906 research outputs found

    Future RAN architecture: SD-RAN through a general-purpose processing platform

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    In this article, we identify and study the potential of an integrated deployment solution for energy-efficient cellular networks combining the strengths of two very active current research themes: 1) software-defined radio access networks (SD-RANs) and 2) decoupled signaling and data transmissions, or beyond cellular green generation (BCG2) architecture, for enhanced energy efficiency. While SD-RAN envisions a decoupled centralized control plane and data-forwarding plane for flexible control, the BCG2 architecture calls for decoupling coverage from the capacity and coverage provided through an always-on low-power signaling node for a larger geographical area; the capacity is catered by various on-demand data nodes for maximum energy efficiency. In this article, we show that a combined approach that brings both specifications together can not only achieve greater benefits but also facilitate faster realization of both technologies. We propose the idea and design of a signaling controller that acts as a signaling node to provide always-on coverage, consuming low power, and at the same time host the control plane functions for the SDRAN through a general-purpose processing platform. The phantom cell concept is also a similar idea where a normal macrocell provides interference control to densely deployed small cells, although our initial results show that the integrated architecture has a much greater potential for energy savings than phantom cells

    Achieving sustainable construction in the developing countries Of Southeast Asia

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    Sustainable construction is a way for the building industry to move towards achieving sustainable development, taking into account environmental, socioeconomic and cultural issues. Differing approaches and differing economic markets lead to different priorities. This paper presents the construction scenario of Southeast Asia and the developments in sustainable construction taking place in the region. Barriers to the implementation of sustainable construction are discussed. A list of recommendations was proposed to drive sustainable construction in the region. In conclusion, the status of sustainable construction in Southeast Asia is still in its infancy. The lack of awareness, training and education and ineffective procurement systems are among the major barriers for sustainable construction in the region. In some countries public policies and regulatory frameworks do not encourage the development of the construction sector. Besides the needs for capacities, technologies and tools, total and ardent commitment by all players in the construction sectors including the governments and the public at large are required in order to achieve sustainable construction in South-East Asia

    The Determinants of Food Prices: A Case Study of Pakistan

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    Controlling prices is one of the major tasks for the macroeconomic policy-makers. The recent oil price hike that shifted the policy towards biofuels and some natural calamities increased food prices around the world. This paper analyses the demand- and supply-side factors that affect food prices in Pakistan. Long-run relationship is analysed using the Autoregressive Distributed Lag Model (ARDL) for the period 1970 to 2008. The result indicates that supplyside factors (subsidies and world food prices) have a significant impact on food prices , whereas demand-side factors, such as money supply, are the main cause of the increase in food prices in the short as well as the long run. The error correction is statistically significant and shows that market forces play an active role to restore the long-run equilibrium.Food Prices, ARDL Approach, Pakistan

    Method Development for the Analysis of Aluminum, Calcium, Magnesium and Iron in Sedimentary Rocks

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    The focus of this study involved the analysis of sedimentary rocks by using atomic absorption spectroscopy. There are three classifications of sedimentary rocks: organic, formed as a result of vital activity of organisms such as coal; non-organic (chemical), formed in the process of evaporation of concentrated mineral solution such as limestone, dolomite, gypsum, salt and chert; and clastic (fragmental), formed from pre-existing rocks as a result of their fragmentation followed by further hardening and cementing such as conglomerate, breccia, sandstone, siltstone and shale. There are various analytical methods for analyzing sedimentary rocks, all of which require dissolving and digestion of the rock samples. The next step after digestion involves the burning off of organic content, and followed by separation of the silicates from all the other elements. Once the separation is achieved, then the analysis for the elements in the samples is performed using atomic absorption spectroscopy (AAS). The study focused on the analysis of four elements: aluminum, calcium, iron and magnesium. Standard solutions of aluminum, calcium, iron and magnesium were made with their concentrations ranging from 500-1000 ppm. Four unknown samples of sedimentary rocks labeled: XGP1, XGP2, XGP3 and XGP4, were analyzed by atomic absorption spectroscopy at instrument settings that are specific to each element. The percentage of each element in the samples used was determined and is reported in the body of the thesis

    Characterizations of Environmental Composites

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    Characterization of Protease Enzyme Produced from Locally Isolated Bacillus sp.

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    This study aimed to characterization of protease enzyme purified from locally isolated Bacillus sp.. A total of 50 soil samples were taken for this purpose. Only 35 (or 70%) of the sample were found to have given rise to bacterial growth. As the first phase in the cultivation of bacteria, the samples were grown on mannitol egg yolk polymyxin agar and nutrition agar. More than 20 bacterial isolates were discovered, according to the findings. The results of the cultural, microscopic, and biochemical examinations used to identify these isolates revealed that 15 of them were Bacillus spp. Additionally, the use of the Vitek 2 technique ensured that each of the 15 isolates belonged to this species. Examining these isolates\u27 capacity to create proteases revealed that all 15 of the Bacillus sp. isolates were capable of doing so, albeit to varying degrees. The isolate with the number S9 was the best at producing proteases, with a specific activity value of 40.19 U/mg proteins. On a casein hydrolyzed medium plate with a diameter of 3.0 mm and 2.2 mm, respectively, they demonstrated a clean zone. After 42 hours and 72 hours of incubation at 37°C, respectively, the strain 9 produces 1.01 units of proteolytic enzyme per milliliter. Proteolytic activity decreases with longer incubation times. It has potential for industrial use because the isolated Bacillus sp. was generating protease

