12 research outputs found

    Chi-Square Histogram Analysis of Woven Fabric Images Made from Natural Dyes Due to Exposure to Sunlight

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    This research aims to conduct a Chi-square analysis on the histogram of woven fabric images dyed with natural dyes following exposure to sunlight. Woven fabrics dyed with natural dyes have attracted attention in the textile industry due to their sustainability and environmental safety. Continuous sunlight is a significant factor influencing color changes in woven fabric dyed with natural dyes. The methodology involves capturing images of woven fabric pre- and post-sunlight exposure, followed by histogram analysis using Chi-Square testing, mean, mode, and standard deviation. We utilize pre-cropped and resized grayscale images. Research findings demonstrate that sunlight significantly impacts the histogram of woven fabric images dyed with natural dyes, causing shifts in color distribution, standard deviation, and mode. These findings hold critical implications for the textile industry, particularly for manufacturers of woven fabrics dyed with natural dyes. The application of Chi-Square analysis and standard deviation provides guidelines for product design, maintenance procedures, and consumer education regarding the preservation of color quality in fabrics exposed to sunlight. Changes in the quality of woven fabric images under sunlight exposure can offer essential guidance in the care and maintenance of textile products dyed with natural dyes. This research contributes to a deeper understanding of the interplay between natural dyes, sunlight, and woven fabrics, supporting the development of sun-resistant natural dyes

    Chi-Square Histogram Analysis of Woven Fabric Images Made from Natural Dyes Due to Exposure to Sunlight

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    This research aims to conduct a Chi-square analysis on the histogram of woven fabric images dyed with natural dyes following exposure to sunlight. Woven fabrics dyed with natural dyes have attracted attention in the textile industry due to their sustainability and environmental safety. Continuous sunlight is a significant factor influencing color changes in woven fabric dyed with natural dyes. The methodology involves capturing images of woven fabric pre- and post-sunlight exposure, followed by histogram analysis using Chi-Square testing, mean, mode, and standard deviation. We utilize pre-cropped and resized grayscale images. Research findings demonstrate that sunlight significantly impacts the histogram of woven fabric images dyed with natural dyes, causing shifts in color distribution, standard deviation, and mode. These findings hold critical implications for the textile industry, particularly for manufacturers of woven fabrics dyed with natural dyes. The application of Chi-Square analysis and standard deviation provides guidelines for product design, maintenance procedures, and consumer education regarding the preservation of color quality in fabrics exposed to sunlight. Changes in the quality of woven fabric images under sunlight exposure can offer essential guidance in the care and maintenance of textile products dyed with natural dyes. This research contributes to a deeper understanding of the interplay between natural dyes, sunlight, and woven fabrics, supporting the development of sun-resistant natural dyes

    Sistem Pakar Untuk Mendiagnosis Penyakit Kanker Payudara Menggunakan Metode Certainty Factor Berbasis Web

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    Information technology has been widely applied in the medical field to assist doctors in diagnosing cancer and also for patients to find out the extent of the disease. The number of patients with breast cancer at the Regional General Hospital, Prof. dr. W. Z. Yohannes in 2020 until November reached 77 patients. The still high number of breast cancer sufferers is the background for this research, with the aim of this expert system being able to help provide clear information for patients or the general public so that they can find out the symptoms they are experiencing early on. The method used in this study is the Certainty Factor (CF) method. The Certainty Factor method is a method to prove whether a fact is certain or uncertain and also describes the level of expert confidence in the problems at hand. The application is designed using the PHP programming language and MySQL database, and the methodology used in this research is the Expert System Life Cycle (ESLC) method. The result of this research is an expert system application for diagnosing breast cancer that can help the general public in diagnosing breast cancer, especially helping patients get information to consult quickly about symptoms and diseases of breast cancer.Teknologi informasi telah banyak diaplikasikan dalam bidang medis untuk membantu para dokter dalam mendiagnosis penyakit kanker, dan juga para pasien untuk mengetahui sejauh mana penyakit yang diderita. Jumlah pasien penderita kanker payudara di Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Prof. dr. W. Z. Yohannes pada tahun 2020 hingga sampai bulan November mencapai 77 pasien. Masih tingginya jumlah penderita kanker payudara melatarbelakangi dibuatnya penelitian ini dengan tujuan sistem pakar ini dapat membantu memberikan informasi yang jelas bagi pasien atau masyarakat umum agar bisa mengetahui gejala-gejala yang dialaminya sejak dini. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu metode Certainty Factor (CF). Metode Certainty Factor ini merupakan metode untuk membuktikan apakah suatu fakta itu pasti ataukah tidak pasti dan juga menggambarkan tingkat keyakinan pakar terhadap permasalahan yang dihadapi. Aplikasi yang dirancang menggunakan Bahasa pemrograman PHP dan database MySQL, dan metodologi yang digunakan pada penelitian ini yaitu metode Expert System Life Cycle (ESLC). Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah sebuah aplikasi sistem pakar untuk mendiagnosis penyakit kanker payudara yang dapat membantu masyarakat pada umumnya dalam mendiagnosis penyakit kanker payudara khususnya membantu pasien mendapatkan informasi untuk berkonsultasi dengan cepat tentang gejala dan penyakit kanker payudara

