334 research outputs found

    3D seismic data interpretation of Boonsville Field, Texas

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    The Boonsville field is one of the largest gas fields in the US located in the Fort Worth Basin, north central Texas. The highest potential reservoirs reside in the Bend Conglomerate deposited during the Pennsylvanian. The Boonsville data set is prepared by the Bureau of Economic Geology at the University of Texas, Austin, as part of the secondary gas recovery program. The Boonsville field seismic data set covers an area of 5.5 mi². It includes 38 wells data. The Bend Conglomerate is deposited in fluvio-deltaic transaction. It is subdivided into many genetic sequences which include depositions of sandy conglomerate representing the potential reserves in the Boonsville field. The geologic structure of the Boonsville field subsurface are visualized by constructing structure maps of Caddo, Davis, Runaway, Beans Cr, Vineyard, and Wade. The mapping includes time structure, depth structure, horizon slice, velocity maps, and isopach maps. Many anticlines and folds are illustrated. Karst collapse features are indicated specially in the lower Atoka. Dipping direction of the Bend Conglomerate horizons are changing from dipping toward north at the top to dipping toward east at the bottom. Stratigraphic interpretation of the Runaway Formation and the Vineyard Formation using well logs and seismic data integration showed presence of fluvial dominated channels, point bars, and a mouth bar. RMS amplitude maps are generated and used as direct hydrocarbon indicator for the targeted formations. As a result, bright spots are indicated and used to identify potential reservoirs. Petrophysical analysis is conducted to obtain gross, net pay, NGR, water saturation, shale volume, porosity, and gas formation factor. Volumetric calculations estimated 989.44 MMSCF as the recoverable original gas in-place for a prospect in the Runaway and 3.32 BSCF for a prospect in the Vineyard Formation --Abstract, page iii

    Evaluation of membrane characteristics and thermal polarization in membrane distillation

