889 research outputs found

    Radiography of Manus and Pes in Hard Working Donkeys

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    The present study aimed to highlights on the radiographic appearance of extensive new bone formation in equine limbs, which resulted from recurrent mild traumas to the limbs in hard working donkeys. The study was carried out on 36 hard working donkeys admitted to the Veterinary Teaching Hospital, Assiut University suffering from different types and forms of lameness (new bone growth). Based on history, clinical signs and radiographic examinations, various types of osteophytes were diagnosed and recorded including: ringbone (20 animals), splints (6 animals), osselets (4 animals), sesamoiditis (4 animals) extensive foot osteophytes (one animal) and splints with accidental absence of digit (one animal)

    Ultrasonographic Differential Diagnosis of Superficial Swellings in Farm Animals

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    This report describes the ultrasonographic differential diagnosis of different types of swellings affecting (28) farm animals. The swellings were, abscess (11), cyst (2), hematoma (2), hernia (9) and urethral diverticulum (4). The swellings varied sonographically according to the type, duration, content and location. Cases suffering the same type of swellings may have some degree of difference in echogenicity according to the period of the swelling. Abscesses appeared as hypo/hyperechoic structures with distinct hyperechoic well-developed capsule. Recent hematomas were anechoic with a well demarcated wall, with increased duration, the hematoma gradually became more echoic and textured. The hernial ring was determined as a discontinuation of the abdominal wall echogenicity and the hernial contents were clearly evaluated via ultrasonography. Recent cysts resembled hematoma in compartmentalization but the location and case history helped the differential diagnosis. Urethral dilatation appeared sonographically as an anechoic to hypoechoic homogenous structure with well demarcated wall and acoustic enhancement. Ultrasonography could be considered a successful, noninvasive, rapid technique for differential diagnosis of different types of swellings in farm animals. It could be easily used under field conditions to screen the lesions before the surgical operations and to fellow up the cases after surgery

    Wadi AL_ Rashrash Rest House, an archaeological and architectural study.

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    Summary:Rest houses were known in ancient times, as they were known during successive Islamic eras, where the caliphs were keen to build palaces, camps and rest houses in the desert for the purpose of hunting and recreation. The Fatimids, the Ayyubids, and the Mamluks, and during the era of the Alawiya dynasty, many rest houses were built, whether near the cities or what was built in the desert for the purpose of recreation and practicing the hobby of hunting, including the rest area of Wadi Al-Rashrash, which is located southeast of the city of Cairo at the well of Wadi Al-Rarash, The components of which are located on an area of 30 acres, in which ten buildings were built, the largest of which is the King’s Lounge. Behind this restroom, the princes’ rest houses, kitchens, stores and bathroom towers were all painted in a light brown colour, Horse stables, a canopy for orchestras, a flat square of flat stone to spread benches and tables on, barracks for soldiers, a residence for the chieftain, and a hunting place known as al-Nusra.In front of all this lies the farm, cages of ostriches and deer, and a water well, and on the top of the southern mountain is the flag of ancient Egypt with a crescent and three stars. It is the only old flag raised on the land of Egypt since the revolution, and the shape and color of the flag changed several times. It is made of metal, which was installed about 70 years ago to be used in determining wind directions. The rest houses were divided into two parts, the first section includes the building for the rest house and the deer garden, and the second section includes the rest of the rest buildings.The research aims to study the Wadi Al-Rashrash Rest House, an archaeological and architectural study, with the aim of determining its components, the architectural design of each part, whether from the inside or the outside, the purpose for which it was built, and the current situation of the rest house after nearly a hundred years of its establishment, and introducing its importance due to what it represents from A great architectural and historical value dating back to the period of the rule of the Alawiya dynasty

    Endoskopische Diagnostik beim Kleintier : Erfahrungen mit der Otoskopie, Ösophagoskopie, Endoskopie der Atemwege und Arthroskopie

