602 research outputs found

    The effects of uncertainty of available information on investors' behaviors on herding formation

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    During the past century, there were different events where herding behavior created market turbulence and many investors were hurt, significantly. In this paper, we perform a survey to investigate investors’ behavior on creating herding behavior when they face with various levels of uncertainty on available information on the market. The survey designs a questionnaire, distributes it among some investors, and analyzes the results. The findings of our survey indicate that when there is a high level of uncertainty on publicly disclosed information, most investors assign more weights on confidential information or make no decision. In the event the uncertainty is on moderate level, investors rely more on publicly announced news and follow others’ behaviors. Finally, when the level of uncertainty is low, most investors depend on public information but this uncertainty creates less herding behavior compared with the previous case. The study also indicates that those investors who are normally making their decision with high inertia are not influenced by herding behavior


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    Abstract. The initial exposure of human beings to nature was a terrifying encounter due to lack of sufficient cognition and human was compelled to solve lots of his mental and subjective difficulties by means of believing in existence of spirits and numerous powers. In ancient times, mental illnesses were known as the effect of supernatural powers, and sickness was known as the result of being possessed by evil spirits. The individual, who is possessed, could suffer from disease with physical and mental symptoms. In southern seashores of Iran, subduing these ghosts, which are known as "winds", would be viable by performing a ceremony called Zar. Zar have been set in the spiritual beliefs ofthis region. Studying this curative ritual, assists to comprehend the rules and beliefs of fringe inhabitants of Persian Gulf and its ritual aspect is greatly significant. Zar, which is remained from the primary tribes of east Africa, was originated from Shamanism. From psychological point of view, some of the symptoms of being haunted by winds are defined as indications of psychosis and hysterics nature; furthermore, these symptoms probably arise from an individual's mental disorders and reactions to the pressures and disputes with his social conditions. Since psychology deals with humanmind and thoughts and inner emotions, proving behavioral theories and subjective processes that are presented by psychologists and psychoanalysts, is very difficult and even doubtable. In addition, proof of issues which are derived from the humanities, is encountered with difficulties because they cannot undergo experience. In psychology, in which human mind is the main part, this case runs into more complications. Nevertheless, research methods, current tools and techniques for studying psychological subjects have rectified the mentioned defect to a large extent. Zar ritual, as a substitute for conventional medical descriptions, provides a kind of interpretation of the illness that science is notcapable of its healing.Key words: Zar, the people of the air, possession, Qeshm, Zangebar

    A new intelligent algorithm to create a profile for user based on web interactions

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    This paper presents a method to classify the web user’s navigation patterns automatically. The proposed model of this paper classifies user’s navigation patterns and predicts his/her upcoming requirements. To create users’ profile, a new method is introduced by recording user’s settings active and user’s similarity measurement with neighboring users. The proposed model is capable of creating the profile implicitly. Besides, it updates the profile based on created changes. In fact, we try to improve the function of recommender engine using user’s navigation patterns and clustering. The method is based on user’s navigation patterns and is able to present the result of recommender engine based on user’s requirement and interest. In addition, this method has the ability to help customize websites, more efficiently

    Rhetorical Moves in Applied Linguistics Articles and their Corresponding Iranian Writer Identity

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    AbstractEmerging from Kaplan's (1966) pioneering work on contrastive rhetoric, rhetorical organization is today practiced with current critical views in language teaching and is regarded as a major pedagogical tool in writing various articles. The present study aimed to investigate the possible relationship between generic organizations of research articles in applied linguistics Iranian journals and negotiation of researchers’ identities. Overall, 30 published research-based articles were selected randomly from four journals. After applying Pho's (2008b) model of move analysis, the obtained results were associated with the instances of writer identity using Hyland's framework (2002). The findings demonstrated different percentages of writer identity categories across different moves of articles. Results suggested that rhetorical moves performing various functions in articles need to be carried out by specific categories of authorial identity to better satisfy the expectations of their respective applied linguistics communities

    Effect of Infection Control Training Program on Nurse’s Performance and Microbial Results on GIT Endoscopes

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    Background: Gastrointestinal (GI) endoscopy is an important tool for the identification and treatment disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. Thorough understanding of infection control and its application to GI endoscopy is crucial to prevent lapses in reprocessing and the possibility of transmission of infection (Nelson, DB.2003). Aim of the study: The aim of this study was to evaluation the effect of infection control training program on nurse’s performance and microbial results on GIT Endoscopes. Setting & Subjects: It was conducted at Elnaser Insurance Hospital at Helwan City in Egypt. Purposive sample included all available (40) nurses, and 5 GIT endoscopes. Study tools: Tools used for data collection included self-administered questionnaire sheet, an observation checklist, and microbiological assessment sheet. Results: The mean ± SD age of the studied nurses were 29.5 ±5.76, about two thirds were female and diploma nurse, and more than phases, these indicated for decrease the presence of microbial infection. Conclusion: there were a statistical significance difference between pre implementation of infection control training program and post implementation the endoscopic reprocessing program lead to improve nurses’ knowledge and skills as well as decrease the incidence of microbial infection transmission through GIT three years of experience, these experience from working, There was a highly significant difference in nurses' level of knowledge and skills as well as microbiological testes throughout the study endoscope. Recommendations: Continuous educational infection control training programs are recommended. So incorporation of such interventions apply in all endoscope unite all over Egypt. Keywords: Infection Control, Nurse’s Performance, Microbial Result

    Bioinformatics analysis of analgesic-antitumor like peptide from Iranian scorpion Mesobuthus eupeus

