129 research outputs found

    New Design of SCM-SAC-OCDMA-FSO System by Using Gain Techniqe Based on MD Code

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    بصريات الفضاء الحرة (FSO) هو نظام اتصالات حديث وجديد حيث الفضاء الحر بمثابة وسيلة بين المرسل والمستلم، وينبغي أن تكون في خط البصر (LOS) لنجاح نقل شعاع الضوء. ونظرا لمتوسط ​​المساحة الحرة، فإنها تعاني من تداخلات مختلفة مثل [المطر والضباب والثلج] التي يمكن أن تؤثر على أداء الإشارة وتؤدي إلى تقليل توافر الاشارة، الموثوقية وصلة الاتصال. وبسبب المناخ الصحراوي العراقي، فإنه يتعرض للعواصف الترابية في معظم الوقت من السنة أكثر من مناطق أخرى، لذلك فمن المهم لدراسة تأثير الجو الترابي وإيجاد طريقة مناسبة للحد من هذا التأثير الجوي على شعاع الليزر عند السفر إلى النقطة النهائية للاشارة. ترميز الطيف الضوئي _ الشفرة الضوئية المتعددة المنافذ (SAC-OCDMA) أصبح مجالا رئيسيا للبحوث في نظام الاتصالات البصرية. OCDMA تسمح للمستخدم المتعدد للوصول إلى النظام دون أي خلاف، ترميز متعدد الاقطار (MD) يستخدم في النظام لدعم عدد كبير من المستخدمين مع ارتفاع معدل البيانات المرسلة. مكبر للموجة البصرية يضاف إلى النظام لتوفير المزيد من التحسين والسماح لإرسال شعاع الليزر لمسافات طويلة وانخفاض التدخل بين الموجات المرسلة. وتبين نتيجة الدراسة أن أداء النظام المقترح أفضل من النظام بدون مكبر الموجة البصرية. ويمكن ملاحظة أن معدل الخطأ في البتات (BER) في الحد الأدنى من الرؤية ( عند وجود عاصفة ترابية ) يصل إلى ، معدل الخطا في البتات في الرؤية المتوسطة بين ( & ) ، معدل الخطا في البتات  مع الوضوحية العالية ( )) مع 1.85 كم كمسافة انتقال البيانات  و 1 جيجا  بايت  كبيانات نقل للمستخدم.Free space optic (FSO) is a new modern communication system where free space acts as a medium between transverse and they should be in Line Of Sight (LOS) for successful transmission of optical beam. Due to free space medium , it suffer of various interference like [Rain , Fog/Haze , Snow] that can effect on signal performance and lead to reduce  the availability and reliability of the communication link .Because of Iraqi desert climate ,it exposed to dusty storm in most time of year more than other regions , so it is important to study the effect of Fog/Haze and find suitable method to reduce this atmospheric effect on the laser beam when it travel to its final point .Spectral Amplitude Coding Optical Code Division Multiple Access (SAC-OCDMA) has become a major area of research in optical communication system . OCDMA allows multiple user to access the system without any contention; Multi Diagonal (MD) code used in system to support large number of user with high data rate .Optical amplifier is added to the system to provide more enhancement and permit to send the laser beam in longer distance and decrease the interference on it. The result of the study shows that the performance of the proposed system is better than the system without amplifier. It can be seen that the BER with minimum visibility (strong Haze storm) reach to 8 , BER of medium visibility between (1 & 8 ), BER with high visibility (1 ) at 1.85 Km as a transmission distance and 1Gbps as a transmission data

    Dynamic Analysis of Two-lane Skewed Bridge and High-speed Train System

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    Bridges are vital in the operation of railway networks since any hindrances to their operation could suspend the flow of traffic. An important characteristic of bridges highly affecting their behavior is the skew angle. In this paper, a sensitivity analysis is performed to identify the effects of skew angle on train-track interaction for single- and double-sided crossings of a high-speed train. Comprehensive three-dimensional finite element models of the bridge and vehicle are developed, which are then calibrated using dynamic field test results. Effects of skew angle on shape modes and modal frequencies, acceleration values, and bridge displacement in various crossing speeds are studied. The results showed that if the bridge skew angle is more than 15°, it will affect the modal shape and frequency of the bridge. When the skew angle is less than 15°, the results of the bridge displacement are similar to those of the bridge with skew angle of zero. However, with the increase of the skew angle, the deformation value of the bridge decreases and the speed corresponding to the maximum displacement value also varies. Finally, the results of acceleration due to the speed and skew angle of the bridge are not the same in one-way and two-way passing states