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    In den vorliegenden Untersuchungen wurde die Endoskopie als Diagnostikmethode sowohl für verschiedene Erkrankungen der Ohren, des Ösophagus, des Laryngo-Tracheo-Bronchialbereiches und des Thorax bei Hunden und Katzen als auch zur Untersuchung des Schulter-, Ellbogen- und Kniegelenkes beim Hund eingesetzt und auf ihren diagnostischen Wert hin überprüft. Starre Endoskope wurden bei fast allen untersuchten Patienten eingesetzt. Die Benutzung flexibler Endoskope für die Ösophagoskopie bei zwei untersuchten Patienten war wegen der Größe der Tiere notwendig. Länge und Größe der Optiken wurden immer der Tiergröße angepasst. Zur Feststellung einer definitiven Diagnose wurde die Endoskopie mit bakteriologischen und zyto- bzw. histologischen Untersuchungen von endoskopisch entnommenen Proben aus der veränderten Schleimhaut des Gewebes oder der Flüssigkeiten ergänzt. Auch zum Entfernen von Fremdkörpern aus den äußeren Gehörgängen, dem Ösophagus, der Nasenhöhle, dem hinteren Rachenraum, dem Kehlkopf, der Trachea und den Bronchien sowie zur Spülung der Gehör- und der Nasengänge wurde die Endoskopie verwendet. In der Otoskopie konnten Fremdkörper im Gehörgang, Otitis externa und Perforation des Trommelfells endoskopisch festgestellt werden. In der Ösophagoskopie konnten Perforationen des Ösophaguslumens, Invagination des Magens in den Ösophagus und Fremdkörper im Ösophaguslumen festgestellt werden. Die Rhinoskopie wurde zur Feststellung verschiedene Erkrankungen der rostralen und kaudalen Nasengänge z.B. Tumoren, die sich histologisch als bösartig herausstellten, Fremdkörper, mykotische Rhinitis, chronisch-eitrige Rhinitis und Verletzungen des kaudalen Nasenbereiches verwendet. In Untersuchung des Gaumensegels konnten Verletzungen, Missbildungen und Verlängerung des Gaumensegels festgestellt werden. In der Laryngo-Tracheo-Bronchoskopie konnte eine Laryngo-Tracheobronchitis Trachealkollaps unterschiedlicher Grade, und eine Kehlkopflähmung diagnostiziert werden. Im linken Bronchus eines Patienten konnte ein Fremdkörper endoskopisch festgestellt und entfernt werden. Anatomisch-physiologische Abweichungen brachyzephaler Hunderassen, wie Verlängerung des Gaumensegels, Stimmtaschenvorfall und Trachealkollaps konnte auch endoskopisch erkannt. Die Thorakoskopie wurde zur Feststellung einer eitrigen Pneumonie, pyogranulomatöse Entzündung des Mediastinums, Tumoren und Pleuritis verwendet. Arthroskopie des Schultergelenkes konnte eine Osteochondrosis dissecans feststellen. Mit Hilfe der Arthroskopie des Ellbogengelenkes wurde ein fragmentierter Processus coronoideus mediales ulna, isolierter Processus anconaeus ulna, Metaplasie der Gelenkkapsel und Osteochondrosis dissecans in Zusammenhang mit einem fragmentierten Processus coronoideus mediales ulna diagnostiziert. Bei der Arthroskopie des Kniegelenkes wurde die Ruptur der Sehne des Musculus extensor digitorum longum, vollständig oder partiell Riss das vordere Kreuzband diagnostiziert. Auch Knorpeldefekte oder Synovialitis konnten endoskopisch festgestellt werden Die Endoskopie ist ein wertvolles diagnostisches Hilfsmittel und dient als Ergänzung bei anderen diagnostischen Methoden für die Untersuchung verschiedener Erkrankungen unterschiedlicher Organsysteme. Die Technik der Endoskopie kann durch praktische Übungen erlernt und durch Erfahrung ständig verbessert werden

    Context based clearing procedure: A niching method for genetic algorithms

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    AbstractIn this paper we present CBC (context based clearing), a procedure for solving the niching problem. CBC is a clearing technique governed by the amount of heterogeneity in a subpopulation as measured by the standard deviation. CBC was tested using the M7 function, a massively multimodal deceptive optimization function typically used for testing the efficiency of finding global optima in a search space. The results are compared with a standard clearing procedure. Results show that CBC reaches global optima several generations earlier than in the standard clearing procedure. In this work the target was to test the effectiveness of context information in controlling clearing. A subpopulation includes a fixed number of candidates rather than a fixed radius. Each subpopulation is then cleared either totally or partially according to the heterogeneity of its candidates. This automatically regulates the radius size of the area cleared around the pivot of the subpopulation

    Liquid-liquid extraction technique for purification of Egyptian WET process phosphoric acid

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    High grade phosphoric acid can be obtained using liquid-liquid extraction technique. Different organic solvents were investigated, separately or in mixture, viz. butanol, hexanol, octanol and a mixture of tributylphosphate plus butanol. Among these solvents, n-octanol proved to be the most efficient and selective. The effects of organic solvent concentration, organic/aqueous (O/A) phase ratio, temperature, shaking time and phosphoric acid concentration on P2O5 extraction were studied. The temperature has a slight positive effect and the extraction was enhanced by increasing P2O5 and octanol concentrations and with the increase of organic/aqueous phase ratio. The McCabe Thiele extraction equilibrium curve showed that an overall extraction yield of more than 80% could be reached over three stages from aqueous solutions. Scrubbing and stripping were also investigated. Scrubbing of the loaded organic acid was done using pure phosphoric acid while stripping of H3PO4 was successfully performed using doubly di stilled water (DDW). For 9.2 M H3PO4, 99.90% of iron, 97.99% of fluoride and 99.99% of manganese were removed whereas complete removal of copper, cadmium and zinc was attained

