52 research outputs found

    A gyógypedagógia változó identitása. Paradoxonok és dilemmák a kultúra és a tér nézőpontjából

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    E tanulmány paradoxonokat és dilemmákat azonosít, amelyekkel azok a gyógypedagógiai kutatók és gyakorlati szakemberek kerülnek szembe, akik megpróbálnak társadalmilag igazságos oktatási rendszert teremteni egy olyan társadalomban, amelyet egyre összetettebb különbségek jellemeznek. A szerző amellett érvel, hogy a kutatói párbeszéd két legfőbb területének (az inklúziónak és a felülreprezentáltságnak) egy teljesebb dialógusban kellene találkoznia és fel kell ismerniük azt a „zavaró csöndet”, amely a két szakirodalmi rendszeren belül és közöttük fennáll. Az elemzést az oktatási reformmal kapcsolatos jelenlegi erőfeszítések és kétségek szélesebb politikai kontextusába belehelyezve, a szerző széleskörű áttekintést nyújt egy sokrétegű kultúráról és térről

    Foundations of a socio-cultural perspective on teacher performance assessment

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    In this chapter, we are concerned with the theories of learning underpinning models of assessment for preservice teachers in urban contexts. One fundamental premise in this chapter is that teacher performance assessment ought to document teacher learning. In outlining this perspective, we draw specifically on the sociocultural perspectives on learning and development that have grown primarily out of the work of Russian psychologists Vygotsky, Leont’ev, and Luria

    Beyond Convictions: Interrogating Culture, History, and Power in Inclusive Education

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    This is the publisher's official version, also available at: http://www.ncte.org/library/NCTEFiles/Resources/Journals/LA/08440march07/LA0844Focus.pd

    Inclusive education’s promises and trajectories: Critical notes about future research on a venerable idea

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    The purpose of this article is to offer critical notes on inclusive education research in the U.S. We discuss issues germane to conceptual clarity and the ways in which inclusive education interacts with reforms that share equity goals, noting disruptions and unintended consequences that arise at the nexus of these reforms. In addition, we identify enduring challenges and paradoxes in this research literature. These include sampling issues, an emphasis on where students are placed as a proxy for inclusive education vis-à-vis inclusive education as the transformation of educational systems, the ways in which outcome measures have been examined in this research, and the need for and challenges of building strategic alliances that could advance an inclusive education agenda. We conclude with reflections and suggestions for a future research program that include sharpening inclusion’s identity, attending to the fluid nature of ability differences and students’ multiple identities, broadening the unit of analysis to systems of activities, and documenting processes and outcomes

    A gyógypedagógia változó identitása : paradoxonok és dilemmák a kultúra és a tér nézőpontjából

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    E tanulmány paradoxonokat és dilemmákat azonosít, amelyekkel azok a gyógypedagógiai kutatók és gyakorlati szakemberek kerülnek szembe, akik megpróbálnak társadalmilag igazságos oktatási rendszert teremteni egy olyan társadalomban, amelyet egyre összetettebb különbségek jellemeznek. A szerző amellett érvel, hogy a kutatói párbeszéd két legfőbb területének (az inklúziónak és a felülreprezentáltságnak) egy teljesebb dialógusban kellene találkoznia és fel kell ismerniük azt a „zavaró csöndet”, amely a két szakirodalmi rendszeren belül és közöttük fennáll. Az elemzést az oktatási reformmal kapcsolatos jelenlegi erőfeszítések és kétségek szélesebb politikai kontextusába belehelyezve, a szerző széleskörű áttekintést nyújt egy sokrétegű kultúráról és térről

    Understanding the Dialectics of the Local and the Global in Education for All: A Comparative Case Study

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    This is the publisher's version, also available electronically from http://journals.sfu.ca/iccps/index.php/childhoods/article/view/7.This article is part of a special issue edited by Marianne Bloch and Beth Blue Swadener

    Blended Learning como complemento a la formación presencial en el proceso de enseñanza en la Educación Superior