    Global virtual teams’ (GVTs) performance: online training and development, organizational commitment, and motivation

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    The global virtual teams (GVTs) comprise of team members who are geographically dispersed, culturally varied, and mainly depends on information and communication technologies (ICT) to communicate with each other's. In spite of technological leverages, the GVTs facing many challenges that affect their performance. Hence, the online training and development is very important for GVTs to perform. The main goal of online training and development is to improve the skills and behaviors of the GVTs, which leads to increase the performance of the team. A systematic literature review was conducted to answer two research questions. The first research question is to investigate the relationship between online training and development and global virtual teams' performance. The second research question is to find out the existing frame works involving online training and development in GVTs. Then, the related frameworks are analyzed to highlight the gaps and limitations for each of them. The findings indicated that there is a positive relationship between online training and development and global virtual teams' performance. The existing frameworks are overlapped in some variables such as online training and global virtual teams' performance. However, the existing frameworks are still not sufficient to measure the performance of GVTs. A Performance Measurement Framework for GVTs was proposed to assist the project manager on measuring the global virtual teams' performance involving the online training and development, organizational commitment, and motivation based on defined key performance indicators (KPIs)

    Performance Evaluation of a Forward Kinematic Hand Model

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    العديد من مجالات الحياة تستخدم الانسان الالي, وخاصية الانسان الالي متاتية من دقته. لذلك، تقدم هذه الورقة تقييم اداء ذراع الانسان وذلك من خلال الوقت المستغرق للوصول الى النقطة النهائية المطلوبة, وموقع نقطة الوصل المطلوبة ليد واحدة. حيث ان الزمن المستغرغ للذراع للوصول الى الموقع المطلوب هو تقريبا (1.4614x10-4sec)، بينما للاصبع مضافا لليد هو تقريبا(0.00019sec.)، كذالك تم حساب نسة الخطا في الموقع او في عملية الوصول الى الموقع النهائي مع مختلف نسب الخطا (0.1-1NSRP)، وجد ان نسبة الخطا هي (0-.12mm) Many fields of life has been used a robot, the specialty of the robot is coming from its accuracy. Therefore, this paper has been presented the evaluation of the robots arm performance on the one hand of consuming time and required end-position. Where, The time consuming required for the hand to reach to the desired position is taken 1.4614x10-4sec., while for finger adding to the arm is taken 0.00019sec.. Also, the error position has been evaluated with different NSPR (0.1-1) ,where the error amount are 0-12mm

    A performance measurement framework for Global Virtual Teams (GVTs) in global IT projects

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    In spite of the increasing prevalence of global virtual teams (GVTs), It should be noted that in spite of the advantages of technology provides, most of global IT projects tend to face problems and risks, and great deal of such projects fail to reach all their objectives. According to the literature review we found that there is a lack of communication within global virtual teams in global IT projects and this problem affect the global IT project performance and leads to global IT project failure. So there is a need to develop a framework to measure the performance for global virtual teams in global IT projects. Early stage and before developing the instrument and conducting the pilot test, the researchers conducted a structured interview with 6 experts to validate the proposed framework. In conclusion, The validity and reliability of the instrument were tested through experts, typical respondents, and analyzed by SPSS 22. The results confirmed the validity of the proposed framework and the validity and reliability of the instrument

    Can Trade Liberalization Stimulate Economic Growth, New Evidence from Jordan?

