125 research outputs found


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    The rapid development of information technology during the last decade has greatly influenced all aspects of society, including individuals and enterprise organizations. Adopting new technologies by individuals and organizations depends on several factors, such as usability, available resources, support needed for adoption benefits, and return on investment, to mention a few. When it comes to the adoption of new technologies, one of the main challenges faced by organizations is the ability to effectively incorporate such technologies into their enterprise solutions to maximize the expected benefits. For the last several years, Blockchain technology has become a popular trend in a variety of sectors, attracting the attention of many governments and industries. Blockchain technology is a distributed ledger with the general purpose of information exchange that requires authentication and trust. It acts as an immutable ledger and allows for distributed, encrypted, and secure logging of digital transactions after the participating nodes or entities have reached a consensus. Because of the asymmetric cryptography and distributed consensus algorithms that have been built for users’ security and ledger consistency, this technology has gained a lot of attention. Blockchain has enormous potentials; however, as with any emerging technology, several drawbacks may exist and have negative consequences. To determine how the technology may be deployed, a framework is usually required. However, due to the lack of clear national and international standards for controlling and reducing risks associated with such technology, legal and organizational factors must be addressed before the technology can be implemented. The thesis herein is a proposal for such a new policy framework for Electronic Health Records (EHRs) management. Through the establishment of a new policy framework specifically related to Blockchain technology, this proposal aims to achieve the following: first, provide policies to govern sustainable management of the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of information concerning Blockchain applications and solution implementation across health care entities; and second, the prevention and reduction of related information security risks and threats

    The Most Important Effective Leadership Characteristics of School Principals in Terms of their Significance and Implementation from Perspective of AL-Ain Education Office Teachers

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    This study aims to investigate about the school principal’s leadership characteristics in terms of their significance and implementation from the perspective Al-Ain schools teachers. Hence, the study employed the quantitative method to collect data about the principals descriptors reviewed in the previous studies. The sample consists of 500 teachers; 200 males and 300 females randomly selected from each school. The study investigated the significance of the principal’s descriptors as well as their significance and to what extent they are implemented by Principals. The study found out that the most significant descriptors of the principals are: keeping promises and punctuality, achieving targets and vision; encouraging teachers to try new methods in classroom, treating others with respect and appreciation, confidence in others capabilities; Following up others commitment of work standards, the leader’s positive attitude towards people from diverse cultures. The study also found that the school principal’s descriptors in terms of their significance and implementation were different according to the gender in favor of females who play more effective roles than males, in terms of the significance of the descriptors, the inspiration role of principals of the shared vision. Finally, there is statistical significance has been found between the effective the school principals descriptors in terms of their implementation and the nationality, in terms of implementation in favor of the UAE Nationals, but the open mind characteristics in favor of expatriates

    Profile of patients with Thrombosis evaluated in a Tertiary Care Center.

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    A delicate balance exists between fibrin formation and fibrinolysis in vivo. Reduced blood flow, changes in the vessel wall and changes in blood composition result in disturbance of this balance, which favors fibrin formation and ultimately lead to formation of occlusive thrombi. Venous and arterial thrombosis are common diseases with an estimated incidence of 1 in 1000 individuals per year50 .Despite the growing insight in the pathogenesis of thrombophilia, the cause of many thrombotic episodes remain unknown. Although the causes are not always identified, several risk factors have been studied and it was observed that hypercoagulability is one of the triggers that alters the hemostasis. Hypercoagulability may occur due to defective naturally occurring anticoagulant mechanisms or due to heightened levels of procoagulant factors. Several risk factors have been identified like increased levels of coagulation factors-factor VIII, IX, XI, II and fibrinogen which are cumulatively explored by activated partial thromboplastin time used over the last 50 years as a standard screening test in clinical laboratories throughout the world. Several groups have identified elevated levels of factor VIII as an independent risk. The present study was aimed at examining risk factors involved in the pathogenesis of thrombosis in the Indian population. Review of literature has shown that most of the epidemiology studies to date with reference to thrombophilias, are confined to data derived from the European population. This study was done on 310 patients who presented with different thrombotic disorders. While the clinical utility of diagnostic testing for an inherited or acquired thrombophilia remains controversial, studies such as these hold the potential of further stratifying individual patients into high- and low-risk for incident and recurrent VTE. This in turn will help target prophylaxis to those who benefit the most and ultimately reduce the occurrence of venous thromboembolism. The commonest risk factor identified was increased Factor VIII:C levels, followed by antiphospholipid antibody and shortened activated partial thromboplastin time. Two hemolytic anemias – one genetic (sickle cell anemia) and the other an acquired membrane disorder (paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria) were also found to be associated with a tendency to thrombosis. 50% of the patients in this study who presented with thrombosis had no identifiable risk factors

