4,282 research outputs found

    Supplementation of fermented sorghum bread (kisra) with dehulled and defatted sesame flour

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        In this study, dehulled sesame seeds obtained from Mamoun Elberier factory were defatted by solvent extraction to produce a dehulled and defatted sesame flour (DDSF). Proximate analyses were determined on both the dehulled sesame flour and dehulled and defatted sesame flour. The results indicated that there was an increase in the contents of protein, moisture, fiber and carbohydrates due to the defatting process. Flour obtained from the dehulled and defatted sesame seed was used to supplement staple Sudanese baked product sorghum kisra, in the ratios of 10%, 20% and 30%. The various replacement ratios resulted in an increase in the protein content of the kisra from 12.25% in control kisra to about 15.75%, 19.49%, and 23.20%, respectively. The above replacement ratios also resulted in a concomitant increase in the in-vitro protein digestibility of kisra breads. The sensory analysis indicated that there were no significant difference between kisra bread made from the various blends of sorghum and DDSF. However, panelists gave higher scores to the 10% sesame/sorghum supplemented kisra than the kisra made from the other ratios. Nutritional value of kisra can be enhanced by the addition of DDSF at a level of up to 30%

    Reduced OoB Emission and PAPR Using Partial-OSLM technique in 5G UFMC Systems

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    Universal-filtered multi-carrier (UFMC) waveformis considered as a potential candidate for next generation wirelesssystems due to its robustness against inter-carrier interference(ICI) and the low latency required in 5G systems. In this paper, apulse shaping approaches in UFMC technique is studied to reducethe spectral leakage into nearby sub-bands. The performance ofvarious types of window functions such as Chebychev, Hamming,Hanning and Blackman with UFMC are compared. This leadsto different coefficients and attenuation shapes, that enabledto choose the proper window function. Finally, a new selectivemapping (SLM) peak to average power ratio (PAPR) reductiontechnique is proposed to enhance the UFMC system performance.Results show that the BER performance of UFMC with allwindows functions are the same. However, Blackman windowfunction has a higher attenuation for sidebands compared withothers

    Stress, drugs and the evolution of reproductive restraint in malaria parasites

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    Life-history theory predicts that sexually reproducing organisms have evolved to resolve resource-allocation trade-offs between growth/survival versus reproduction, and current versus future reproduction. Malaria parasites replicate asexually in their vertebrate hosts, but must reproduce sexually to infect vectors and be transmitted to new hosts. As different specialized stages are required for these functions, the division of resources between these life-history components is a fundamental evolutionary problem. Here, we test how drug-sensitive and drug-resistant isolates of the human malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum resolve the trade-off between in-host replication and between-host transmission when exposed to treatment with anti-malarial drugs. Previous studies have shown that parasites increase their investment in sexual stages when exposed to stressful conditions, such as drugs. However, we demonstrate that sensitive parasites facultatively decrease their investment in sexual stages when exposed to drugs. In contrast to previous studies, we tested parasites from a region where treatment with anti-malarial drugs is common and transmission is seasonal. We hypothesize that when exposed to drugs, parasites invest in their survival and future transmission by diverting resources from reproduction to replication. Furthermore, as drug-resistant parasites did not adjust their investment when exposed to drugs, we suggest that parasites respond to changes in their proliferation (state) rather the presence of drugs

    Pembuatan “Fruit Leather” Buah Jeruk Manis (Citrussinensis L.)dengan Penambahan Dami Nangka (Artocarpus Heterophyllus)

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    The Purpose of this research is to find the best treatment from the production of sweet orange and jackfruit combination Fruit Leather. This research using Completely Randomized Design with 4 treatment and 4 repetition. This treatment are combining 85 grams sweet orange mush and 15 grams jackfruit (JD1); 65 grams sweet orange mush and 35 grams jackfruit (JD2); 45 grams sweet oranges mush and 55 grams jackfruit (JD3); 25 grams sweet oranges mush and 75 grams jackfruit (JD4). This research using Analysis of Variace (ANOVA) and Duncan's New Multiple Range Test (DNMRT) with significance level (α) 5%. The result of this research refers that there is a significance differences of each treatment towards Water Content, Acidic Properties (pH), Ash Content, Pectin Content, Sugar Reduction and Organoleptic Test. This research conclude that the best treatment according to Proksimate and Hedonic test is fruit leather product made by combination of 45 grams sweet oranges mush and 55 grams jackfruit mush (JD3) which have Water Content 14.612%, Acidic Properties (pH) 4.87, Ash Content 0.773%, Pectin Content 2.409%, Sugar Reduction 47.637%, And according to Hedonic test for Colour, Taste, Aromatic, Texture Atribute, and whole rating of Fruit Leather liked by Panelis