    Sarcoids in Donkeys: Common Types and Available Treatment

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    Different forms of equine sarcoids were recorded in 100 donkeys admitted to the Veterinary Teaching Hospital- Assiut University and to Veterinary Units that belong to Assiut Governorate during the period from 2008-2010. In each animal, different data including: (types, size, multiplicity and anatomical location) were recorded., Histopathological examination, surgical and nonsurgical techniques for treatment of sarcoids were applied. Results of this study showed 123 sarcoid lesions classified into: Fibroblastic (87); nodular (21); verrucous (9); mixed (6). Treatment of sarcoid varied in results according to the seat and type of lesion. Injection of the sarcoid by live attenuated Bacille Calmette-Guérin (BCG) vaccine was the best treatment in case of preocular sarcoid lesions.

    Impact of Transformational Leadership Training Program on Nurse's Unit Manager Behavior Change

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    First-line managers can influence the success of health care organizations because of their management role, especially at the unit level. Adopting transformational leadership behavior helps in the success of the organization (Laoha vichien, 2009). Training program for first-line managers has become a task that organizations today should pay attention to (Luu, Nguyen,2012).Aim of the study: was to evaluate impact of transformational leadership training program on nurse’s unit manager behavior change at El-Minia University Hospital. A sample was consisted of (35) heads of the unit. Data were collected by using three tools (1) The Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire MLQ) Leader Form is a self-administered questionnaire (2) The Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire MLQ) Leader observational Form (3) Knowledge Questionnaire Sheet (Pre and post- test). Results: levels of nursing managers' total knowledge were significant improved post than pre –program, there is statistically significant improvement of nurse managers perception and skills regarding multi-factional questioners dimension items post1 and post2 program than preprogram. Conclusion: After the training program implemented, their knowledge, perceptions and skills significantly improved toward transformational leadership style. Recommendation:  continuous designing of training programs for head nurses to improve transformational leadership style and empower the culture of transformational organizational and Coaching in transformational leadership might help to equip leaders with behaviors skill lacking in their repertoire. Keywords: First-line managers, transformational leadership, training program

    Role of diffusion weighted imaging and dynamic contrast enhanced magnetic resonance imaging in breast tumors

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    AbstractPurposeTo evaluate the role of diffusion weighted imaging and dynamic contrast enhanced magnetic resonance imaging in characterization of breast tumors and comparing the results with the histological finding.Patients and methodsFrom January 2011 to January 2015, 71 patients with 74 suspicious breast lesions had performed breast DCE-MRI combined with DWI and the results were compared with the histopathological examination which was used as the standard diagnostic method.ResultsThe study included 71 patients with 74 suspicious breast lesions, there were 38 benign lesions ((51.35%) and 36 malignant lesions (48.65%)).DCE-MRI proved to have a sensitivity of 91.7%, and a specificity of 84.2%. ADC cutoff value to differentiate between benign and malignant lesions was 1.32×103mm2/s (P<0.001). The diffusion weighted MRI proved to have a sensitivity of 94.4%, and a specificity of 92.1%.The combined MRI protocol of DCEMRI and DWI proved to increase the sensitivity and specificity of breast MRI.ConclusionDWI had a higher sensitivity and specificity than DCE-MRI. The combined MRI protocol of DCEMRI and DWI proved to increase sensitivity and specificity of MRI in diagnosis and differential diagnosis of breast lesions

    Impact of Designed Nursing Intervention Protocol for Hemodialysis Patients on Patient's Outcomes

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    Background: End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) is a total or nearly total permanent kidney failure. It is the progressive and irreversible renal destruction, which is ultimately fatal without the intervention of chronic intermittent dialysis and/or kidney transplantation. This study aimed to examine the impact of a designed nursing intervention protocol for hemodialysis patients on patients’ outcomes. Design: A quasi-experimental research design was utilized. A convenience sample of 60 patients undergoing hemodialysis therapy at Shebin Elkkom Teaching and University Hospitals were selected. They are divided into two equal groups matched for age, sex, educational status and co-morbidity. Tools for data collection were through a structured interview questionnaire and nutritional status assessment. The designed protocol was applied to improve the patients` level of nutritional status, and decrease the rate of complications. The tools were used for pretest before conduction of the designed protocol, immediate posttest, and follow-up at 4 and 8 months. The results of the present study revealed that:- the mean knowledge scores and mean practice scores among the study group increased immediately after the program, and continued to be high at the first and second follow-up phases. No such improvements could be noticed among the control group throughout the study phases. Statistical significant improvements in study group, fewer complications, and some improvement in their nutritional status. Conclusion, nursing care and education of hemodialysis patients are necessary to achieve fewer complications, and to improve their nutritional status. Recommendation: Application of the designed intervention is recommended in similar settings. Keywords: Hemodialysis, Nursing interventio