8 research outputs found

    Produksi dan Kandungan Mineral Pueraria phaseoloides dengan Tingkat Naungan dan Inokulasi Mikoriza Berbeda

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    Problems of forage management in the integration of livestock into oil palm and rubber plantations in Indonesia are declining of light as the canopy of the plant increases and acid soils containing low available P, Cu, and Zn. The objective of experiment was to study the effect of shading and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) inoculations on the production and content of P, Cu, and Zn of Pueraria phaseoloides (Roxb.) Benth (puero). The experiment was arranged according to the split plot design with three replicates in a green house. Treatments tested were shading as the main plot (0%, 25%, 50%, and 75%) and AMF inoculations as sub plots (indigenous AMF, Glomus manihotis, indigenous AMF + G. manihotis and no inoculation). Root biomass was affected by shading level while leaf stem ratio was affected by both shading level and AMF inoculations. Inoculations with G. manihotis and indigenous + G. manihotis indicated higher herbage production and P contents than inoculations with indigenous AMF. Effectiveness of AMF inoculation on improvement of production and P uptake varied according to shading conditions. P. phaseoloides was tolerant to shading up to 50% and its production and P content as responses on inoculation of AMF were affected by soil conditions and shading intensity. Inoculation of G. manihotis and its combination with indigenous AMF improved production and P content of Pueraria phaseoloides in shading level upto 50%

    Uji In-Vitro Wafer Ransum Komplit dengan Bahan Perekat yang Berbeda

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    Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui kecernaan secara in vitro wafer ransum komplit dengan menggunakan bahan perekat yang berbeda.  Penelitian ini dilakukan di laboratorium Nutrisi dan Makanan Ternak Program Studi Peternakan Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Sriwijaya pada bulan November - Desember tahun 2014.  Rancangan yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) yang terdiri atas 5 perlakuan dengan 4 ulangan yang terdiri dari RK (ransum komplit + karagenan 2%), RG (ransum komplit + gaplek 5%), RO (ransum komplit + onggok 4%) dan RT (ransum komplit + tapioka 5%).  Parameter yang diamati adalah Koefisien cerna Bahan Kering, Koefisien cerna Bahan Organik, Konsentrasi N-NH3, dan Konsentrasi VFA.  Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa wafer ransum komplit dengan bahan perekat yang berbeda berpengaruh sangat nyata(P<0,01) terhadap Koefisien cerna Bahan Kering, Koefisien cerna Bahan Organik, Konsentrasi N-NH3, dan Konsentrasi VFA. Kesimpulan dari hasil penelitian ini bahwa uji in-vitro wafer ransum komplit dengan bahan perekat tapioka mampu meningkatkan Kecernaan Bahan kering (KcBK) sebesar 5,28%, Kecernaan Bahan Organik (KcBO) 3,48% dan konsentrasi Asam Lemak Terbang (VFA) 9,902 mM, dan N-NH3 1,2 mM secara in-vitro. Kata kunci: Wafer ransum komplit, In-vitro, Bahan perekat yang berbeda, Kualitas nutris

    Kualitas Serat Kasar, Lemak Kasar, dan BETN terhadap Lama Penyimpanan Wafer Rumput Kumpai Minyak dengan Perekat Karaginan

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk  mengetahui kualitas serat kasar, lemak kasar dan BETN terhadap lama penyimpanan wafer rumput kumpai minyak dengan  perekat karaginan. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Laboratorium Nutrisi dan Makanan Ternak Program Studi Peternakan, Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Sriwijaya selama 2 bulan dari bulan November sampai Desember 2014.  Penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap yang terdiri dari 4 perlakuan dan 5 ulangan. R1 (wafer rumput kumpai minyak dengan perekat karaginan penyimpanan 0 minggu), R2 (wafer rumput kumpai minyak dengan perekat karaginan penyimpanan 2 minggu), R3 (wafer rumput kumpai minyak dengan perekat karaginan penyimpanan 4 minggu) dan R4 (wafer rumput kumpai minyak dengan perekat karaginan penyimpanan 6 minggu).  Parameter yang diamati adalah kadar serat kasar, lemak kasar dan BETN. Hasil penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa wafer rumput kumpai minyak dengan perekat karaginan dapat dipertahankan kualitasnya selama 6 minggu penyimpanan (R4). Wafer tersebut tidak berpengaruh nyata (P>0,05) terhadap kadar serat kasar, lemak kasar dan BETN dengan kandungan serat kasar (17,99%), lemak kasar (8,84%) dan BETN (36,75%). Kata kunci: Rumput kumput minyak, lama penyimpanan, Karaginan, serat kasar, lemak kasar,  BET

