6,203 research outputs found

    Effects of 5-Aza-2\u27 Deoxycitidine and Sulforaphane on Major Histocompatibility Complex (MHC) classes I and II surface expression in human acute T-cell leukemia cell Jurkat

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    The immune system cells recognize and kill cancer cells by engaging the tumor antigens on the surfaces of cancer cells presented by the Major Histocompatibility Complex (MHC). Cancer cells can escape from immune system cells recognition and/or killing by down-regulating the MHC expression through genetic or epigenetic mechanisms

    Facebook as a Social Outreach and Advocacy Tool in Intersex/DSD Groups

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    My project includes a netnography of a Facebook intersex group called Families and Friends of Intersex People. I observed the group’s forms of communication within the group and which topics they discussed. It appears one of the major concerns the group has is the use of nonconsensual, sex assignment surgery on infants to “correct” their body to match a gender identity. I have also discovered a link between being intersex and affiliated with the LGBT+ community. Since the 20th century, intersex people have been stigmatized due to their assumed ability to engage in sexual, same-sex relations. I have concluded that macro based assumptions and the enforcement of a gender binary is not adequate to deal with the reality of biological, human variation, thus affecting their micro experiences

    Preliminary Investigation of a Colouring Matter Extract from Sorghum Bicolor Sheaths and its Application to Textile Subtrates

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    The colouring matter from the sheath of sorghum bicolor was extracted using ethanol, acetone, water and petroleum ether, respectively. Ethanol exhibited higher extract percentage yield compared to the other solvents with petroleum ether giving the least. The chromatographic analysis indicates that the extract contains only one component which maximally absorbs at 1.78 and 1.58 in ethanol and water, respectively. The extracted colouring matter was applied to cotton, nylon, and wool fabrics with better results obtained on nylon fabric. The use of Potassium Chromate as a mordant however, generally improves the colour yield on the nylon and with improved wash fastness properties in all the fabrics used

    Hygrothermal performance of building envelopes in the tropics under operative conditions : condensation and mould growth risk appraisal

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    Poor indoor hygrothermal performance increases the risk of indoor moisture problems and deterioration due to mould growth, corrosion and damage to archival materials. Hence, proper control of indoor thermohygric intensity abates indoor moisture and its associated problems. This paper presents the results of envelopes hygrothermal performance assessments in a hot and humid climate building with varying operational profile between adjacent spaces. The case-studied building runs on 24hrs cooling mode in one part against natural and/or mechanical supply-exhaust fan means on the other. In-situ experiments were combined with hygrothermal analytical methods to assess the envelope thermal quality together with the operative conditions against condensation and mould growth risks. The results show that the building is overcooled leading to poor envelope hygrothermal performance with associated condensation and mould growth problems on non-airconditioned sides of the envelopes

    Distinct Functions of Language among Different Communities

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    Language unites society. Language affects globalization, communication, social identity, group cohesiveness, power structures, creativity, arts, the economy, and language. This abstract suggests studying languages' social functions. This research aimed to investigate the distinct functions of language among different communities and introduced several innovative elements that enhanced and advanced our understanding of the distinct functions of language among different communities. The study has employed quantitative research, utilizing a questionnaire survey administered to 85 individuals from diverse backgrounds worldwide. Through the analysis of survey data, this research has explored the multifaceted nature of language, encompassing communication, cultural identity, social cohesion, power dynamics, artistic expression, and economic interactions. Through cross-cultural comparisons, exploration of digital platforms, investigation of language and identity, and a commitment to inclusivity, the study would pave the way for new avenues of research and inspired future scholars to continue pushing the boundaries of linguistic exploration. The findings have revealed the importance of linguistic diversity and advocated for inclusive language policies and cultural preservation efforts. Ultimately, this research contributes to a deeper understanding of the unique roles that language plays within diverse communities, emphasizing the need to value and protect linguistic diversity for a more inclusive society. Keywords: Language, Distinct Functions, Diverse Communities, Quantitative Research, Cultural Identity, Linguistic Diversity

    Coronary anomalies in Sudanese patients: angiographic study and brief review

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    Introduction and objective: Coronary anomalies are not rare [about 1% of the general population] and may be associated with sudden death and ischemia and may cause difficulties in coronary interventions and errors in bypass surgery. The aim of this study is to demonstrate their incidence in the Sudanese patients and give a review on their classifications and clinical relevance. Patients and methods: A retrospective study of 270 patients who had coronary angiography at Ahmed Gasim cardiac center from April, 2004 to August, 2005. Results and conclusion: Our study showed a rather higher rate of coronary anomalies [3%] but the pattern was not greatly different from the figures in the literature. Anomalies of origin were the most common [which may give difficulties in coronary interventions]. Potentially morbid anomaly with either the left anterior descending artery [LAD] or the left main coronary artery [LMCA] originating from the right coronary sinus was seen in 3 patients [1, 1%]. This study demonstrated that coronary anomalies are not rare in our patients and potentially serious anomaly may exist. Sudan Journal of Medical Sciences Vol. 1(1) 2006: 43-4

