2,791 research outputs found

    Green synthesis of nano binary oxide SiO2/V2O5 NPs integrated ointment cream application on wound dressings and skin cancer cells

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     اشتملت الدراسة الحالية على تحضير المزدوج النانو SiO2/V2O5  باستخدام مواد طبيعية خام كمادة أولية حيث استخدمت رماد قشور الارز بعد حرقها بدرجة  °C700  سيليزية  للتخلص من المواد العضوية واللاعضوية في القشور حيث كانت هي  المادة الخام لاستخلاص السليكا جل والتي تم مزجها مع أوكسيد الفناديوم الخماسي وتم تشخيص المزدوج النانو SiO2/V2O5  المحضر باستخدام عدة تقنيات مثل  الأشعة السينية ,المجهر الالكتروني الماسح عالي الدقة حيث تم حساب معدل الحجم الحبيبي باستخدام صورة المجهر الالكتروني الماسح  للسطح المادة المحضرة عند المقياس 200 نانومتر , مطيافية تشتت الطاقة بالأشعة السينية التي استخدمت لكشف تركيز العناصر  الموجودة في النموذج المحضر SiO2/V2O5 من مادة قشور الارز الخام وتقديرها كميا ونوعيا  وكذلك تم قياس المساحة السطحية للسليكا المستخلص والمزدوج المحضر SiO2/V2O5 والمقارنة بينهما كما موضح في النتائج  كما تضمنت الدراسة البحثية الفعالية البيولوجية للمزدوج SiO2/V2O5 وتأثيرها على تثبيط النمو البكتيري بعد أن تم تطبيق المادة النانوية المحضرة على ضمادات الجروح حيث أعطت نتيجة واعدة لاستخدامها كضمادات موضعية تعمل على إزالة الميكروبات وخاصة لمرضى الحروق والجروح وذلك بسبب فعاليتها العالية لقتل البكتيريا الموجبة  S.aurea عند تركيزµg/mL  625   التي تتميز بمقاومتها للعديد من المضادات الحيوية . تعتبر مقاومة المضادات الحيوية من المشكلات التي يسعى العديد من الباحثين لحل هذه المشكلة من خلال توفير مضادات حيوية أكثر فعالية وأمانًا. اختيار مادة السيليكا المستخلصة من مادة طبيعية لتقليل السمية الناتجة عن استخدام الكيماويات ، حيث تعتبرالسيليكا مادة غير سامة. لذلك ، أثناء التحضير ، تم الحرص على استخدام المواد الكيميائية بتراكيز منخفضة لتقليل السمية. تم دراسة التأثيرات السامة للخلايا في المختبر SiO2 / V2O5)) NPs على خط الخلايا الطبيعية Vero 101 وخط خلايا الجلد A431 وتم فحصهما بتراكيز مختلفة. تم استخدام MTT (3- (4،5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl) -2،5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide) لتحديد التأثيرات السامة للخلايا للمساحيق النانوية الخضراء المُصنّعة.Green synthesis is depending on preparation of nano composited SiO2/V2O5 by using the modified sol-gel method depending on rice husk ash as a source for the extraction of silica gel and the product powder of nano composited SiO2/V2O5 characterization by many techniques such as X-ray diffraction spectroscopy (XRD), field emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM), and N2 adsorptions/desorption isotherms (BET). This study also includs the biological effectiveness of SiO2/V2O5 and its effect on inhibiting bacterial growth after the prepared nanomaterial was applied to wound dressings, which gave a promising result for its use as topical dressings that remove microbes especially for burns and wounds patients, due to its high effectiveness in killing Gram-positive bacteria S.aurea positive bacteria at a concentration of 625 µg/mL, which is characterized by its resistance to many antibiotics. Antibiotic resistance is one of the problems that many researchers seek to solve this problem by providing more effective and safe antibiotics. Choosing silica extracted from a natural substance to reduce the toxicity resulting from the use of chemicals, as silica oxide is considered a non-toxic substance. Therefore, during preparation, care was taken to use chemicals in low concentrations to reduce toxicity. In vitro cytotoxic effects were studied of composited SiO2/V2O5 nanoparticles  on Vero cell line 101 and skin cell line-A431were investigated at different concentrations. MTT (3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide) assay was used to determine the cytotoxic effects of green synthesized nanopowders