    Knowledge of coronary artery disease (CAD) risk factors and coronary intervention among university students

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    OBJECTIVE: To elucidate knowledge of coronary artery disease (CAD) risks factors and coronary intervention in adult students of Karachi East. To calculate the mean knowledge score about CAD risk factors among them. METHODS: A multi center crossectional study was conducted in Universities and colleges of Karachi East from April-September 2005. Questionnaires were distributed to 200 adult students of different non-medical universities and colleges. The questionnaire contained assessment of knowledge of risk factors on CAD and awareness about coronary angiography. Those belonging to medical colleges and universities were excluded from the study. Knowledge was assessed as a continuous variable. Risk factors for CAD were taken as categorical variables. RESULTS: The mean age of students was 20 yrs +/- 2.2 years and 62% were females. The mean score of knowledge about risk factors of CAD was 11.47 +/- 2.37. Sixty percent students thought that heart diseases are the number one cause of death in our population. Twenty five percent students graded smoking as the top most risk factor for CAD. Twenty five percent students refused to quit smoking for CAD prevention. Forty eight percent students correctly defined coronary angiography. Eighty five percent students thought that cost is the major hindrance in getting timely treatment. Knowledge of fifty percent students was based on personal and family experience of heart disease. CONCLUSION: Students graded smoking as the topmost risk factor for CAD and cost as the major hindrance in getting timely treatment for heart disease. Only half of the students were aware about coronary angiography. The mean knowledge score among them was above the median score but not up to the mark

    Sinteza, karakterizacija i primena magnetnih adsorbenata na bazi sepiolita i zeolita

