545 research outputs found

    Conflict with Others at a Bleeding Frontier: The Case of Tagoi in the Northeastern Nuba Mountains – Sudan

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    This article looks at the escalating conflict between the Tagoi and Hawazma and their allies over natural resources and political authority in the north-eastern Nuba Mountains, from the Tagoi’s perspective. It explains why and how the Tagoi Area has become a free zone for settlement by the Hawazma and their allies, who have succeeded in developing an independent native administration in the area and have begun to contest the Tagoi’s rights to political authority and land. It illustrates how security concerns associated with the Second Civil War between the government of Sudan (GoS) and the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement/Army (SPLM/A) first and the Sudan/South Sudan international border after the secession of South Sudan in 2011 have contributed to the escalation of this conflict. It also shows how this conflict has recently become entangled with the armed conflict between the GoS and the SPLM/A-North, thus attaining a new dimension

    Qualitative analysis of basic notions in parametric convex programming. II. Parameters in the objective function

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    summary:The paper presents a qualitative analysis of basic notions in parametric convex programming for convex programs with parameters in the objective function. These notions are the set of feasible parameters, the solvability set and the stability sets of the first and of the second kind. The functions encountered in the paper are assumed to possess first order partial continuous derivatives on RnR^n, the parameters assume arbitrary nonnegative real values and therefore the results obtained in the paper can be used for a wide class of convex programs

    Sarawak state elections 2016: revisiting federalism in Malaysia

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    The recent state elections in the Eastern Malaysian state of Sarawak in 2016 saw the ruling coalition, the Barisan Nasional, secure a comfortable victory through its component party, the Parti Pesaka Bumiputera Bersatu, led by the late Adenan Satem, who passed away suddenly on 11 January 2017. A key theme of Adenan's election cam-paign was greater autonomy for the state of Sarawak, while he also distanced himself from the troubles of the Najib Razak administration and the federal government. This paper seeks to examine the Sarawak state elections within the context of Malaysia's federalism. We argue that the state elections highlight how a lack of popularity and weakened federal government has allowed states to exercise more leverage in order to gain greater influence and autonomy, strengthening the original federal agreement of 1963 while inadvertently weakening the centre. We argue that Malaysia’s claim to be a federation is largely superficial, as much power constitutionally rests with the federal government at the expense of state autonomy. This is demonstrated through both an examination of federalism as a broad concept and a brief history of centre–state relations in Malaysia. This paper posits that further "bargaining" by states with the federal government during election campaigns may be possible if the centre continues to exhibit political weakness

    Strategic Impact Assessment: A New Tool in achieving Sustainable Development in the Sudan in the wake of the Severance of Southern Sudan

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    This paper appraises the process and performance of Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) in the Sudan. The implications of the severance of Southern Sudan on the country’s natural resources and development policies are underscored. The main legislative and institutional constraints of) EIA) efficient application are highlighted, emphasizing its limitations to developmental projects. The new trend in addressing the complicated issues salient to policies, plans and programmes that calls for a higher tier of impact assessment is illustrated. Strategic Environmental Impact Assessments (SEA) which operates at the policies, plans and programmes level is defined. A comparison between (EIA) and (SEA) is portrayed. Justifications for the application of (SEA) in the Sudan and the steps and prerequisites needed are expressed. The institutional and legislative reforms as well as human resources capacity building are underlined


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    معنى المستقبل بعد wnn الزمنية [Ar] تسلط هذه الدراسة الضوء على التركيبة iw.f Hr sDm عندما تتقدمها جملة wnn الزمنية. حيث ان التركيبة iw.f Hr sDm مماثلة لتركيبة القصص iw.f Hr sDm ( النفى (iw.f Hr tm sDm والتى تعطى معنى المستقبل وليس الماضي القصصي كما هو الحال فى معظم النصوص القصصية عندما تتقدمها جملة wnn الزمنية التى تترجم كجملة الشرط وتتكون من عنصرين: جملة الشرط wnn+First Present، وجملة جواب الشرط القصصية iw.f Hr sDm. تناقش الدراسة أراء العلماء المختلفة حول التركيبة iw.f Hr sDm بالإضافة الى الأشكال .wnn/ wn/ xr wnn [En] This paper highlights the narrative iw.f (Hr) sDm when introduced by the temporal clause of wnn. The construction iw.f (Hr) sDm resembles the narrative iw.f Hr sDm (negative iw.f Hr tm-sDm). It refers, in this case, to the future and has nothing to do with narration. The temporal wnn is translated by a conditional system (if) and it consists of two elements; protasis (wnn+ First Present) and an apodosis (the narrative iw.f (Hr) sDm). The study discusses the morphology of the temporal clause introduced by wnn and xr wnn. It sometimes comes after the temporal xr wnn future and not always past as Baer’s opinion. It also discusses the opinion of the scholars related to the construction iw.f (Hr ) sDm