    A Statistical Model to Predict the Strength Development of Geopolymer Concrete Based on SiO2/Al2O3 Ratio Variation

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    Geopolymer Concrete (GPC) is a new class of concrete that presents a vital improvement in sustainability and the environment, particularly in recycling and alternative construction methods. Geopolymers offer a sustainable, low energy consumption, low carbon footprint, and a 100% substitute for the Portland cement binder for civil infrastructure applications. Furthermore, many aluminosilicate materials can be obtained as by-products of other processes, such as coal combustion or the thermal pulping of wood. In addition, slag and fly ash are necessary to source materials for geopolymer. Therefore, geopolymer is considered a solution for waste management that can minimize greenhouse gas emissions. In this statistical study, the present experimental work and found experimental data were collected from local and international literature and were used to build and validate the statistical models to predict the strength development of Geopolymer concrete with binary and ternary systems of source materials. The main independent variable was R, representing the ratio of SiO2/Al2O3by weight in the source material. The investigated range of R was 1.42–3.6. Nine concrete geopolymer mixes with R in the above range represent the experimental part carried out. The targeted properties were compressive, splitting, and flexural strengths. The experimental results showed that the R ratio significantly influences the mechanical performance of the final product. The compressive strength improved by 82, 86, 93, and 95%, when metakaolin content was partially replaced by fly ash and GGBS by percentages of 30, 70, 72, 90, and 95% for mixes 2, 3, 5, 7, and 8 respectively. Also, when GGBS partially replaced fly ash content by 36% and 100% for mixes 6 and 9, compressive strength improved by 10.6% and 41.8%, respectively, compared to mix4. Furthermore, the statistical study revealed that the R ratio might be utilized to determine geopolymer strength with reasonable accuracy. The built models were developed by linear and non-linear regression analysis using SPSS software, version 25. Doi: 10.28991/CEJ-2022-08-03-04 Full Text: PD

    Approximate Regular Modules

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    There are two (non-equivalent) generalizations of Von Neuman regular rings to modules; one in the sense of Zelmanowize which is elementwise generalization, and the other in the sense of Fieldhowse. In this work, we introduced and studied the approximately regular modules, as well as many properties and characterizations are considered, also we study the relation between them by using approximately pointwise-projective modules

    Flexural Behavior of Composite GFRP Pultruded I-Section Beams under Static and Impact Loading

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    In this study, the effect of glass fiber reinforced polymer (GFRP) section and compressive strength of concrete in composite beams under static and low velocity impact loads was examined. Modeling was performed and the obtained results were compared with the test results and their compatibility was evaluated.‎ Experimental tests of four composite beams were carried out, where two of them are control specimen with 20 MPa compressive strength of concrete deck slab and 50 MPa for other. Bending characteristics were affected by the strength of concrete under impact loading case, as it increased maximum impact force and damping time at a ratio of 59% and reduced the damping ratio by 47% compared to the reference hybrid beam. Under static loading, there was an increase in all the parameters, including the maximum load, ductility, and stiffness. Mid-span deflection was reduced by 25% under static and impact loads. A finite element analysis was performed by using the ABAQUS software. The midspan deflection value was greater than the experimental values by 6% and 3% for impact and static loads, respectively, and all other results showed a high rate of agreement with the obtained test results. The agreement between the numerical and experimental results indicates that the developed numerical model is capable of analyzing the impact and static behavior of such hybrid GFRP-concrete system. Doi: 10.28991/cej-2020-03091608 Full Text: PD

