195 research outputs found

    Molecular Localization of Epstein Barr Virus and Rb Tumor Suppressor Gene Expression in Tissues from Prostatic Adenocarcinoma and Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia

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    Background Epstein- Barr virus (EBV) is a ubiquitous in that infecting more than 90% of adult population worldwide. Recently, EBV has been linked to the development of variety of human malignancies including prostate tissues that range from benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) to prostatic adenocarcinoma (PAC). Somatic point mutations in Rb gene have been detected in prostate cancer and are involved in progression steps of prostate carcinogenesis. Objective: To analyze the distribution and impact of concordant Rb expression and latent EBV infection on a group of prostate adenocarcinoma and benign prostatic hyperplasia. Patients and methods: Seventy- two (72) formalin-fixed, paraffin- embedded  prostatic tissues were obtained in this study; (40) biopsies from prostatic carcinoma and  (20) from benign prostate hyperplasia as well as (12) apparently normal prostatic  autopsies control group. Detection of EBV-EBERs was done by ultra sensitive version of in situ hybridization method where as immunohistochemistry detection system was used to demonstrate the expression of Rb gene. Results: Detection of EBV-EBERs -ISH reactions in tissues with PAC was observed in 19 out of 40 (47.5%), while in the tissues from BPH was detected in 10% (2 out of 20). No EBV-EBERs positive – ISH reaction was detected in healthy prostate tissues in the control group.   The differences between the percentages of EBERs detection in tissues PAC and each of BPH & control groups were statistically highly significant (P value = < 0.0001). Positive Rb immunohistochemical (IHC) reactions were observed in 19 PAC cases (47.5%) and in 2 BPH cases (10%). Conclusions: Our results indicate that the EBV might contribute to the development of subset of prostate tumors. In addition, the significant percentage of expression of possible Rb gene as well as EBV in prostate adenocarcinoma could indicate for an important role of these molecular and viral factors in prostatic carcinogenesis. Key word: EBV; prostate adenocarcinoma, benign prostatic hyperplasia, in situ hybridization

    Modeling of magnetic sensitivity of the metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistor with double gates

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    In this paper, we investigated the effect of magnetic field on the carrier transport phenomenon in metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistor (MOSFET) with double gates by examining the behavior of the semiconductor under the Lorentz force and a constant magnetic field. Various behaviors within the channel have been simulated including the potential distribution, conduction and valence bands, total current density, total charge density and the magnetic field. The results obtained indicate that this modulation affects the electrical characteristics of the device such as on-state current (ION), subthreshold leakage current (IOF), threshold voltage (VTh), and the Hall voltage (VH) is induced by the magnetic field. The change in threshold voltage caused by the magnetic field has been observed to affect the switching characteristics of the device, such as speed and power loss, as well as the threshold voltage VTh and (ION/IOF) ratio. Note that it is reduced by 10-3 V. 102 for magnetic fields of ±6 and ±5.5 tesla respectively


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    Salmonella typhoid and paratyphoid are transmitted mainly by the fecal-oral route. This study was designed to find the correlation between Salmonella and IgM, IgG, and the levels of interleukin-33, TNF-α, and LTB 4. The study was carried out from March 2020 to January 2021 for the detection of Salmonellosis in 100 suspected patients with age group ranging from 17 - 69 years, who attended Baghdad teaching hospitals that had been examined and defined as suspected cases by a specialized physician with the recording of clinical manifestation. The diagnosis was done by immunochromatography method, a blood sample was taken from the patient as well as other 30 healthy controls matching in age and gender. The study included measurement of the level of interleukin -33, Tumor necrosis Factor α, and Leukotreins B4 level in sera of patients and healthy control. The results indicated that anti –salmonella IgM positive in 54 cases, anti- salmonella IgG positive in 46 cases, and 18 positive cases with both IgM and IgG.  The Level of interleukin 33, Tumor necrosis Factor – α increased significantly while the serum Leukotreins B4 level decreased significantly in patients sera as compared with healthy control