    Effect of different solvents extraction on recovery of pigments in Xylocarpus granatum, endangered medicinal plant

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    Xylocarpus granatum is locally known as Pokok Nyireh Bunga. This endangered mangrove species has economical importance. Pigments of X. granatum were investigated in the mature leaves of seedlings collected from Carey Island, Selangor, Malaysia. The pigments were solvent extracted using 80 methanol, 80 acetone, 80 N,N-dimethylformamide and 100 hexane. As recommended by Bertrand and Schoefs, all the extraction steps were performed under weak light intensity to avoid photosynthetic pigment degradation. The pigments were detected by ultraviolet-visible spectroscopy and thin layer chromatography. Aqueous acetone was the best solvent for pigment extraction compared to methanol, N,N-dimethylformamide and hexane

    Three-dimensional bioconvection nanofluid flow from a bi-axial stretching sheet with anisotropic slip

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    A theoretical study is presented for three-dimensional flow of bioconvection nanofluids containing gyrotactic micro-organisms over a bi-axial stretching sheet. The effects of anisotropic slip, thermal jump and mass slip are considered in the mathematical model. Suitable similarity transformations are used to reduce the partial differential equation system into a nonlinear ordinary differential system. The transformed nonlinear ordinary differential equations with appropriate transformed boundary conditions are solved numerically with the bvp4c procedure in the symbolic software, MATLAB. The mathematical computations showed that an increase in Brownian motion parameter corresponds to a stronger thermophoretic force which encourages transport of nanoparticles from the hot bi-axial sheet to the quiescent fluid. This increases the nanoparticle volume fraction boundary layer. Fluid temperature and thermal boundary layer thickness are decreased with increasing stretching rate ratio of the bi-axial sheet. The present simulation is of relevance in the fabrication of bio-nanomaterials and thermally-enhanced media for bio-inspired fuel cells

    Severe below-maintenance feed intake increases methane yield from enteric fermentation in cattle

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    The relationship between feed intake at production levels and enteric CH4 production in ruminants consuming forage-based diets is well described and considered to be strongly linear. Unlike temperate grazing systems, the intake of ruminants in rain-fed tropical systems is typically below maintenance requirements for part of the year (dry seasons). The relationship between CH4 production and feed intake in animals fed well below maintenance is unexplored, but changes in key digestive parameters in animals fed at low levels suggest that this relationship may be altered. We conducted a study using Boran yearling steers (n 12; live weight: 162·3 kg) in a 4 × 4 Latin square design to assess the effect of moderate to severe undernutrition on apparent digestibility, rumen turnover and enteric CH4 production of cattle consuming a tropical forage diet. We concluded that while production of CH4 decreased (1133·3-65·0 g CH4/d; P < 0·0001), over the range of feeding from about 1·0 to 0·4 maintenance energy requirement, both CH4 yield (29·0-31·2 g CH4/kg DM intake; P < 0·001) and CH4 conversion factor (Ym 9·1-10·1 MJ CH4/MJ gross energy intake; P < 0·01) increased as intake fell and postulate that this may be attributable to changes in nutrient partitioning. We suggest there is a case for revising emission factors of ruminants where there are seasonal nutritional deficits and both environmental and financial benefits for improved feeding of animals under nutritional stress