346 research outputs found

    Crystal-field-induced magnetostrictions in the spin reorientation process of Nd2_2Fe14_{14}B-type compounds

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    Volume expansion ΔV/V\Delta V / V associated with the spin reorientation process of Nd2_2Fe14_{14}B-type compounds has been investigated in terms of simple crystalline-electric-field (CEF) model. In this system, ΔV/V\Delta V / V is shown to be a direct measure of second order CEF energy. Calculated anomalies in ΔV/V\Delta V / V associated with the first-order magnetization process of Nd2_2Fe14_{14}B are presented, which well reproduced the observations.Comment: 2 pages, 2 figures, to appear in J. Magn. Magn. Mate

    Context, Remember-Know recognition judgments and ROC parameters

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    Recent work (e.g., Dunn, 2004; Heathcote, 2003) has questioned the necessity of postulating two processes to explain recognition memory. As part of this trend, strength theories of the remember\u10fc00know methodology have gained in support. We present three experiments with pictorial material in which we force participants to use differential contextual information at test. Participants were required to give remember-know judgements and confidence ratings for each test stimulus. Hits, false alarms, remember-know data, and discrimination indices indicated systematic variations as a function of the availability and use of contextual information. Moreover, when we normalised the receiver operating characteristic data in terms of z-scores, the slopes were lower than 1 and slightly concave. Additionally, we computed the same set of statistical indices suggested by Wixted and Stretch (2004), with mixed results. Overall, we think that the data support a two-factor theory of remember-know and recognition, although many results fit well signal detection views of the task. Finally, the idea that remember and know responses are pure manifestations of recollection and familiarity seems difficult to sustain. We think that a productive use of the remember-know methodology involves the minimisation of the bias factors that may contaminate the responses, in addition to the introduction of the experimental manipulations needed to promote recollective and/or familiarity processes

    Familiarity Changes as a Function of Perceptual Shifts

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    This experiment compares the yes-­no and forced recognition tests as methods of measuring familiarity. Participants faced a phase of 3 study-­test recognition trials in which they studied words using all the letters of the alphabet (overlapping condition, O), and an additional phase in which targets and lures did not share any letters (non-­overlapping condition, NO). Finally, subjects performed a forced-­choice task in which they had to choose one of two new words, each from one of the subsets (Parkin et al., 2001). Results in the NO condition higher than .50, showing their sensitivity to familiarity. When the letter set of the words for study in the third list of the NO condition was switched, the difference between NO and O conditions disappeared in yes-­no test, while the force-­choice rate was not higher than .50. We conclude that both the yes-­no test and the forced-­choice test are valid and equivalent measures of familiarity under the right conditions. Este experimento compara tareas de reconocimiento convencionales (sí-no) y de elección forzosa como métodos de medición de la familiaridad. Los participantes realizaron tres tareas de estudio y reconocimiento convencional en las que estudiaron y reconocieron palabras compuestas por todas las letras del alfabeto (condición de solapamiento, O) y otras tantas tareas similares en las que las palabras a estudiar y reconocer, y las palabras de relleno no compartían ninguna letra (condición de no solapamiento, NO). Tras este último bloque de tareas los sujetos realizaban una tarea de elección forzosa en la que tenían que elegir entre dos palabras nuevas, cada una formada por un subconjunto de letras distintas (Parkin et al., 2001). Los resultados en la condición NO fueron mejores que en la condición O en las tareas de reconocimiento sí-no, mientras que la tasa de elecciones forzosas a favor de las palabras formadas por el subconjunto de letras estudiadas fue significativamente superior a 0.50, lo que muestra la sensibilidad de la tarea para medir familiaridad. Cuando en la tercera tarea de no solapamiento cambiamos sorpresivamente el conjunto de letras que formaban las palabras a estudiar y reconocer la diferencia entre las condiciones NO y O desapareció en la tarea de reconocimiento sí-no, mientras que la tasa de elección forzosa dejó de ser superior a 0.50. Se concluye que tanto las tareas de reconocimiento convencional como de elección forzosa dan medidas equivalentes de estimación de la familiaridad bajo las condiciones adecuadas