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    Trade liberalisation and economic growth in less developed countries over the last 20 years has often been implemented with the expectation of growth being stimulated; yet the evidence on its growth enhancing effects is mixed. This study evaluates changes in economic growth that are likely to result from changes in trade policies, FDI, population and exports in Jordan. Using an application of the autoregressive distributed lag model (ARDL). Our result shows that FDI, trade policies, and exports have a various impact on economic growth in the case of Jordan. This suggests that it is possible to stimulate economic growth in Jordan through an outward-looking strategy of FDI expansion. More significantly, the results suggest the importance as well as the need for Jordan to embark on trade liberalization policies in order to improve economic growth in the current world economy. Keywords: Economic growth, Trade, FDI, Exports, ARDL model, Jordan

    The Impact of Military Spending on Economic Growth: Evidence from the US Economy

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    The impact of military spending on gross domestic product (GDP) growth is not clear and deserves detailed empirical analysis in order to discern which one (if any) of the effects prevails: do defense expenditures have an externality effect on an economy, specifically with regard to technological progress, infrastructure, and human capital formation or do they crowd out resources for investment and consumption, thereby hindering economic growth? The present study aims at investigating the relationship between military expenditures and economic growth in United States Of America (USA) using the Autoregressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) bounds testing approach to cointegration tests for the period from 1970 to 2011. The results suggest that, there is the negative relationship between military expenditure and economic growth. Keywords: New Macroeconomic Model; Military expenditures; Economic growth, ARDL; USA

    Factors That Affect the Green Technology Awareness in Melaka

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    Nowadays, in this era of globalization, the world keeps on developing day by day. Our earth is now becoming more polluted than before due to the environmental effects caused by human being. The greed of human being had caused them to ignore the consequences of their decision and how far it would affects the environment. In accordance with this, Melaka has decided to start going green by practicing Green Technology that will not only improves the quality of environment but as well as the quality of life for the citizen in Melaka. The objective of this research is to find out factors that affects the awareness towards Green Technology. This research was held in Melaka as the respondents all from Melaka citizens. Based on the conceptual framework, the independent variables are knowledge, attitude towards environment, and government policy and regulation. Meanwhile for the dependent variables is awareness towards Green Technology. The data was gained from questionnaire session, journals, articles which had been analyzed by using the SPSS system. As the results of this research, it stated that Government Policy and Regulation is the most effective factors towards awareness of Green Technology. The result also showed that mostly people in Melaka already aware about the Green Technology, they just lack in practicing the green practices. Therefore, hopefully Melaka citizens become more alert and aware towards the Green Technology which will lead to aspiration of Melaka to achieve greatly as the title of Melaka Green City on 2020

    Classification improvement of spoken arabic language based on radial basis function

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    The important task in the computer interaction is the languages recognition and classification. In the Arab world, there is a persistent need for the Arabic spoken language recognition To help those who have lost the upper parties in doing what they want through speech computer interaction. While, the Arabic automatic speech recognition (AASR) did not receive the desired attention from the researchers. In this paper, the Radial Basis Function(RBF) is used for the improvement of the Arabic spoken language letter. The recognition and classification process are based on three steps; these are; preprocessing, feature extraction and classification (Recognition). The Arabic  Language Letters  (ALL) recognition is done by using the combination between the statistical features and the Temporal Radial Basis Function for different letter situation and noisy condition. The recognition percent are from 90% - 99.375% has been gained with independent speaker, where these results are over-perform the earlier works by nearly 2.045%. The simulati.on has been made by using Matlab 2015b

    Direct Displacement Control of Deformed Double Layer Dome

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    Space structures such as double layer dome is light and active structural system that used for various structural application, for instance structural covers large areas such as exhibition halls, stadium and concert halls. They are aesthetically pleasing in appearance as well as the architectural requirement, in which tolerances of structural shape under changing service conditions are very significant, which high appearance accuracy is requested in some applications. Due to many reasons such as loading, these type of structures may suffer from a noticeable deflection, which leads to a significant potential undesired appearance of the shape. In this situation, the displacements may need to be reduced or eliminated. In this study, by applying the shape adjustment technique that its scheme is depend on the linear force method, shape restoration is performed to the double layer dome model in three different cases corresponding to the directions of loadings were considered. The improvement of controlling nodal displacement can be achieved through using a rather simple and direct method, due to calculating necessary length of actuators by applying a single formulation. It is found that if the number of provided actuators are satisfactory, controlling of all the displaced joints could be performed by a very small percentage of discrepancy, even if the controlled joints connection is not direct with the adjustable members. The technique of shape adjustment is very efficient for double layer dome model, and it can roughly eliminate the displacement of definite joints (Exterior joints only) by simply changing the length of certain bars by eo amoun