Impact of Designed Nursing Intervention Protocol for Hemodialysis Patients on Patient's Outcomes


Background: End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) is a total or nearly total permanent kidney failure. It is the progressive and irreversible renal destruction, which is ultimately fatal without the intervention of chronic intermittent dialysis and/or kidney transplantation. This study aimed to examine the impact of a designed nursing intervention protocol for hemodialysis patients on patients’ outcomes. Design: A quasi-experimental research design was utilized. A convenience sample of 60 patients undergoing hemodialysis therapy at Shebin Elkkom Teaching and University Hospitals were selected. They are divided into two equal groups matched for age, sex, educational status and co-morbidity. Tools for data collection were through a structured interview questionnaire and nutritional status assessment. The designed protocol was applied to improve the patients` level of nutritional status, and decrease the rate of complications. The tools were used for pretest before conduction of the designed protocol, immediate posttest, and follow-up at 4 and 8 months. The results of the present study revealed that:- the mean knowledge scores and mean practice scores among the study group increased immediately after the program, and continued to be high at the first and second follow-up phases. No such improvements could be noticed among the control group throughout the study phases. Statistical significant improvements in study group, fewer complications, and some improvement in their nutritional status. Conclusion, nursing care and education of hemodialysis patients are necessary to achieve fewer complications, and to improve their nutritional status. Recommendation: Application of the designed intervention is recommended in similar settings. Keywords: Hemodialysis, Nursing interventio

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