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    Le présent travail de thèse met l'accent sur divers aspects de la distillation membranaire dans l'objectif de concevoir des procédés de dessalement proches du " zéro effluent liquide ". De manière générale, deux sujets sont discutés en détail: (i) la corrélation entre les caractéristiques de la membrane et les performances du procédé de distillation membranaire (ii) la compréhension et le contrôle de la polarisation thermique en DM. L'analyse de l'état de l'art en distillation membranaire porte notamment sur les progrès dans le développement des membranes, dans la compréhension des phénomènes de transport, les récents développements dans la conception des modules et le colmatage. Des phénomènes annexes et les applications innovantes sont également discutés dans la partie introductive de la thèse. L'effet des conditions de fabrication et de la composition des collodions sur les caractéristiques des membranes et la corrélation entre ces dernières et leurs performances a été discuté dans la section suivante. Il est établi que la morphologie de la membrane joue un rôle crucial dans ses performances pour des applications sur des fluides réels. En outre, on met en évidence que l'impact de la morphologie de la membrane est différente selon que la procédé fonctionne avec une phase liquide froide du côté distillat (Direct Contact Membrane Distillation - DCMD)) ou avec un courant d'air sec ou le vide (Air Gap ou Vacuum Membrane Distillation). Dans une deuxième partie, les aspects théoriques et expérimentaux de la polarisation thermique en distillation membranaire (DCMD) ont également été étudiés. Les phénomènes de polarisation thermique sur une membrane plane ont été étudiés en utilisant une cellule spécialement conçue. L'effet des conditions de fonctionnement et de la concentration de la solution sur la polarisation thermique a été étudié expérimentalement. Nous avons observé que l'augmentation de concentration de la solution favorise la polarisation thermique à cause d'une détérioration de l'hydrodynamique résultante à la surface de la membrane. Certaines techniques actives et passives pour réduire la polarisation thermique et le colmatage en distillation membranaire ont également été examinées dans l'étude cette étude. Nous avons montré que la polarisation thermique peut être considérablement réduite en générant des écoulements secondaires dans le fluide circulant à l'intérieur du canal d'alimentation, donc à l'intérieur de la fibre creuse si c'est cette configuration qui est retenue. Dans la présente étude, l'induction d'un écoulement secondaire a été réalisée en utilisant les fibres torsadées en hélice et une configuration ondulée. En raison de l'amélioration du niveau de polarisation thermique du côté de l'alimentation et du distillat, les géométries de fibres ondulées fournissent des flux et des taux de rendement supérieurs à ceux des autres configurations. La mise en œuvre d'un écoulement pulsé et intermittent pour contrôler la polarisation en distillation membranaire a également été examinée. Notre étude permet de conclure que ces types d'écoulements ont un impact positif sur les taux de rendement et le facteur d'amélioration volumique (gain en flux ramené par rapport à l'augmentation du volume de l'équipement) sans compromis sur le taux de remplissage des carters de fibres creuses. L'application de la distillation membranaire pour le traitement de l'eau de procédés a également été étudiée. L'effet des caractéristiques de la membrane sur les performances en traitement de ce type de solution complexe a été examiné. Les caractéristiques idéales de la membrane pour une application à un tel traitement ont été définies. Nous avons pu montrer que la distillation membranaire possède la capacité de produire un distillat d'excellente qualité et est un procédé intéressant pour récupérer les sels minéraux présents dans les eaux de production. Le lien entre le colmatage et les différentes caractéristiques des membranes a également été examiné dans cette étude en fonction des types de solution traitées. Il a été montré que l'augmentation de la porosité par la présence de macrovides produits lors au cours de procédé de fabrication par inversion de phase induite par l'introduction d'un non-solvant crée des difficultés liées au mouillage des pores et la formation de dépôts calcaires lors de l'application de ces membranes à des fluides réels. On montre également que les problèmes de colmatage sont moins sévères dans les membranes dotées d'une microstructure spongieuse mais la porosité globale de ces membranes est relativement plus faible que dans le cas précédent, ce qui limite le transfert de matière. Ainsi, nous concluons qu'il existe un optimum entre un flux de transfert élevé et une performance stable des membranes synthétisées par la technique d'inversion de phase. Les conclusions de l'ensemble de l'étude et des perspectives sont discutées dans la dernière partie de ce mémoire.The current PhD work emphasizes on various aspects of membrane distillation for approaching zero liquid discharge in seawater desalination. In broader sense, two themes have been discussed in detail: (i) correlation between membrane features and their performance in MD (ii) understanding and control of thermal polarization in MD. Introduction and state-of-the-art studies of MD including progress in membrane development, understanding the transport phenomenon, recent developments in module fabrication, fouling and related phenomenon and innovative applications have been discussed in introductory part of the thesis. The effect of operating conditions and dope compositions on membrane characteristics and correlation between membrane features and their performance has been discussed in subsequent section. It has been established that membrane morphology plays a crucial role in performance of the membrane for real applications. Furthermore, it has been demonstrated that the effect of membrane morphology is different for direct contact and vacuum configurations. Theoretical and experimental aspects of thermal polarization in direct contact membrane distillation have also been investigated. Thermal polarization phenomenon in a flat sheet membrane has been studied by using a specifically designed cell. The effect of operating conditions and solution concentration on thermal polarization has been explored experimentally. It has been observed that increased solution concentration favors the thermal polarization due to resulting poor hydrodynamic at the membrane surface and increase in diffusion resistance to the water vapors migrating from bulk feed phase to the membrane surface. Some active and passive techniques to decrease thermal polarization and possible fouling in membrane distillation have also been discussed in the current study. Thermal polarization can be greatly reduced by inducing secondary flows in the fluid flowing inside the fiber. The induction of secondary flows in the current study has been realized by using the fibers twisted in helical and wavy configurations. Due to improvement of thermal polarization coefficient on up and downstream, the undulating fiber geometries provide high flux and superior performance ratio. Application of intermittent and pulsatile flow to control thermal polarization in MD has also been discussed. It has been inferred that these flows have positive impact on performance ratio and volume based enhancement factors without compromising on packing density of the system. The application of MD for treatment of produced water has also been studied. The effect of membrane features on their performance for the treatment of this complex solution has been discussed. The desirable membrane features for successful application of MD for such treatment have been distinguished. It has been inferred that MD possesses the capability to produce a distillate of excellent quality and is an interesting candidate to recover the minerals present in the produced water. The fouling tendency of the membranes with different characteristics towards different types of feed solutions has also been discussed in this study. It has been shown that the porosity enhanced through the introduction of macrovoids in non-solvent induced phase separation technique creates problems related with wetting and pore scaling during practical application of such membranes. The fouling related issues are less severe in the membranes with sponge like microstructure but the overall porosity of such membranes is relatively less. Thus it has been concluded that there should be an optimum between the high throughput and stable performance of the membranes synthesized through phase inversion techniques. Conclusions of the study and future perspectives have been discussed in the last section of the study