    Linear Relationship Statistics in Diffusion Limited Aggregation

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    We show that various surface parameters in two-dimensional diffusion limited aggregation (DLA) grow linearly with the number of particles. We find the ratio of the average length of the perimeter and the accessible perimeter of a DLA cluster together with its external perimeters to the cluster size, and define a microscopic schematic procedure for attachment of an incident new particle to the cluster. We measure the fractal dimension of the red sites (i.e., the sites upon cutting each of them splits the cluster) equal to that of the DLA cluster. It is also shown that the average number of the dead sites and the average number of the red sites have linear relationships with the cluster size.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Fatty acids in fish and beef and their nutritional values: a review.

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    This review aims to summarize the latest developments and recent knowledge regarding the fatty acids in fish and beef, their profiles and nutritional values. The paper covered the types of different fatty acids such as unsaturated fatty acids (UFA), polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA), especially the omega-3 in different fish species. The study also summarized the nutritional values of the fatty acids as compared to those in other animal species. However, the strategies influencing the fatty acid composition of beef were also reflected. The study revealed that many fatty fishes were found as excellent sources of UFA and PUFA, especially the omega-3. On the other hand, beef was proposed major source of saturated fat in a diet. The quality attributes of beef meat such as tenderness, juiciness, and flavor intensity have been shown to be affected by the chemical properties and lipid content. Moreover, increasing dietary omega-3 fatty acid intakes for potential health benefits for protecting against cardiovascular diseases was recommended. This work may assist the researchers and scientists to have a clear picture about what have been achieved earlier and what critical work should be conducted in future

    Simulation Study of Adrenaline Synthesis from Phenylalanine

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              Simulation study of Adrenaline synthesis from Phenylalanine has been carried out using semi-empirical methods (PM3) and density functional theory (DFT) STO-3G level of theory . Geometrical properties and vibration mods have been calculated for all structures. Different probable products have been suggested for each reaction and the most probable products being selected depending upon the electronic properties to prove the pathway of reactions that’s needed to synthesis adrenaline in the human body.           The calculations show the most probable product than other structurs due its energetic values of total energy, energy barrier value, heat of formation, zero point energy, imaginary frequency and rate constant that’s equal to (5.554*1012, 5.572*1012, 7.857*1012, 1.331*1013,1.116*1013) respectively by s-1 units. Thermodynamic functions (∆H, ∆S, ∆G) have been calculated for five steps reactions of Adrenaline synthesis . In reaction 1 equal to (-69.468, 1.37*10-4, -66.610), reaction 2 (-46.453, 3.044*10-3, -64.710), reaction 3 (-63.734, 0.022, 138.900), reaction 4 (87.036, 8.631*10-3, -451.510) and reaction 5 (-6.722,-0.025, 346,800) respectively by kCal/mol, kCal/mol/deg, and kCal/mol respective units. The chemical reactivity or energy gap has been calculated for the most probable products in the pathway of adrenaline synthesis

    Urine as a Main Effector in Urological Tissue Engineering-A Double-Edged Sword

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    In order to reconstruct injured urinary tract tissues, biodegradable scaffolds with autologous seeded cells are explored in this work. However, when cells are obtained via biopsy from individuals who have damaged organs due to infection, congenital disorders, or cancer, this can result in unhealthy engineered cells and donor site morbidity. Thus, neo-organ construction through an alternative cell source might be useful. Significant advancements in the isolation and utilization of urine-derived stem cells have provided opportunities for this less invasive, limitless, and versatile source of cells to be employed in urologic tissue-engineered replacement. These cells have a high potential to differentiate into urothelial and smooth muscle cells. However, urinary tract reconstruction via tissue engineering is peculiar as it takes place in a milieu of urine that imposes certain risks on the implanted cells and scaffolds as a result of the highly cytotoxic nature of urine and its detrimental effect on both growth and differentiation of these cells. Both of these projections should be tackled thoughtfully when designing a suitable approach for repairing urinary tract defects and applying the needful precautions is vital