب بتصفح مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي. تم بناء اكثر من نموذج و تمت المقارنة بينهم باستخدام مقياس الاداء  ROC index و كذلك تم استخدام دقة التصنيف للمقارنة بين النماذج. تم جمع المعلومات المستخدمة في بناء النماذج من خلال استمارة استبيان تم ملئها من قبل الطلبة و كذلك من سجل درجات الطلبة. حقق نموذج ANN أعلى نسبة أداء و التي تساوي 0.807 و حقق نسبة دقة تساوي 77.04%. و بالاضافة الى ذلك و باستخدام نموذج , Decision Tree تم التعرف على اربعه عوامل مهمة تقوم بالتاثير على مستوى الطالب بصورة كبيرةThe ultimate goal of any educational institution is offering the best educational experience and knowledge to the students. Identifying the students who need extra support and taking the appropriate actions to enhance their performance plays an important role in achieving that goal. In this research, four machine learning techniques have been used to build a classifier that can predict the performance of the students in a computer science subject that is offered by Al-Muthanna University (MU), College Of Humanities. The machine learning techniques include Artificial Neural Network, Naïve Bayes, Decision Tree, and Logistic Regression. This research pays extra attention to the effect of using the internet as a learning resource and the effect of the time spent by students on social networks on the students’ performance. These effects introduced by using features that measure whether the student uses the internet for learning and the time spent on the social networks by the students. The models have been compared using the ROC index performance measure and the classification accuracy. In addition, different measures have been computed such as the classification error, precision, recall, and the F measure. The dataset used to build the models is collected based on a survey given to the students and the students’ grade book. The ANN (fully connected feed forward multilayer ANN) model achieved the best performance that is equal to 0.807 and achieved the best classification accuracy that is equal to 77.04%. In addition, the decision tree model identified five factors as important factors which influence the performance of the students

    Morbidity patterns in general practice settings of the province of Sousse, Tunisia

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    BACKGROUND:Primary health care is one of the most important pillars of the Tunisian health care system. However, very little information is available regarding the specificities of general practice and the patterns of morbidity encountered. METHODS:We conducted a descriptive study from June 2002 to May 2003 in 85 primary health centres in Sousse during 12 randomly selected weeks in order to describe the variability of the morbidity in all seasons;(3 weeks were randomly selected in each season). Each working day of selected weeks, a systematic sample of patients was identified in each health centre by taking every fifth registered patient. There were 16271 consultations. The International Classification of Primary Care (ICPC-2) was used to code recorded data of the consultation. RESULTS:There were 24,882 reasons for encounter, a total of 18,097 problems managed by general practitioners (GPs), and 40,190 interventions. There was a predominance of females (62%) and a relatively young population attending the primary health care settings as 50% was aged less than 25 years. According to ICPC-2 chapters, we found that respiratory diseases were the main problems managed in primary health care (43%), followed by digestive (10.1%), locomotive (8.9%), cardiovascular affections (8.7%) and skin diseases (8.4%). These five conditions alone constituted about 80% of the total cases. However, genital conditions for both males and females (1%) as well as psychological and social problems (0.85%) were rarely managed in primary care. CONCLUSION:The findings will be useful in helping to revise the educational curriculum of medical studies as required in general practice and to plan relevant vocational training for GPs. They will also be important for health policy makers in Tunisi

    Matter vs Vacuum oscillations in Atmospheric Neutrinos

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    Atmospheric neutrinos travel very long distances through earth matter. It is expected that the matter effects lead to significant changes in the neutrino survival and oscillation probabilities. Initial analysis of atmospheric neutrino data by the Super- Kamiokande collaboration is done using the vacuum oscillation hypothesis, which provided a good fit to the data. In this work, we did a study to differentiate the effects of vacuum oscillations and matter modified oscillations in the atmospheric neutrino data. We find that magnetized iron detector, ICAL at INO, can make a 3 sigma discrimination between vacuum oscillations and matter oscillations, for both normal and inverted hierarchies, in ten years.Comment: Accepted for publication in Nucl. Phys.

    درجة ممارسة معلمي الدراسات الاجتماعية في دولة الكويت لمهارات التدريس الإبداعي من وجهة نظرهم

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    • الأهداف: التعرف إلى درجة ممارسة معلمي الدراسات الاجتماعية في دولة الكويت لمهارات التدريس الإبداعي، والتعرف إن كانت هناك فروق دالة إحصائياً في درجة الممارسة تعزى للجنس والمؤهل العلمي. المنهجية: استخدمت الدراسة منهج البحث الكمي الوصفي. وللإجابة عن أسئلة الدراسة تم إعداد استبانة مكونة من ثلاثة مجالات هي: الأصالة، والطلاقة، والمرونة؛ مكونة من (21) فقرة. جرى توزيع الاستبانة على عينة بلغت (150) معلماً ومعلمة من معلمي المدارس الحكومية في منطقة الأحمدي التعليمية بالكويت، تم اختيارهم بالأسلوب الطبقي العشوائي. النتائج: إن درجة ممارسة معلمي الدراسات الاجتماعية في دولة الكويت لمهارات التدريس الإبداعي من وجهة نظرهم كانت مرتفعة، حيث جاء المتوسط الحسابي الكلي للمجالات (3.84)، وجاء مجال الطلاقة في المرتبة الأولى بمتوسط حسابي (3.89)، ومجال المرونة في المرتبة الثانية بمتوسط حسابي (3.85)، ومجال الأصالة في المرتبة الثالثة بمتوسط حسابي (3.79). كما أظهرت النتائج عدم وجود فروق دالة إحصائياً في درجة الممارسة تعزى لمتغير الجنس، ووجود فروق في متغير المؤهل العلمي لصالح المعلمين من حملة الشهادات العليا. الخلاصة: أوصت الدراسة على ضرورة تدريب المعلمين على استراتيجيات التدريس الإبداعي التي تنمي لديهم اتباع طرائق جديدة غير مألوفة في تدريس الدراسات الاجتماعية. وعقد الورش والبرامج التدريبية النوعية لمعلمي الدراسات الاجتماعية لتمكينهم من توظيف مهارات التّدريس الإبداعي في مواقف التعلم والتعليم بصورة أفضل