    ROC parameters in item and context recognition

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    Conflicting theories argue that recognition is achieved either by familiarity exclusively, or by a mixtu- re of familiarity and recollection. We explore in three experiments the goodness of fit of both positions to experimental data in which context information is manipulated. In Experiments 1 and 2, we explore the availability of context information in recognition, testing the focus stimulus, its context, and their associative relation. In Experiment 3, participants were confronted with a plurality task in an attempt to force them to use the peripheral information in recognition. The results show that people acquire specific associative information, and although overall recognition performance was not affected by the use of context, receiver operating characteristic (ROC) analysis showed that people use a duality of processes in recognition

    Efecto de la organización del material sobre el recuerdo en una tarea de aprendizaje incidental, realizada bajo repetición de mantenimiento

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    El artículo que aquí se presenta investiga el efecto de variables organizacionales sobre la retención a largo plazo de material verbal, reciclado bajo repetición de mantenimiento. Un grupo de sujetos repitió una serie de palabras como tarea distractora, esperando ser probados por el recuerdo de números (GLENBERG y A DAMS, 1978). Un test inesperado del recuerdo de las palabras reveló la superioridad de las palabras organizadas, y una interacción significativa de organización por tiempo empleado en la repetición del material. El experimento presenta, debido al requerimiento de repetición escrita y no oral del material distractor, una prueba más dura de las consecuencias postuladas de la repetición tipo I, según la teoría de niveles de procesamiento. La utilidad de la distinción categórica entre repetición tipo I y II se pone fuertemente en duda.The present paper investigates the effect of organizational variables on long term retention of material recycled under maintenance rehearsal. Subjects repeated a series of words as a distracting task, expecting to be tested on the recall of numbers (GLENBERG & A DAMS, 1978). An unexpected test on the recall of words showed the superiority of the recall of organized words, and a significant interaction of organization by time spent in repetition of the distractor material. The present experiment, because of the requirement of written, and not oral, repetition of the distractor material, is a more stringent test of the postulated consequences of type I rehearsal according to level of processing theory. The usefulness of the clear-cut distinction between type I and type II processing is put into question

    Remember, know, confidence and the mirror effect: Changes as a function of discriminability conditions

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    Recognition memory for Spanish-Catalan cognate and noncognate words was testedatretentionintervalsof20minutes,1hour,and24hours(Experiment1) using a remember/know response procedure, and requiring a confidence judgement on the yes/no response. Noncognate words were accompanied by more ``remem- ber'' responses than cognates, and overall A9 was significantly different from remember A9, except in the cognate condition at the longest retention interval. A strong mirror effect for the cognate±noncognate stimulus class was found for overall responding, and for high but not low confidence, indicating a differential use of recollection and familiarity in recognition. In general, the pattern of results was inconsistent with Donaldson's (1996) signal detection model, indicating that, when available, subjects use two different sources of information for discrimina- tion. The examination of individual hits and false alarms as a function of con- fidence indicated that ``remember'' is uniformly associated with high confidence, but ``know'' shows a bipolar pattern. In Experiment 2, new and old words were repeated at test 2 and 3. Repetition greatly affected the difference between the discrimination indices, indicating that an increase in the familiarity of new words prevented the use of a dual source of information in recognition. Results are discussed in terms of Rajaram's distinctiveness (1996, 1998) and Reder, Nhouy- vanisvong, Schunn, Ayers, Angstadt, and Hiraki's (2000) SAC theories

    La voz ilustrada de la Revolución. Historia, nacionalismo e identidad en las primeras lecturas de ​Memorias de un mexicano ​(Carmen Toscano, 1950)