    Seroperevelance of Hepatitis C and Cytomegalovirus Infection In Hemodialysis Machine in Khartoum State

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    هدفت هذه الدراسة الي تحديد مدى انتشار فيروس التهاب الكبد الوبائي سي ( (C والفيروس المضخم للخلايا البشرية (HCMV) بين ماكينات غسيل الكلي الدموي في مستشفيات مختلفة بولاية الخرطوم ( بشاير ،الاكاديمي ،الشرطة ، ومستشفى جياد ولاية ( الجزيرة ) ) ،وأجريت الدراسة خلال الفترة من ابريل إلى ديسمبر 2019 ,جمعت91 عينه من الدم من ماكينات الغسيل الدموي للكلي في حاويات معقمة من الذكور والإناث مع مختلف الاعمار (20_90) وحفظت العينات في ثلاجة تحت درجة حرارة (-34) حتى الاختبار ، تم فصل السيرا من الدم واجراء الاختبار باستخدام طريقة عمل الاليزاenzyme-linked immune sorbent assay ELISA – IgM) ) ،النتائج التي تم الحصول عليها 91 عينه سالبه ضد الغلوبولين المناعي النوع م ( IgM) لفيروس التهاب الكبد الوباء سي ، و8 عينات (7.3 ٪) ايجابيه للفيروس المضخم للخلايا Anti CMV- ¬IgM وكانت : مستشفى جياد (3 عينات موجبه واحد من الاناث واتنان من الزكور( 2.7%) اعمارهم( 49 و37 سنة) والأنثى عمرها 27 سنه. (مستشفى الشرطة (ثلاثة عينات موجبه (2.7%),(2 ذكور(54و67) سنه و1انثي وعمرها 48 سنه ), مستشفى الاكاديمي (عينه واحدة موجبه من الزكور وعمرها 56 سنه (0.8%) وكانت 83 عينات سالبه (75.5) للغلوبولين المناعي النوع م للفيروس المضخم للخلايا

    Effects of low irradiance on growth, water uptake and yield of tomatoes grown by the nutrient film technique

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    A study was carried out on the effects of irradiance on growth and development of tomatoes grown using the Nutrient Film Technique(NFr). Plants were exposed to mean daily irradiance levels of 14. 7, 8.5, 3.3 and 0.87 MJ m-2day-l achieved by using different levels of shade. High irradiance (14.7 and 8.5 MJ m-2day-1) increased leaf area and dry weight, root and stem dry weight compared to the plants grown under lower irradiance. Plants under shade were up to 5 DC cooler than those under high irradiance. Plant water uptake and leaf nutrient concentrations in the leaves were generally lower in shaded plants than those in full sun. The highest fruit production was obtained with an irradiance of 14. 7 MJ m-2 day-l. Plants grown under 3.3 and 0.87 MJ m-2 day-J failed to fruit

    Kepemimpinan kemahiran insaniah dan pengurusan kurikulum pengetua di Sekolah Berprestasi Tinggi

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    Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji hubungan antara kepemimpinan kemahiran insaniah dengan pengurusan kurikulum pengetua di Sekolah Berprestasi Tinggi. Kajian yang berbentuk kuantitatif deskriptif ini dilakukan secara tinjauan dengan menggunakan soal selidik sebagai instrumen. Seramai 186 orang guru daripada lima buah sekolah menengah yang berprestasi tinggi yang terletak di Pulau Pinang dan Kedah dipilih sebagai responden kajian. Penganalisisan data yang digunakan ialah min, sisihan piawai, dan korelasi Pearson. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan bahawa nilai min yang tinggi bagi kedua-dua pemboleh ubah utama, iaitu kepemimpinan kemahiran insaniah (min = 4.260) dan pengurusan kurikulum (min = 4.435). Setiap komponen kepemimpinan kemahiran insaniah juga berada pada tahap yang tinggi, iaitu julat min antara 4.017 hingga 4.392. Pekali korelasi Pearson menunjukkan bahawa kelapan-lapan komponen kepemimpinan kemahiran insaniah mempunyai hubungan yang signifikan, sederhana dan positif dengan pengurusan kurikulum (0.490 ≤ r ≤ 0.700) pada aras signifikan 0.01. Hasil kajian ini dapat membantu pihak pentadbir pendidikan terutama pengetua sekolah agar dapat mengaplikasikan kepemimpinan kemahiran insaniah di sekolah bagi melahirkan modal insan yang cemerlang dengan berfokuskan kemenjadian murid seperti yang dihasratkan oleh kerajaan melalui Pelan Pembangunan Pendidikan Malaysia (2013-2025)