    In Situ Hybridization for Molecular Detection of Human Papilloma Viral 6 / 11 DNA in Adenoctomized Tissues from A group of Iraqi Pediatric Patients

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    هنالك أكثر من 200 من الأنماط الجينية لفايروس الورمي الحليمي البشري والتي تم التعرف عليها من خلال  الترابط مابين الانماط الجينية ذات الاختطار الواطئ للفايروس الحليمي البشري مع مجموعة متنوعة من الأورام الفموية والبلعوم والبلعوم الأنفي وكذلك الأورام الحليمية غير الخبيثة  وتضخم الغدة. هدفت هذه الدراسة  من نوع الاستقصائية- السيطرة إلى تحديد الحمض النووي للفيروس الورمي الحليمي البشري 6/11 في انسجة الغدد البلعومية الأنفية واللوزتين لمجموعة من المرضى الذين يخضعون لاستئصال اللوزتين. تم الحصول على 60عينة من أنسجة اللوزتين الأنفية البلعومية من الأطفال الذين يعانون من تضخم اللوزتين الغدي, تضمنت 40 من أنسجة اللوزتين الأنفية البلعومية للمرضى الذين يعانون من تضخم غدي ، و 20 عينة نسجية من الأطفال  بعد عمليات التشذيب للانسجة الأنفية السفلية بدون  تغييرات مرضية ملحوظة (كمجموعة  سيطرة). تم اجراء الكشف الجزيئي عن الحامض النووي للفيروس الورمي الحليمي البشري نمط 6\11 باستخدام تقنية التهجين الموضعي ذات الحساسية العالية في عينات الأنسجة الضخمة الغدية ز تم العثور على 8 من أصل 40 تحتوي على نتائج إيجابية للحمض النووي للفيروس الحليمي البشري 6\11 حيث شكلت 20 ٪ من إجمالي الأنسجة الغدية البلعومية الأنفية.بينما لاتوجد أي اشارة موجبة للحامض النووي للفايروس الحليمي البشري نمط 6\11 في مجموعة السيطرة. أظهر التحليل الإحصائي للنتائج في هذا البحث اختلافًا كبيرًا مقارنةً  مابين مجموعتي المرضى والسيطرة عند مستوى احتمالية اقل او يساوي 5%. يمكن أن يلعب فيروس الورم الحليمي البشري ذات الاختطار الواطئ في تلك الأنسجة الغدية المتضخمة دورًا في التسبب في الأمراض و / أو يشكل عامل  لانتشار العدوى الفيروسية للانسجة الاخرىAmong more than 200 different human papilloma viral genotypes, the association of low oncogenic risk-HPV genotypes have been recognized with a variety of oral, oropharyngeal, nasopharyngeal benign tumors as well as non-neoplastic polyposis and papillomas and adenoid hypertrophy. This prospective case- control study aims to determine the rate of DNA detection of HPV genotype 6/11 in nasopharyngeal adeno- tonsillar tissues from a group of patients subjected to adenoctomy for adenoid hypertrophy . A total number of nasopharyngeal adeno-tonsillar tissue specimens from pediatric patients with adenoid hypertrophy were enrolled; 40 nasopharyngeal adeno-tonsillar tissues from patients with adenoid hypertrophy, and 20 normal nasal tissue specimens were obtained from pediatric patients following trimming operations of their inferior nasal turbinates' with unremarkable pathological changes (as an apparently healthy control group). The molecular detection methods for HPV detection were performed by using DNA probes via a recent version of chromogenic in situ hybridization specified for low- risk HPV genotypes.  Among total adenoid hypertrophied tissue specimens group, 8 out of 40 were found to contain positive results for DNA of HPV 6 / 11 genotype, constituting 20% of the total screened nasopharyngeal adenotonsillar tissues. No positive– CISH reactions were detected in the control nasal tissues. The statistical analysis of results in this research showed significant difference when compared to the control apparently healthy tissues.   The significant rate of low- oncogenic HPV genotypes detection in those adenoid hypertrophied tissues could play, in part, a role in their pathogenesis and / or constituting a herald focus for the spread of such important virally transmitted infection