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    The high level of carbon dioxide (CO2) content in natural gas reserves discovered lately in Malaysia and some other reservoirs around the globe is one of the major issues that are being faced by the industry nowadays. The existing processes for CO2 removal suffer from one main setback i.e., the limitation on the maximum content of CO2 that is allowed in the natural gas feed, at very high purity as required by the industry. It seems that polymerized ionic liquids showed enhanced CO2 sorption capacities and fast sorption/desorption rates compared with their corresponding ionic liquids

    Effects of cytokinins and auxins on the micropropagation of a local grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.) cultivar, using nodal explants

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       This study was conducted in the Plant Tissue Culture Unit of the Agricultural Research Corporation, Wad Medani, Sudan, during the years 2006- 2007. The objectives were to develop an in vitro technique for the propagation of a local cultivar of grapevine. The basal Murashige and Skoog medium was supplemented with benzylaminopurine (BAP) and kinetin both at concentrations of 0.0, 0.25, 0.5, 1.0, 2.0, 4.0, 6.0, and 8.0 mg/l. Isopentenyladenine (2iP) and BAP were also used at concentrations of 0.0, 1.0, 1.5, and 2.0 mg/l.  The interaction effects of indole acetic acid (IAA) at concentrations of 0.0, 0.25, 0.5 and 1.0 mg/l with BAP at 1.0 or 2.0 mg/l and indole butyric acid (IBA) at concentrations of 0.0, 0.1, 0.3, and 0.5 mg/l with 2iP at 1.0 or 2.0 mg/l were also tested. For in vitro rooting, plantlets were cultured on MS medium supplemented with different concentrations of NAA (0.0, 0.25, 0.5, and 1.0 mg/l). The best morphogenesis of shoots was achieved on MS medium supplemented with BAP at 1.0-1.5 mg/l. The morphogenetic response increased with time and the best response was attained after six weeks. Higher concentrations of BAP (2.0-8.0 mg/l) resulted in abnormal growth of plantlets. The combination of BAP with IAA did not improve shoot morphogenesis. The morphogenesis of the nodal explants was similar on kinetin and 2iP which resulted in a single shoot per explant. The combinations of 2iP at different concentrations with IBA did not improve shoot morphogenesis compared to 2iP alone. The best rooting of regenerated shoots of grapevine was achieved on MS medium supplemented with 0.25 and 0.5 mg/l NAA after four weeks. أجريت هذه الدراسة بوحدة زراعة الأنسجة النباتية بهيئة البحوث الزراعية بواد مدني، السودان، خلال الفترة 2006-2007 م. كان الهدف من هذه الدراسة إكثار السلالة البلدية لكرمه العنب عن طريق تقنية الإكثار النسيجي. أختبر أثر ثلاثة أنواع  من السيتوكينينات في وسط  موراشيجي واسكوق و هي بنزيل أمينوبيورين (BAP) و الكينيتين (kinetin ) بالتركيزات  0.0, 0.25 ،0.5 ،1.0، 2.0، 4.0، 6.0 و8.0 ملجم/لتر وآيزوبنتينيل أدنين (2iP)و BAP بالتركيزات 0.0 , 1.0 , 1.5 و2.0 ملجم/لتر . كما تم اختبار تداخلها مع بعض الاوكسينات مثل اندول حامض الخليك(IAA)   بالتركيزات     0.0, 0.25 ،0.5   و1.0 ملجم/لتر مع BAP  بتركيز 1.0 أو2.0 ملجم/لتر و اندول حامض البيوترك IBA) ) بالتركيزات 0.0 ,  0.1, 0.3 و0.5 ملجم/لتر مع   2iPبتركيز 1.0 أو2.0 ملجم/لتر . أختبر أثر منظم النمو نفثالين حامض الخليك (NAA ) بالتركيزات  0.0, 0.25،0.5   و1.0 ملجم/لتر علي تحفيز التجذير لنبتات سلالة العنب البلدية المنتجة نسيجيا.  اختلفت استجابة البراعم للإكثار النسيجي وذلك باختلاف منظم النمو ودرجة تركيزه. وكانت الاختلافات معنوية بين أنواع هذه المنظمات ودرجة تركيزها.  أفضل استجابة لنمو البراعم كانت علي وسط  موراشيجي واسكوق مضافا إليه BAP بتركيز 1.0 أو 1.5 ملجم/لتر مقارنة بمنظمات النمو الأخرى. كما إزدات أعداد النبتات النامية بزيادة فترة تحضين المنفصل النباتي المزروع حتى الأسبوع السادس. تسببت التركيزات العالية من BAP (2-8 ملجم/لتر) في إنتاج سيقان منتفخة و نمو غير طبيعي للأوراق. لم يؤدي تداخل IAA مع BAP إلي  زيادة عدد النبتات النامية علي المنفصل النباتي المزروع . منظمات النمو kinetin و2iP لم تظهر أي فروق معنوية ما بين  تركيزاتها المختلفة و كانت متساوية في عدد النبتات المنتجة وأعطت نبتة واحدة لكل منفصل نباتي. لم يحسن تداخل IBA مع 2iP في زيادة عدد النبتات النامية علي المنفصل النباتي المزروع.  أفضل استجابة لنمو الجذور كانت علي وسط  موراشيجي واسكوق مضافا إليهNAA  بتركيز 0.25 أو0.5 ملجم/لتر بعد أربعه أسابيع من الزراعة.&nbsp