    Aplikasi Pembayaran Iuran Sekolah Katolik Yayasan Sagrado Coração de Jesus Berbasis Web

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    The Sagrado Coração de Jesus Foundation is a formal educational institution that manages 58 Catholic schools in the Maliana Diocese of Timor Leste. In dealing with the payment of fees, Catholic schools under the Sagrado Coração de Jesus Foundation still use books to record payment transactions. These transactions must be carried out at the foundation, and it takes a long time to record transactions in the book so that it becomes a problem faced by the foundation, schools, and parents of students. A web-based school tuition payment application is needed by the Sagrado Coração de Jesus Foundation to handle the school's tuition payment activities on behalf. The use of website media makes it easier for parents to show proof of payment without having to come to the foundation. Applications that are built can also speed up the process of recording the payment of contributions by foundation employees. Based on the research results, the Web-based application for payment of tuition fees for Catholic schools at the Sagrado Coração de Jesus Foundation makes it easier for parents and foundations to make payment transactions more efficiently and quickly.Yayasan Sagrado Coração de Jesus adalah sebuah lembaga pendidikan formal yang mengelola 58 sekolah Katolik di wilayah Keuskupan Maliana Timor Leste. Dalam menangani kegiatan pembayaran iuran, sekolah-sekolah Katolik yang bernaung di bawah Yayasan Sagrado Coração de Jesus masih menggunakan buku untuk mencatat transaksi pembayaran. Transaksi tersebut wajib dilakukan di Yayasan serta dibutuhkan waktu yang lama untuk mencatat transaksi di buku sehingga menjadi masalah yang dihadapi oleh pihak yayasan, sekolah, maupun orang tua siswa. Sebuah aplikasi pembayaran iuran sekolah berbasis web dibutuhkan oleh Yayasan Sagrado Coração de Jesus untuk menangani kegiatan pembayaran iuran sekolah-sekolah milik yayasan. Penggunaan media website memudahkan orang tua untuk menunjukkan bukti pembayaran tanpa harus datang ke yayasan. Aplikasi yang dibangun juga dapat mempercepat proses pencatatan pembayaran iuran oleh pegawai yayasan. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, aplikasi pembayaran iuran sekolah-sekolah Katolik di Yayasan Sagrado Coração de Jesus Berbasis Web memudahkan orang tua serta yayasan dalam melakukan transaksi pembayaran yang lebih efisien dan cepat

    Visualisasi Hasil Produksi Pangan di Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur

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    The Department of Agriculture of the Province of East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) is a regional apparatus with the main task of providing services to the community in the agricultural sector, one of which is food coverage. The website http://distan.nttprov.go.id does not yet contain information about food production results that are complete and clear. To overcome these problems, it is necessary to build a Food Production Results Visualization which is expected to display a picture of food production results based on the year of production, types of commodities and production results from each district in the province of East Nusa Tenggara that is easily accessed and understood by the public. The method used in this study is the waterfall system development method. The graphic design displayed on this website uses ChartJS. The programming languages used are PHP 7 and MySQL as database server. The results of this study are a Web-based Visualization of Food Production Results in East Nusa Tenggara Province which contains complete and clear information and is easily accessible to all parties.

    Visualisasi Hasil Produksi Pangan di Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur

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    The Agriculture Office of the Province of East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) is a regional apparatus with the main task of providing services to the community in the agricultural sector, one of which is food. In the website http://distan.nttprov.go.id does not yet contain information about the results of food production in a complete and clear manner. To overcome this problem, it is necessary to build a Food Production Visualization which is expected to display a picture of food production based on production years, commodity types and production output from each district in East Nusa Tenggara Province which is easily accessible and understood by the community. The method used in this study is the method of developing the waterfall system (waterfall cycle). The graphic design displayed on this website uses ChartJS. The programming language used is PHP 7 and MySQL as a database server. The results of this study are a Web-based Visualization of Food Production in the Province of East Nusa Tenggara that contains complete and clear information and is easily accessible to all parties