    Molecular Localization of Human Papillomaviru_18 (HPV_18) in Tissues from Thyroid Carcinoma in Mid-Euphrates

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    خلفية علمية: سرطان الغدة الدرقية هو السرطان الذي يبدأ في الغدة الدرقية و التي يعتقد أنها مرتبطة بتهيئة عدد من العوامل البيئية و الوراثية تربط  Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) المسبب لسرطان عنق الرحم ، وأيضا يعتبر المسبب لسرطان الحنجرة والذي يعد واحد من العوامل المعدية ذات الصلة.الهدف : تهدف هذه الدراسة للكشف عن الحمض النووي ل Human Papilloma Virus-18  باستخدام تقنية situ hybridization technique في أنسجة الغدة الدرقية المأخوذة من تضخم الغدة الدرقية الحميد و سرطان الغدة الدرقية ، و توضيح العلاقة بين هذا الورم الناجم عن HPV-18 وسرطان الغدة الدرقية.المرضى و طرق العمل : ستين ( 60 ) عينة من formalin-fixed paraffin ، وتم الحصول على أنسجة الغدة الدرقية كالتالي، من بينهم ( 30) خزعة نسيجية من سرطان الغدة الدرقية من الصنف الأول و ( 20) عينة من الأنسجة الحميدة Thyroidneoplasm وكذلك ( 10) من تشريح أنسجة الغدة الدرقية العادية التي تم جمعها من أرشيف معهد الطب العدلي/ بابل باستخدام عينات الغدة الدرقية لأصحاء. وقد تم الكشف عن فيروس Human Papilloma Virus-18  باستخدام نسخة حساسة للغاية من situ hybridization technique.النتائج : من بين أورام الغدة الدرقية الخبيثة نسبة ا 56.7 ٪ من المرضى مصابين بالفيروس HPV - 18 في حين تم الكشف عن 35 ٪ من مجموعة ورم الغدة الدرقية الحميدة مصابين بالفيروس HPV - 18   . لم تظهر أي من عينات مجموعة السيطرة ISH reactions. كان 32.7 ٪ إناث مصابات بفيروس HPV – 18، في حين كان 24 ٪ من الذكور مصابين بفيروس HPV – 18. ولم تظهر أي دلالة إحصائية بين وجود الفيروس وعمر هؤلاء المرضى .الاستنتاجات : HPV – 18 أن له دورا بالمشاركة في التسبب في الإصابة لدى مجموعة المرضى الذين يعانون من سرطان الغدة الدرقية.Background: THilnahyroid cancer is a cancer that starts in the thyroid gland and thought to be related to a number of environmental and genetic predisposing factors .Human Papil- loma Virus (HPV) the virus that causes cervical cancer ,is also linked to throat cancer and is one among their associated infective agents. Objective: This study aimed at detecting DNA of HPV genotype-18 using in situ hybridization technique in thyroid tissues from benign thyroid hyperplasia and thyroid car- cinoma, and elucidate the association between this HPV-18 and thyroid carcinogenesis. Patients and Methods: Sixty (60) formalin-fixed, paraffin embedded thyroid tissue blocks were obtained ,among them (30) tissue biopsies from thyroid carcinoma with grade I and (20) benign thyroid neoplasm tissue blocks as well as (10) autopsies from apparently normal thyroid tissues were collected from the archives of Forensic Medicine Institute / Babil and used as thyroid healthy control group. Detection of HPV-18 was done by using highly sensitive version of in situ hybridization technique. Results: Among malignant thyroid tumors 56.7% patients had HPV-18 while 35% HPV- 18 positivity was detected in benign thyroid tumor group. None of healthy thyroid tissues revealed ISH reactions. There was 32.7% female had HPV-18, and 24% male had HPV-18. No significant statistical associations were noticed between the presence of HPV-18 and the age of those patients. Conclusion: Human Papilloma virus genotype-18 could share a role in pathogenesis of this group of patients with thyroid cancers