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    Background and objective: Diabetes is increasingly recognized as a serious public health concern worldwide. The risk assessment of type 2 diabetes can be done through a risk questionnaire that provides an accurate, low-cost, educational and time-effective method for this. By early identification of people at risk of developing diabetes and if it is confirmed that they are in the pre-diabetes stage, adequate care is provided to them through lifestyle interventions or even hypoglycemic drugs if needed, thus delaying or preventing their progression to diabetes. Therefore, this study aimed to assess the risk of developing type 2 diabetes (T2DM) among healthy Sudanese without diabetes in Khartoum. Methods: A cross-sectional study from Nov 2016-March 2017 comprising 122 adult participants, age (>20 yrs) visiting the garden yard located at airport street at Khartoum district without a diagnosis of T2DM was carried out. The risk of developing T2DM was assessed using the validated and widely used Finish diabetes risk score (FINDRISC) Total Risk Score of each participant was analysed and compared. Knowledge assessment tool and Anthropometric measurements were also used. Results: 122 participated in the study, the mean age of the participants was 31.55 ± 10.122, the mean BMI was 25.718 ± 5.813 and the mean of waist circumstances 90.2 ± 16.63. Estimated risk of developing T2DM in 10 years of study for participants according to FINDRISC, only 3.3% have a high risk.The risk factors for the participants in the study for developing DM type 2 were 66.4% has positive family history, 44.3% were overweight or obese, has 41.8% limited physical activity and 27.9% has central obesity. The pattern of vegetables and fruits daily intake according to FINDRISC only 36.1% from participants. Significant positive correlation (r= 0.395, p=0.000) High risk score of FINDRISC is >14, Estimated age: Y=24.1+ (0.9x15) = 37.9≈38years.Significant positive correlation (r= 0.6, p=0.000) High risk score of FINDRISC is > 14, Estimated BMI: Y= 19.24+ (0.8x15) = 31 Kg/ m2. Conclusion: The knowledge about diabetes risk factors, classical symptoms and common complication was not satisfactory. None of the “at high” risk had their risk further investigated. While 25% adapted health their lifestyle. Large scale studies to test the validity of FINDRISC in Sudanese population should be conducted. Development of Sudanese population specific risk score that take into count the local risk factors is warranted.                     Peer Review History: Received 12 July 2020; Revised 10 August; Accepted 26 August, Available online 15 September 2020 Academic Editor: Dr. Muhammad Zahid Iqbal, AIMST University, Malaysia, [email protected] UJPR follows the most transparent and toughest ‘Advanced OPEN peer review’ system. The identity of the authors and, reviewers will be known to each other. This transparent process will help to eradicate any possible malicious/purposeful interference by any person (publishing staff, reviewer, editor, author, etc) during peer review. As a result of this unique system, all reviewers will get their due recognition and respect, once their names are published in the papers. We expect that, by publishing peer review reports with published papers, will be helpful to many authors for drafting their article according to the specifications. Auhors will remove any error of their article and they will improve their article(s) according to the previous reports displayed with published article(s). The main purpose of it is ‘to improve the quality of a candidate manuscript’. Our reviewers check the ‘strength and weakness of a manuscript honestly’. There will increase in the perfection, and transparency. Received file:                Reviewer's Comments: Average Peer review marks at initial stage: 5.0/10 Average Peer review marks at publication stage: 7.0/10 Reviewer(s) detail: Prof. Dr. Hassan A.H. Al-Shamahy, Sana'a University, Yemen, [email protected] Dr. Tanveer Ahmed Khan, Hajvery University, Lahore, Pakistan, [email protected] Similar Articles: EFFECTS OF EMODIN ON BLOOD GLUCOSE AND BODY WEIGHT IN TYPE 1 DIABETIC RATS THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN DIABETES MELLITUS AND TUBERCULOSIS IN REVIEW OF PREVALENCE, DIAGNOSTICS AND PREVENTION PLASMA FERRITIN AND HEPCIDIN LEVELS IN PATIENTS WITH TYPE 2 DIABETES MELLITU