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    Magnetic nano-composite adsorbents have been attracting extensive attention recently owing to facilely recovering from liquid phases using an external magnetic field, which reduces the operational costs as compared with filtration and centrifugation. The magnetic composites are usually synthesized by deposition of magnetic nano-particles on a support, which should provide good dispersibility of the particles, preventing their agglomeration. In this dissertation, natural sepiolite (SEP), partially acid-activated sepiolite (ASEP), and natural zeolite (NZ) were used as supports to synthesize the magnetic nano-composites (MNCs) for the removal of Cd2+, Cr(VI), phosphate and dyes (Reactive Orange 16 and Basic Yellow 28) from water. The goal of the dissertation was to analyze the influence of different synthesis conditions on the properties of the composites in order to obtain efficient magnetically separable adsorbent. The synthesis was performed by co-precipitation of Fe3+ and Fe2+ ions by strong (NaOH) or weak (NH3) base in the presence of NZ or SEP or ASEP, whereas the base was added before (procedure 1) or after (procedure 2) adding of Fe3+ and Fe2+ in the support suspension. In addition, the molar ration Fe2+/Fe3+ and the quantity of iron salts were also varied. It was shown that the concentration of hydroxyl ions in the suspensions could decrease due to the interactions with the support functional groups, that caused in some cases the precipitation of Fe(OH)3 instead of the Fe3+/Fe2+ co-precipitation and the magnetite formation. Because of the strong interactions of ASEP with hydroxyl ions, it was not possible to synthesize the MNCs when NaOH or NH3 was added to the support suspension before Fe3+ and Fe2+ adding, but only when NH3 was added in the suspension of ASEP having Fe3+ and Fe2+ ions. On the other hand, the magnetic composites with SEP and NZ were successfully prepared by both procedures, using both bases...Magnetni nano-kompozitni adsorbenti privlače veliku pažnju poslednjih godina zahvaljujući mogućnosti uklanjanja iz vode primenom magnetnog polja, što smanjuje operativne troškove u poređenju sa filtracijom i centrifugiranjem. Magnetni kompoziti se obično sintetišu deponovanjem magnetnih nano-čestica na nosač, koji obezbeđuje dobro dispergovanje čestica, sprečavajući njihovu aglomeraciju. U ovoj disertaciji, kao nosači za deponovanje magnetnih nano-čestica korišćeni su prirodni minerali zeolit (NZ) i sepiolit (SEP), kao i parcijalno kiselinski aktiviran sepiolit (ASEP), u cilju dobijanja magnetnih nano-kompozita (MNC) kao adsorbenata za uklanjanje Cd2+, Cr(VI), fosfata i boja (Reactive Orange 16 i Basic Yellow 28) iz vode. Cilj ove disertacije je bio da se analizira uticaj različitih parametara sinteze na osobine kompozita da bi se dobio efikasan magnetno separabilni adsorbent. Kompoziti su sintetisani koprecipitacijom Fe3+- i Fe2+-jona korišćenjem jake (NaOH) ili slabe (NH3) baze u prisustvu NZ ili SEP ili ASEP, pri čemu je baza dodavana pre (procedura 1) ili nakon (procedura 2) dodatka Fe3+ i Fe2+ u vodenu suspenziju nosača. Dodatno, variran je i molski odnos Fe2+/Fe3+ i količina soli gvožđa. Pokazano je da se koncentracija hidroksilnih jona u suspenziji smanjivala u većoj ili manjoj meri usled interakcije sa površinskim funkcionalnim grupama nosača, što je u nekim slučajevima dovodilo do precipitacije Fe(OH)3 umesto koprecipitacije Fe3+/Fe2+ i formiranja magnetita. Zbog jakih interakcija kisele površine ASEP sa hidroksilnim jonima, nije bilo moguće sintetizovati magnetne kompozite kada su NaOH ili NH3 dodavani u suspenziju nosača pre dodatka Fe3+ i Fe2+, već samo u slučaju kada je NH3 dodavan u suspenziju ASEP sa Fe3+ i Fe2+ jonima. S druge strane, magnetni kompoziti sa SEP i NZ su uspešno sintetisani po obe procedure, korišćenjem obe baze. Sintetisani kompoziti sadrže pojedinačne ili aglomerisane kristalite magnetita, veličine oko 10 nm. Nije došlo do narušavanja osnovne strukture sepiolita/zeolita u sintetisanim kompozitima, mada je korišćenje jake baze (NaOH) dovelo do izvesnog alkalnog izluživanja. Stepen dispergovanja magnetnih čestica zavisi od vrste nosača, vrste baze i redosleda mešanja reagenasa, dok odnos Fe2+/Fe3+ nije imao velikog uticaja. Najbolja disperznost čestica magnetita je postignuta kada je NH3 za koprecipitaciju dodavan u suspenziju SEP ili NZ sa Fe2+- i Fe3+-jonima. Bez obzira na veću specifičnu površinu ASEP u odnosu na SEP, disperznost magnetita u kompozitima sa ASEP je manja nego u kompozitima sa SEP usled jačih veza između vlakana sepiolita. Ipak, specifična površina ASEP-MNC je veća od specifične površine kompozita SEP-based MNC, dobijenog pri istim ostalim uslovima..

    Parental Involvement in Education: An Implication on Academic Performance of O-Level Students in Western ‘B’ District –Zanzibar.