    Antigenic Detection of Salmonella Infection among Pediatric Patients with Acute Gastroenteritis

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    Background: Diarrheal diseases are one of the social problems in developing countries. The pathogens commonly associated with childhood diarrhea are Salmonella, Clostridium difficile, Shigella, Yersinia and Escherichia coli but the highest attack rate for salmonellosis in infancy. Objective: The aim of the study was to evaluate the presence of Salmonella antigen in acute gastroenteritis in children admitted to a pediatric hospital. Material and Methods: The study was performed on freshly collected stool samples among 94 acute diarrheal children below two years admitted to AL-Khadymia and AL-Elweya pediatric hospitals from May 2015 to January 2016. A questionnaire was completed for each patient’s name, age, gender, clinical data like fever, nausea, vomiting, and abdominal pain. The criteria included hemorrhagic fresh stool sample in addition to containing parasite agent. Fresh stool samples were tested by immunochromatographic assay for antigenic detection of Salmonella. Results: Salmonella antigen identified in five stool samples one for male and four for females. All pediatric patients show fever, vomiting and abdominal pain, while the stool consistency distributed to 75.5% watery and 24.5% loosely. Stool samples show 69.1% with blood and 39.9% without blood, 16.9% with pus and 83.1% without pus, 83% with mucous and 17% without mucous. Four cases with giardiasis and 24 cases with entamebiasis and 14 cases with cyst of E. histolytica or G. lamblia in addition to absence the parasites ova in all stool samples. Conclusion: Salmonella antigen present in five stool samples, all the patients show vomiting, fever, abdominal pain, 65 cases with blood in comparison with, 29 without blood 15 cases with pus in comparison with 79 without pus. 78 cases with mucous in comparison with, 16 without mucous, four cases with goddesses and 24 cases with entamebiasis, 14 cases with cyst of E. histolytica or G. lamblia in addition to absence the parasites ova in all stool samples

    The Importance of Preventive Medicine in Family Practice: A Review of Current Guidelines and Recommendations

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    Prevention is seen as a critical topic in family practice. Primordial prevention, primary prevention, secondary prevention, tertiary prevention, and quaternary prevention are all part of this strategy to disease prevention. To avoid the formation and development of risk factors, primary prevention focuses on addressing the fundamental causes and social determinants of disease. Primary prevention is the practice of preventing illnesses before they arise via the use of treatments such as immunizations and health education. Secondary prevention focuses on illness identification and intervention as early as possible to avoid disease development. Tertiary prevention addresses illness outcomes by restoring health and offering rehabilitation. Finally, quaternary prevention seeks to safeguard patients against needless medical treatments and the harm caused by over-medicating. Risks frequently rise in tandem with frailty and comorbidities. In contrast, advantages frequently drop as life expectancy increases. Preventive management strategies should consider the patient's viewpoint and be mutually agreed upon. Healthcare providers must prioritize the deployment of preventive care services, even when clinical treatments are required, in order to overcome preventive care hurdles. Healthcare practitioners may play a critical role in illness prevention and contribute to family well-being by investing in preventive care and executing these measures

    Risk Assessment Of In-Vitro Fertilization, Review Article

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    Since its remarkable inception in 1978, IVF has garnered significant public interest.   Currently, assisted reproductive technology is widely accessible in most developed countries, and the methods employed have significantly evolved since its inception.   Advancements in laboratory technology and clinical practice have enabled IVF to develop into a medical process that is highly efficient, safe, easily accessible, and comparatively affordable. Over 2 million children conceived by IVF have been born so far, and it is probable that ongoing improvements will increase its attractiveness and suitability. There has been a rising interest in the topic of risk assessment in IVF in recent years, with a significant amount of research focused on detecting and reducing the potential dangers linked to the operation.   This review article seeks to offer a thorough and all-encompassing analysis of the present understanding of risk assessments in IVF, encompassing the diverse range of risks and complications linked to the operation