26 research outputs found

    Spill från rundbalspress med och utan knivar

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    When harvesteing ley there is always mechanical losses from the harvest machines. During the last years the roundbalers with knives,cutting the material-are more common, This use increase the mechanical losses of material. MATERIALS AND METHODS The roundbaler which used in this test was a Krone Vario Pack 1500 Multi Cut. This roundbaler has 17 knives. The theoretical length of cut was 64 mm. During the test we stretched a rubber tarp under the balechamber and collected the materials which fell down from the balechamber. We collected all of the material from the tarp after every bale and weighed the loss. The DM was tested in both the bale and the mechanical losses. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The loss of material increased when we used 17 knives. The weight of the loss was 7,3 kg DM for a one round bale. When we didn´t use the knives the losses decreased to 1,3 kg DM. If you transform this sum to kg7ha by it was 80,6 kg/ha with the use of knives and 14,6 kg/ha without, which will be 2,1% and 0,3% of the crop harvested.Spill under vallskörd är ett problem som inte har uppmärksammats på samma sätt som tex. spill vid skörd av spannmål och rotfrukter. Under de senaste årtiondet har det blivit vanligt att man använder rundbalspressar för att ta hand om vallfodret och då sker det ofta i form av ensilage, man pressar grönmassan och plastar in balen med sträckfilm. Rundbalspressarna har de senaste åren utrustats med snittaggregat för att bättre kunna packa grönmassan i balen och för att balen skall vara lättare att ta isär. I och med att man börjat använda snittaggregat har spillet ökat under själva pressningen av balen (Andersson.Odat). Men det är inte bara där som det sker spill. Det upp kommer även spill vid slåtter, vändning och strängläggning av vallfodret (Bengtsson.1983)

    Анализ репродуктивного здоровья женщин с проявлениями вульвовагинального кандидоза, ассоциированного с герпетической инфекцией

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    The Dynamic Association Processes Leading from a Silica Precursor to a Mesoporous SBA-15 Material.

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    During the last two decades, the synthesis of silica with an ordered mesoporous structure has been thoroughly explored. The basis of the synthesis is to let silica monomers polymerize in the presence of an amphiphilic template component. In the first studies, cationic surfactants were used as structure inducer. Later it was shown that pluronic copolymers also could have the role. One advantage with the pluronics copolymers is that they allow for a wider variation in the radius of pores in the resulting silica material. Another advantage lies in the higher stability resulting from the thicker walls between the pores. Mesoporous silica has a very high area to volume ratio, and the ordered structure ensures surface homogeneity. There are a number of applications of this type of material. It can be used as support for catalysts, as templates to produces other mesoporous inorganic materials, or in controlled release applications. The synthesis of mesoporous silica is, from a practical point of view, simple, but there are significant possibilities to vary synthesis conditions with a concomitant effect on the properties of the resulting material. It is clear that the structural properties on the nanometer scale are determined by the self-assembly properties of the amphiphile, and this knowledge has been used to optimize pore geometry and pore size. To have a practical functional material it is desirable to also control the structure on a micrometer scale and larger. In practice, one has largely taken an empirical approach in optimizing reaction conditions, paying less attention to underlying chemical and physicochemical mechanisms that lead from starting conditions to the final product. In this Account, we present our systematic studies of the processes involved not only in the formation of the mesoporous structure as such, but also of the formation of structures on the micrometer scale. The main point is to show how the ongoing silica polymerization triggers a sequence of structural changes through the action of colloidal interactions. Our approach is to use a multitude of experimental methods to characterize the time evolution of the same highly reproducible synthesis process. It is the silica polymerization reactions that set the time scale, and the block copolymer self-assembly responds to the progress of the polymerization through a basically hydrophobic interaction between silica and ethylene oxide units. The progression of the silica polymerization leads to an increased hydrophobicity triggering an aggregation process resulting in the formation of silica-copolymer composite particles of increasing size. The particle growth occurs in a stepwise way caused by intricate shifts between colloidal stability and instability. By tuning reaction conditions one can have an end product of hexagonal prism composite particles with single crystal 2D hexagonal order

    Instabilities in channel flow with system rotation

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    Mechanism of mesoporous silica formation. A time-resolved NMR and TEM study of silica-block copolymer aggregation