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    The scientific-technical revolution has impacted the Pedagogy of Higher Education, specifically in the way that students can assimilate knowledge and in turn has generated a problem, which is how to use these technologies by teachers. That is why the present work presents an experience where a group of methodological procedures are presented to use the virtual classroom as a means of teaching, extensible to the different types of classes that teaching in universities requires. It is based on knowledge management through the use of new learning scenarios and the methodology of the forms of organization of the teaching-learning process of higher education. An analysis is offered on the experiences of the different careers that have built the virtual classrooms of their subject as a result of the different versions of the course.La revolución científico-técnica ha impactado la Pedagogía de la Educación Superior, específicamente en la forma en que los alumnos pueden asimilar el conocimiento y a su vez ha generado un problema, el cual consiste en cómo utilizar esas tecnologías por parte del profesorado. Es por ello que el presente trabajo presenta una experiencia donde se presentan un grupo de procederes metodológicos para utilizar el aula virtual como medio de enseñanza, extensible a los diferentes tipos de clases que exige la didáctica en las universidades. Se fundamenta en la gestión del conocimiento mediante el uso de los nuevos escenarios de aprendizajes y la metodología de las formas de organización del proceso de enseñanza aprendizaje de la Educación superior.  Se ofrece un análisis sobre las experiencias de las diferentes carreras que han montado las aulas virtuales de su asignatura como resultado de las diferentes versiones del curso

    Justifying and Explaining Disproportionality 1968—2008: A Critique of Underlying Views of Culture

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    This is the publisher's version, also found here: http://cec.metapress.com/content/e7835w1374x7g141/?p=0ee3fcac0688484aacb1d3c83c9c469c&pi=2Special education has made considerable advances in research, policy, and practice in its short history. However, students from historically underserved groups continue to be disproportionately identified as requiring special education. Support for color-blind practices and policies can justify racial disproportionality in special education and signal a retrenchment to deficit views about students from historically underserved groups. We respond to these emerging concerns through an analysis of arguments that justify disproportionality. We also identify explanations of the problem and critique the views of culture that underlie these explanations. We conclude with a brief discussion of implications and future directions

    Addressing the Disproportionate Representation of Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Students in Special Education

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    This is the published version, also found here: http://epaa.asu.edu/ojs/article/view/143/269In this article, we present a conceptual framework for addressing the disproportionate representation of culturally and linguistically diverse students in special education. The cornerstone of our approach to addressing disproportionate representation is through the creation of culturally responsive educational systems. Our goal is to assist practitioners, researchers, and policy makers in coalescing around culturally responsive, evidence-based interventions and strategic improvements in practice and policy to improve students’ educational opportunities in general education and reduce inappropriate referrals to and placement in special education. We envision this work as cutting across three interrelated domains: policies, practices, and people. Policies include those guidelines enacted at federal, state, district, and school levels that influence funding, resource allocation, accountability, and other key aspects of schooling. We use the notion of practice in two ways, in the instrumental sense of daily practices that all cultural beings engage in to navigate and survive their worlds, and also in a technical sense to describe the procedures and strategies devised for the purpose of maximizing students’ learning outcomes. People include all those in the broad educational system: administrators, teacher educators, teachers, community members, families, and the children whose opportunities we wish to improve. Keywords: special education; disproportionate representation; culturally responsive education; cultural diversity; linguistic diversity

    Supporting Children with Disabilities in Low- and Middle- Income Countries: Promoting Inclusive Practice within Community-Based Childcare Centres in Malawi through a Bioecological Systems Perspective

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    RLOsGiven the narrow scope and conceptualisation of inclusion for young children with disabilities in research within low- and middle income countries (LMICs) contexts, we draw on a bioecological systems perspective to propose the parameters for a broader unit of analysis. This perspective situates human development within a specific cultural context in which family, peers and schooling are regarded as key in responding to young children with disabilities in a given setting. We outline a new bioecological model to illustrate the proximal and distal factors that can influence inclusive early development for children with disabilities within LMICs. To illustrate the relevance of this model to early child development research, we consider its application, as a conceptual framework, with reference to a research study in Malawi. The study was designed to promote greater inclusive practice for young children with disabilities in Community-Based Childcare Centres (CBCCs) with a particular focus on the role of the CBCC volunteer ‘caregiver’ in rural Malawi. It has significance for educators, service providers and researchers concerned with facilitating inclusive early development across national boundaries and contexts.ESRC-DFI