    Mainstreaming Islamic Religious Education and Secular Education in Schools as Per the Kenyan Basic Education Act 2013

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    This paper is an attempt to harmonize the local Quranic schools, the Islamic schools (Madarasa) and the secular schools in Kenya. The article is based on existing literature review, the author’s personal experiences and opinions. It is felt that a change be made to integrate the three-parallel curricula. The curriculum of the Quranic and the Arabic schools can be accommodated into the secular curriculum to give time for the pupils for rest or play or do their homework adequately. The current system makes the child run from one school to another. This starts at the age of six and continues until the child completes primary school. This is strenuous for the child. It is hoped that the integrated approach will alleviate this problem. The child needs to be given a chance to interact with his \ her environment so that he \ she can react to it. It should be concerned with the intellectual, emotional, physical and social growth of the child. Keywords: Quranic Schools, integrated curriculum, secular education, colonial administration DOI: 10.7176/JEP/10-27-10 Publication date:September 30th 201

    Prevalence and Risk Factors of Depression among Adult Type 2 Diabetic Patients at Al-Jemaih Diabetic Center, Dongola, Northern State, Sudan, 2019

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    Background: Type 2 diabetes and depression are common diseases with bidirectional associations. Depression in diabetics leads to poor adherence to diet and medication, poor glycemic control, reduced quality of life, and increased diabetes-related healthcare expenditure. This study aimed at evaluating diabetic patients with depression to improve the quality of care delivered. Materials and Methods: An institution-based cross-sectional study was conducted among adult type 2 diabetics at Al-Jemaih Diabetic Center, Dongola, in July–December 2019A standardized pretested questionnaire was used to collect data, and the depression subscale of the Patient Health Questionnaire was used to diagnose depression. Chi-square test and logistic regression were used to analyze the data using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences version 25.0. Results: Out of the 407 participants, 282 (69.3%) were females, and more than half were aged between 40 and 59 years. The prevalence of depression among type 2 diabetic patients was 35.6%, ranging from mild (24.3%) to moderate (7.4%), moderately severe (2.2%), and severe depression (1.7%). The risk factors associated with depression in type 2 diabetes were: combining antidiabetic therapy, long duration of diabetes, family history of psychiatric illness, diabetes-related complications, poor glycemic control, and lack of regular exercise. Conclusion: More than a third of type 2 diabetics have depression. Screening diabetic patients for depression, establishing a psychiatric unit at the diabetic center, and community-based studies are recommended. Key words: diabetes mellitus, depression, Dongola, Northern Stat