    Optimum directional well path design considering collapse and fracture pressures

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    Well path optimisation is often done based on the wellbore stability where the production related concerns are ignored. In fact, many of the studies carried out in the past have not included hydraulic fractures into their calculations. In fact, an optimum path for wellbore should not only provide the maximum stability during drilling but also offer a relatively low pressure to fracture the formation in the production stage. In this study, attempts are made to provide a methodology to determine an optimum well path for drilling, hydraulic fracturing and production stage using wellbore stability analysis in different stress regimes. An analytical model was proposed and used to determine the collapse pressure and fracture gradient during drilling and hydraulic fracturing at various azimuths and inclinations. The results obtained revealed that the well path does not change in a normal faulting regime during production. However, the azimuth and inclination of wells may need to be changed in the strike-slip and reverse fault regimes for a better drilling and fracturing. It was also found that deviated wells can be a better option in normal and strike-slip stress regimes, but further studies might be needed to confirm these findings.acceptedVersio

    Yield and water use efficiency of Barley fodder produced under hydroponic system in GCC countries using tertiary treated sewage effluents

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    In the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) Countries, where water is a major limitation in crop production, using alternative water resources such as tertiary treated sewage effluent (TTSE) is one way to produce crops, especially fodders which consume sizeable share of the limited irrigation water. Barley (Hordium vulgare L.) is a popular fodder in the region with good adaptability to wide range of climate and soil. A laboratory experiment was conducted during 2009 using complete randomized design with four replications in order to evaluate yield, water use efficiency (WUE) and quality of barley fodder irrigated with TTSE under hydroponic system. Barley seeds of a commercial grade with good viability (80-85%) were sterilized with 20% sodium hypochlorite solution to control fungal growth. Seeds were sown in stacked trays in a temperature controlled room. Trays were irrigated daily with either tap water (T1), or tap water mixed with TTSE at 20%, 40%, 60%, 80% (T2 to T5) and with TTSE only (T6). Plants were harvested 9 days after sowing. Plant height, green and dry fodder weight, the germination percentages and the amount of water used were recorded. Representative fresh green fodder samples from each treatment were oven-dried at 70oC for 48 hrs and analyzed. Crude protein, Crude fiber CF, acid detergent fiber (ADF), neutral detergent fiber (NDF) and lipid concentrations were determined. Results indicated that germination percent and yield of barley increased as the concentration of TTSE in irrigation water increased, however, the increase in WUE was not significant. Proximate chemical analyses indicated that there was no significant effect of treated sewage effluent on moisture, CF, NDF, ADF, or fat (ether extract) of the barley fodder. It was concluded that barley produced by TTSE maintained all its fodder quality and that it can be produced commercially for feeding livestock

    Chemical constituents and heavy metals contents of barley fodder produced under hydroponic system in GCC countries using tertiary treated sewage effluents

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    In this study, fodder barley was irrigated with pure tertiary treated sewage effluent (TTSE) and TTSE mixed with different amounts of tap water (20, 40, 60, and 80% tap water) using pure tap water as a check in a hydroponic system. The objective was to evaluate the effect of TTSE on heavy metals content (Pb, Cd and Ni) in barley biomass and some other nutrient elements (N, P, K, Ca and Fe). All these elements were present in much higher concentrations in TTSE compared to tap water. Heavy metal concentrations in barley biomass increased with an increase in the concentration of TTSE. Cadmium levels ranged between 0.06 (barley grown in tap water) and 0.1 ppm for barley grown in pure TTSE. These figures are lower than the limits set by the Commission of the European Union and WHO. Lead levels in biomass also increased with an increase in TTSE level. Ranging between 0.33 (tap water) to 0.7 (TTSE) ppm on dry weight basis, these levels are within acceptable limits for fodder. Nickel concentrations in barley biomass ranged between 6 (tap water) and 9 (TTSE) ppm. The toxic or excessive nickel concentrations in mature leaf tissue ranged between 10 to 100 ppm. The concentrations of N, P, K, Ca and Fe in barley biomass were within normal limits. The study revealed that fodder barley grown hydroponically could be irrigated safely with TTSE, as a useful alternative disposal method of waste water without the risk of accumulation of heavy metals in the soil