    Pelatihan Digital Marketing Dalam Memasarkan Produk Badan Usaha Milik Desa

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    This non-profit activity was carried out by the teaching team of Widia Mandira Catholic University as part of BUMDes digital marketing training in Parity and Oeteta villages. This training aims to provide digital marketing knowledge to the managers of Gempar BUMDes in Pariti Village and Lentera Kasih BUMDes in Oeteta Village, which will be implemented from August 3, 2022. The method used is a modern approach with a participatory rural approach in the form of training and mentoring, usually in three stages. Preparation, training and evaluation to better understand the business in her two villages, Parity Village and Oeteta Village. A total of 30 participants, including BUMDes administrators, village governments, community leaders, MSMEs and youth groups from two villages, participated in this training, and the average age was relatively young, including beginners. The results achieved have increased the village`s business knowledge of the importance of digital marketing (DM) to increase the company's sales and sustainability. This activity aims to help stakeholders increase their income in the digital age, increase their knowledge and avoid being eroded by the changing times


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    Pengabdian ini dilakukan untuk menimbulkan kesadaran mahasiswa/i Program Studi Akuntansi Universitas Katolik Widya Mandira Kupang dalam menjaga lingkungan melalui pemilahan sampah serta terlibat dalam aksi menabung sampah untuk memberdayakan ekonomi bagi mahasiswa itu sendiri maupun bagi pemilik bank sampah selaku pelaku bisnis. Penyadaran menabung sampah platik ini dilakukan dengan cara sosialisasi tentang pentingnya menjaga lingkungan dengan bertanggungjawab atas sampah plastik serta aksi nyata menabung sampah plastik pada 64 mahasiswa/i program studi Akuntansi. Mahasiswa diarahkan untuk menabung sampah plastik di Bank Sampah Mutira Timor (BSMT), Kupang-NTT. Hasil pengabdian menunjukkan adanya kesadaran para mahasiswa dalam menabung sampah yang dibuktikan dengan 64 buku tabungan bank sampah dengan rata-rata per tabungan Rp 20.000-Rp 300.000 per mahasiswa, 500 kg sampah plastik yang ditabung di BSMT dalam jangka waktu enam bulan, sehingga tidak terbuang sembarangan di TPA. Selain itu, pemilik bank sampah mendapatkan tambahan konsumen dan penghasilan. Selain itu lingkungan dapat terjaga dengan kegaiatan pengabdian ini

    Analisis Kriptosistem Menggunakan Digital Signature Berbasis Algoritma SHA-512 dan RSA

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    tidak ada lembar pernyataan persetujuan akses dan pernyataan tidak plagiatDalam era masyarakat berbasis informasi, sebuah data digital merupakan komponen yang sangat vital, sehingga memerlukan pengamanan yang baik saat didistribusikan ataupun saat disimpan. Sehingga dikembangkan berbagai cara/metode untuk mengatasi persoalan keamanan data yang pada intinya adalah cara untuk mengantisipasi agar orang-orang yang tidak berhak, tidak mungkin dapat membaca atau bahkan merusak data yang bukan ditujukan kepadanya. Penggunaan metode kriptografi digital signature berbasis algoritma SHA-512 dan RSA menghasilkan suatu aplikasi sistem keamanan data yang dapat mengatasi permasalahan tersebut. Aplikasi yang dibangun dapat membantu dalam proses pengamanan data sehingga kerahasiaan dan keutuhan data tetap terjaga.In era of information-based society, a digital data is a vital component. So that it require good security when distributed or when stored. As a result, a development is being done to solve data security problem which is its point is a way to anticipate people who are not eligible, unable to read or even destroy data which is not addressed to them. The use of digital signature cryptographic method based algorithm RSA and SHA-512 produces a data security system applications that can solve these problems. Application built is to assist in the process of securing the data so that confidentiality and integrity of data is maintained

    Artificial Neural Network-Based Prediction Model Back Propagation on Blood Demand and Blood Supply

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    The balance between blood demand and supply at the Indonesian Red Cross Blood Transfusion Unit (UTD-PMI) is crucial. This condition must be maintained to reduce unused or expired blood supplies. Despite the situation in UTD-PMI, where the blood supply exceeds demand, there is still a shortage of blood when needed by patients. This research aims to model the prediction of blood demand and supply for each blood type using the Back Propagation artificial neural network approach. Data from the last 3 years, from 2020 to 2022, were utilized in this research process. There are three stages in this research process. The first stage involves the training process, using data from January 2020 to December 2021. The testing process utilizes data from January 2021 to December 2022. The prediction process involves displaying the forecasted data for the next 12 months from January to December 2023. The accuracy of the calculations is assessed using the mean square error (MSE). Ultimately, the research results present the prediction model for the four types of blood with respect to the demand and supply. These findings can serve as a reference to regulate future blood donation activities carried out by the UTD-PMI