398 research outputs found

    Factors Predicting Time to TSH Normalization and Persistence of TSH Suppression After Total Thyroidectomy for Graves' Disease

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    Hyperthyroidism related to Graves' disease is associated with a suppression of TSH values which may persist after surgery in spite of a LT4 replacement therapy at non-TSH-suppressing doses. The aim of this retrospective study was to evaluate the time to TSH normalization in a group of patients who underwent total thyroidectomy for Graves' disease receiving a LT4 therapy dose regimen based on a previously published nomogram, and to identify possible correlations between the time to normalization of post-operative TSH values and preoperative clinical and biochemical parameters. 276 patients affected by Graves' disease who underwent surgery between 2010 and 2015, were retrospectively evaluated for clinical and biochemical parameters as well as post-surgical LT4 treatment regimen. Of the 276 subjects, 174 had initiated LT4 dosage corresponding to a previously published nomogram. 59 patients were excluded because their LT4 requirement (in mcg/kg/day) changed and deviated from the nomogram during the follow-up period, 15 patients were excluded because their TSH level was >4 mcU/ml during the first biochemical evaluation and 2 patients were excluded because they had low TSH levels potentially related to central hypothyroidism due to concomitant hypopituitarism. Therefore, 98 patients were included in our statistical analysis. TSH and FT4 were evaluated at the first post-operative assessment and during follow up until the normalization of TSH values was achieved, and then included in the analysis. During the first post-operative evaluation 2 months after surgery, 59/98 patients had TSH values in the normal range (0.4 to 4.0 mcU/ml), while 39/98 patients had a TSH value < 0.4 mcU/mL. The persistence of post-operative TSH levels < 0.4 mcU/ml was significantly correlated (p = 0.022) with longer duration of the disease. The value of anti-TSH receptor autoantibodies (TrAb) at the diagnosis of hyperthyroidism, significantly correlated (p = 0.002) with the time to TSH normalization in the group of patients with TSH < 0.4 mcU/ml at first control. This retrospective analysis confirms that in subjects who have undergone thyroidectomy for Graves' disease, time to normalization of TSH may be prolonged. Hence, the role of TSH as the “gold standard” to assess the appropriate LT4 replacement therapy regimen during the initial months following surgery may need to be reconsidered

    Iodothyronine deiodinases and reduced sensitivity to thyroid hormones.

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    Iodothyronine deiodinases are selenoproteins that regulate thyroid hormone metabolism. Of the three types of deiodinases, type 2 is the major regulator of intracellular triiodothyronine concentration in both the hypothalamus and pituitary, and therefore the major regulator of thyrotropin secretion. A defect in iodothyronine deiodinase activity can lead to a reduced sensitivity to thyroid hormones action and the most recent literature includes these defects in the so-called "syndromes of reduced sensitivity to thyroid hormones". To date, the pathogenic variants of the selenocysteine insertion sequence-binding protein 2 (SECISBP2) gene are the first and only inherited disorder of iodothyronine metabolism described. Moreover, there is a growing interest in understanding the possible role of polymorphisms of DIO1 and DIO2 genes in some pathological conditions and in determining the requirement of levothyroxine replacement and the role of combined levothyroxine-liothyronine therapy in carrying subjects affected by hypothyroidism and who need replacement therapy. Results on this topic are still conflicting and more studies are needed to assess the efficacy of combined levothyroxine-liothyronine replacement therapy in this subset of patients

    Biochemical Alterations in Semen of Varicocele Patients: A Review of the Literature

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    Oxidative stress is a mechanism underlying different kinds of infertility in human males. However, different results can be observed in relation to the method used for its evaluation. Varicocele patients show a number of biochemical abnormalities, including an altered distribution of coenzyme Q between seminal plasma and sperm cells and also an apparent defect in the utilization of antioxidants. Moreover, an influence of systemic hormones on seminal antioxidant system was observed too. Finally, the effects of surgical treatment on oxidativestress indexes and the possible usefulness of some medical therapies, like coenzyme Q supplementation, are discussed. In conclusion, published data show a role of oxidative stress in varicocele-related male infertility, but at present we do not know the precise molecular mechanisms underlying these phenomena

    Cervical mucus proteome in endometriosis

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    Additional file 1: Table S1. Identified proteins in CM in the group of controls and in patients affected by endometriosis

    Adrenocortical incidentalomas and bone: from molecular insights to clinical perspectives.

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    The original version of this article unfortunately contained a mistake in Figure 1. There is a typo in the word "osteoclastogenesis" and the word "activity" is missing in the same entity. It should be "osteoclastogenesis" instead of "osteoclestogenesis"

    High-normal TSH values in obesity: is it insulin resistance or adipose tissue's guilt?