    Genetic variability, correlation and path coefficients of yield and its components analysis in pumpkin (Cucurbita moschata Duch Ex Poir)

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    Genetic variability, correlation and path coefficient were studied for yield and yield component traits in twenty one diverse genotypes of pumpkin. Highest genotypic coefficient of variation was recorded for fruit length (cm), single fruit weight (kg), Brix (%) and yield per plant (kg). Heritability estimates in broad sense were higher for almost all the characters. The characters namely, fruit length, single fruit weight, yield per plant and brix% had high genotypic coefficient of variation coupled with heritability gave high genetic advance expressed as percentage of mean ranged from 76.84 to 96.06 which indicated that these characters were less influenced by environment confirming additive gene action, and therefore, selection of these characters would be more effective for yield improvement of pumpkins. Total six traits likely fruit length, fruit diameter, flesh thickness, single fruit weight and number of fruits per plant were positively and significantly associated with yield per plant. Path coefficient analysis also revealed maximum contribution of single fruit weight (0.869) to yield and this was followed by the contribution of number of fruit per plant (0.527) at genotypic level.Int. J. Agril. Res. Innov. & Tech. 7 (1): 8-13, June, 201

    Stability Testing of Beclomethasone Dipropionate Nanoemulsion

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    Purpose: To perform stability studies on a nanoemulsion formulation containing beclomethasone dipropionate (BD) and prepared by spontaneous emulsification method.Method: A nanoemulsion (o/w) containing BD was prepared using eucalyptus oil, Tween-40, ethanol and distilled water. The nanoemulsions were characterized by droplet size, pH, viscosity, conductivity and refractive index. Stability studies were performed according to International Council on Harmonization (ICH) guidelines over a period of 3 months. Droplet size, pH, viscosity, conductivity and refractive index were determined monthly for 3 months. The shelf-life of the nanoemulsion formulation was determined by accelerated stability testing.Results: The droplet size, conductivity, viscosity, pH and refractive index of the optimized formulations did not change significantly (p ≄ 0.05) after 3 months of storage at room temperature (25 ÂșC). The shelf life was 1.83 years at room temperature.Conclusion: The study demonstrates that the physical and chemical stability of BD is enhanced when it is formulated as a nanoemulsion.Keywords: Nanoemulsion, Beclomethasone dipropionate, Shelf-life, Accelerated stability, Viscosity, Conductivity, Refractive inde

    Soft bilateral filtering shadows using multiple image-based algorithms

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    This study introduces Soft Bilateral Filtering Shadows method of dynamic scenes, which uses multi-matrices of the light sample points due to lack realism in soft shadows generation in real time. While geometry-based shadow algorithm requires one pass per polygon for rendering shadow that requires time-consuming, the adopted shadow map algorithm needs a single rendering pass for each sample point of the light source to generate shadow at low cost. This method renders a complex scenes and accurately eliminating the inherent deficiencies in shadow maps. In order to compute shadow maps, view matrices were used for each sample point of the extended light source. Then penumbra region was used for interpolation based on bilateral filtering to create the soft shadows. They depend on multiple shadow maps which provide antialiasing shadow maps. The method uses fragment shader for rendering multiple shadow maps with penumbra and umbra regions. The main contribution of this article is introducing interpolation bilaterally of image-based shadows. This method makes the most effect of the computation significantly appear at the edges of the penumbra region. Furthermore, the filtering allows to obtain on the soft shadow marvelously at the lowest number possible of the light sample points. The generated soft shadows have good performance and high quality therefore, they are suitable for interactive applications. © 2016 Springer Science+Business Media New Yor

    Detection Learning Style Vark for Out of School Children (OSC)

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    Learning style is different for every learner especially for out of school children or OSC. They are not like formal students, they are learners but they don't have a teacher as a guide for learning. E-learning is one of the solutions to help OSC to get education. E-learning should have preferred learning styles of learners. Data for identifying the learning style in this study were collected with a VARK questionnaire from 25 OSC in junior high school level from 5 municipalities in Palembang. The validity of the questionnaire was considered on basis of experts' views and its reliability was calculated by using Cronbach's alpha coefficients (α=0.68). Overall, 55% preferred to use a single learning style (Uni-modal). Of these, 27,76% preferred Aural, 20,57% preferred Reading Writing, 33,33% preferred Kinaesthetic and 23,13% preferred Visual. 45% of OSC preferred more than one style, 30% chose two-modes (bimodal), and 15% chose three-modes (tri-modal). The Most preferred Learning style of OSC is kinaesthetic learning. Kinaesthetic learning requires body movements, interactivities, and direct contacts with learning materials, these things can be difficult to implement in eLearning, but E-learning should be able to adopt any learning styles which are flexible in terms of time, period, curriculum, pedagogy, location, and language