    Diagnostic accuracy of Color Doppler Ultrasound in determining arteriovenous fistula stenosis

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    Objective: To determine the diagnostic accuracy of color Doppler ultrasound in determining arteriovenous fistula stenosis.Methodology: A descriptive, Cross-sectional study was conducted at Radiology Department, Jinnah Hospital, Lahore from November 2014 to March 2016. A total 105 patients with 20-70 years of age having recent mature fistulas of more than 12 weeks were included. Patients with acute hemodialysis, receiving hemodialysis through AV graft and hemodynamically unstable patients were excluded. All the patients underwent blood flow and luminal diameter measurement of AV fistula by color Doppler ultrasound. After this, Digital Subtraction Angiography (DSA) was performed and results of Color Doppler Ultrasound (CDS) were correlated with DSA which was taken as the gold standard. Linear regression was used for analysis. P and r2 values calculated for each of these.Results: Mean age of the patients was 42.08 ± 11.90 years. Out of these 105 patients, 73 (69.52%) were males and 32 (30.48%) were females with a ratio of 2.28:1. CDS detected AVF stenosis in 64 (60.95%) patients, out of which, 58 were True Positive and 06 were False Positive. Among 41 CDS negative patients, 30 were False Negative and 11 were True Negative. Overall sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, negative predictive value and diagnostic accuracy of CDS for the detection of AVF stenosis, taking DSA as the gold standard was 84.06%, 83.33%, 90.62%, 73.17%, and 83.81% respectively. Conclusion: Color Doppler ultrasonography is a highly sensitive and accurate non-invasive modality for detecting AVF stenosis, and should be used routinely in order to reduce invasive digital subtraction angiography

    Relationship between Dark Triad, Mental Health, and Subjective Well-being Moderated by Mindfulness: A Study on Atheists and Muslim Students

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    Research indicates that mindfulness is related to mental health (anxiety, depression, and general health) and well-being. However, its impact on individuals who have the Dark Triad (DT) personality remains unclear. We examined the relationship between the DT constructs (narcissism, psychopathy, and Machiavellianism), mental health, and subjective well-being with mindfulness as the moderator variable. A total of 764 (Atheist=412; Muslims=352) university students were recruited to complete the Dark Triad personality scale (DM), Mindful Attention Awareness Scale (MAAS), Beck Depression Inventory-II (BDI-II), Trait Anxiety scale (STAI), General Health Questionnaire (GHQ), and Subjective Well-Being scale (SWB). Pearson's correlations and PROCESS macro were used to evaluate associations between these variables and whether mindfulness moderated the associations between DT constructs, mental health, and subjective well-being. The results revealed that DT statistically significant predictor of mental health but only in low mindfulness levels. While two DT constructs, narcissism and Machiavellianism, significantly predict subjective well-being only for participants with high mindfulness levels

    Therapeutic potential of stem cells derived factor-1 alpha (SDF-1α) for skin burn injuries

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    Background: Stem cells derived factor-1 alpha (SDF-1α) enhances the migration of bone marrow cells towards wound hence improve the healing process. The present study focuses on the therapeutic potential of SDF-1α and bone marrow derived cells from rats after SDF-1α treatment for skin burn.Methods: SD rats were given thermal skin burn. Animals were divided into three groups i.e. SDF (S) with subcutaneous SDF-1α treatment after burn, Burn (B) and control (C). After seven days of treatment rats were sacrificed and skin, liver, heart, kidneys and blood were taken for histological and serological analysis. CBC, serum electrolytes, liver functions tests, renal functions tests, lipid profile, blood glucose as well as ELISA for VEGF, CRP and oxidative stress were performed. Cells were extracted from bone marrow and were transplanted in the burnt animals either directly or after culturing (Bone marrow stromal cells; BMSCs).Results: A prominent role of SDF-1α on skin thermal wound healing was observed. Importantly the treatment has no significant impact on vital organs like liver, heart and kidney as well as physiological parameters. Lowered inflammation and enhanced angiogenesis was observed by ELISA for CRP and VEGF. BMSCs from SDF group showed higher growth (viability and proliferation), lowered cell death (LDH release), high angiogenesis (VEGF) and decreased oxidative stress. These BMSCs healed the burnt skin better than whole bone marrow of the same group after transplantation.Conclusion: It may be concluded that SDF-1α can be a potential therapeutic agent for thermal skin burns and BMSCs after the treatment get higher growth and healing potential.Keywords: Skin; Burn; CXCR-4; SDF-1α; BMSC