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    This article reconstructs the first critical accounts of the compilation documentary Memorias de un mexicano (Memories of a Mexican) following its commercial premiere on 24 August 1950 in Mexico City. Writing in contemporary newspapers, renowned writers, politicians, journalists and intellectuals expressed their approval and admiration for the way in which the film represented the Mexican revolution by selecting and restoring footage from Salvador Toscano’s archive, which was edited by his daughter Carmen Toscano. Such “learned voices”, with their notions of history, nationalism and identity, confirmed the authority of the voice-over that guides the narration of Memorias de un mexicano: another “learned voice” of the revolution characterised as impartial, objective and coherent. The article concludes with a reflection on the articulation of the documentary’s narrative voice, and on how it contributed to the institutionalisation of the image and the history of the revolution.Keywords: Carmen Toscano, Mexican revolution, compilation documentary, nationalism, identity, narrative voice.___________La voz ilustrada de la Revolución. Historia, nacionalismo e identidad en las primeras lecturas de Memorias de un mexicano (Carmen Toscano, 1950)Resumen: Este artículo reconstruye las primeras lecturas acerca del documental de compilación Memorias de un mexicano tras su estreno comercial el 24 de agosto de 1950 en Ciudad de México. Connotados escritores, políticos, periodistas e intelectuales manifestaron en la prensa escrita de la época su completa aprobación y admiración por la forma en que la cinta representa la Revolución mexicana, producto de la selección y restauración de tomas y secuencias del archivo de Salvador Toscano, editadas por su hija Carmen Toscano. Mediante sus nociones de historia, nacionalismo e identidad, tales “voces ilustradas” ratificaron la autoridad de la voz en off que guía la narración de Memorias de un mexicano, otra “voz ilustrada” de la Revolución caracterizada como imparcial, objetiva y coherente. El artículo concluye con una reflexión sobre cómo se articula la voz narrativa de este documental y cómo contribuyó para institucionalizar la imagen e historia de la Revolución.Palabras clave: Carmen Toscano, Revolución mexicana, documental de compilación, nacionalismo, identidad, voz narrativa.___________A voz ilustrada da Revolução. História, nacionalismo e identidade nas primeiras leituras de Memórias de um mexicano (Carmen Toscano, 1950)Resumo: Este artigo reconstrói as primeiras leituras sobre o documentário de compilação Memorias de um mexicano depois de sua estreia comercial no dia 24 de agosto de 1950 na cidade do México. Escritores, políticos, jornalistas e intelectuais famosos manifestaram na imprensa escrita da época sua completa aprovação e admiração pela forma em que a fita representa a Revolução mexicana, produto da seleção e restauração de tomadas e sequencias do arquivo de Salvador Toscano, editadas pela sua filha Carmen Toscano. Mediante suas noções de história, nacionalismo e identidade, tais “vozes ilustradas” ratificaram a autoridade da voz em off que guia a narração de Memorias de um mexicano, outra “voz ilustrada” da Revolução caracterizada como imparcial, objetiva e coerente. O artigo conclui com uma reflexão sobre como a voz narrativa de este documental se articula e como contribuiu para institucionalizar a imagem e a história da Revolução.Palavras chave: Carmen Toscano, Revolução mexicana, documentário de compilação, nacionalismo, identidade, voz narrativa.___________ Date of reception: 6th May 2016Date of acceptance: 12th October 2016Este artículo reconstruye las primeras lecturas acerca del documental de compilación Memorias de un mexicano tras su estreno comercial el 24 de agosto de 1950 en Ciudad de México. Connotados escritores, políticos, periodistas e intelectuales manifestaron en la prensa escrita de la época su completa aprobación y admiración por la forma en que la cinta representa la Revolución Mexicana, producto de la selección y restauración de tomas y secuencias del archivo de Salvador Toscano, editadas por su hija Carmen Toscano. Mediante sus nociones de historia, nacionalismo e identidad, tales “voces ilustradas” ratificaron la autoridad de la voz en off que guía la narración de Memorias de un mexicano, otra “voz ilustrada” de la Revolución caracterizada como imparcial, objetiva y coherente. El artículo concluye con una reflexión sobre cómo se articula la voz narrativa de este documental y cómo contribuyó para institucionalizar la imagen e historia de la Revolución.Palabras clave: Carmen Toscano, Revolución Mexicana, documental de compilación, nacionalismo, identidad, voz narrativa.___________ The Learned Voice of the Revolution. History, Nationalism and Identity in Early Accounts of Memorias de un mexicano (Carmen Toscano, 1950)Abstract: This article reconstructs the first critical accounts of the compilation documentary Memorias de un mexicano (Memories of a Mexican) following its commercial premiere on 24 August 1950 in Mexico City. Writing in contemporary newspapers, renowned writers, politicians, journalists and intellectuals expressed their approval and admiration for the way in which the film represented the Mexican Revolution by selecting and restoring footage from Salvador Toscano’s archive, which was edited by his daughter Carmen Toscano. Such “learned voices”, with their notions of history, nationalism and identity, confirmed the authority of the voice-over that guides the narration of Memorias de un mexicano: another “learned voice” of the revolution characterised as impartial, objective and coherent. The article concludes with a reflection on the articulation of the documentary’s narrative voice, and on how it contributed to the institutionalisation of the image and the history of the revolution.Keywords: Carmen Toscano, Mexican Revolution, compilation documentary, nationalism, identity, narrative voice.___________ A voz ilustrada da Revolução. História, nacionalismo e identidade nas primeiras leituras de Memorias de um mexicano (Carmen Toscano, 1950)Resumo: Este artigo reconstrói as primeiras leituras sobre o documentário de compilação Memorias de um mexicano depois de sua estreia comercial no dia 24 de agosto de 1950 na cidade do México. Escritores, políticos, jornalistas e intelectuais famosos manifestaram na imprensa escrita da época sua completa aprovação e admiração pela forma em que a fita representa a Revolução Mexicana, produto da seleção e restauração de tomadas e sequencias do arquivo de Salvador Toscano, editadas pela sua filha Carmen Toscano. Mediante suas noções de história, nacionalismo e identidade, tais “vozes ilustradas” ratificaram a autoridade da voz em off que guia a narração de Memorias de um mexicano, outra “voz ilustrada” da Revolução caracterizada como imparcial, objetiva e coerente. O artigo conclui com uma reflexão sobre como a voz narrativa de este documental se articula e como contribuiu para institucionalizar a imagem e a história da Revolução.Palavras chave: Carmen Toscano, Revolução Mexicana, documentário de compilação, nacionalismo, identidade, voz narrativa.___________ Fecha de recepción: 6 de mayo de 2016Fecha de aceptación: 12 de octubre de 201