    Densitas Gizi dan Morbiditas Serta Hubungannya dengan Status Gizi Anak Usia Prasekolah Pedesaan

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    Usia prasekolah merupakan periode golden age yang rentan terhadap penyakit infeksi sehingga harus diperhatikan pemenuhan gizinya agar dapat tumbuh kembang secara optimal. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengkaji densitas zat gizi dan energi pangan, densitas asupan zat gizi dan energi, morbiditas, serta hubungannya dengan status gizi BB/U, TB/U, dan BB/TB pada anak usia prasekolah di daerah pedesaan. Penelitian ini menggunakan data Improving Child Growth and Development through Nutrition and Psychosocial Intervention in Early Childhood Education (PAUD) Setting in Rural Areas berkerja sama dengan Nestle Foundation (NF) Switzerland. Desain penelitian ini adalah cross-sectional study melibatkan 120 anak usia prasekolah usia 4-6 tahun. Lokasi dan subjek dipilih secara purposive dilakukan di Kecamatan Tamansari dan Kecamatan Dramaga, Kabupaten Bogor. Studi ini menemukan bahwa sebagian besar subjek memiliki status gizi yang baik. Densitas gizi pangan anak usia prasekolah pedesaan rendah kualitas zat gizinya. Densitas asupan zat gizi mikro ditemukan rendah tetapi tinggi densitas asupan energi. Lebih dari setengah subjek dengan tingkat morbiditas tinggi. Densitas asupan energi signifikan berhubungan dengan status gizi BB/U dan BB/TB (p<0.05). Densitas asupan protein signifikan berhubungan dengan status gizi BB/U dan TB/U (p<0.05). Morbiditas tidak signifikan berhubungan dengan status gizi

    Prospective randomized trial of ACUSEAL (Gore-Tex) versus Hemashield-Finesse patching during carotid endarterectomy: Early results

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    Background/PurposeSeveral studies have reported that carotid endarterectomy (CEA) with patch angioplasty produces superior results compared with primary closure. Conventional polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) patching has been shown to have results comparable to autogenous vein patching; however, it requires a prolonged hemostasis time. Therefore, many surgeons use collagen-impregnated Dacron patching (Hemashield [HP]). Recently, we reported a satisfactory hemostasis time using the new hemostatic PTFE patch (ACUSEAL by Gore). This study is the first prospective randomized trial comparing the ACUSEAL patch with the HP Finesse patch.Methods200 CEAs were 1:1 randomized into two patch closure groups (ACUSEAL or Finesse). All patients underwent immediate and 1 month postoperative duplex ultrasound studies. Demographic and clinical characteristics were similar in both groups, including the mean operative diameter of the internal carotid artery and length of arteriotomy.ResultsThe overall perioperative ipsilateral stroke rate was 2% (2% ACUSEAL, 2% Finesse; P = 1.0). The perioperative ipsilateral TIA rates were 0% for the ACUSEAL and 2% for the Finesse patch (P = .5). The combined perioperative neurological event (TIA + stroke) rates were 2% for ACUSEAL and 4% for the Finesse (P = .68). The early ≥50% restenosis rate was 0% for ACUSEAL vs 4% for Finesse patching. Two perioperative carotid thromboses were noted with Finesse patching vs none with ACUSEAL patching (P = .50). The combined early morbidity rate (TIA, stroke, and ≥50% restenosis or thrombosis) was 2% for the ACUSEAL patch vs 8% for the Finesse patch (P = .10). The mean hemostasis time for the ACUSEAL and Finesse patches was 5.1 vs 3.7 minutes (P = .01), however, the mean operative times were similar for both groups (P = .61).ConclusionThe perioperative neurological events and overall short-term morbidity associated with CEA when using ACUSEAL or Finesse patches were similar. Both patches have short hemostasis times