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    زمینه و هدف: در سال های اخیر مطالعات متعددی بر روی سموم حیوانات و حشرات برای یافتن مولکول هایی با خواص دارویی انجام شده است. سموم عقرب دارای مولکول های کوچکی با خواص زیستی و دارویی مختلف می باشند. یکی از این توکسین ها پپتید آنتی تومور- ضددرد (AGAP) است که در درمان سرطان و تسکین درد موثر می باشد. در این مطالعه تحقیقی به تعیین توالی و بررسی های بیوانفورماتیکی ژن کدکننده ی پپتید شبه AGAP از عقرب زرد ایرانی پرداخته شد. روش بررسی: در این مطالعه تجربی، نمونه های عقرب زرد ایرانی Mesobuthus eupeus جمع آوری و پس از استخراج DNA با پرایمرهای اختصاصی نواحی حفاظت شده، تکثیر ژن کدکننده ی پپتید سمی مشابه AGAP انجام شد و(MeI AGAP) Mesobuthus eupeus Iranian AGAP نام گرفت. سپس توالی ژن شبه AGAP جهت بررسی های قرابتی با کمک نرم افزار CLC main workbench 5 با توالی های سموم مشابه از گونه های دیگر عقرب مقایسه شد؛ همچنین توالی اینترون، عناصر تنظیمی، جایگاه های پیرایش و موقعیت آدنین نقطه ی شاخه ساز این توکسین با توالی های مشابه مورد بررسی قرار گرفت. یافته ها: توالی ژنی MeI AGAP درحدود 507 نوکلئوتید دارد. توالی ژنی این توکسین کوتاه تر از توالی ژنی توکسین BmK AGAP به دست آمده از عقرب Buthus martensii می باشد که علت آن حذف بزرگی در توالی اینترونی آن است. توالی کدکننده ی پپتید بالغ در این توکسین تشابه 93 با توکسین BmK AGAP دارد. مطالعه ی توالی ژنی توکسین MeI AGAP از عقرب ایرانی مزوبوتوس اوپئوس تاکنون انجام نشده و گزارش توالی آن برای نخستین بار، در این مطالعه صورت گرفت. نتیجه گیری: بررسی همولوژی این توکسین با توکسین های دیگر از عقرب های مختلف، تفاوت های متعددی نشان داد که می تواند خاص گونه ی ایرانی باشد؛ همچنین تشابه زیاد با توکسین BmK AGAP، MeI AGAP را به­عنوان دارویی برای درمان سرطان و تسکین درد مطرح می کند

    Oleuropein attenuates the progression of heart failure in rats by antioxidant and antiinflammatory effects

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    Abstract Much of the beneficial effects of olive products have been attributed to oleuropein. This study examined the effects of oleuropein in rats with heart failure induced by permanent ligation of left coronary arteries. Twenty-four hours after the operation, the rats were assigned to five groups including a sham assigned to receive vehicle (1 ml/day) and four coronary ligated groups assigned to receive vehicle or oleuropein at 5, 10, or 20 mg/kg/day. Five weeks later, echocardiographic and hemodynamic parameters, serum concentrations of oxidative stress, and inflammatory markers were determined. Myocardial infarction group receiving vehicle showed impaired hemodynamic and echocardiographic parameters as evidenced by decreased left ventricular systolic pressure, rate of rise and decrease of left ventricular pressure, stroke volume, ejection fraction, and cardiac output. In addition, significant reduction in superoxide dismutase and glutathione reductase was observed. Oleuropein treatment prevented the reduction of these variables. Moreover, the group had a significantly higher infarct size and serum malondialdehyde, interleukin-1β, and tumor necrosis factor-α than those of the sham group. Treatment with oleuropein prevented the increase of these variables. The results show that oleuropein attenuates the progression of heart failure, possibly by antioxidative and antiinflammatory effects

    A new fuzzy optimal data replication method for data grid

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    These days, There are several applications where we face with large data set and it has become an important part of common resources in different scientific areas. In fact, there are many applications where there are literally huge amount of information handled either in terabyte or in petabyte. Many scientists apply huge amount of data distributed geographically around the world through advanced computing systems. The huge volume data and calculations have created new problems in accessing, processing and distribution of data. The challenges of data management infrastructure have become very difficult under a large amount of data, different geographical spaces, and complicated involved calculations. Data Grid is a remedy to all mentioned problems. In this paper, a new method of dynamic optimal data replication in data grid is introduced where it reduces the total job execution time and increases the locality in accessibilities by detecting and impacting the factors influencing the data replication. Proposed method is composed of two main phases. During the first phase is the phase of file application and replication operation. In this phase, we evaluate three factors influencing the data replication and determine whether the requested file can be replicated or it can be used from distance. In the second phase or the replacement phase, the proposed method investigates whether there is enough space in the destination to store the requested file or not. In this phase, the proposed method also chooses a replica with the lowest value for deletion by considering three replica factors to increase the performance of system. The results of simulation also indicate the improved performance of our proposed method compared with other replication methods represented in the simulator Optorsim

    Potential pharmacologic treatments for COVID-19 patients: A review study

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    A cluster of pneumonia cases of unknown origin was detected on December 31th which led to the discovery of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). Lungs are the primary site of involvement. SARS-COV-2, which is the causative agent, enters the alveolar cells using ACE2 as a receptor. Due to exposure of first cases to Wuhan’s animal market, a zoonotic transmission was suspected. Further studies suggested human to human transmission through contact and droplets. Symptoms vary from asymptomatic to acute respiratory distress syndrome and death. Cases are diagnosed based on clinical and laboratory findings. Currently, there is no definitive treatment or vaccine and different antiviral and other treatments are being tested as possible therapeutic agents with different mechanisms, for example, Chloroquine, hydroxychloroquine, azithromycin, favipiravir, umifenovir, ribavirin, Ivermectin, etc