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    Objective: Clinical evidences reported subclinical alterations of thyroid function in obesity, although the relationship between thyroid status and obesity remains unclear. We cross-sectionally investigated the influence of metabolic features on hypothalamic-pituitary-thyroid axis in obesity. Design and methods: We enrolled 60 euthyroid subjects with no history of type 2 diabetes mellitus and assessed the relationship of thyroid function with insulin resistance, measured using euglycemic clamp, and abdominal fat volume, quantified by computed tomography scan (CT scan). Thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) correlated with BMI (r = 0.46; P = 0.02), both visceral (r = 0.58; P = 0.02) and subcutaneous adipose tissue volumes (r = 0.43; P = 0.03) and insulin resistance (inverse relationship with insulin sensitivity-glucose uptake: r = -0.40; P = 0.04). Results: After performing multivariate regression, visceral adipose tissue volume was found to be the most powerful predictor of TSH (β = 3.05; P = 0.01), whereas glucose uptake, high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol, subcutaneous adipose tissue volume, and triglycerides were not. To further confirm the hypothesis that high-normal TSH values could be dependent on adipose tissue, and not on insulin resistance, we restricted our analyses to moderately obese subjects' BMI ranging 30-35 kg/m(2). This subgroup was then divided as insulin resistant and insulin sensitive according to the glucose uptake (≤ or >5 mg · kg(-1) · min(-1), respectively). We did not find any statistical difference in TSH (insulin resistant: 1.62 ± 0.65 µU/ml vs. insulin sensitive: 1.46 ± 0.48; P = not significant) and BMI (insulin resistant: 32.2 ± 1.6 kg/m(2) vs. insulin sensitive: 32.4 ± 1.4; P = not significant), thus confirming absence of correlation between thyroid function and insulin sensitivity per se. Conclusion: Our study suggests that the increase in visceral adipose tissue is the best predictor of TSH concentration in obesity, independently from the eventual concurrent presence of insulin resistance

    Quantitative analysis of the seminal plasma proteome in secondary hypogonadism

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    In the grey zone of testosterone levels between 8 and 12 nmol/L, the usefulness of therapy is controversial; as such, markers of tissue action of androgens may be helpful in adjusting clinical decisions. To better understand the effect of the hypothalamic-pituitary-testicular axis on male accessory secretion, we performed a proteomic quantitative analysis of seminal plasma in patients with secondary hypogonadism, before and after testosterone replacement therapy (TRT). Ten male patients with postsurgical hypogonadotrophic hypogonadism were enrolled in this study, and five of these patients were evaluated after testosterone treatment. Ten men with proven fertility were selected as a control group. An aliquot of seminal plasma from each individual was subjected to an in-solution digestion protocol and analyzed using an Ultimate 3000 RSLC-nano HPLC apparatus coupled to a LTQ Orbitrap Elite mass spectrometer. The label-free quantitative analysis was performed via Precursor Ions Area Detector Node. Eleven proteins were identified as decreased in hypogonadic patients versus controls, which are primarily included in hydrolase activity and protein binding activity. The comparison of the proteome before and after TRT comes about within the discovery of six increased proteins. This is the primary application of quantitative proteomics pointed to uncover a cluster of proteins reflecting an impairment not only of spermatogenesis but of the epididymal and prostate epithelial cell secretory function in male hypogonadism. The identified proteins might represent putative clinical markers valuable within the follow-up of patients with distinctive grades of male hypogonadism

    The Role of Testosterone in Spermatogenesis: lessons from proteome profiling of human spermatozoa in testosterone deficiency

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    Testosterone is essential to maintain qualitative spermatogenesis. Nonetheless, no studies have been yet performed in humans to analyze the testosterone-mediated expression of sperm proteins and their importance in reproduction. Thus, this study aimed to identify sperm protein alterations in male hypogonadism using proteomic profiling. We have performed a comparative proteomic analysis comparing sperm from fertile controls (a pool of 5 normogonadic normozoospermic fertile men) versus sperm from patients with secondary hypogonadism (a pool of 5 oligozoospermic hypogonadic patients due to isolated LH deficiency). Sperm protein composition was analyzed, after peptide labelling with Isobaric Tags, via liquid chromatography followed by tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) on an LTQ Velos-Orbitrap mass spectrometer. LC-MS/MS data were analyzed using Proteome Discoverer. Criteria used to accept protein identification included a false discovery rate (FDR) of 1% and at least 1 peptide match per protein. Up to 986 proteins were identified and, of those, 43 proteins were differentially expressed: 32 proteins were under-expressed and 11 were over-expressed in the pool of hypogonadic patients compared to the controls. Bioinformatic analyses were performed using UniProt Knowledgebase, and the Gene Ontology Consortium database based on PANTHER. Notably, 13 of these 43 differentially expressed proteins have been previously reported to be related to sperm function and spermatogenesis. Western blot analyses for A-Kinase Anchoring Protein 3 (AKAP3) and the Prolactin Inducible Protein (PIP) were used to confirm the proteomics data. In summary, a high-resolution mass spectrometry-based proteomic approach was used for the first time to describe alterations of the sperm proteome in secondary male hypogonadism. Some of the differential sperm proteins described in this study, which include Prosaposin, SMOC-1, SERPINA5, SPANXB1, GSG1, ELSPBP1, fibronectin, 5-oxoprolinase, AKAP3, AKAP4, HYDIN, ROPN1B, ß-Microseminoprotein and Protein S100-A8, could represent new targets for the design of infertility treatments due to androgen deficiency