    Degree of elaborative processing in two implicit and two explicit memory tasks

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    The level of elaborative processing made by subjects to pairs of words (read vs. generated) and the degree of relationship between the words of each pair (related, rhymed, or rhymed and related) were manipulated on two explicit tasks (cued recall and recognition) and two implicit tasks (word-stem completion and tachistoscopic word identification) to test the empirical validity of the processing-approach theory (see, e.g., Roediger, 1990a, 1990b; Roediger, Srinivas, & Weldon, 1989) of explicit/implicit dissociations. Results give support to the predictions made by Roediger"s theory

    La transgresión de la realidad. Reflexiones sobre el cine mexicano violento de los ochenta

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    This essay is an approach into the historiography of cinematic transgression in Mexico during the 20th century 80s and it explores the troublesome representation of reality in the stories and main characters of five Mexican films labelled as violent or hyper violent through reconstructing their interpretation by film critics and supervisors and reviewing their production, exhibition, and reception context: Miguel de la Madrid's term in office (1982–1988), the presidency of moral renovation.Este ensayo es una aproximación a la historiografía de la transgresión fílmica en México durante los años ochenta del siglo XX y explora la problemática representación de la realidad en las historias y protagonistas de cinco películas mexicanas etiquetadas como violentas e hiperviolentas mediante la reconstrucción de su lectura por críticos y supervisores de cine y la revisión del contexto de realización, exhibición y recepción: el sexenio de la renovación moral (Miguel de la Madrid, 1982–1988)