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    The dynamics of the synthesis of a mesoporous silica material SBA-15 is followed using time-resolved in situ H-1 NMR and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Block copolymer-silica particles of two-dimensional hexagonal symmetry evolve from an initially micellar solution. The synthesis was carried out with the block copolymer Pluronic P123 (EO20-PO70-EO20) at 35 degreesC and using tetramethyl orthosilicate as the silica precursor. By using TEM, we can image different stages during the evolution of the synthesis. Floes of spherical micelles held together by the polymerizing silica are observed prior to precipitation. With time, the structure of these floes evolves and the transition from spherical to cylindrical hexagonally packed micelles can be monitored. The signal from the methyl protons of the PO part was recorded with H-1 NMR. One observes a continuous increase in the signal width but with distinct changes in the spectral characteristics occurring in narrow time intervals. The spectral changes can be attributed to structural changes of the self-assembled aggregates. The H-1 NMR and TEM studies reveal the same mechanism of formation. It is concluded that the aggregation is caused by a micelle-micelle attraction induced by oligomeric/polymeric silica that adsorbs to the EO palisade layer of the micelles and has the ability to bridge to another micelle. This adsorption also favors the formation of cylindrical aggregates relative to spherical micelles. The sequence of NMR and TEM observations can then be interpreted as the following sequence of events: (i) silicate adsorption on globular micelles possibly accompanied with some aggregate growth, (ii) the association of these globular micelles into floes, (iii) the precipitation of these floes, and (iv) micelle-micelle coalescence generating (semi)infinite cylinders that form the two-dimensional hexagonal packing

    Controlling particle morphology and size in the synthesis of mesoporous SBA-15 materials

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    Plate-like particles of SBA-15 form from smaller units (primary particles) that aggregate in an oriented manner. In this report we influence this aggregation by adding salt to the ongoing synthesis, generating well-ordered hexagonal p6m structure (SBA-15), with varying particle diameters. The additions, with either NaCl or NaI, were made at a time corresponding to the onset of oriented aggregation. Both salts promote the aggregation and particles with diameters of up to 5 mm were obtained. The thickness, about 0.4 mu m, of the particles was retained, in accordance with the proposed growth mechanism. The aggregation characteristic was dependent on the salt used and the concentration of the salt. Both the cation and the anion were found to influence the aggregation. Having salt present already at the start of the synthesis gave a different product. The particle formation process depends on an interplay between attractive and repulsive forces between aggregates. We interpret the observed effect of salt addition to a medium which already has a very high ionic strength (1.6 M HCl) as due to ion binding to the combined polyethylene oxide-silica brush at the particles surface

    Marked innervation but also signs of nerve degeneration in between the Achilles and plantaris tendons and presence of innervation within the plantaris tendon in midportion Achilles tendinopathy

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    Objectives: The plantaris tendon is increasingly recognised as an important factor in midportion Achilles tendinopathy. Its innervation pattern is completely unknown. Methods: Plantaris tendons (n=56) and associated peritendinous tissue from 46 patients with midportion Achilles tendinopathy and where the plantaris tendon was closely related to the Achilles tendon were evaluated. Morphological evaluations and stainings for nerve markers [general (PGP9.5), sensory (CGRP), sympathetic (TH)], glutamate NMDA receptor and Schwann cells (S-100β) were made. Results: A marked innervation, as evidenced by evaluation for PGP9.5 reactions, occurred in the peritendinous tissue located between the plantaris and Achilles tendons. It contained sensory and to some extent sympathetic and NMDAR1-positive axons. There was also an innervation in the zones of connective tissue within the plantaris tendons. Interestingly, some of the nerve fascicles showed a partial lack of axonal reactions. Conclusion: New information on the innervation patterns for the plantaris tendon in situations with midportion Achilles tendinopathy has here been obtained. The peritendinous tissue was found to be markedly innervated and there was also innervation within the plantaris tendon. Furthermore, axonal degeneration is likely to occur. Both features should be further taken into account when considering the relationship between the nervous system and tendinopath

    Effektsamband Konsumerad Kapacitet och Tidtabellstid

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    Projektet har siktat på att estimera nya effektsamband mellan tidstillägg i tidtabellerna och konsumerad kapacitet med hjälp av data i tidtabellsdatabasen LUPP. Förhoppningen var att en statistisk ansats som bygger på de verkliga utfallen från tidtabellsprocessen skulle ge mer korrekta och mer tillförlitliga resultat.Samband tågtidtabell och konsumerad kapacitet – nya effektsamban

    Orientation specific deposition of mesoporous particles

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    We present a protocol for a facile orientation specific deposition of plate-like mesoporous SBA-15 silica particles onto a surface (mesopores oriented normal to surface). A drop of an aqueous dispersion of particles is placed on the surface and water vaporizes under controlled relative humidity. Three requirements are essential for uniform coverage: particle dispersion should not contain aggregates, a weak attraction between particles and surface is needed, and evaporation rate should be low. Aggregates are removed by stirring/sonication. Weak attraction is realized by introducing cationic groups to the surface. Insight into the mechanisms of the so-called coffee stain effect is also provided

    In-situ studies of the formation mechanism of SBA-15

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    The formation process of SBA-15 has been investigated by time resolved TEM, in-situ SAXS/SAXD and in-situ NMR. The synthesis was done at 35 degrees in acidic solution with tetramethylorthosilicate as the silica source and Pluronic P123 as the structure directing amphiphile. The initially formed silica-polymer composite consists of flocs of spherical micelles in a silica matrix. The micelles then coalesce forming rods that eventually pack into the ordered array of which SBA-15 consists