    Development of the Malay digit triplet test via headphones and telephones as a national hearing screening tool in Malaysia

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    Introduction: This study aimed to develop a self-administered hearing screening test using digit triplets in Malay (MDTT) to be used as a national hearing screening tool via internet and telephone landlines in Malaysia. Methods: Recordings of disyllabic Malay digits by a female Malay native speaker were used together with a speech shaped stationary noise (TSN). The test stimuli were normalized using responses from twenty normal hearing native Malay speakers. The data were used to produce eight equivalent test lists. An additional twenty normal hearing native Malay speakers were recruited to test the lists equivalency. Forty six listeners with varying levels of hearing were recruited to validate the tests. ROC analysis was done to identify the pass and refer cut-off limits. Results: No statistical differences were found between lists for both test conditions. The evaluation in fixed SNRs resulted in a mean speech reception threshold (SRT) of -11.3 ± 0.34 dB SNR for headphone and -10.24 ± 0.1 dB SNR for telephone applications. A significant main effect of type of transducer was observed in both normal and hearing impaired groups. The cut off for refer, sensitivity and specificity for the tests using telephones are (-5.8dB, 80.8%, 95%) and headphones (-9.8dB, 80.8%, 100%). Conclusions: The MDTT was successfully developed and the normative values are comparable to other versions of the digit triplet tests. The MDTT showed high sensitivity and specificity and can be made available to any Malay speaking public via telephone and internet

    The DFT+U: Approaches, Accuracy, and Applications

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    This chapter introduces the Hubbard model and its applicability as a corrective tool for accurate modeling of the electronic properties of various classes of systems. The attainment of a correct description of electronic structure is critical for predicting further electronic-related properties, including intermolecular interactions and formation energies. The chapter begins with an introduction to the formulation of density functional theory (DFT) functionals, while addressing the origin of bandgap problem with correlated materials. Then, the corrective approaches proposed to solve the DFT bandgap problem are reviewed, while comparing them in terms of accuracy and computational cost. The Hubbard model will then offer a simple approach to correctly describe the behavior of highly correlated materials, known as the Mott insulators. Based on Hubbard model, DFT+U scheme is built, which is computationally convenient for accurate calculations of electronic structures. Later in this chapter, the computational and semiempirical methods of optimizing the value of the Coulomb interaction potential (U) are discussed, while evaluating the conditions under which it can be most predictive. The chapter focuses on highlighting the use of U to correct the description of the physical properties, by reviewing the results of case studies presented in literature for various classes of materials

    The predictive power of depression screening procedures for veterans with coronary artery disease

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    Depression leads to a worse outcome for patients with coronary artery disease (CAD). Thus, accurately identifying depression in CAD patients is imperative. In many veterans affairs (VA) hospitals, patients are screened for depression once a year using the patient health questionnaire (PHQ-9). Although the PHQ-9 is generally considered a specific and sensitive measure of depression, there is reason to believe that these screening procedures may miss a large number of cases of depression within CAD patients and cardiology patients more generally. The goal of this study was to provide data as to the predictive power of this depression screening procedure by (a) comparing the prevalence rate of depression identified by the PHQ-9 to known prevalence rates and (b) examining whether patients identified as “depressed” also had conditions that consistently co-occur with depression (eg, post-traumatic stress disorder [PTSD], other medical issues). Participants were 813 consecutive patients who received an angiogram in the cardiac catheterization laboratory at a large VA Medical Center. Prevalence of depression was 6.9% in the overall sample and less than 6% when the sample was restricted to CAD patients with significant stenosis. Depression was significantly associated with PTSD, smoking, and alcohol problems. However, depression was not associated with other medical problems such as diabetes, renal failure, peripheral vascular disease, or anemia. In conclusion, the low prevalence rate of depression and lack of associations with comorbid medical problems may suggest that the VA’s depression screening procedures have low sensitivity for identifying depression in CAD patients. It is recommended that clinicians treating CAD regularly screen for depression and do not rely on archival depression screens