    Effect of Vitamin D3 Supplement on the Semen Quality in Human Patients with Vitamin D Deficiency

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    Thermophilic bacteria are a source of bioactive compounds that have many benefits for human life. One of them is as a source of antimicrobials. This research aimed to identify and characterize the promising thermophilic bacterial isolates by analyzing bioactive compounds and their potential as antimicrobial agents. Thermophilic bacteria with the code LBKURCC were taken from the collection of the Biochemistry Laboratory of the University of Riau. Forty-four purified strains of thermophilic bacteria were tested for antimicrobial ability. These thermophilic bacteria were taken from hot springs located in the Sumatra provinces of West Sumatra and Riau. Strain LBKURCC218 isolated from Rimbo Panti hot springs in West Sumatra was chosen to further investigate antimicrobials production. Isolates of hot spring bacteria that produced the highest antimicrobial were identified by comparing the similarity of the 16S rRNA gene sequences. BLAST result and phylogenetic tree showed that the selected thermophilic bacterial strain was similar to Bacillus paramicoides with the similarity index of 99.93%. Analysis of bioactive compounds of the ethyl acetate extract of liquid cultures of B. paramycoides LBKURCC218 showed the best producer of antimicrobial compounds compared to other isolates. The most identified compounds from the ethyl acetate extract were Dodecanoic acid, representing 23.62% of the total compounds, followed by 11-Dodecanoic acid at 17.84%. Ethyl acetate extract of B. paramycoides LBKURCC218 has a high inhibition zone against Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, and Candida albicans

    Immediate Procedural Success of Primary Percutaneous Intervention in Patients with Acute ST Segment Elevation Myocardial Infarction

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    Objective: To determine the frequency of immediate procedural success of Primary PCI in patients with Acute ST segment elevation Myocardial infarction. Methodology: This observational study was conducted at Cardiology unit of P.I.M.S, Islamabad from April 2018 to October 2018. Study included 43 patients with STEMI. All of them had primary PCI. The main outcome variable was frequency of procedural success which was described as frequency distribution table. Results: Procedural success was achieved among all (100%) patients.  There were 16.3% patients who developed contrast induced nephropathy (recovered), they all were diabetics. There were 4.6% patients who developed hematoma. No other complications seen Conclusions: Immediate procedural success of primary PCI is high (almost successful in every case) and should be offered to the patients with STEMI whenever the facility is available. Keywords: ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction; primary percutaneous coronary intervention

    An Epidemiological Study of Dengue Outbreak in Pakistan

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    In 2016, Hazara Division reported his major outbreak of Dengue fever. In this context, current epidemiological and serological survey conducted to highlight the actual burden of Dengue fever in cities of Hazara Division. Blood samples were taken from the total of 1462 suspected people for detection of Dengue antibodies. Among these patients, 1359 (93%) were found to be positive for Dengue, including 965 (71%) males and 394 (29%) females. Distribution in keeping the presence of antibodies shows 897 (66%) IgM positive people. Second most frequently seen antibodies were both IgG and IgM in 435 (32%) people. Presence of IgG antibodies was detected in 27 (2%) individuals. 1142 (84%) of Dengue positive people were not found to be symptomatic while rest of 217 (16%) observed with various symptoms. In this outbreak peak incidence of Dengue fever was observed in Manshera city. Although minimum was seen in Abbottabad city. To conclude, this might be the largest outbreak in the history of Hazara Division and second in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. We recommend that policymakers and the government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa desperately need to make efforts to prevent this mounting ratio of Dengue fever and implement the vector management policies by environmental measures and promote awareness in this area
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