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    The study identified parental involvement in education and its implication on academic performance of ‘O’ level students in Western ‘B’ District –Zanzibar. Specifically, the study sought to: assess the levels of parents’ involvement in their children’s education; find out the influence of parental involvement on students’ academic performance, and determine the appropriate measures for increasing the parents’ involvement in their children’s academic activities in West ‘B’ District in Zanzibar. This study was guided with Joyce Epstein model of parental involvement. The study used mixed research approach and descriptive survey research design. Purposive and simple random sampling techniques were used in selecting 552 respondents from four schools. Interviews, questionnaires, focus group discussions were used to collect data. Quantitative and Qualitative data were analyzed using content analysis and descriptively. The findings revealed that the involvement of parents in children’s education in Western ‘B’ District, Zanzibar is very low and limited since that majority of parents have no habit to follow up their children’s academic progress at school. The result further revealed that majority of respondent agreed that lack of parental involvement in the children’s education have greater influence on the academic performance of students. The study recommended that the government should provide regulations which will obligate and strengthen parents’ participation in their children education. Also, more education should be provided to parents to change attitude towards their roles and responsibilities on children’s education so as to help them materially and academically. Keywords: Parental involvement; academic performance; O-level students; children’s educatio

    Teaching for service learning and community leadership in the united Arab emirates

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    This chapter reports on one faculty member\u27s experience introducing a service learning component into a sequence of required courses in a College of education at a University in the United Arab Emirates. This study identifies local issues associated with introducing service learning into the curriculum and examines students\u27 perceptions of self, attitudes toward service to others, and service as leadership and outcomes. Relatively little evidence exists in the Middle East of the actual processes involved in developing and implementing service learning programs and the relevant connections that can be made to Islamic principles for community advocacy and leadership. Copyright © 2013 by Emerald Group Publishing Limited

    Increased level of morning surge in blood pressure in normotensives: across-sectional study from Pakistan.

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    Objective: To determine the mean morning surge (MS) in blood pressure, the frequency of increased morning surge in normotensive subjects, and to compare those with morning surge with those without MS. Study Design: A cross-sectional, comparative study. Place and Duration of Study: The Department of Medicine, The Aga Khan University Hospital, Karachi, from April 2011 to March 2012. Methodology: Adult normotensive healthy volunteers aged 35 to 65 years were inducted. Their ambulatory blood pressure (ABP) was measured over a 24-hour period, using digital ambulatory blood pressure monitors. Morning surge was calculated as the average of four readings after waking minus the lowest three nocturnal readings. Increased morning surge was defined as \u3e 11 mm Hg in systolic (SBP) or \u3e 12 mm Hg in diastolic (DBP). Dipping was defined as \u3e 10% dipping in blood pressure. Results: Eighty-two healthy volunteers were recruited. Their mean age was 36.9 ±1.2 years; 74.4 (61%) were men, and 58.5 (48%) woke up for morning prayers. Mean overall SBP was 113 ±1.6 mm Hg, overall DBP was 73.9 ±0.7 mm Hg, and overall heart rate was 75 (10) beats/minute. Mean morning surge was 17.6 ±1.0 mm Hg in SBP and 16.0 ±0.8 mm Hg in DBP. The frequency of increased morning surge was 66 (80.5%) in SBP, and 57 (69%) in DBP. On comparison of participants with normal morning surge and increased morning surge in SBP, there was a significant difference in nondipping status (13.4% in normal vs. 18.3% in increased morning surge, p= 0.001). Conclusion: Mean morning surge in SBP and DBP are relatively higher in this subset population in a tertiary care center in Pakistan. These values are higher than those reported in the literature

    Illuminating the dark side-vitamin D status in different localities of Karachi

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    Abstract This study was conducted to determine the association between place of residence (grouped into neighbourhoods), and 25-hydroxy D (25[OH]D) levels of individuals of Karachi. Addresses of 4788 individuals tested for 25[OH]D at the clinical laboratory of the Aga Khan University (AKU), Karachi, from January 2007 to June 2008 were reviewed. The neighbourhoods were categorized into ten, based on locality attributes. A high overall prevalence (74%) of vitamin D deficiency (VDD) was observed. There was a significant difference (p-value \u3c 0.01) between mean log 25[OH]D levels amongst neighbourhoods grouped according to distinct housing structure attributes and localities. A high frequency of VDD in all the studied localities of an urban city warrant dietary vitamin D supplementation and food fortification